Mileena "The Demon" Dubois

Nicknames: Leena to her friends, the Demon to her enemies

Age: 19

Height: 4'11"

Weight: 100 lbs

Birthdate: April 7

Description: chin-length black hair and dark purple eyes

Weapon: Prometheus Glaive

Limit Break:


Name Description
Fire Surge Massive Fire Element
Deep Freeze Massive Ice Element
Bolt Fist Massive Thunder Element
Wind Strike Massive Wind Element
Water Blast Massive Water Element
Earth Wave Massive Earth Element
Soul Crush Massive Holy Element

Personality: She is stubborn and very tough. Mileena is highly intelligent and is considered the top of her class, unfortunately she also tends to be somewhat antisocial and stoic in nature.

History: Darius and Celise Dubois adopted her at four years old. Celise died two years later. Darius then began abusing Mileena. At eight she ran away from her home near Deling City and walked to Galbadia Garden. She tried to enter but was not allowed, until a mysterious man convinced Headmaster Martine to allow her to stay. Then the truth came out about Darius and he was sent to prison. She stayed for the next 10 years training. At 18, Seifer and the Sorceress Edea captured the Garden. During the attack, Mileena lead the junior classmen to safety then returned to harass the Galbadian troops. After Seifer and Edea were defeated, she transferred to Balamb Garden to take the SeeD exam.


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