The Serpent's Lair

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  |- Kaa's Harem 2

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by Hypnosnake

Princess Jasmine walked into the sultan's harem. Reclining on cushions were three dancing girls. "Princess Jasmine!" exclaimed one of the dancers, and the three of them stood at attention. "Sh-shall we dance for you, your highness?"

"That will hardly be necessary," said Jasmine. "On the contrary, a couple of...friends will join me in a dance for your pleasure."

The dancers knew this to be unusual, so they turned to discuss it among each other. "Is one of us having a birthday?" wondered one of them.

"If it's mine, I must've forgotten," said another.

"As have I," added the third.

"I couldn't help overhearing," said Jasmine. "I just wanted to introduce you to some special friends. Sit down, please."

The dancers returned to the cushions on which they'd lain, and Jasmine clapped her hands. On that cue, the jungle girl entered, naked and holding Kaa. The harem dancers gasped, but Princess Jasmine said, "No-no, it's all right. He won't hurt you."

At least not at first, Kaa couldn't help thinking.

Then the dance started. As the jungle girl swayed, mimicking the motions of a snake as best she could, Kaa began to shift and uncoil and coil again, flowing and undulating. His body moved into circles and figure-eights and wavy shapes, even as the jungle girl moved in her own circular motions.

Soon Jasmine began to sway in snakelike motions as well, moving toward the snake-dance. Slowly, she began to strip off her clothes, slithering towards the jungle girl, as Kaa allowed a coil to loosen so he could entwine both women.

Jasmine embraced the jungle girl, and the two of them began to move as one, swaying in Kaa's coils like a cobra under the spell of a snake charmer's flute. And always Kaa continued to shift his body into new patterns with liquid grace.

The combination of Kaa's circular motions, the girls' rhythmic undulation, and the infinite fluidity of the whole dance wove a hypnotic spell upon the reclining harem girls. Compared to this spectacle, their own dances were clumsy, ugly prancings. Three pairs of eyes went wide and blank, glazing over; three jaws went slack; three minds clouded over, unable to think of anything except for the beautiful mesmerizing dance.

Jasmine and the jungle girl nodded, knowing that the three dancing girls were now obedient to the master. Kaa slowly slid off his two slaves to inspect the three new ones. Yes, these will do nicely for food, he decided. "Come," he commanded the three dancers. The mesmerized trio rose up to obey their new master. When they were a foot away from Kaa, they stopped, swaying as Jasmine and the jungle girl had.

"Ssstrip," commanded Kaa. The trio moved to obey, undoing halters and skirts, removing even their jewelry. Never did they take their eyes from Kaa, and never did they stop swaying. When they were fully nude, Kaa nodded at the closest and said, "You firssst."

The dancer moved her right foot forward, allowing her hip to curve forward; a motion learned in harem training to the point that it became reflexive and automatic. A second motion was made with her left side. When she stuck out her right foot again, Kaa opened his maw. to intercept it. She did not evade, but allowed her right foot to enter Kaa's mouth. Even as Kaa began swallowing, her left foot made a similar path with a similar destination. When both feet were swallowed, Kaa moved his body upwards, so that his meal would not fall to the ground and perhaps be awakened from the trance.

The dancer's body began to feel slightly warm as her legs were pressed together. As Kaa made his way towards her hips and buttocks, she began to become sexually aroused, despite her entrancement, from the warmth and tightness. Kaa's tongue brushed against her pussy, bringing her even closer to orgasm.

The other harem girls began to be aroused by their companion's reactions. A tingling warmth started in their groins as their faces flushed, and their breathing became pants.

The dancer in Kaa's mouth orgasmed repeatedly with each tight swallow, as the muscles of Kaa's throat and neck squeezed and massaged her naked body. Loud cries of delight were torn from her throat as the combination of hypnotic trance, orgasms, and asphyxiation caused her mind to stray further from reality. Within moments of being completely swallowed, she literally went mad from the pleasure, unable to think or reason, only to pound with sensation.

Kaa enjoyed the feel of her body as she moved into his stomach. She would black out long before feeling pain. He now turned his atttention to the other dancers. "Enjoy what you sssaw? Imagine experiensscing it yourssselvesss. But firssst...warm each other up for it."

Obediently, the two women turned to face each other. As they embraced and began to caress, Kaa slowly wound himself around them. Slowly, sensually, he paced himself, tight enough to enhance their sensations but not so much that they would come to harm...not the kind he had in mind, at least. As the dancers rubbed their breasts and groins together, and fondled each other's hips, sighs and moans of pleasure began to escape their lips. Kaa's squeezes and caresses provided additional stimulation, slowly bringing the two women off.

Loosening himself somewhat, Kaa then made his move. Opening his jaws wide, he swallowed the head of one dancer. Neither woman reacted to this, not even as suction began to draw her deeper into Kaa's throat. The other reached her hands upward to feel her fellow harem-mate's breasts, even as she ran her pink tongue over her lover's belly and groin. Embracing her lover's hips, she then began to lick her pussy with wild abandon. Kaa readjusted his coils to fit the one person in them now, as she brought her partner to coming.

Kaa rather enjoyed the feeling of this second girl as she writhed in his throat and stomach, and couldn't wait for the third. Continuing as he did, he then brought the third girl into his maw, squeezing and tightening around her, caressing her with his coils. As this third person orgasmed, Kaa brought her deeper and deeper into his throat, swallowing her whole.

Like the other two before her, the third dancer was driven repeatedly to orgasm as her mind was liberated from reality. It is said that people die and go to heaven; in this case, she went to heaven first, then lost consciousness and died.

Jasmine and the jungle girl watched as their master consumed his prey. "When will you next need feeding, O mighty Kaa?" asked Jasmine.

"Not for daysss, with what you have given me," smiled Kaa.

"In the meantime," asked the jungle girl, "is there anything else you desire?"

Kaa's hypnotic, reptilian eyes twinkled. "Yesss...more ssslavesss."

"As you command," said Jasmine.


By Hypnosnake

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