Name:   Morgana le Fey.

Age:   Fourteen, close to fifteen.

Job:   None, student, but very ambitious.

Wand:   Willow, 9 inches long, whippy, unicorn hair wrapping with dragon heartstring for a core, and a Red Ibis feather attached at the tip.

Familiar:   An owl, Modred (or Medraut) by name, after the son of Morgan la Fey, her ancestor, and Arthur Pendragon, the original Morgan's half-brother.

Looks:   Rather attractive, see attached photos.

Personality:   Fun-loving, loyal and a good friend, but ruthless and ambitious.   Would like to take over Scotland for a start, for the return of her ancestor Arthur Pendragon, the once and future king.   Shares her namesake ancestor's over-abundance of female hormones, but has no interest in bearing numerous children by numerous fathers, as Morgan la Fey supposedly did.

History:   Grew up nearby in Scotland, feeding her soul on stories of King Arthur and his associates, in particular her namesake ancestor, Morgan la Fey, also known as Morgaine le Fey, the Faerie.   Believes herself a witch, a fairy, an enchanted being.   Morgana has delicate wings, but can only fly in the summer darkness, since she must take her top off to give her wings freedom to fly.   Possibly she could fly in a sports bra, but has not tried it, using a broom instead for all-weather flying.   Her father is an ordinary mortal, a dairyman, but her mother is spooky, thought to be a witch, especially by her father.   She has younger brothers whom she baby-sat as infants, but who were afraid of her, she was always threatening to turn them into toads or lizards.

Pictures of Morgana:

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