Nicholas de Brabant Knight

The Choice


A dark seductress and her ageless dark father
Took you, tempted you, made you come to them
A fall from grace so pleasurable and brutal
The memory so clouded with emotion
But ah so clear within an 800 year old mind
Did you give your heart, your soul freely
Did you fall for the trick of promised power and endless passion.
Of an eternity with no death and no sickness
Did you know what you took into yourself
The price you would pay for the gifts you were given.
And now you feel guilt, now you feel regret
When it is far too late to return the gift.
The master, the sire, the father , the brother
The sister, the lover, the mate
Did you know the blood that would flow through your veins
The dark legacy you accepted when you turned heaven away
You were given the choice of life or death
You chose survival
Is what you have captivity
Or pure love fordged by an unbreakable bond
The fire, the ice, the raging desire, the emptiness
You spend your nights in solitude
Alone in your guilt of the past deaths you have cause
But could you help it then, can you help it now
A wolf will kill a rabbit, eat it, and never feel sorry
You are the predator, the hunter.
And we all must survive
Give in, Nicholas, let go of your regret.
Live, as you chose to do so long ago.
Morality does not stand in the face of survival.
Sweet Knight, keep your light close
Keep your human spirit within.
Be as you are, Nicholas, be as you are
And do not strive to be something you aren't
Beautiful Creature, son, brother, lover, captive
Break free, and reval in your passionate captivity.
Warm your heart, and free your mind
The Night belongs to you.

Written by Areanna Whitewolf
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