Other Characters

Tori Avalon, Kinomoto Touya

He is Sakura's older brother. Tori has magical powers like Sakura, except he can see ghosts and has talked with his dead mother. This is basically the reason Sakura is afraid of ghosts. He picks on his sister a lot, but he really does care about her, which is shown on several episodes of Cardcaptors. His best friend is Julian Star, whom Sakura has a crush on.

Birthday: February 29th

Age: 17

Grade: 11th

Occupation: School

Extracurricular Activity: Soccer

Favorite Food(s): Steak

Favorite Subject(s): Chemistry

Favorite Color(s): Blue

Favorite Flower(s): Peach Blossom

Aiden Avalon, Kinomoto Fujitaka

This man is Sakura Avalon's father. Sakura loves him and thinks he is the best father anyone could ever have. He is an archeologists, college professor and a single parent because his wife, Sakura's mother, Natasha Avalon, died only a couple years after Sakura was born. He married Sakura's mother when he was 25 years old and she was only 16 years. He still loves her very much and hasn't tried to find another wife even though she is dead.

Birthday: January 3rd

Household Status: Father

Martial Status: Single

Occupation: College Professor

Hobby: Cooking

Favorite Food(s): Sweets & Noodles

Favorite Thing(s) To Do: Play Video Games

Favorite Color(s): White & Ivory

Favorite Flower(s): Nadeshiko, Cherry Blossom

Natasha Avalon, Kinomoto Nadesiko

She is Sakura's mother, and there is a reason you never see her in the episodes. She married Aiden Avalon when she was only 16 years of age and when he was 25 years old, of which her parents did not approve. She died when Sakura was only 3 years old and Tori was only 10 years old. After she married Aiden and had two children, they did not have much money so she worked as a model, which is why her family has a lot of picture of her. Even as a ghost she watches over her family. She has even saved Sakura from "bad" things a couple times, maybe even in her card capturing. She can communicate through Tori sometimes because he has the power to talk with ghosts.

Birthday: May 20th

Household Status: Mother

Occupation: Model

Favorite Food(s): Sweets & Black Tea

Favorite Thing(s): A Warm Lap

Favorite Color(s): White

Favorite Flower(s): Peach Blossom, Cherry Blossom

Julian Star, Tsukishiro Yukito, Yue

He is Tori Avalon's best friend and classmate. He is Sakura's first crush, and the reason we know this is because Sakura seems to blush everytime she sees him. He takes Sakura out to eat and gives her presents. He has a really close relationship with her brother, Tori, which you will find out in later episodes. In the first couple of episodes, he seems more like a friend and always staying at the Avalon's household. It's not a nice thing to say, but we might see the episode that tells Cardcaptors fans that he is gay. (American's make a big deal out of it, but I don't think the Japanese care too much.)

Yue is the alternate form of Yukito. He is the judge of the Clow Cards, and thus is responsible for making the determination of whether or not a person is worthy of owning the cards. As Sakura collects the last of the cards, he challenges her to a battle. Sakura manages to prove herself and Yue agrees to serve her.
     Yukito does not remember any portion of his life as Yue, however Yue does retain knowledge of his life as Yukito.

Birthday: December 25th

Age: 17

Grade: 11th (Now He's In 12th Grade)

Occupation: School

Favorite Food(s): Good Tasting Foods

Favorite Subject(s): Math

Favorite Color(s): Unknown

Favorite Flower(s): Mealy Primrose

Lives With: Grandparents

Mr. Terada, Yoshiyuki Terada

Here is the teacher of Sakura's class. He seems nice enough. His class is very much under control and they all obey him very nicely. He's almost the teacher every kid would want to have.
     Too bad he seems to have a thing for Rika. She is only ten. What is this man thinking? At least Rika has the excuse that she is ten, and thinks her teacher is very much like her father (after all, little girls are supposed to want to marry men just like daddy). But what's his excuse? I just do not know.
     Mr. Terada is Sakura's sensee. He seems like a very normal person and enjoys scaring his students a little now and then, i.e. the school field trip to the beach where he pretended to be a ghost. Personally I never got in touch with this character and I find the fact that he is in love with Rika, his elementary school student, a bit disturbing. *wrinkles nose* He does seem to be a nice guy I guess.

