Celise Almasy 

Nickname: the Weirdo, Freak, etc…

Sex: Female

Age: 15

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 130

Hair: Long, reaching her upper thigh. Pale blonde with one half of it in a bun.

Eyes: The same bluish green as her older brother, Seifer

Markings: Random scars on her arms, legs, and torso

Clothes: An embroidered gray halter-top, black jean shorts, and tennis shoes. Choker with the name Almasy engraved on it.

Weapon: Claws, Survivor

Limit Break: Twin Souls: Her twin brother returns from beyond the grave and together they pound the target into submission.

Guardian Force: Hades

Personality: Celise is generally carefree. She can often be found lecturing David. He tends to get jealous of any friends she may make and rewards any gossip with hair pulling and throwing things. All of this tends to leave Celise exasperated. She does tend to be over confident and occasionally arrogant. She will never…under any circumstances touch a gun. She's even edgy around Gunblades.

Background: Celise is Seifer Almasy's little sister. She had a twin brother named David. Their father died in the first Sorceress War, leaving Seifer's mother pregnant and alone. She traveled to Edea's orphanage to get help for her eldest son and unborn child. She went into labor there and gave birth to David. She gave him an identical choker that was given to Seifer. Then she went into labor again, but she was too weak. She died giving birth to Celise. Edea took care of the twins until parents could be found for them. Within a few months parents were found, though all they wanted was Celise. Edea refused to split up the twins so they decided to take both. The twins grew up under the watchful eyes of Marcus and Anna Highwind. David was far
more mature than Celise and after he saw their birth records was determined to protect his little sister. One night Marcus came home drunk. The fight downstairs woke the seven year old David up. He sneaked down the stairs in time to see his father strike Anna. He made his way back up to their bedroom and woke Celise up. He told her that they have to leave. He wasn't about to let his little sister stay in this house. They packed some clothes and David led his sister from their home in to the city just south of Trabia Garden. He kept both of them alive for two years in the alleys and streets of Trabia City. One night they got caught in the middle of a gang fight, Celise was so terrified she couldn't move. David gave her his choker and
told her that she has to be brave, after all she's an Almasy too. That's when the gunshots started, David threw himself over his
sister. He protected her at the cost of his life. With his last breath, David told her to head to Garden. She set off that night in
the warm summer air, north to Garden. One of the instructors was kind enough to take her in and sponsor her entrance as a student. That's when the weird things begin to happen. Things in her room would begin moving around. Her roommate's hair would get pulled; her homework would go missing. It was Celise who finally realized what was happening. David was back. Even in death he was trying to protect her. Unfortunately it hampered her training. At 14 they started training her with magic, David threw a fit and tore apart the training room when she equipped Life magic and Holy. At fifteen she junctioned her first Guardian Force, Alexander. David once again went berserk, this time he broke the professor's arm. She quickly de-junctioned Alexander and chose Hades as her first GF. Celise's sponsor could no longer put a lid on David's existence so she had Celise transfer to Balamb to continue her studies and take the SeeD exam. Her papers arrived with a special note, stating that Celise is physically unable to use Life or Holy magic, nor could she junction Guardian Forces with those same elements.

Extra notes: Most people will feel an ice-cold wind blowing down their backs when Celise is around. Seifer will occasionally get a glimpse of his ghostly brother. Though his view is very different from what Celise sees. Seifer will see a young man who is by all accounts a younger thinner lookalike. His eyes have dark circles under them and he bears a bloody gunshot wound in his chest. He wears a gray tank top, black jeans, and tennis shoes. David is perpetually scowling at Seifer. Celise generally sees one of two forms. If David is being bad he'll show as a 9-year-old boy. If he's just listening to Celise, he'll appear the same age as her and wearing a male version of whatever she wears. Anyone with any psychic, ancient, or sorceress abilities could see any of the three forms.

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