‘A Friend in Need’
By Lord Halat

Julie Walker sat in a coffee shop chatting with her friend Kim like she had done almost every week for since the two of them had left university and although there wasn’t any outward sign, she knew there was something wrong with her friend. The two of them had been friends since the age of ten when Kim’s family moved into the house next-door to Julie’s and she had been fascinated with the little Korean girl. Julie knew Kim better than she knew her own family and as such had been very concerned when Kim had missed their weekly meeting without any word and Julie’s increasingly worried phone calls had been ignored. When she finally got in contact with Kim, her friend had laughed it off saying she had been rushed off her feet at work and had lost her mobile phone but Julie couldn’t shake the awful feeling that her oldest friend was lying to her. After a few more minutes of random chitchat Julie bit the bullet and asked Kim what was wrong.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” Kim replied shifting in her seat uncomfortably.

“Come on Kim” Julie said as kindly as she could, “We’ve known each other forever, I know you’re hiding something from me.”

Kim started to deny it again but give-up almost immediately and slumped in her seat with a sigh.

“I can’t get anything past you can I?” she said with a weary smile.

Julie returned her friend’s smile and put her hand on Kim’s reassuringly.

“You know that you can tell me anything and I will try to help you in any way I can” Julie told her friend.

“Fine, Fine” Kim said before giving Julie a serious look, “But you can’t tell anyone about this okay. No one.”

“Not a world will pass my lips” Julie replied, happy that her oldest friend had finally decided to trust her.

“It all started a couple of weeks ago” Kim began after a brief pause, “I was out on the town with some of the girls from work. We were at this club and this gorgeous guy started hitting on me. He was charming and funny, and we hit it off right away, so much so that I gave him my number and before I knew it I was going out with him. I told you about him the last time I saw you didn’t I?”

“I think I remember something about a guy” Julie said thinking back, “You said he worked for some tech company or something, you seemed really excited about him. Frank or something wasn’t it?”

“Yes that’s right” Kim said with a nod and a serious expression, “He really was nice at first. He would buy me expensive gifts, treat me really well, I thought he was Mr Right but a couple of days after I saw you things started to get weird. We had just got back to his place after a wonderful meal and were settling down to watch a movie when I totally blacked out. When I woke up the next morning I was still on the couch wearing what I was the previous and Frank tells me I fell asleep watching the movie and he didn’t want to wake me up.”

“But that’s not what happened?”

“No. The next day when I get home from work I find him in my apartment with all my stuff in boxes. I asked him what the hell he thought he was doing and he said that I would be moving in with him. As you would expect, I was furious and yelled at him to get out but he just laughed and said that if I didn’t move in with him then he would send pictures to everyone I knew.”

“What pictures?” Julie asked getting quite concerned now.

“He showed them to me on his laptop” Kim said uncomfortably “they were pictures of me doing all sorts of disturbing things, sexual things that I would never dream of doing. I was shocked and asked him where he got them but he just laughed and said that if I didn’t do what he wanted or told the police or anything like, that then he would send them to my work colleagues, my family, everyone.”

“Did you do it?”

“Of course, I didn’t have much choice did I? I thought that I could get a chance to find them and destroy them or something, but it didn’t turn out like that.” Kim stopped and slumped in her seat.

“What happened?” Julie asked holding Kim’s hand lightly.

“The blackouts” Kim said quietly, “They started happening more and more, and I started to have strange dreams, dreams that seemed so real, where I was doing thing like I was in the photos.”

“You really should go to the police about this.” Julie said

“No” Kim said quietly, “I can’t have anyone see those pictures.”

The pair of them sat in silence for a few moments, Julie not knowing what to say to comfort her miserable friend.

“You’re a lawyer Julie” Kim said eventually a little hope showing on her face, “I’m sure that if you confront him about this, threaten him with legal action or something, then he may be willing to settle this quietly.”

“I don’t know” Julie said sitting back in her chair.

“Please” Kim begged and she held Julies hand tightly, “Only you can help me.”

“Okay” Julie said with a sigh, she never could say no to Kim when she gave her that look, “I’ll talk to the guy, but if he refuses to give us the pictures then we leave and go straight to the police, understand.”

“Yes, Yes” Kim said happily, “Frank is away on business today so how about I pick you up after work tomorrow and we can confront him then.”

There wasn’t much to say after that and the two of them parted ways with Kim happier than she was when she arrived.

The next day Kim picked Julie up from her office as promised and drove her to the apartment she was apparently now sharing with Frank. The apartment complex was in a very expensive part of town with a nice view of the river. When Kim and Julie entered the building the doorman leered at Julie as she past but she ignored him.

