The Serpent's Lair

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  |- At the Movies

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Seems the muses want us all to suffer again with more of this stuff below. They keep banging me over the head demanding it, and I've had a few people show interest, so let's shoot another one over. I enjoyed this last time, you don't have to take things too seriously, and it gives a writer a break. I hate it when the characters start telling me what to do though, but there are certain things they each will do or won't do, and I'm stuck with it. Their not my characters, so what can I do but work with them. Well, enjoy. I do not plan another sequel, but I didn't plan to ever do this one either.

I think I've gathered enough knowledge of Power Puffery to do a reasonable job, please ignore any misspellings or incorrect character names. If I call Professor Nutonium Dr. Nutonium, you know who I mean. :) Cartoons aren't my norm, but chuckles are, and as the great philosopher Gilligan once said, "Skipperrrrrrrr!"

At the Movies,
by Py, (c) 10/9/2001,


Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice. These were the ingredients chosen to make the perfect little girls. But Professor Nutonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction, Chemical X,... and the Power Puff Girls were born. Now Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup use their ultra-super powers to fight crime, and the forces of evil.

The City of Townsville, a marvelously peaceful place to be. And things are going just so well for everyone, including the Power Puff Girls. Seems like only yesterday that the city was being crushed by a giant monster with 3 huge eyes, or overrun by a bunch of super flying snakes. And today it's just so peaceful... EXCEPT FOR THE GIANT WARTY OCTOPUS!

The monstrous warty octopus rises from the river, and it climbs over the bridge while grabbing cars and flinging them. People in cars tossed through the air scream, people on foot scream, the newsmen screams, the announcer screams, Miss Bellum screams, the Mayor picks up the phone and screams. The Power Puff Girls fly into view and the townsfolk cheer, 'Hooray!'. The girls fly in using their basic triangular formation, and separate to attack the beast from 3 directions. The giant monster octopus roars as the girls dodge it's flailing tentacles. The girls swoop and strike, punching and kicking the writhing tentacles, each one thicker than they are tall.

The giant octopus swats and gets a good grip on a suddenly screaming Bubbles. Blossom hesitates, 'Hold on, I'll...' then she too gets caught by a tentacle. Bubbles continues to scream as Blossom tries uselessly to break the beast's grip. It moves them close to it's head, and looking at them it laughs in it's deep and bubbling way. Then Buttercup hits it at full speed right in the nose, or where it would have a nose if it had one. The giant octopus goes flying backwards, knocking over a few buildings before coming to a stop, the impact stunning it into releasing the other 2 girls.

The octopus is really steamed as it begins moving again, This time the girls rely on their agility, flying around the tentacles at amazing speed, twisting them into knots. When the poor giant octopus is completely tied in knots, the girls hover viewing their victory. "Okay girls, lets get this one back out to sea!" pronounces Blossom. "Yeah!" agrees Buttercup. "And we'd better hurry or we'll be late for the movie." With that they each pick up part of the octopus in knots and carry it off to sea.

Flying as fast as they can, the girls arrive at school just as some of the kids are getting on the bus. Miss Keen has her clipboard and is collecting permission slips as she checks off names. "Hi girls, got your slips?" she says to them in her ever pleasant voice. "Yes Miss Keen." the 3 reply as each hands her a slip. On each is permission for the class trip to the afternoon movie for that girl, signed by Professor Nutonium. "Okay." she says with a smile, hop on board.

When all is ready the bus drives off, all the children cheering to be finally moving. Bubbles turns to her sisters, "It was really nice of that Miss Love to give us all free tickets to her latest movie before we had to put her in jail." "Of course." Blossom agreed. "But at the time she was just trying to win us over before squashing the town with her flying snakes." "It was still nice though!" Bubbles insisted. "I don't care why she gave us the tickets." added Buttercup. "I'm just glad to be going. Another jungle movie, lots of danger and action." Buttercup mimicked fighting with animals, punching the air and pretending to swing on a vine while yelling like Tarzana of the jungle. "Buttercup, Sit down in your seat." Miss Keen said sternly.

