Bollinger County Photos

Here are some interesting photos from Bollinger County.  Be patient this page takes a while to load.

Here is a photo of the old fire watch tower!  You can still climb to the top!

In Laflin there is the old Clippard store and a photo of where the railroad tracks used to be.

The railroad used to run right through the middle of Laflin.

Now all that is left is the steps and the trail that the track traveled on.

Here is another shot of the Clippard Store.  Time and weather have taken a lot out of the old store.  However this was just like the Wal-Mart of the late 1800's in Bollinger County.

Here is the Laflin bridge.  It was built in 1906 by the US Army Corps of Engineers.  People still drive over the bridge today!

Here's another shot of the bridge!

Last edited: July 8, 2000.
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