Zaniel Nayru


Nickname: The Axe Lord

Age: 23

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 180 lbs

Birthdate: Unknown

Weapon: Great Axe

Limit Break:

Divine Power. He focuses X number of Holy spells into his weapon, even though he's got Pain juctioned to it, and then attacks all enemies. Usually, X equals the number of enemies, except under certain condtions here after. As he attacks, making one swing at each enemy on his way through, he then returns to the point where he began, and turns his back on the enemy, and swings is axe out to the side. The holy spells, sent into the monsters when he attacks, then ignite to eitehr kill or destroy the enemies.

Guardian Force: None

Equipped Magic: Holy, Pain, Curaga

Hair Color: Black

Description: Deep, distant brown eyes, dark tanned skin, lean tight and toned body. Gold armor on shoulders, guantlets. Black leather pants (not skin tight), torso bare, snake armband on one arm, normal armband on other. Black boots.

Personality: Distant, detached. Somewhat shy, but friendly. Tends to be mysterious at times.

History: Watching his parents being slain before him when he was only three, Zaniel dissconnected with sociesty after narrowly escaping his own death at the same time. A silent young man now, he presents as a despressed, emotionally detached person who finds trust in few people he meets. As a result of locking his own soul away, he's become what's known as a berserker. Those that he latches onton and does hold close, become a trigger to the walking time bomb that is a Berserker. The instant the trigger is in danger, the berserker's peaceful, silent nature do a complete turn around, turning them into a near savaged killer that will attack anyone he sees except the one that he holds close, who becomes the only force able to stop the berserker. He's also naturally immune to Silence and Sleep spells, and has Pain juctioned to his axe.

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