At the movie house they pause at the posters out front which advertise the movie playing. It shows a beautiful blonde haired woman swinging on a vine, wearing a skimpy leopard skin outfit. Smaller images show her fighting with a well armed native, swimming head on towards a crocodile, standing over a slain lion, and battling in the coils of a giant python. Bubbles covers her eyes at the images, and buttercup taunts her for being a big sissy. Miss Keen leans over, "It's only a movie, nobody got hurt in those scenes, it's all special effects, acting, and trained animals." Bubbles clears her throat and looks again at the posters, "Right, it's only a movie." Buttercup sneers as she talks to a boy next to her, "I heard that lots of people died filming the Tarzana of the jungle movies, you can't train most of those animals, especially the snakes and crocodiles!" Bubbles looks on the verge of flying away when Miss Keen steps in, "Buttercup!" "Sorry Miss Keen." Buttercup says in a repentant tone.

The children take seats in the front 2 rows, the Power Puff Girls sitting directly in front of Miss Keen. After settling everyone into seats and before the movie begins, Miss Keen goes off to the snack bar with the 3 girls floating along with her. They buy buttered popcorn for everyone which was included on the complimentary tickets they had used. Miss Keen insisted that even if people had their own money they could not buy other snacks, cavity causing sweets were not included in the permission slips. The girls took turns flying large boxes of popcorn out to the others, then they all returned to their seats.

The lights lowered, the curtains opened, and a large lion roared out at them making Bubbles almost drop her popcorn. Then the sound of a woman giving out her well known jungle cry, followed by the title in huge letters, 'Tarzana, Lady of the Gorillas'. Underneath is a picture of Lamia Love, and the writing, 'Starring Lamia Love.' Buttercup snarls, "Ooh, after what she did to Townsville I could just..." Someone 2 rows back hisses at her to be quiet and she does, then Blossom nudges her and whispers, "I know how you feel, but it's just a movie."

The movie starts with a quick chase scene as Tarzana is running through the jungle pursued by angry smugglers with guns. Tarzana ends up falling off a cliff with a bullet wound in her side, but she still somehow manages a perfect dive into the raging water below. The smugglers shoot at her from above as she swims downstream, and the devilishly handsome hero in his stainless safari garb pulls her unconscious form from the river just before the crocodiles get her. Bubbles is gripping Blossom's hand almost hard enough to break it, Blossom is attempting to quietly extract her hand, and Buttercup is muttering and shaking her head, "That escape was too easy."

Two figures sit alone in the balcony watching the opening of the movie. The first is red all over, with black feet, clawed hands, and he goes by the name of HIM. He looks down over the railing to see the Power Puff Girls watching the movie, and he hears there low chatter. He smiles with his big white teeth and talks as softly as he can in a voice that echoes every word he speaks, "Ah, the Power Puff Girls are at the movies. Here I am just minding my own business, no causing problems for Townsville because it's my day off, and what happens but" his voice deepens as he momentarily snarls. "THE POWER PUFF GIRLS ARE HERE!" "Now, is this something I simply can't resist, or should I just be a good little boy. Oh no, I think not, I think it's about time, TO DESTROY THEM ONCE AND FOR ALL!" The other shadow moves and the man taps HIM on a red shoulder, "Excuse me, would you mind please being a little quieter. If not I'll have to call an usher." HIM looks at the man briefly, "I like you, your really brave, you know that." With that, beams of energy spurt from his eyes and the man turns to ashes.

HIM looks down again, "So peaceful, 3 little girls out to the movies. Such a wonderful thing, there's your teacher and all your friends from school, no danger in an afternoon movie right?!. And there's poor little Buttercup, she wants so badly to get into the action." HIM raises his head with an evil smile, "Yes, get into the action, I think I can help you there dear little Buttercup, and your sisters too." Moving his clawed hands a cloud begins to form in front of the balcony and high over the heads of those below. No one notices as the cloud turns to an almost invisible mist and drifts down to the Power Puff Girls. They would've seen but all 3 have their eyes glued to the scene where Tarzana is rescued from the hunters by her family of gorillas, who barge in, break some rifles and other items, get her free from the pole she's been tied to so that she won't run off, then they carry her away. The girls suddenly feel funny, Bubbles drops her half empty popcorn and Blossom wants to pick up what hasn't spilled for her, but her body doesn't want to move. Buttercup seems oblivious to it all, watching the huge hairy gorillas taking Tarzana to the place where they all live. All 3 girls seem to become dizzy, they swirl in a world of color, then everything goes black.