Kim tool Julie up in the lift to the fifth floor and lead the way to the apartment. Along the way they passed a couple of women walking the other way but when Julie smiled at them they looked away and hurried on down the corridor.

“Friendly neighbours you have here.” Julie said quietly.

“It’s just because they don’t know you.” Kim replied “The residents here are always a bit nervous about new faces.”

A little confused at this Julie was going to ask Kim to explain a little more when they arrived at the door numbered 504 and Kim quickly ushered Julie into the apartment. It was far bigger than Kim’s previous place, light and airy; it was beautifully furnished and equipped with everything a girl could need. It even had a balcony overlooking the river.

“It looks like Frank isn’t back yet” Kim said after a brief search of the apartment “You want something to drink while we wait?”

“Coffee please” Julie answered “You’ve searched the entire place for these photos right?”

“Of course I have” Kin replied as she put the kettle on WI think he must keep them on his laptop or at work. There’s no way I can think of to get them.”

Julie sat on the large sofa and accepted the coffee that Kim gave her and the pair of them began chatting.

“What time does this guy usually get home?” Julie asked after a while, she was beginning to feel a bit light headed and she wanted to get this over with as fast as possible, get home and go to sleep.

“He’s usually home by now” Kim replied glancing at her watch nervously, “He could have stopped for a drink somewhere but I’m sure he’ll be back any time now.”

Julie sighed and finished her coffee. She asked Kim where the toilet was but she never made it as she collapsed half way across the living room. The last thing she heard before darkness claimed her was Kim quietly saying sorry.

When Julie came back to consciousness some time later she found herself laying naked in the centre of Kim’s living room, the carpet prickling her breasts and crotch. Her hands were cuffed behind her back, the cold metal digging into her wrists and when she tried to move her legs she found that they too had been similarly cuffed. She heard a groan from her right and she rolled herself onto her side so that she could see what was going on and gasped at what she saw.

Sitting on the couch was an extremely handsome man wearing an expensive looking business suit. His eyes were closed and he was obviously enjoying himself as a small naked woman knelt in front of him, her head buried in his crotch, bobbing up and down as she gave him a blowjob. The woman was short with long black hair and the number 504 was a tattooed at the base of her spine, the same number as the apartment and Julie gasped quietly as she realised that it was Kim.

The man groaned again as he came in Kim’s mouth and , opening his eyes, he smiled at the bound Julie, stroking Kim’s hair as she cleaned his dick with her tongue before doing up his flies. She got up and moved to stand beside the couch, a blank look on her face. A couple of minutes passed as the man studied every inch of Julie’s body and although she tried to say something, to scream for help or shout at angrily at the man, she couldn’t utter a sound.

“Your just as beautiful as Kim said you were” the man said eventually and Julie could only glare at him. Seeing her look the man just laughed and turned to Kim “A whisky please, my dear Kim” he ordered ad as she went off to the drinks cabinet he picked up the laptop that was sitting on the table behind the couch.

“I suppose some introductions are in order” he began in a conversational tone, “My name is Franklin Smith, but please call me Frank. I am the in charge of the morale and recreation department of the InTech Corporation and I am glad to inform you that you have been chosen to join us here at the InTech family.” At this point Kim returned with Frank’s drink, which he took it with a smile, and returned to standing blankly beside him as he continued. “Our department is in charge of seeing that the employee morale is as high as possible and as such you will be required to see to the needs of the InTech employees, whatever they may be. If you prove to be proficient in your duties, you may even be promoted to customer relations where you will see to the needs of the company’s investors and clients.” He said with an encouraging smile.

“So that you can better perform your new duties,” he continued, “I am afraid you will have your move in here at the companies apartment complex, the place next-door to this one has already been prepared for you. For now you will be able to keep your current job but all your free time will be spent working for us and in time we may have you quit and join us here on a fulltime basis. Do you understand?”

Julie was shocked at what she was hearing, this man that she had never met was telling her, with a friendly tone and with a smile on his face, that she was basically going to be prostituting herself for his company. She wanted to tell that she wouldn’t do anything of the sort, that he wouldn’t get away with this but instead she found herself saying “Yes, of course”

Seeing the confused and frustrated look on Julie’s face, Frank laughed “Good, it looks like the obedience programming is working” he said as he entered some more data onto his computer before continuing “Kim show her your chip.” With that command, the silent Kim came, knelt next to Julie, facing the couch and lifted her long hair above her head. There at the base of her skull was what appeared to be a microchip grafted onto her skin.

