Captivity and Freedom

A long night , ages ago
Blessed be that midnight, covered in blood and passion
A devil took an angel
Taking a heart that was not his to take
Owning and poccessing a soul that was pure light
A drunken pleasure that went too far.
A pure spirit taken from the gates of heaven
Snatched by devine intervention
To the very pits of hell.
Promises whispered into an unknowing ear
Promises of power, eternity
Who could fortell the sore distress of this captivity
Endlessly caged to a sire that took without asking
Life or death was the choise he was given
And the hunter, the warrior chose survival.
But oh the payment for the dark gift
He could not see it, till it was too late
Trapped in a life that is not his own
But oh the passion that sweeps through this knight
This servent of the cross, that only now the cross can not forebare
A cold fire surrounds his lost and unbeating heart
A fire of the lives that have ended to feed his own
The souls that swirl through a vivid memory
8 centuries of life that can not be death, but is not life
What to do, where to turn, when the hunger burns him raw
How the need to feed drives all other thought away
And a predator takes over inside a creature of prey
A heart so twisted, so confused
Not Human nor demon
Ah pure, foolish child
Did you know then, can you understand now
Deuling with oneself does little good
Find peace in the place between
Unite the halves
And all your troubles shall be gone
Captivity shall hold you no more
No master, no cage, no bonds to hold you thus
And you shall , yes , you shall
Have freedom once again

By Areanna Whitewolf
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