The Power Puff girls wake to sunlight, a light breeze, and jungle sounds all around them. Bubbles rises to a sitting position first and looks around at jungle everywhere, and no people except her sisters. Her large eyes blink, "Where are we?" Blossom stood and looked around while straightening her bow and cape, "I don't know, outside somewhere. I don't know how we got here, but it looks like a jungle, sounds like one too." She sniffs then adds, "And it smells like one.". "Yeah!" cries Buttercup. "It's a jungle, a real jungle!" Blossom considers, "I think we had better figure out where we are first, then we can deal with how we got here." "You do that, I'm going to explore." Says Buttercup as she turns to fly off.

Buttercup falls on her face twice, then turns her head back to the others, "Hey, I can't fly!" Blossom tried to fly upwards to scout around and also failed, and Bubbles tried anyway and also failed. Blossom tried to pick up a rock twice her own size with no success, and Buttercup hit a tree with all the strength of her arm, "Yeoch!" she yelped in pain without even making the tree quiver. A gloating laugh broke the jungle sounds and a large smiling red head appeared above them and looked down, "Ah girls, hope your enjoying the movie?" "It's HIM!! the 3 shouted in unison. "What did you do to us?!" Blossom snapped. "Yeah, You'd better undo it!" Buttercup threatened. "Yeah, you'd better!" agreed Bubbles. HIM laughed musically, "Or what? You have no powers, this is a movie, there are no Power Puff Girls here, you can't hurt me now. I put you hear because Buttercup wanted so much to be in the jungle having fun like Tarzana, so I let her and fixed it so she could have her sisters along. Now all you can do is wander around this nice movie jungle, UNTIL SOMETHING EATS YOU! Bye bye girls, please make the rest of the movie enjoyable, remember all your friends are still watching." With some more laughter HIM faded away and was gone.

The girls stood around for a while, then each tried a few more experiments with no luck. Buttercup ran at full speed down a path trying to take off, Blossom tried lifting a rock again then tried to concentrate laser eyes or cold breath on things. Bubbles tried jumping off the big rock, then just knelt there sobbing, "Our powers are gone, and we're going to die here." Blossom helped her to her feet, "No we're not, this is only a movie, and we're the good guys. We can't die here." "It's not our movie, it's Tarzana's." Bubbles said sadly. "Then we find Tarzana and she'll protect us!" Blossom said with a confident voice. Buttercup joins them, panting from her exertions, "Okay, how do we find her?" Blossom looks around then points, "That way." "How can you tell it's that way?" Buttercup says in a sassy tone. "It's all jungle anyway you look, how can you tell which way is which?!" "Have you got a better idea?!" Blossom says in a taunting tone, then begins walking off in the direction she had indicated. Bubbles shrugged and followed, and after giving a big sigh Buttercup did also.

Bubbles couldn't help be scared of the jungle noises, but even though the animals were so large compared to her, she tried to talk to some of them she saw with no luck. A small monkey almost as big as her seemed interested in talking, but then it ran off into the trees. Buttercup showed no fear, and Blossom tried her best to figure out which way to go at each turn. Everything in the jungle was so large with them stuck on the ground. When a big leopard came out of the bushes and onto the path they were following, Bubbles and Blossom screamed and ducked into the foliage. Buttercup took up a fighting stance, until Blossom grabbed her arm and dragged her under cover. The 3 ran through the brush as fast as their little legs could carry them, and the sound of their running brought the leopard right behind them. "We're going to die, I know we're going to die now." Bubbles panted out as they ran. "Shut up and run!" Buttercup snapped at her." After many long seconds with the leopard getting closer, Bubbles fell and hurt her leg, "I can't run anymore." Both of her sisters stopped and Blossom didn't waste a moment, "Buttercup keep running!" Buttercup didn't need to be told twice, she turned and kept running, while blossom ran to Bubbles and helped her up." They both moved together as fast as they could. "Leave me here, you and Buttercup get away." Bubbles said sadly. "No way!" Blossom stated. "I won't leave you, besides the Professor would never forgive me if I let you get eaten by a leopard, not to mention Miss Keen. She'd have me cleaning erasers for the rest of my life!"

