The Serpent's Lair

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  |- Amber Two: The Return

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Amber Two: The Return

I've been waiting for you.

It's been almost a year.

I saw the posters for the circus yesterday.

I looked all over town until I found one with your picture on it. I stole it and took it home and hung it on my bedroom wall and masturbated in front of it. I was thinking about you. And about your snake. Butterscotch. I want you so bad. I won't stay behind this time. I won't. I'll tell you how I feel. What I want. You'll take me with you. I don't have anybody here that can make me happy. Not since last year. I dream about that night in your trailer and wake up flushed and sweating. I want you.

I don't know how I'll be able to wait the week until you come. I already bought tickets to the show. All of them. I'll come to every one. I'll see you every day. Fourteen shows. A week. I'll wait until the last night. I think I can stand it, just seeing you every day. My pussy is wet just thinking about you. I want you so bad.

Only three days until the circus comes again. Only three days until I can see you again. I want to see you with your anacondas. I want to fantasize about it being me there in the cage with them, writhing, wrapping around me. In my fantasy I do not always escape from the cage. I hear the audience gasp and cry out in horror at my strangled body locked in the embrace of the snakes. But that's just a fantasy. If I have that fantasy, I won't have you.

Just a day now. The trucks will roll into town tonight. The trailers and vans follow them. In the morning the tent will rise out in the field just outside town. I quit my job today. I told my employer that I am moving away, that I found a better job. I have packed everything in my apartment and sent it into storage in another town. It will seem that I really have moved away. No one will miss me here anyway. It will be perfect.

I have watched your shows every day now. I know you can't see me up here in the grandstand. The spotlights are so bright on you. I fantasize that you can feel me though. You must be able to. You make me so hot, playing with your anacondas down there in the ring. Just one time I wish I could be you and go into the cage with them. I had to leave the show early today. Watching you made me so hot I had to go back to the motel I have been staying in and finish myself.

I like to come back after your last show and watch your trailer. Two times now I saw you take a girl in there. I wanted to sneak up close and peek through your windows. I was afraid you'd catch me. It's too soon. Your trailer shifts a little when your snake moves around. I can tell when you are playing with her and with one of those other girls. I should be jealous. But I can wait. The week is almost over and then I can fo with you stay with you. I see the girls leaving. They are still flushed and trembling. So hot. I'd like to take one back to my room and make her tell me all about what happened in there.

Tonight it's going to happen. Your last show ends in half an hour. I'll be waiting for you when you come out.

The applause is ending. You are taking your bows. You are coming this way.

'HI!' I look into your eyes. You don't recognize me yet. It's been a year. That's OK.

