Love Lock

Author: Roxxie Tits

Katie was doing the dishes in Mr. Xavier’s house in a ridiculous French maid outfit. The bra was cut low to hold her breasts up, but leave her nipples and the tops of her breasts out on display…

She was still baffled how she had ended up here in this situation. A few months ago Katie had met Jasper Xavier at a night club she used to bartend at. The handsome British businessman had whooshed her away with a drug filled night where she ended up sitting in a surgical chair as he installed the Love Lock into her brain…

A small supercomputer that was inserted behind the ear, and then the computer drills into the skull and latches into the brain. It’s all covered up by a tasteful small heart tattoo.

Katie even after all these months was still furious at what she had been turned into. She had been a sexy tight bartender, one guys dreamed of fucking but never did. She would tease them with her tight body and reap the rewards of large tips at the end of the night.

Katie was conscious, but she wasn’t in control. The Love Lock made it to where Katie was essentially a hard drive. It stored Katie’s memories, and Katie’s original personality. Katie was locked behind a wall in her mind. Able to feel her body’s movements, and observe but she lacked any muscle control or movement of her body.

The Love Lock allowed for two other distinct features. The first was Dominant Personality. This feature allowed Mr. Xavier to implant a new personality into a woman. Some may be lucky and get their original personality cloned with minor modifications. Mr. Xavier did this with some celebrities and politicians. Made their new personality be one hundred percent in his control, but act and pull memories from the original copy. So on the outside looking in, the woman hadn’t changed even though the original woman was locked deep in her own mind.

Other women were installed with new personalities and lives. Making their past life watch from the shadows.

The final feature of the Love Lock was the one Katie hated the most. It allowed Mr. Xavier to joy ride in all his Love Locked women. He could plant his conscious in the same place as the new personality. He could then live in a woman’s body as long as he wanted and use their memories and personality to essentially be them… This could happen anytime and was completely remote. So a Love Locked woman could be taken over by Mr. Xavier whenever he pleased.

Katie hated Kat. Her personality replacement. Kat was obsessed with cleaning. She was designed to bounce on her feet while she cleaned, which sent her massive breasts bouncing in her open bra. She bent over seductively pushing her tight ass high in the air whenever she dropped something while cleaning. She was always giggling and sucking on a lollipop with her fat lips. Her long platinum blonde hair cascading down her face. Eyes blank and vapid. She was every bit the air-headed, ginormous tittie house maid and more. Katie had been a cock tease as a bartender, Kat was a slave to clean a giant mansion, and a place to bury a cock when needed.

“Kat come in, this is Lenora. Please head to the surgical center. Mr. Xavier has a new drone coming in.” Lenora said through an earpiece in Kat’s ear.

“Like, oh yippie!!!” Kat replied back popping the lollipop out with a slurp and giggling in a come fuck me style sexy voice.

Oh Yippie Katie thought sarcastically deep in Kat’s mind.

Kat jiggled her tits past down the Love Lock mansion’s halls towards the surgical center. She passed the Pillow Room.

Love Locked Drones in this room were women who had been forced into having their body turned into a living pillow. Breasts, lips, and ass expanded to the maximum their skin could hold. All by the power of the Love Lock manipulating their body any way Mr. Xavier pleased.

The Human Pillows were a popular attraction for guests at the mansion. All of them were empty inside. The Love Lock purging their mind, even the original mind was supposedly wiped. These drones were designed to be played with as flesh toys, to jizz on and in. Maids consistently cared for the Pillows. Kat used to work these rooms when she first was turned into a drone.


Kat was almost to the surgical center, all she had to do was round the last corner past the porn studio and she’d be able to assist.

“Where do you think you’re going Drone?” Said a huge man stepping out of the porn studio and grabbing Kat by her neck picking her up off the ground slightly.

Kat was trying to tell him who she was, and where she was going, but the big hunk probably thought she was a Drone for his porno scene and missed the door. Kat was choking from his grip and she still had the lollipop lodged in her throat.

“You gonna come fuck all my horny men? I’ve been waiting an hour! This place is a man’s dream, but that doesn’t mean I’m not on a schedule!” The man yelled spitting on her face.

“I’d drop her right now if you enjoy having a cock to come fuck all of our Drones…” Said a badass female voice directly behind the man.

Leonora pressed a gun to the back side of his crotch.

“I’m sorry Madam Lenora! I didn’t know she was Xavier’s! My apologies!” The man said in a quiet embarrassed voice as he placed Kat gently back on the floor.

“Thanks Cutie! Wouldn’t want anything to happen to our best porno director now would we? Come on Kat! Mr. Xavier is waiting!” Lenora explained as she put her pistol back in its holster.