Bubbles fell again after a few more steps, and they both turned and screamed as the leopard broke into view. The girls closed their eyes tightly, so both at first only heard the yell of Tarzana as she swooped in on a vine. The leopard snarled as it leapt at the 2 girls, Tarzana fell on the leopard. She held the leopard from behind, rolling with it while trying to keep it off balance as she drew her knife from her thigh sheath. Finally she plunged her knife into the leopard's heart, then cut it's throat just to be sure. The beast lay dead as she put one foot on it, then she raised her arms and threw back her head in a mighty call of Tarzana. As she cleaned the blood off her knife with a leaf, Bubbles and Blossom just blinked with their mouths open. "Miss Love?" Blossom stammered. The voluptuous woman with long blonde hair looked at her, "I am Tarzana. What are you children doing in my jungle?" "That was totally awesome!" said Buttercup as she came towards them. "I told you to stay with the gorillas!" Tarzana said in a scolding tone. Buttercup forced a smile, "I'm not good at following orders, just ask Blossom." Blossom sighed, "Yep, she's telling the truth there."

Tarzana told them that Buttercup had run into the place where her and her family of gorillas were at the moment, and told her of the danger to her sisters. After Buttercup took a brief bow, they all went to where the gorillas were waiting. The beasts wanted little to do with the Power Puff Girls, they were just more humans to them, but they managed since Tarzana had been one of there group for so long. The girls tried to explain how this was all just a movie, that they didn't belong here but HIM had put them here, and somehow they had lost all their powers. Then they had to try and explain movies, and about Miss Lamia Love a half serpent woman who looked like her and played the part of Tarzana in the movies, only without the tail because Lamia Love could transform. Then they had to explain about HIM, and about who they were and their powers. Tarzana took it all in while sharpening her knife, then she put it back in the sheath, "You girls certainly have marvelous imaginations. But come, I will take you to a village of people who know of such things, they may help you find where you belong." The girls couldn't understand why their story was so hard to believe, but they went along.

Tarzana climbed a tree, then when the girls couldn't follow her she jumped back down, "I don't suppose you know how to swing from vines." "Not our normal way of doing things." Blossom replied. "We always fly!" added Buttercup. Tarzana sighed, "Follow me then." The gorillas stayed behind as the 4 walked through the jungle. Occasionally an animal would look at them from concealment. If it were harmless or it ran away they'd ignore it as much as they could, if it was a dangerous animal that wouldn't leave then They either threw rocks or Tarzana killed it or chased it off. Once she killed a big male lion, later she moved them around a hungry crocodile too far from the nearby river, and once she carefully guided a huge and curious elephant out of their path. The elephant had been the first animal here Bubbles hadn't had to worry about, and Tarzana had to physically restrain her from following it off into the jungle. Finally though they arrived at the village of natives which were their goal. "These people are supposed to help us!?" said Buttercup as she pointed to the primitive huts and scantily clothed natives.

