The Serpent's Lair

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How Jungle Book 2 Should Have Gone

by cyberpunk92708

Kaa awoke to smell something cooking. At first he liked the smell, but then realized it was his own body! He jerked in pain and bashed his head on a tree limb. Then he pulled the burned part of his body upward to blow on it. Looking down, he saw the culprit, a little girl with a torch. "Why, the little...sssnack!" Kaa said as he got an idea.

Shanti heard a hissing sound. "Who's there?" she asked. Then she turned around and saw Kaa. "Exsscussse me," said Kaa, his eyes glowing hypnotically. "Might I be of sssome asssissstanssce?" Shanti's eyes widened as Kaa's hypnotic gaze made her feel warm and relaxed and happy. She dropped the torch to the ground, letting it go out.

"Are you lossst, little one?" Kaa asked. "Are you hungry? I'm ssstarved!" With these words, he lured Shanti over to a rock where he could easily swallow her. Just as he zipped down to do so, however, Ranjan pulled Shanti off the rock, and Kaa accidentally swallowed that instead. "Bad snake!" shouted Ranjan, pounding on Kaa's head.

Kaa got understandably angry about this and wrapped a coil around Ranjan, trapping his arms. Just as Shanti was regaining consciousness, Kaa spat the rock out. "Let'sss try thisss again," Kaa scowled as his eyes went back into their hypnotic state. Ranjan stopped struggling as he caught a glimpse of Kaa's eyes, and Shanti also went back into a trance. Ranjan's eyes were pulled towards Kaa.

Kaa opened his mouth wide, and pulled Ranjan into it. Ranjan was swallowed alive and whole. When Ranjan was swallowed alive and whole, Kaa then turned to Shanti. "Come on in, it's nissce and warm inssside." He opened his mouth wide, and Shanti obediently entered it. Kaa sucked Shanti into his mouth.

Later, Kaa heard two voices calling. "Mowgli! Shanti!" "Ranjan! Where are you?" Kaa smiled, realizing he had two more victims.

Mustapha and his wife Hadisha were also searching for their lost children.

"Oh, I hope they haven't been hurt!" said Hadisha.

Mustapha nodded gravely. "So do I, dear."

"Might I be of sssome help?" asked a voice. Mustapha and Hadisha turned and saw a snake hovering above them in the trees. The oddest thing about the snake seemed to be how its eyes kept glowing, radiating brilliant colors.

"Pleassse allow me to introdussce myssself. My name isss Kaa."

Like Shanti, Mustapha let go of his torch as the bright, beautiful colors seemed to seep into his brain, relaxing all his muscles at once. He felt numb, but it was a warm, pleasant numbness. Hadisha also felt her mind going happily blank, her body relaxing, loosening up.

As both parents stared at Kaa with euphoric, mindless smiles, he slithered over to Mustapha. "How may I ssserve you?" *Preferably whole and alive,* he added to himself. Aloud, he asked, "Are you looking for your children? I know where they are. They're in here." He opened his mouth wide, and Mustapha started to climb into it. When only Mustapha's legs were sticking out of Kaa's gullet, he swallowed, sucking the man in.

Kaa then looked at Hadisha. As she swayed, following Kaa's eyes, he grew intrigued by the way her slender, shapely body undulated, emulating Kaa's own serpentine motions. This gave Kaa an idea. He began to sing:

"I can slide, I can swirl, I can twist and I can twirl, I can slither, smooth and slow, you will see just what I show. I am in the mood to play with my food. I have spark, I have charm, I know painless ways to harm, look deeply into my eyes, let yourself be hypnotised. I am in the mood to play with my food. Sway, sway with me, dance, just for me. I am in the mood to play with my food."

Hadisha danced to the rhythm of Kaa's song, moving her belly and hips in circles and letting her torso sway to and fro. Kaa felt himself become very aroused. Just as he was about to consider using Hadisha for her sexual amusement, he heard a clapping. Shere Khan was applauding.

"Bravo, Kaa," said the tiger dryly. "You've managed to hypnotize two victims at once. You used to only manage one before."

Kaa smiled. "And I've alssso managed to ssswallow two children asss well!" he added boastfully.

Shere Khan's ears pricked up when he heard that. "Oh, really?" he said angrily. "One of them wouldn't be a certain Man-cub, WOULD IT?" He grabbed Kaa by the neck.

Kaa realized that Shere Khan wouldn't believe a "no" even if it was true. Thinking quickly, he turned to Hadisha and said, ""

Hadisha picked up the torch Mustapha had dropped and swatted Shere Khan across the face. Although no longer aflame, the end of the torch was still covered with hot ashes and they seared Shere Khan. The tiger howled with pain and released Kaa, fleeing into the night.

Kaa turned to Hadisha. He realized that her value had just shot up from mere food to being a helpmate of sorts. As long as she was under his power, she would do anything he wanted her to do.

