How crazy can this be? Kittie is on the top of the world where they belong. With the release of their sophomore album, Oracle, on Tuesday kittie is showing no signs of slowing down. Ever minded of their music Kittie will not dissapoint any Kittie fan or heavy metal fan. Check it out, they are only getting better with age.

Some people may have thought that I forgot about this page and to them I say I'm sorry and I haven't forgoten. There have been many thing that have gone on in my personal life that have prevented me from being online enough to do the things that I want to do to this page. But I will say that I AM BACK and I want to make this a great page again. I'm sorry for being away so long and I hope to make major changes here soon. The thing is that with these changes come some problems. I'm trying to find a way to do all of the changes that I want and still keep this page where all of you know and love it to be. But on that point, please don't be alarmed if you see here soon. That is one plan. Let me know what you think of that type of expantion.
Justin R. Moore
Owner, Kittie World Wide

Go ahead, take a look. In here you will find the first of the pics of each member of Kittie!!!

Other places to see fans of Kittie and their creations.

Here are some music clips from Kittie's first album Spit.

This is where you can find some interesing spins on Kittie pics for your own desktop.

See when Kittie is coming to YOUR area!!!

e-mail me.

Let me know what you think. I'm always taking sugestions.

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