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The Storm.

Facing the truest test of time
Will you fail or win the fight
Two paths ,both very hard
You must choose which one is right

Blackness from nothing , just to be
Feeding on the saddness that you give
It is there, can you beat it?
Will you choose to die or live ?

The eye of the whirling storm
Has come now to take you down
Will you let it trap your heart?
Or will you truely stand your ground?

I know the storm you face is feirce
The fire consumes you from within
But would you give up all you had?
And the glory of what might have been

Sweet Angel, spread your wings to fly
For you have too much to lose
Fight back against the maddness now
It is the road of life that you must choose

I know the road pricks like thorns
And sears the very souls of your feet
But to win this battle is true victory
It will make you whole, complete

You said you were tired now
You say you want yourself to bleed
Yet you stand in love , holding the world
You have all you could ever want or need

A test more diffucult stands before you
A time honored truth comes this day
Will you let the darkness take you down?
Will you let the wind blow you away?

I cry for you , young Kylara
And kneel before you , here and now
And beg you please, with all my heart
Do not dare to break you vow.

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