The Arrival
Introducing: Alexander Richard Koelle!
After saying all along they wouldn't worry about doing an induction, Doc Proverbs asked Heather the Friday before if she wanted to have a baby next Tuesday! 
Heather decided she wasn't doing anything else that day, so what the heck...   She picked up Karl after a long day of work and they shared a tasty romantic meal; their last one as DINKs (well, OK, it was McDonalds and they ate it in the car, but work with me here...).
Induction was fairly uneventful (OK, her blood pressure dropped 60 points in 2 minutes when they gave her the epidural - man, you're picky!) until around 2 o'clock.  Then it was go time; the pace picked up and once the doc made it back over with her mitt, Alex joined us.
The pic to the left is just before he peed on the nurse - way to go, big man! 
Here are the specs!
Alex meeting his mommy
Mama: Heather Koelle
Karl Koelle
Born on:
November 22, 2005, at 4:41 p.m.
Menorah Medical Center
6 lbs., 12 oz.   Height: 19.00"
Hair Color:
Eyes: Very very blue
Visual evidence of weight and maleness
Resting quietly
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