Hello I am Kylara Solaran, The Holder of the Magickal books of Forever Knowledge. I am from a place where elves, vampires, demons, dnomes, giants, and other creatures of myth truely co-exsist in balanced harmony.
Within my mind, I hold a recorded life history of all these creatures who have lived or do live on the 350 demensions of the magick galexy, of which earth almost does not exsist.For earth, in all it's caotic perfection, has almost no magic left within it's blackened shell.
Those of you who are human do not know of us, for we bare your forms. Most of the elders among us, myself included, can tell each other by a common flowing bond of magic. We can "feel" each other out . But for some, called sleepers, they are left unaware for some or all of their life , cut are they from the bond of knowing that we elders share.
To most Magic does not exsist, for it is but an illusion, a thing which can not be believed. But who is to say that things do or do not exsist. Though magic is not understood or explianed...like the catholic God.....it does not mean it does not exsist. So call me crazy or lying for my thoery , but some part of you knows what I say is one hundred percent true.
I am many things that don't exsist. No I'm not dellusional. I don't make things up. What would the point of lying or making things up. To what purpose? It doesn't help me. Nor any one else. I do not ask for belief, nor force new ideas onto any of you. I am just writing what I believe in, and the world of which I and many exsist in . I am proud of who I am. No matter what anyone thinks of me or of what I write. I stand firm to myself and the truths I know.
This is what I know. This is who I am . I am Kylara Solaran, the mystical Queen of Knowledge and Healing, the damned Vampiress and Sucuibus. Never-changing, ever learning, and as always , a lady of honourable justice and indestructable truth
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