
Age: 24

Height: 6'2"

Birthdate: May 10

Weapon: Two large jagged edged daggers with curved ends, the daggers can be joined together to make a double bladed sword type weapon.

Limit Break: No Mercy: None Known

Guardian Force: Terrato

Magic: Earthquake, Thunder, Bio

Hair Color: Reddish Brown

Description: reddish brown hair that hangs in his eyes, amber eyes, dresses in black jeans and a dark blue turtle neck and a long sleeved white shirt over it and hiking boots.

Personality: Brash, manipulative, calculating, changes sides depending on what the other side has to offer him. Never stays in one place for too long. Never keeps many possessions or anything that can be traced back to him.

History: Much of his past remains a mystery. The only known fact about his childhood was that he was given up for adoption for reasons unknown. He lived pretty much in the streets and the time he was not on the streets he was in the D District Prison. His only possessions are two large daggers and the clothes on his back. He has no home or any identity. His last crime commited caused him to be turned over to Balamb Garden where they could keep a very close eye on him. He is under strict orders to never be left alone, so he's forced to go on missions with See D. His fighting skills makes him a desirable candidate for See D....but his crimes will prevent that from happening.

Owner: Seph

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