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KAA'S HAREM: The Lost Chapter

by Hypnosnake

(Editorial note: OK, so this isn't really a "lost" chapter; I wrote this at the request of Nightcrawler ([email protected]). These characters are not mine, read only if legal, yadda yadda.)

As Ariel woke to greet the day, she turned toward her sleeping husband. Sometimes she couldn't believe it. Here she was, married to a handsome, wealthy prince who loved and cared for her. And he was great in bed. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. This turned into a surprised kiss on the lips, as he turned to face her. "Good reflexes," she joked mirthfully.
"I love that sense of humor of yours," Eric replied wryly.
After they got dressed, they went down to breakfast. While they ate, a servant entered with a note. Eric thanked the man as he picked it up. As the servant left, Eric read it, noting, "This is interesting. It says that Princess Jasmine of Agrabah is coming over to entertain us."
"Princess Jasmine?" Ariel smiled. "I remember her! That lovely musical accompaniment we had together at Belle's party; I sang and she danced."

When Jasmine arrived, she stepped off the carriage, holding a wicker basket. "Hello, Jasmine," said Ariel. "What's in the basket?"
"It's a surprise," Jasmine replied, smiling enigmatically.
A very BIG surprise, thought Kaa amusedly. For the time being, he let his entranced slave respond normally to stimuli.

Later, Ariel was sitting by herself in her room, reading. She heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" she asked.
"It's me, Jasmine," replied her guest and friend. "May I come in?"
"Go right ahead," Ariel nodded.
Jasmine entered, still holding the basket. "I think it's time for the surprise I promised," she said.
"Okay," said Ariel, "show me."
"As you wish," Jasmine promised. She opened the basket as Ariel leaned over it. Kaa's hypnotic stare was the first, and last, thing she saw. Looking into the snake's eyes, Ariel saw nothing but green and her old underwater home...
Ariel felt a sensation of floating. She realized that she was a mermaid again, underwater! She heard a voice call her name. It was Jasmine, and she was a mermaid too! Ariel remembered something else...yes...that she and Jasmine were lesbian lovers.
Jasmine spoke to Ariel. "Your handsome human prince fantasy was a form of denial. You knew your father Triton would never approve of his daughter loving another woman. Come with me, Ariel. We can run away together."
Ariel could not resist such an offer. They swam away together.

Jasmine told Eric that Ariel seemed to need a little fresh air, so they were going out for a walk together. Eric, being too much of a gentleman to pry, simply accepted it as a "ladies' thing" and let them be off.
Of course, what Jasmine really had in mind was to bring her master's newest harem acquisition down to the horse-and-carriage, the driver of which was also temporarily under Kaa's spell. Kaa, who had left his wicker basket and slithered outside through a window, was already in the carriage awaiting his new slaves.

As the horse-and-carriage traveled out of the city, Kaa smiled, enjoying his now-nude harem-slaves. Ariel and Jasmine rubbed their nipples and groins against each other as his coils massaged them and pressed them together and their clitorii were stimulated by his rippling musculature. By the time that fool Eric realized the deception, it would be too late!
Ariel was past caring about deceptions, of course, or anything else for that matter save for her orgasms. Jasmine's hands seemed to be everywhere, and her embraces and caresses brought Ariel to climax repeatedly. It seemed like a heavenly dream, from which she never wanted to wake.
And she would not, until she was completely mindless.

THE END (actually, more like the middle)

By Hypnosnake

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