


03.10.02                                                                                                                                       Previous Page          Next Page

Tottenham vs. Blackburn : Spurs' luck might have finally run out, after an impressive start to the season, Spurs have finally been brought down to earth. It is currently lying on the 6th position, two notches above Blackburn. 

Being a Spurs fan, I was utterly disgusted with the way Spurs played for the last two games, especially against Middlesbrough. The way I see it, Spurs might still have a chance to redeem themselves this Sat against Blackburn, especially since D. Duff and Dwight York are currently on the injured list and might be doubtful for the game. 

Robbie Keane has vowed to follow Owen footsteps to prove the critics wrong, who say that he has lost the goal scoring touch. To be fair, he is an outstanding striker, but Spurs is not an outstanding team, therefore he does not always get the support that he used to get back in Leeds. 

Hopefully, the sucker G Hoddler has figured out how to tighten up the defence, as almost all the regulars first team players are currently on the injury list. 

Personally, my gut feeling tells me that Spurs might be on the losing end again against Blackburn, however my heart still hopes that they are still able to spring a surprise or two. Given that Spurs currently have 13 players out, a draw for them would be a very good results. 

However if Spurs lose again, we Spurs fans can always put the blame on Sol Campbell *hehehe*.


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