“This is the Neural Interface Mk.III” Frank explained, “All the girls in the department have them and we installed yours while you were taking your nap. This chip allows us to control and alter your mind. Thank you Kim, you can stop now” Kim let her hair fall back into place and returned to her previous position. “The basic function of the chip is that it alters your personality slightly, making you obedient to any InTech employee. You will have to follow any command given to you and, unfortunately, while in the presence of an InTech employee, you will be unable to speak until given permission. It will also prevent you from telling anyone outside the company about what has happened to you. The Mk.III chip also has another feature though, one that allows us to change your personality totally, to one of the preprogramed ones.”

Julie couldn’t believe what she was hearing; it was like something out of a sci-fi movie or something.

“I can see by your face that your sceptical and I don’t blame you, I didn’t believe it myself at first but the results speak for themselves.” he said and he turned towards Julie’s friend “Kim: Personality One.”

The change was immediate as life returned to Kim’s eyes and she looked around, her eyes finally steeling on Julie’s naked form. A look of profound guilt crossed her face and she mouthed “I’m so sorry” to her bound and exposed friend.

“Personality One is the core personality and the one you will spend most of your time in. With the exception of the obedience programing and some other minor tweaks, this programme is the same as your personality was before the chip was installed.” He turned to Kim again, “Kim: Personality Two.”

At this the look of guilt on Kim’s face fled, to be replaced with one of pure lust. She began running her hands over her naked body and said, in a ridiculously fake accent “Hey big boy. You want me, love you long time?” causing Frank to cringe.

“It’s a terrible cliché I know but some people seem to like it for some reason” he said as Kim sat next to him, put her hand on his crotch and began to kiss his neck, “this is what we call the Working Girl personality and it’s the one you’ll use when you’re on the job. Yours is a little different of course. Kim: Personality Three”

Kim immediately stopped trying to undo Frank’s shirt, her face returning to the blank look she had before and returned to her place beside the couch. “Now this one is more to my tastes,” Frank said with a smile, “While in this personality you will be unable to anything unless ordered to, just a mindless sex-toy to be enjoyed.”

Reaching into his pocket, Frank retrieved a set of keys and handed them to the now mindless Kim.

“I’m going to release you now” he said “Once you are free, you’re to stand up and wait without making a fuss until I have finished running some tests on your chip.” Turning to Kim he said “You can unlock your friend now Kim.”

Having received her orders, Kim came towards Julie and knelt beside her to undo her legs. As she did so Julie tried to kick out, to do something to show that she wasn’t in the power of this man but all she could do was lay there as her friend unlocked her. Once finished Kim dropped both the keys and the cuffs on the floor and returned to her previous place while Julie slowly got to her feet where all she could do was to glare at Frank as her continued to work on his computer.

“Okay let’s get going” he said eventually “You’re currently in your core personality so let’s get some information from you. What is your full name?”

"Julie Catharine Walker” she replied immediately.

“Your age?”


“Your first sexual experience?”

Julie blushed but she was unable to stop herself as she answered. “I was seventeen and it was with my boyfriend at the time, Jonny Dale. It was in the back of his car and it wasn’t very enjoyable.”

“Have you ever been slept with another woman?”

“No” came the response but Julie couldn’t help glancing at Kim and blushed even deeper. Seeing this Frank smirked again

“Don’t worry, that won’t last long” he said “One of the chances the chip makes to your core personality is a predisposition towards bisexuality.”

The questions continued for a few minutes, ranging from the basic (such as how often she contacted her parents or if she had any special dietary requirements) to the more personal (such as how often she masturbated of how many sexual partners she had had) until finally Frank had almost everything he wanted.

“Okay one last question. Is there anyone you know who would be suitable to join us here at InTech?”

“Naomi Green, a secretary from where I work.” Julie replied after a bit of thought, “She is a quiet girl but quite beautiful. She recently broke up with her boyfriend and her family lives abroad.” Frank nodded as he entered the information onto his computer and Julie felt terribly guilty at having to put someone she knew onto Frank’s radar.

“Right, let’s test out some of the special features then shall we” Frank said and he got up from the couch, putting his laptop onto a table “Julie: Personality Two. Kim: Personality One.” As the life returned to Kim’s face he added, “I have a little gift four you my dear, seeing as you have been such a good girl.” Initially confused Kim glanced at Julie and blushed.

While Frank was talking to Kim, Julie felt her body begin to move on its own, her right hand coming up to her mouth and she began to suck on her index finger while her left ran itself up and down her side. Freaked out that her body appeared to have a mind of its own, she tried to ask what was going on but instead winked at Frank and said “You wanna have some fun handsome.”

