Phew, what is that ripe smell? Oh yeah, it's the B.O. from Kay, Miguel and Charity after roasting in the steamy Hellfires for over a month wearing the same clothes! This Warhol-esque piece represents a Hanes undershirt's journey in Hell.

Stage 1: Your arrival to Hell, fresh from your closet's portal. Undershirt is immaculate.
Stage 2: Heat and smoke from Hell-lava give undershirt a dingy hue.
Stage 3: Excessive sweating from Hellfire's heat begins moderate 'pit staining'.
Stage 4: You encounter Hell celebrity Attilla the Hun. Request for autograph across chest granted.
Stage 5: After laundering undershirt in River Styx, cotton undershirt visably shrinks. Attilla autograph fades. Pit stains worsen.
Stage 6: A flying demon bites chunk off lower corner of undershirt.

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