The Firetower and Laflin Bridge

Laflin Bridge

What is a firetower?

    Firetowers were tall structures built in the early 1900's in Missouri.  Towers were usually built on top of hills or mountains.  People would then sit in the tops of the towers and watch for forest fires in the dangerous seasons.  This would allow people the chance to fight the fire before it would get out of control.

Where is the firetower?

    Just west of Marble Hill, history is still alive.  The firetower is an interesting place to visit.  Take Highway 34 West out of Marble Hill.  Turn right on County Road 487 and continue to the end of this gravel road.  Be sure to drive slowly on this road.  It is very rough and you can easily loose control if you try to drive to fast.  At the end of the road is the old firetower.

    If you look closely at the photo, there is Mr. Kinder waving at you.  This is one of the cool features of the firetower in Bollinger County.  We can still climb to the top of the tower.  Be sure to bring a camera to take neat photos of what you can see at the top, and have a buddy take a picture of you at the top!

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The Laflin Bridge:

    The Laflin Bridge was built by the US Army Corps of engineers in 1908.  It is a steel frame bridge with wooden slats on the bottom.  It is still used today.  It is found just outside of Leopold.  Take county road 428 and just drive until you come to the bridge.  There are many traditions that different people have involving the bridge.  Some people think that when you stop on the bridge, you should spit over the side into the water.  There are many other "traditions" that people have with the bridge.  Many of the parents and grandparents can tell students about these "traditions".

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Last edited: July 8, 2000.
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