“Later baby. First I want you to see to my friend here” he said with a smile as he indicated the naked Kim.

“Sure thing sugar.” Julie heard herself reply and she sauntered over to where Kim was standing. Taking her friends head in her hands Julie bent down and kissed Kim passionately on the lips, her friend returning it with equal vigour. What she had told Frank had been true, she had never been with another woman before, had never even considered it, but as she stood there, her body acting beyond her control, she had to admit that she enjoyed kissing Kim far more than she had enjoyed any other kiss.

Much to the disappointment of both of them, Julie’s body broke the kiss and with a playful smile, pushed Kim onto the couch. She tried to rise again but Julie’s body pushed her down again and then began to lovingly kiss Kim’s neck.

“As you can probably tell by now,” Frank said from the chair he had appropriated to watch the show, “While in your Working Girl personality your body is taken over completely by the chip. Although you remain conscious of your actions, you have no control over them, you’re basically a passenger in your own body.”

By now Julie’s out of control body had made her way across Kim’s breasts and down her stomach, kissing all the way. When she got to Kim’s crotch, Julie began to work her friend’s pussy with her tongue. She was surprised at how much she was enjoying herself and as she felt Kim’s hands on her head, she found herself redoubling her effort.

“Your chip is programed with all the information you will need to fulfil your duties” Frank explained over Kim’s moans, “Techniques, positions, everything. Unfortunately though, you can’t access this information while in your core personality but I am sure you’ll pick things up while watching your other self.” As he spoke, Kim screamed in orgasm and Julie found herself greedily licking up her friend’s juices before sitting back on her knees, a smile on her lips.

“Kim” Frank said with a smile, “Why don’t you return the favour?” A look of embarrassment passed across Kim’s face again as she glanced over at Frank but she immediately turned back to Julie.

Getting to her knees, Kim kissed Julie passionately once again. Julie felt one of her friend’s hands move down her stomach and begin to play with her pussy while the other hand ran through her hair. After a minute or two the hand left Julie’s head and began to group blindly on the tale behind the couch.

“Like you Kim had no experience with women before joining us here but, as I am sure you can see, she has learned a lot in the past couple of weeks.” Frank said but Julie barely heard his as Kim had found whet she had been looking for, the remote control for the rooms large TV, and she was busy working it in and out of Julie’s pussy. Julie felt incredible, she had been with a few guys in her time but the way her friend was using the remote was unlike anything she had felt before and soon had an orgasm harder than any she had had before and she practically collapsed into Kim’s arms.

“Julie: Personality One” she vaguely heard Frank say and she sighed in relief as her body came back under her control. She looked up at Kim and began to say something but her friend put a finger to Julie’s lips and shushed her into silence.

“That’s another of your second personality’s enhancements” Frank said breaking the silence, “Any orgasm you have while in that state will be magnified exponentially. Just a little gift to you from the company.” Frank disappeared into the kitchen for a moment and returned with a jug of ice water and a pair of glasses that he placed on the table.

“I’ve got a few things to take care of so the pair of you stay here and I’ll be back in a second” Frank said and he went out the front door, pulling his mobile from his pocket as he went. Once the two of them were alone, Kim filled both glasses and gave one to Julie but she didn’t drink it, she just sat there in silence.

“Look I really am sorry,” Kim said eventually, taking a sip of her water, “I really didn’t want to get you involved in all this but I didn’t have much choice.”

“Don’t worry,” Julie replied with a sad smile, “After that kind of demonstration I understand.” They sat in silence for a moment before Julie asked her friend something she had been wondering since this started. “How much of the story you told me the other day was true?”

“Most of it” Kim admitted, “It was actually a friend of mine from work who introduced me to Frank. Turns out she had been recruited by him last month; she lives in an apartment on the second floor now. Frank usually likes to get to know the girls he recruits for a while before implanting the chip and he was very sweet for the week we dated. The only reason your recruitment was so rough and ready was because we were so close that Frank was worried you would have noticed there was something wrong, which is exactly what happened.” Kim would have said more but it was then that Frank returned and the pair turned to look at him.

“I’ve made some arrangements to have your stuff moved in next door” he told Julie, “Until then you can stay her.” He paused and smiled as he began to take off his tie, “Besides, there’s still a few of your features that I haven’t checked out yet.” Guessing what was coming Kim and Julie put their glasses back on the table and stood do face him.

“Kim: Personality Three. Julie: Personality Three” was the last thing either of them heard that evening before darkness filled their world.