They stayed a while as the villagers prepared a feast in their honor. A number of them were bringing water for a huge pot, and others were tending a fire under it. Tarzana tested the ropes which bound her wrists behind the thick pole at her back. The Power Puff Girls were similarly bound while standing in front of their own posts. Bubbles spoke softly, "It was nice of them to invite us for dinner, don't you think." Buttercup growled, "Are you crazy?! We're the dinner!!" "Calm down Buttercup!" Blossom snapped. "Don't cry Bubbles." Tarzana stood tall and took in a deep breath, threatening to break her top but it stayed on because this was a PG movie. She repeatedly released her Tarzana yell to call her jungle friends. Some natives looked, but continued with their duties. Shortly after that the ground began to rumble a bit, the natives began talking among themselves and looking around curiously. Trees began to shake, some fell over, and suddenly all manner of wild beast were running through the village. The natives scattered as elephants and gorillas charged through their village, knocking down huts and almost anything else. There were a few ostriches, gazelles, giraffes, and other animals. There were even a few big cats, each who managed to drag down a fleeing villager. Finally when all the villagers and animals were gone, except for some gorillas, Tarzana clicked her tongue and talked to them, having them break the post without hurting her so she could get free of it. She then tucked and rolled bringing her hands beneath her feet so they were now in front of her, and with care she used her knife to cut her bonds. "Wow!" said Buttercup as Tarzana cut the girls loose.

Tarzana and the girls ran from the destroyed village, 2 gorillas carrying the girls to make for a faster escape before the villagers returned. At a clearing Tarzana stopped them, and the gorillas left the girls before heading off. Tarzana was panting and sat down while holding her side. Blossom looked concerned, "You were shot there, how is it?" "Healing." Tarzana replied. "It will be fine, I just need to rest." Tarzana paused, "I should not have taken you through that village before bringing you to Frank, they used to be friendly. I should have taken you straight to him!" "Frank?" said Blossom. Bubbles gave her an elbow, "Remember Frank, the hunter with the big shoulders and all those white teeth who pulled her from the river before the crocodiles got her. C'mon Blossom, even I remembered that one!" "How do you know this, I just met him?" Tarzana asked. "We told you, it's a movie!" Buttercup answered.

As they walked along Buttercup asked Blossom, "If this is just a movie we're changing things aren't we?" Blossom thought, "I suppose we are, but I doubt anyone else notices any change. If they do it's just on this one copy of the movie, or maybe this copy will go back to normal after we escape." "Or die!" Buttercup added. "No one's going to die girls!" said Tarzana. Frank will get you to the coast and a ship will get you to civilization."

Suddenly a giant snake fell down from a tree onto Tarzana. She fell and was quickly encircled by a huge coil around her waist. She struggled as the girls screamed, but another coil wrapped her body and thighs. Tarzana couldn't reach her knife, and a coil went around her neck as she tried. She attempted to give out her Tarzana yell, but it was weak due to her already having trouble breathing. The girls grabbed sticks and rocks, poking and hitting the snake to no avail. Once Bubbles got her leg caught in a coil, and it took both her sisters to pull her free. Tarzana's movements were weak and the girls could see the coils tightening occasionally. "Run,.. Leave,..." Tarzana gasped out between breaths. She lay there partly on her stomach in the powerful coils of the python, it's head relaxed as it knew the life was nearly out of it's prey. The girls couldn't move, they watched Tarzana struggle for breath, kept hearing her gasp softly that they should run. When her limbs became motionless and her head with it's wide open mouth sagged, they heard something approaching through the foliage and they finally ran.

They ran as fast as their little legs could carry them with no attempt to be quiet. Before they knew it, Bubbles who was leading screamed, and the other 2 quickly found themselves in the same patch of quicksand she was in. Bubbles and Buttercup struggled fiercely to get out, while Blossom tried more calmly. "Girls, don't struggle, you'll only sink faster." Blossom pronounced. "And if we don't struggle we still sink!" Buttercup snapped back. Blossom looked around for something to grab, Buttercup struggled more than she should, and Bubbles was nearly panicking. So when they heard noise approaching, Bubbles was up to her nose with her blonde pigtails laying on the surface, Buttercup was up to her neck, and Blossom up to her chest in the thick quicksand. All 3 had been yelling for help, now Bubbles couldn't get enough air to yell very loud.

