The Serpent's Lair

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|- The Dreamer's Lair
  |- Only a Dream?

E-mail Konstricta

Fred was definitely terrified of snakes. Whenever he saw a snake on t.v, or even a drawing he'd either close his eyes, sweat intensely, or even pass out. This of course made him the butt of many cruel jokes. Fred had never seen a snake in person, well once in the 3rd grade, but he cried, pissed his pants in the corner, then threw up, and passed out. But that was over, Fred was now 18 and had just graduated from high school, and would leave for college tomorrow. "In college everyone is much more mature than my crappy high school, I doubt that anyone would ever make fun of my fear there, also since I'll be going to Yale, they're probably be scared of slithering devils too." Fred had this thought in his mind since high school, and soon he would find out if he were right. This was probably his last night sleeping in the top floor, in his bed in his parent's house for quite some time. Fred put on his pajamas, a simple t-shirt and sweatpants, and climbed into bed. Fred fell asleep within minuets, with dreams of his new life at college.

Meanwhile Kaa was slithering around what he now called "Kaa'ssss neighborhood." Kaa went through Fred's backyard, and could hear someone, dreaming. Kaa looked around Fred's house, and then he looked to Fred's window. "There" Kaa thought to himself. Kaa slithered up the houses' wall, and reached the roof. He brought his entire body on the roof, and slithered over Fred's window. Kaa lowered his tail down to open the window, but it was locked. Kaa was not amused, so he broke through window with his tail, leaving a large hole. Fred merely mumbled and rolled over in his bed, without waking. "At leassst thisss issss ssssimple," Kaa said as he slithered through the broken window. The glass was sharp and slightly hurt Kaa. Kaa hissed and brought his whole body into Fred's room. Kaa looked at Fred as he slept, "hmmm thisss could be fun," Kaa said. Kaa closed his eyes and used his hypnosis powers to enter into Fred's dreams. Fred was off at college he had met a girl, and he really liked her a lot, she liked him too. Fred was about ready to kiss her, but just then a green rope or tentacle of some kind, covered his eyes and pulled him down to the ground. Fred stood up dazed and confused, but now he was sitting in an office typing. Fred got up to get a cup of coffee. Fred walked back to his computer and sat down, but he wasn't sitting in his chair, but a strange scaly green circle. Fred yelped and stood up. As he stood up he realized that it was his turn to jump out the airplane. Fred double checked to make sure he had his parachute on. Fred jumped form the airplane and fell through the air. Fred felt amazing thrill and adrenaline, as he plummeted to the Earth. Fred then reached for the chord that would open his parachute. Fred pulled the chord but nothing happened. Fred quickly pulled the emergency chute chord, but nothing happened! Fred fell and fell, screaming the closer he came to the ground. Fred could see the ground coming closer. Fred was about 20 feet from hitting the ground, but suddenly, Fred landed on a strange trampoline of some sort. Fred was saved and he sighed. But when he looked down at the "trampoline" he saw that it was green and moving! It was the same thing that he had seen before, but this time it slowly moved over him, surrounding him. The strange thing made loops, and Fred was forced into them. Fred was trapped in the coils, with his arms at his sides. Fred struggled inside the coils, but they only constricted each time he moved. Fred could barely breathe, but then Kaa brought his head up and brought it closer and closer to Fred's face. Fred put everything together; a snake was squeezing him, and was probably ready to do the thing he feared most. Fred screamed as loud as he could as Kaa brought his head closer, and opened his mouth. Fred was hysterical, screaming yelling and crying. Right before Kaa was able to engulf Fred's head, Fred woke up, cold and sweaty. Fred was relieved to discover that it was just a dream, or rather a nightmare. Fred wanted to get up and get some water, but he couldn't move his arms or legs. Just then Fred's comforter slid off his bed, showing that he was in the coils again, but this time they were real! Fred was in pure shock and prepared to scream even though he didn't notice Kaa's open and gaping mouth behind his head. Before Fred could scream, Kaa had engulfed his mouth. Fred screamed but his scream was muffled in Kaa's mouth. Kaa continued eating Fred, next came the shoulders, then the arms, followed by the hips and ass. Kaa uncoiled Fred's legs and Fred was kicking his legs, as if they could save him. Kaa continued down Fred's flailing legs. Fred felt his legs and shins being sucked down Kaa's powerful, warm, moist, wet, slippery, and smelly throat. Kaa only had the feet left to consume, Kaa seemed to savor the flavor of Fred's fear as he swallowed again, and sent Fred down into his stomach. Fred was inside Kaa feeling the powerful muscles of Kaa's throat pulling him down, and the disgusting saliva lubricating him as he went further and further. "My worst nightmare has come true, THIS MUST BE A NIGHTMARE, AND I'LL WAKE UP ANY MINUET, IT'S ONLY A DREAM, A DREAM!" Fred shouted from inside Kaa. Fred felt Kaa's saliva enter his mouth, and fill him with disgust. Fred entered Kaa's stomach, and began to slowly burn, in Kaa's stomach. Fred felt himself roasting alive, and praying that any minuet he'd wake up, from this horrible dream. Kaa licked his lips with satisfaction, and quietly burped. "If you were dreaming, then I wouldn't of eaten you for my ssssnack, sssso you musssst be awake," Kaa said with a sinister laugh. Kaa could still here Fred screaming in his stomach "NO, NO, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING." Until Fred passed too far into Kaa, until Kaa couldn't hear him, or care. "Oh, but dreamsss are never thisss sssatisssfying, to me anyway, now are they?" Kaa laughed again and decided to take a nap on Fred's bed.


By the Dreamer

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