And he realized that his hypnotic powers could be used for more than just gaining food. (After those three humans, he was feeling full anyway.) Kaa began to wonder just what he was capable of.

Hadisha returned to the village. Kaa was hidden under her clothing. The men of the village were also hunting for the children. A villager saw Hadisha, and said, "Where is Mustapha?"

When Hadisha turned toward the villager, Kaa's head emerged from beneath her hair and headdress. The villager gasped, but was hypnotized before he could cry out. Hadisha walked to another villager, and the same thing happened. All the men were charmed in this fashion, hypnotized to forget about Mustapha and the children. Hadisha then walked through the village to her hut. Everyone who made eye contact with Kaa fell under his spell.

Soon the entire village was enslaved. Interestingly enough, Kaa's motive wasn't megalomania, but simple curiosity, to see how far this power would take him.

When Hadisha returned to her hut, she removed her clothing, revealing Kaa. The python began to slowly stroke his pretty slave's breasts and labia, and to lick her nipples. She began to gasp, responding to this treatment. Encouraged, Kaa continued, as his penis grew erect. He began to slowly thrust inside Hadisha's warm slit, and a warm, pleasant tingle surged through his genitalia, stimulating him. Hadisha also began to squirm and writhe sexually, and the friction built inside them both. Electric sensations raced through Kaa and Hadisha and they approached climax together. Kaa's body clenched in a final spasm, sending Hadisha over the edge. She would have screamed, had the air not been crushed from her lungs; instead, all she made was a hollow prolonged gasp, almost a hiss. Kaa hissed as well, climaxing inside her. Slowly, Hadisha sank to her bed, Kaa still coiled around her.

Meanwhile, Bagheera was out hunting in the jungle when Shere Khan emerged from the underbrush. "Khan!" shouted Bagheera. "If you're here to harm Mowgli..." Then he saw the burn mark on Shere Khan's face. "What's happened to you?" Bagheera asked.

"Just what I was about to tell you," Shere Khan explained. "Kaa's managed to put four humans under his spell. He ate three, and enslaved the fourth, a woman who did this to me under Kaa's command." He pointed at his burn scar.

Mowgli and Baloo were listening nearby. "Four people? Oh, no, he can't mean..." Mowgli realized that Shere Khan was referring to his family!

"Kaa has enslaved someone?" Bagheera asked incredulously. "But if he's discovered that his hypnotic gaze is good for more than obtaining food..."

"There's no predicting what he'll do, whether out of ambition or mere curiosity," Shere Khan finished. "He may do anything from keeping them as pets to conquering the world!"

"But...but that would violate the natural order of things!" Bagheera exclaimed.

"Yes, I know," said Shere Khan.

Mowgli could not help but feel guilty. He turned to Baloo and said, "This is my fault, isn't it? My family must've run into Kaa while they were searching for me!"

Baloo nodded sadly. "Yeah. But the problem is, what're we gonna do about it?"

"Well, I can't run away anymore," Mowgli realized. A determined expression came over him. "The only thing to do is to go after Kaa and kill him before he hurts any more people!"

"Whoa, there, Little Britches," said Baloo. "How're you gonna do that?"

Mowgli looked thoughtful. "You're right, Baloo. I almost forgot about Kaa's hypnotic gaze."

"Sounds like we gotta find Kaa before he finds us," said Baloo. "Come on."

Mowgli and Baloo searched the jungle. They didn't find a sign of Kaa at first. Not his sleek long body nor his tail nor -- fortunately -- his eyes. Just as they were about to give up, Mowgli recognized the river they were passing. "That's the river that leads to the village," said Mowgli. "You don't suppose..."

"It's worth checking out," agreed Baloo.

When they got to the village, Baloo and Mowgli were stunned. The walled village was surrounded by elephants! Mowgli walked over to one elephant and said, "How come you guys are surrounding the village?"

"Orders from the colonel, son," said the elephant. "Martial law, no one allowed in or out, and all that rot."

Mowgli blinked. The elephant looked familiar... "Colonel Hathi? Is that you?"

"Oh, sorry, m'boy," said Hathi, "I'm no longer a colonel. Got demoted, don't you know."

"I...guess I didn't," said Mowgli in confusion. He turned to Baloo. The big bear turned to Mowgli and whispered, "I got a feeling Kaa's already gotten to the elephants."

"Move along now," ordered Hathi. Mowgli and Baloo walked away.

"Now what do we do?" Mowgli asked.

"I got a plan," said Baloo. "See that tree over there? We wait until night falls, and..."

Come the night, and Baloo was bending the tree back for Mowgli to lie on.

"I got the trajectory all figured out," he said. "You oughta land right on that thatched roof."

"And once I'm in," Mowgli added, "I'll hunt for Kaa. I've got this blindfold in case he tries to hypnotize me." He produced a leather thong. "I've also got a weapon to slay him with." He held a sharp stone, which he placed in a pocket of his briefs.

