Original Characters
Zach:  The best page on this site.
Celes:  Why do you say that?
Zach:  Because this is the page with pictures of us on it.
Celes:  That doesn't necessarily mean it is the best.
Zach:  You're just jealous that I have two pictures and you only have one.
Celes:  AM NOT!
Zach:  Don't feel bad.  Kalis hasn't drawn any of herself or Kieran yet.
Vaughn - a younger version of when he was still a silver dragon
Celes - the only angel actually drawn with her wings
Vaughn - everybodies favorite incubus
Xira Metallium - general of Beastmaster
Zach - Angel of Stone
Zach - people were wondering what his ears looked like perked up
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