Ebon Xier Lex

Nickname: None that he knows of 

Age: 18 

Height: 6'1" 

Weight: 120 

Birthdate: June 20th 

Weapon: Twin Oozies 

Limit Break: 

Duel strike X- Fires both his guns at the enemy at the same time until a burst of energy is formed and fired at the enemy. 

Guardian Force: Diablos 

Equipped Magic: Demi, Blizzard, Cure. 

Hair Color: Dark brown 

Description: Dark brown, long, pulled back into a pony tail. Hazel eyes, slender frame yet masculine. Has two earrings in one ear, one in the other. Wears red sleeveless shirt with a black leather strap that goes across the chest, black tight fitting pants, black combat boots, thick black belt around his hips and a red trench coat that falls to the top of his boots. 

Personality: Out going, loud, speaks his mind, doesn't like people who don't carry their own weight, or girls who throw themselves at guys. Antisocial behavior, ((Shukera's influence is very evident)) 

History: Joined Galbadia when he was arrested for blowing up the neighbor's house after a minor disagreement with the neighbor's son in Dollet. He was about 12 when she was taken in to Galbadia instead of the prison. There he met Shukera and they became friends, almost inseparable.

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