Birthdate: July 18

Occupation: Elementary School Teacher

Favorite Foods: Gold Burdock

Least Favorite Foods: Mochi

Favorite Thing: Shogi

Favorite colors: Green

Favorite Flowers: Daisy

Favorite Recipes: Japanese Cooking

Weakness: Sewing

Hobby: Watching Movies

Special Talent: Cooking

Layla MacKensie, Mitsuki Kaho

Ms Mitsuki has a really convoluted past. Before she went abroad she was actually dating Touya! She had told him that when she came back she would be in love with somebody else and that he would as well. Kaho is just a little bit psychic and is the daughter of a priest who takes care of a temple near where the Kinomoto's live. We frequently see Kaho helping Sakura out a little bit now and then. She is a bit mysterious and I happen to like her a lot. Kaho is now in love with Eriol, whom we meet in the last season of Cardcaptor Sakura when Sakura changes the Clow Cards to Sakura Cards. Ms. Mitsuki helps Sakura catch the Maze card and she is detrimental to Yue's judgment, but I won't say more. I think that with regard to the series, she is more than a teacher.

Birthdate: February 11

Job: Elementary School Teacher

Favorite Food: Wine

Least Favorite Food: Marshmallows

Favorite Pastimes: Walking

Favorite colors: Spring Green

Favorite Flower: Evening Primrose

Favorite Recipe: Cannot cook

Weakness: Gets lost a lot

Hobby: Collecting Antiques

Special Talent: She can't remember her way to save her life

Chelsea, Mihara Chiharu

She is one of Sakura's friends, even though they seem really different. Chelsea likes to hang out with Nikki probably because they are best friends. She is on the cheerleader squad along with Sakura and her other friends. Her cousin, Zachary, likes to tell stories that he makes up, but Chelsea can always tell everytime he is telling a fib.

Birthday: May 28th

Age: 10

Grade: 4th (Now She's In 5th Grade)

Occupation: School

Extracurricular Activity: Cheerleading

Favorite Food(s): Omelette Rice & Ice Cream

Favorite Subject(s): Japanese & Art

Favorite Color(s): Yellow

Favorite Flower(s): Freesia

Rita, Sasaku Rika

She is Sakura's very good friend, though not best friend. She's good at a lot of things such as cooking and sewing. She's very mature and nice, and that's why she is going out with someone much older than herself, Terada-sensei, the fourth-grade teacher, according to one site.
     It only took a few episodes before I started hearing the song "Don't Stand So Close to Me" playing in my head every time Rika goes near her teacher, Mr. Terada. It doesn't help that some of their encounters are straight out of Lolita. Except, of course, that Rika is only in grade school. That's pushing things just a bit, if you ask me. Part of the problem is that Mr. Terada reminds Rika of her beloved father, who spends much of his time on business travel. So there's a bit of transferred affection there. I have no idea what Mr. Terada is thinking. I tried to write the whole thing off until I found out that Mr. Terada eventually gives Rika an engagement ring. It occurs in the manga, not the anime, but still . . . Rika's personality is very demure, reserved, and lady-like. Her greatest aspiration is to be a housewife. She blushes rather profusely whenever her future as such is mentioned. She's also very talented in the home-making arena and is an excellent baker. Rika also enjoys making lunch boxes.

Birthday: July 24th

Age: 10

Grade: 4th (Now She's In 5th Grade)

Occupation: School

Favorite Food(s): Muffin

Favorite Subject(s): Gym

Favorite Color(s): White

Favorite Flower(s): Margaret, Margarita or Daisy

Nikki, Yanagisawa Naoko

She seems like a really nice girl and she is Chelsea's best friend. She hangs out with Chelsea all the time and even on the cheerleading squad with her. She's also one of Sakura's friends too. She believes in such things like UFOs and ghosts, and loves to tell stories about them!

Birthday: October 11th

Age: 10

Grade: 4th (Now She's In 5th Grade)

Occupation: School

Extracurricular Activity: Cheerleading

Favorite Food(s): Ramen & Ice Cream

Favorite Subject(s): Gym

Favorite Color(s): Light Blue

Favorite Flower(s): Crepe Myrtle

Zachary, Yamazaki Takashi

He is Chelsea's cousin and friend since kindergarden. He is also Sakura's friend as well. He likes to make up stories, but only Chelsea can alway tell everytime he is being disingenuous. Even though most of his stories are fibs, they are pretty good and they seem to entertain the girls.

Birthday: June 1st

Age: 10

Grade: 4th (Now He's In 5th Grade)

Occupation: School

Extracurricular Activity: Computer Club

Favorite Food(s): Seafood & Suama

Favorite Subject(s): Math

Favorite Color(s): Crimson

Favorite Flower(s): Red Spider Lily

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