'I really loved your show, Miss Amber."
'Did you really?'
'Oh yes! It's so exciting watching you work with those huge snakes.'
'You liked that, huh?'
'Oh yes. Aren't you scared, ever?'
'No. My pets would never hurt me. Say, would you like to come back to my trailer? We can talk some more while I get a shower. I really need one.'
'Really? Sure! Gosh! This is so exciting. A real circus star.'
I really don't know how I stand myself acting like a stage-struck groupie. But as long as it gets me in the door it's fine. Once I'm alone with you. That's all I want. Just to be alone with you in the trailer so I can tell you everything. I'm trembling with excitement at the thought.
"Gee, Hon. Are you OK? You're not sick or anything are you?'
"G-gosh no, Miss Amber. I'm just so nervous. Meeting a big star like you in person. I'm sorry. I'll try to calm down.'
She laughs. I think she believes me.
'Well it'll be fine, Hon. I'm just people like everybody else. Just come on in and relax.'
She opens the door to her trailer and ushers me in. It's still just like I remember it. The kitchenette with the little table and the built-in bench. The foor covered with deep soft carpets. The walls covered with pictures of her performing in cities all over the world. Pictures of her and her pets. Pictures of some of her "guests" taken here in the trailer, wrapped in huge pale coils. Some of them struggling, some of them with surrender written in their eyes. All of them beautiful. A short hallway leads off to the left. Her bath and bedroom are down there. And the front half of the trailer is hung with a heavy drape. I know it hides the wall that separates the trailer into the part where her pet lives. I'm here. It's real. I've been waiting so long. it's time. I turn to face her again, watching her small smile change to a look of uncertainty.
'I've been waiting for you.'
'You've been waiting for me? What does that mean?'
'You don't remember me? Have there been so many towns? So many girls? So many games?'
She's getting nervous now.
'Listen, whoever you are. You can't just come in here and go postal on me. What are you, some kinda stalker?'
"I suppose I am. I've been sorta stalking you for the whole week you've been here performing, watching you, waiting for tonight.'
'Oh really. And just what do you want?'
'I want you to take me with you. I want to be with you, always.' There it's out. I said it. It wasn't that hard. She's frowning now.
'You must be nuts. Take you with me? No way!' She's agitated. Fine.
'You have to take me with you. I want to be with you and your snakes for always.'
'You are a case! There's no way that'll happen.'
'It has to. If you want to keep your show and your games.'
'What does that mean? Are you trying to threaten me, little girl?'
'I suppose I am, if I have to. What do you suppose would happen to your circus career if word got out about your "games"?'
'You really would expose me?'
"If I can't go with you then you won't go aywhere.'
She's considering. Maybe I was too strong, but I don't care. Whatever I have to do I will. Just as long as she takes me with her.
'Alright. I have to admit,' she says grudgingly. 'There's not much else I can do. You seem to be holding all the cards.'
'Thank you. I promise you won't regret it. I'll be the best you ever had.'
'We'll see about that.' She seems focused, intent. I can tell that she is planning her next move. Her eyes bore into mine. She steps up to me and puts her hot hands on my shoulders.
'Let's just see what you can do.'
She pushes me down to my knees on the carpet. God, she is so strong.
"Hold out your hands,' she commands. I extend my arms. She quickly pulls a silk scarf from around her neck. Wraps it around my wrists, knots it securely.
'My arms.....what are you doing?'
'Why, I'm doing what you want. I'm getting you ready for playtime.' She smiles ironically. Turning to the couch nearby she finds another scarf, flips it over my head, ties it into a secure blindfold.
"But..I can't see!' I'm getting a little spooked by this.
'You don't need to SEE for this, honey, just FEEL. I'll be the one doing all the looking.'
I hear her moving away from me. She is opening something. I hear her strain. She is lifting something. There's the sound of something dragging across the trailer floor. Coming closer. Oh my god. She dropped it on me. I can feel it. The snake. Across my shoulders. So heavy. I'd forgot the weight of the thing. Its's huge. Curling around my fast..a thick coil weighs down my arms, can't move them now.'s coming around waist....two big can it be?
Three coils now...and neck...can't move my head.
"Oooogghhh" It's getting tighter now. Ripples...the muscles so strong.
She pulls the blindfold away.
'Yes. It is. And it's going to keep on doing that.'
'But...but,' I turn my eyes, almost all that can move. Mottled brown coils.
"So good of you to notice, Yes, this isn;t the same snake we played with last year. She's still in her room, and quite happy too. This is Goliath. He's a reticulated python. Quite large. Quite hungry too. I guess you could call him my garbage disposal.' She laughs. 'And now he'll dispose of you. Of course you won't be awake for dinner, but he won't mind at all.'
The coils ripple and tighten as she speaks. I can...barely breathe. Like a big fist.
"What's that, honey? Is da big bad snakie hugging you too much?' Aw. What a shame. He just likes you soooooo much.'
I'm getting dizzy. Arms are numb. The pressure on my neck...cutting off blood .. air....
The coils slide, ripple and draw in again. My chest hurts so much.
'Kff Kff'
"What, sweetie? I'm afraid you'll need to speak up. Snake got your tongue?'
It's so tight. Can't breathe. Gonna pass....out............

Amber watched with amusement as Goliath continues to squeeze her visitor even after she goes limp in his coils. He's feeling her heart beat, waiting for it to stop. Finally he begins nuzzling her body, searching for her head. Dinner time. Smiling, Amber steps out of the trailer into the night, leaving her pet to his feast
'Well,she says to herself. "I guess she's going with me after all.'
She leans against the trailer and laughs.

By Summer

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