KM Creations Software

This is the website for KM Creations Software. We develop software and are currently focusing on web based games in Flash. This site is best viewed in IE 7, Firefox 3, and Safari 4.

In Detail


My fifth game is under development. I haven't been able to devote my full time to it and it will remain classified for now.

VP Debate 2008

VP Debate 2008

A Political Parody.

While I had taken a break on my third game I got this stroke of inspiration to make a parody about the future vice presidential debates. McCain's camp was complaining that there should be less interaction than normal between Palin and Biden because it wouldn't be "fair" to Palin. This kind of nonsense led me to create a parody where Mrs. Palin has obtained a stripped down and "fair" multiple choice question debate. There is no opponent to deal with, just 5 questions to answer. I use soundbytes from interviews, a couple of which are edited and the rest of which are taken out of context. You gain or lose in your approval rating depending on how the people watching like or dislike your answers. It took two nights to complete.



A not so epic battle.

This is my third game. There is another concept I was going to work on, but decided to do this one first. The reason is that it should be a fairly quick game to process. It is a Whack A Mole ® clone with two themes. The first theme is about a disgruntled panda looking for a snack. All he finds are muffins which he despises. The second theme is about a chat room being invaded by trolls, spammers, and flamers. I'm working harder on the graphics this time and believe they are coming along well. I'm going for a more cartoony feel. The introductions have some extra attention this time. This game is based off of starter code from the same book I used to make the last two games. There is a total of ten starter ideas in this book and one more example that I haven't used. I also have many concepts in mind and a few requests so I will have plenty of ideas for awhile.

Snakes in a Parking Lot

Snakes in a Parking Lot

What happens if the plane crashed?

This was my second game. I used a tutorial for this as well, but much of it has been added to or modified. I spent a great deal of time trying to work out the bugs before posting this one. My graphics improved, but are not as great as I would like them to be. I found out on this game that Flash allows you to shape tween in real time and that this is very bad to do in a game. I made quite a few updates to this one and am still considering updating it in the future. There will not be a second edition though.

Ping-o Pong-o

Ping-o Pong-o

Pong with a twist.

This was my first game. I used a tutorial but was not content to only do the basics. I added many features such as posts, a raised net, and different difficulty levels. Graphics and some game mechanics were my weak point here. I made few changes to it as I was ready to press on to my next game.

About Me

I've taken a number of classes in Java and a few other languages. I had been wanting to make a computer game, but hadn't taken the time. I found myself frequenting Kongregate and decided I would try using Flash to make a game. I bought a book and my first game was born. I've learned a lot about graphics and game design. I hope to be making games for a long time and that they always improve. I hope you enjoy them too.



Geocities is closing and will be replaced with a pay site. Hopefully I can get enough money to keep it going. With the economy the way it is it's very difficult to find free webhosting. Ad rev is not paying what it used to. If this site goes down it will be back some day. You can always find me at Kong though.

News for March

March was spent working on this website. I'm almost done learning CSS to make this site the best it can be. After that it's on to JavaScript for some interactivity.


© 2009, KM Creations Software: kmcreationssoftware

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