Soron Astarath

Nickname: Mac(Gyver)- only when he pulls some stunt that resembles MacGyver actions

Age: 18

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 175 lbs

Birthdate: March 20th

Weapon: two-bladed sword encrusted with 3 jewels (a green tourmaline, a garnet, and an opal) that has been dubbed 'Thrixius'

Limit Break:

Three Stars - A combination of 3 moves in quick succession. First from the tourmaline a surge of energy to cast a support spell* on Soron, the second is a quick burst of speed toward one or two opponents including two quick attacking movements with each end of Thrixius, and finally a finishing blast of three energy bursts that are built up by the limit trigger and the three enchanted stones set within the blade. *-spell determined by a dice roll

Guardian Force: Alexander

Equipped Magic: Cura, Thunder, Haste, Double

Hair Color: black with maroon higlights

Description: medium build, his hair is offset by his green eyes, and slightly rugged features. Is always carrying a pocket knife for those 'small jobs'

Personality: Soron is fairly reserved in his approaches to conversation, but still enjoys a good conversation or debate. He never likes to see those around him down and will do almost anything to pick up a person's spirits, even at the expense of his own. He enjoys tinkering to find out how things work which gives him an almost uncanny ability to devise items or fix things with little or nothing around. In combat, he begins reserved, but when the tide seems as it may turn, he helps provide the boost needed to upkeep his ally's second wind. His preferences are be in front with hand to hand combat, or present as a support magic caster. Though he does have a range of offensive spells, they are not his specialty.

History: Soron was raised by his parents in Trabia Garden. He had mastered Double at a young age from being junctioned with Cerberus for 3 years, and was working on mastering to Triple. Though he'd been offered to transfer with Selphie, he declined it as he was one of the foremost students in his class. Before he could take his SeeD exam the tragedy happened and Trabia Garden was destroyed. He managed to survive and was able to help many of those the needed healing. He swore he would work to protect Trabia and ensure that proper support was never far. He de-junctioned Cerberus in search of a offensive GF. It was at this time he came in contact with his current GF- Alexander who had been de-junctioned because of conflict in Balamb 3 years previous. The junction has been a strong one, pairing holy with supportive magic. He stayed in Trabia to help rebuild it, improving his curative and support magic abilities. In order to properly finish his training and open diplomatic pathways, he was requested to change Gardens. Since his arrival, he's been somewhat reserved, even around Selphie whom he had known for a good few years. His training finally completed and the exam ready to be given he looks off into the horizon, determined to ensure those that suffer as Trabia did, are given aid and see justice sought.

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