Evil Gallery

From the episode-Something Wicca This Way Comes

About Jeremy-He is the warlock who posed as Pipers boyfriend.As soon as Phoebe returned with her sisters to live he showed his true identity.

From the episode-Dead Man Dating

About Yama-He is an ancient spirit who ferries souls of dead people to hell.He does this by jabbing the spirit of a person with his lance.
Dream Sorcerer

From the episode-Dream Sorcerer

About the Dream Sorcerer-He possess the ability to enter the dreams of a women and kill them while there still asleep
Season 1

From the episode-Weding From Hell

About Hecate-She's queen of the underworld and comes to earth every 2000 years so she can concieve a child that looks human but  is actually pure demon on the inside.

From the episode-The Fourth Sister

About Kali-This demon lives on mirrors.She is able to give mortals the powers of witchcraft.She takes control of a young girl named Aviva to get close to The Charmed Ones.
Rex Buckland & Hannah Webster

From the episode-Wicca Envy

About them-Rex posed as the owner of Bucklands, and Hannah posed as his assistant.The two were revealed as demons who were sent to kill The Charmed Ones.Hannah has the power to turn into animals.
The Gaurdian Of The Urn

From The episode-Feats Of Clay

About The Gaurdian-She is the protector of an anicent eygptian urn who kills anyone who dares steal it.She is an immune to The
Charmed Ones powers.
The Wendigo

From the episode-The Wendigo

About The Wendigo-A demon who tears hearts from its victims.If you are attcked by a Wendigo; scratched or bitten you'll become a Wendigo.
Barbus- The Fear Demon

From the episode- From Fear To Eternity also Ms.Hellfire

About Barbus-His aim is to kill 13 witches before midnight friday the 13th so he may stay on earth to wreak havoc.
The Woogyman

From the episode-Is There A Woogy In The House

About the Woogyman-This shadow takes over peoples minds and kills the relatives of the victim.

From the episode-Which Prue Is It Anyway?

About Gabriel-Gabriel is the demon of war who was disgraced by The Charmed Ones aunt when his sword was taken from him.

From the episode-That 70's episode

About Nicholas-Nicholas was a warlcok who forced The Charmed Ones mother to bless a ring which will make him an immune to The Charmed Ones powers.

From the episode-Blind Sided

About Grimlocks-Grimlocks roam the earth killing forces of good by using their individual auras to strangle them.They are able to see thier auras by stealing the eye sight of children.
Jackson Ward

From the episode-The Power Of Two

About Ward-He was a serial killer in the 40's and was executed for his crimes in the Alcatraz prison.50 years later his ghost lives and is looking for revenge.One by one he kills anyone who had a link to his trial.

From the episode-Deja Vu All Over Again

About Rodriguez-Posing as an officer, Rodriguez is a demon who used Andy to get close to The Charmed Ones so he can kill them.He has the power to generate balls of electricity through his hands.

From the episode-Deja Vu All Over Agian

About Tempus-Tempus is a time demon who was sent to help Rodriguez in his mission to kill The Charmed Ones.He resets the day each time Rodriguez fails his task.
Season 2
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