Shukera Julia Loire

Nickname: Ice Queen, Shukie ( close friends..of what few she has)

Age: 19

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 130

Birthdate: January, 13th

Weapon: Gunblade, called the Flaming Phoenix

Limit Break:

Flaming Phoenix: A ball of flame shoots out of the gunblade, and the ball forms a flaming phoenix which attacks enemies.

Guardian Force: Doomtrain

Equipped Magic: Bio, Demi, Drain,

Hair Color: Black

Description: Long black hair, icy grey eyes

Personality: Speaks her mind no matter who it hurts. Passes her comment whether people want it or not. Her only friend is Ebon, which she met when he joined Galbadia. Doesnt trust easily. Appears mysterious and cold to those that doesnt know her. Has a deep rivalry with Mileena which no one knows why she hates her so much. Has a problem with discipline and known to be a trouble maker where ever she goes.

History: Joined Galbadia garden at an early age. She left Dollet out of bordem and joined the garden. She learned martial arts and sword fighting at Galbadia Garden. She served under Seifer when he was in control of the Garden and supported Edea when she was possessed. She met Mileena at Galbadia and took an immediate dislike to her which grew into a full fledged rivalry.

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