Vicki Zhao   Qu Ying
Alec Su   David Wu
This page contains info and pictures of Vicki Zhao (Zhao Wei), Qu Ying, Alec Su and David Wu.  These artists have starred in many dramas from China and Taiwan.  Vicki and Alec was in Princess Pearl. Qu Ying and David starred in Qian Qiu Jia Guo Meng. [Photo Gallery]
Qu Ying
DOB: July 2
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 53 cm
Blood type: AB
Hobbies: shopping, eat spicy food
Favourite -
Drink: spring water
Fruit: peach
Colours: black, white
Seasons: summer, winter
Animal: panda
Books: mystery/detective
Sport: bowling
Cities: New York, Paris, Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong
Destination: the moon
Career: actress, singer, model, host
Wish: act with someone she likes
Vicki Zhao
DOB: March 12
Height: 166 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Blood type: O
Residence: Beijing
Talents: singing, acting, playing the piano, swimming
Education: Beijing Film School
Hobbies: listen to music and exercise
David Wu
DOB: October 2
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 78 kg
Education: Washington State University (Commerce)
Languages: English, Mandarin, Cantonese, bit of Korean and Japanese
Sports: basketball, golf
Idols: Bruce Lee, Bill Gates
Alec Su
DOB: September 11
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 59 kg
Horoscope: virgo
Education: Taiwan University
Place of birth/Residence: Taipei
Languages: Mandarin, Taiwanese, bit of English
Talent: play the electric keyboard
Hobbies: watch movies, pubs
[email protected]
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