Frank the Hunter came out of the bushes, "Don't worry girls, I will save you!" He cut a vine with his machete, and threw it so that all 3 girls could hold on. Then he pulled, finding it requiring a bit of muscle but not that much. He sat them on the ground and looked, "Hmmm, 1, 2, weren't their 3 of you?!" "Bubbles!" the other 2 screamed. The man turned his head to the quicksand, he saw disturbed sand and some bubbles rising to the surface, "Yes, I see the bubbles." Buttercup jumped up, "You idiot! That's our sister Bubbles!" He snapped his fingers, "Ah, the 3rd one, I'll get her." "Dork, We're being rescued by a dork." Buttercup mumbled as he left. Frank crossed to one side where his long arms could reach without a vine, and kneeling he plunged one of his arms in, pulling it out moments later with a coughing Bubbles covered in quicksand from head to toe. "Bubbles I presume." he said with a smile. "She coughed, "Yes."

He brought Bubbles to her sisters, "What are the 3 of you doing here, the jungle is no place for children." Blossom gasped, "Tarzana! Please, there's a big snake, it's probably too late but she's back there, and you've got to help." Buttercup grabbed Blossom's shoulder, "She passed out when we ran, she's dead and it's probably swallowed her by now." Bubbles seemed about to cry again when Frank bent low, "Oh no, we happened upon her just in the nick of time. I shot the beast in the head, you probably didn't hear the shot because you were screaming so much." "She's alive?" Bubbles asked cautiously. "Yes." the hunter replied. "My dear Tarzana is still unconscious, maybe has some bruising to heal, and she's under the watchful protective eye of my guide Bula."

They were all at Frank's camp a bit later. This time though the Power Puff Girls talked him out of putting Tarzana on a leash. Apparently the 2 had gotten friendly last time, although not enough for Frank to undo the tether to the tree then, nor let her keep her knife. This time he did, and when she finally woke she didn't run, although part of that was certainly due to tiredness, pain in her ribs and body, and gratitude for being saved again. Bula and the bearers were in awe, the white gorilla woman was big medicine to them. They talked a long time about the movie thing, and having powers except here, and Frank believed it about as much as Tarzana did, but he patted Blossom on the head and humored them.

As night was approaching Tarzana looked at the treetops and commented, "Ah, the end to another wonderful jungle night, I can hear the animal sounds changing as the night creatures come out." Blossom looked at her, "That's it! This has gotta work, Mr. Frank, do you have any paper and something to write with?" Frank and the others looked puzzled, "In my tent, do you wish to draw something little girl?" Blossom ignored his comment, "Yes I do."

Blossom worked feverishly with a large piece of paper and a pen. When she came out of the tent she showed what she had done to her sisters plus Frank and Tarzana. "I don't understand!" said Tarzana. "It won't work!" scoffed Buttercup. "Why not." Blossom answered back. "Miss Tarzana, this is how it works. See, every movie ever made ends with the words 'The End', so that's all we have to do." Tarzana frowned, "Well, it can't hurt, go ahead and try." Blossom looked at Bubbles, "Your holding the card, do the honors please Bubbles." "Okay." Bubbles said with a skeptical sounding voice. She then took the card and held it up over her head, facing it away towards the jungle where a camera might be if there were one here. The sign had a nice big 'The End!' written on it in block letters with a fancy border around the edges, and she turned and showed it in a few other directions as she held the sign high.

There was a huge puff of smoke and a popping sound over the front row seats of the theater. Miss Keen called out, "Girls, we've been watching the whole time and been so worried." Blossom caught the glimpse of something red in the balcony, "Be right back Miss Keen." The girls rose quickly to float in midair in front of the balcony, where they saw the red figure smiling at them. Him's eyes were a bit surprised, "Well, fancy seeing you girls here, enjoying the movie I hope. I see you have your powers back, wonderful. Well, I ought to be going now." The girls rushed HIM and began pummeling him with punches, kicks, body slams, using him for a trampoline between the chairs, and ultimately throwing him head first into the movie screen. Him slid to the floor, "No more, please no more." Miss Keen led all the children away, "Come everyone, time to go back to school." "Awwwww!" they all cried as they left. HIM sat up rubbing his sore chin with one of his claws, "I don't know how you got out of that one, but you won't escape me next time. You can't win forever, AND I'LL BE BACK." "Hey, get your own catch phrase buddy!" yelled a guy in the third row.

So once again the day is saved, thanks to Tarzana, Frank, and the Power Puff Girls.

The End

By Py

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