Baloo nodded. "Okay, you ready?"

Mowgli nodded.

"Then happy landings, little britches -- and good luck!" Baloo released the tree, sending Mowgli flying.

True to Baloo's prediction, Mowgli landed on the thatched roof of a hut. He slid down it and onto a barrel, making as little noise as he could.

Mowgli looked around. Everyone was nude; apparently, one of Kaa's first acts as ruler was to abolish clothing. One of them, a bearded old man, shambled by Mowgli. With a start, Mowgli recognized him as the village chief!

"Uh, excuse me," said Mowgli uncertainly, "where is Kaa?"

The former chief turned to Mowgli, his eyes glazed. "The Great Kaa resides in yonder lodge," he said, pointing in the direction of his old home. "He slumbers now with his wives."

"Thank you," said Mowgli. He hurriedly put his blindfold on and walked in what he hoped was a straight line to the chief's lodge. Once there, he felt his way up the steps, and over to the door, which creaked as he opened it.

Mowgli lifted the blindfold slightly. He found himself in the foyer of the lodge. Ahead of him lay the chief's throne room, where he held meetings and pronounced judgments. Mowgli slid his blindfold back down, and walked into the throne room. Lifting the blindfold again, he saw two doors in the room. One led to the part of the house from which the chief's servants came. Another was behind the throne room, and as Mowgli walked over to it, he could hear snoring.

*This must be where Kaa lies sleeping,* Mowgli noted. He blindfolded himself and walked in. Kaa lay coiled around the village's most sinuous, curvaceous young women, although Mowgli could not see them. He could hear and smell Kaa, however, and walked toward him, stone raised...

Baloo waited outside the village, until the elephants parted. Mowgli emerged, smiling, holding a basket over his head. "It's over, Kaa!" Mowgli called cheerfully. "Kaa is dead. Here's what the villagers gave me as a reward!"

Joy soared in Baloo's breast as he raced toward Mowgli. "What is it?" he asked excitedly, like a child expecting a present. He opened the basket -- and froze.

A pair of evil eyes glowed within the basket, grasping onto Baloo's mind and shackling it. He was enslaved in mind and body, unable to move.

Kaa emerged from the basket headfirst. "Yesss, Baloo," he said evilly. "It isss indeed over. The old Kaa isss dead. Long live the new Kaa!

"It isss fortuitoussss that Hadisssha wasss on guard to awaken me and remove Mowgli'sss blindfold before he could ssslay me. Now Mowgli isss my newessst ssslave...asss are you. Kneel before me." Baloo numbly obeyed, going to his knees.

"Asss I have sssaid," said Kaa, "the old me isss dead. Being a ruler of humansss hasss been educational. I have all the food I could ever need, a well-defended kingdom, and ssslavesss to sssee to my every need...or whim. Oh, I have no desssire to rule the whole world...yet. For now I think I'll be content with what I already.

"If Mowgli had not returned to the jungle, and thossse humansss had not followed him, I would never have been able to ensssnare all four of them. And if not for that particular sssucsscesss, I might not have wondered what I could do with my talentsss if I applied myssself. And if not for you, Mowgli might not have come into my clutchesss.

"Ssso as Mowgli sssaid, here isss your reward. Close your eyesss and relaxsss." With that, Kaa bowed down and slid himself over Baloo's groin, and slipped his mouth over Baloo's penis and balls. He massaged Baloo's genitals with his flexible forked tongue and the suction of his mouth. Baloo moaned as he felt himself being stimulated. Steadily, gently, Kaa masturbated Baloo. The sensations were the bear's only sensory input and were the only thing he could focus on, driving him to an orgasm that would seem powerful in comparison to any he had felt before. Baloo climaxed, roaring, his seed shooting into Kaa's mouth.

When it was over, Kaa licked his lipless mouth. "You, too, ssshall be rewarded, Mowgli," he said. "You will live to grow to be a man, and then you will be the ssstud for my harem."

Mowgli smiled happily, entering the village.

The next day, Shere Khan and Bagheera saw that the elephants still guarded the village. "We must find a way in there!" Bagheera exclaimed, realizing what must have happened.

"And what then, become Kaa's next victims?" said Shere Khan. "Besides, either they've been eaten or they'll try to kill you themselves! Anyway, if I know Kaa, he's not going to attack the outside world. Ruling the humans he has will be enough for him. Now come; back to the jungle."

Bagheera hated to play the coward, but he knew that Shere Khan had a point. "Farewell, Mowgli...farewell, Baloo," he said, with a tear in his eye. Then he sadly turned away from the village and trudged back to the jungle.

Mowgli and Baloo did indeed fare well for a time. Baloo became Kaa's male concubine, pumping semen into Kaa's mouth for blissful orgasms, until he was slender enough to be swallowed; and Mowgli, true to Kaa's word, grew to be a man, and mated with all the beauties in Kaa's house. And Kaa lived happily ever after.


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