Leonora was the head assassin and chief of security. Katie figured that she too was once a normal woman but Love Lock transformed her into Leonora… The Latina woman was in a tight crimson red latex body suit with tons of tactical gear and weapons all over her body. Her long blonde hair was in dreadlocks and she wore mirrored aviator style glasses. While most of Xavier’s creations were Bimbos, Leonora was the exception.

“Like sorry Leo! Let’s totally hurry!” Kat said like a ditz. Leonora grabbed Kat by the arm and the two headed down the hall into the surgical center.

The two ladies entered and saw a room with a few female technicians in lab coats in a staging room. There was a glass window that looked into the surgical center where a petite brunette was unconscious and strapped to an upright surgical bed. Next to her was none other than Mr. Xavier himself.

Mr. Xavier was in his forties. Bald head, and a had the body of a Greek god. All muscles, and such a thick strong cock. Katie had remembered how much fun it was to fuck him, and feel his strength. That was until he took her here, put her on the same surgical bed and turned her into Kat…

The brunette began to stir awake. She really was short, probably close to five feet in height. The straps went around her bust, one under her stomach, one right above her breasts. It made them jut out. They were modest, on her frame any size looked large. She was in a cute low cut dress. Her green eyes opened, and a face that should have looked adorable and cute was filled with horror.

“Where the fuck am I?!” She mumbled as she shook in the bonds that strapped her to the table. As she stirred and woke up more she saw her bonds, looked around the room and saw Mr. Xavier smiling at her sinisterly.

“NO! NO! What the fuck. You can’t be serious. I can’t be here. This can’t be real.” She yelled out now thrashing desperately to get loose.

Kat licked her lips. She loved watching them flail helplessly knowing they were fucked.

Katie felt pity. She knew exactly what this woman was going to have endure.

“Oh Arielle. Our date was fun was it not? Funny how you went out with a rich stranger and drank yourself silly. With your small body you sure are a lightweight.” Xavier boomed in a rich deep voice.

“I trusted you! You said we’d have fun and that we’d go see your mansion. You said you had answers for me! That you could provide me with the proof I’ve been looking for. That women with the heart tattoos are indeed being taken and changed somehow. Why am I here?!” Arielle said while she began nervously sobbing.

“You were a professional football cheerleader before right? These women with heart shaped tattoos with incredible bodies started to appear and they took your job? Bodies that defied the laws of nature? So you did some digging, you found celebrities, politicians, models, and all sorts of random women that were changed somehow and all had the heart tattoo. You launched that conspiracy page and were so close to figuring it out but just couldn’t get there. So you want your proof? I’m about to hand you back to your millions of followers a changed woman, they’ll be even more confused when sweet little Arielle is acting different and has her own little heart tattoo behind her ear.” Xavier ranted at the end with a hardy evil villain laugh.

“What?! So I was right! You’re doing this to all these poor women! Controlling them, making them your puppet, or turning them into sluts! How could you! This goes against everything women have fought to accomplish!” Arielle cried out.

“Oh it sure does. I’m wanting to go back to a society where men are treated as Gods. With the Love Lock device I can make you anything. You’re about to find out.” Xavier said snapping his fingers and a metal arm came down holding a Love Lock device.

“This is the item you were desperately trying to prove existed. The Love Lock. This will put you in the back seat of your mind. You and all your memories will act as a hard drive for your new personality I install into you. It also allows me to take control and live in your body whenever I please. I can access your memories and feel your thoughts that are trapped away. I too am wearing a similar device. While yours is a Love Lock, mine is the Task Master.” Xavier said as he pulled back his ear lobe and showed a small lightning bolt tattoo instead of a heart.

The Love Lock was pressed to her flesh behind Arielle’s ear.

“Please! I’ll stop my social media! I’ll say it was all a conspiracy I made just for likes. That I was wrong and it was all fake. Please don’t lock me away in my brain! Please! PLEASE!” Arielle begged.

“Oh I love the way you beg. I can’t wait to feel your thoughts begging me not to change you.” Xavier laughed and gave the go ahead for the procedure to start.

The Love Lock hummed to life and spun its small drill online. Arielle screamed as it bore into her skull burrowing deep. It hit her brain and stopped. The Love Lock deployed small wires that began to probe and interlock around parts of her brain. Once settled in the Love Lock got to work putting Arielle into her permanent place.

Arielle suddenly stopped screaming. That was the first indication she was losing control. She tried to muster another yell but found it was impossible. She tried to wiggle out of her bonds again and felt weak. This weakness continued until she lost control of her fingers and toes. She couldn’t move them… she was paralyzed. The paralysis moved from her extremities up to her neck. She could still move her face but then it too became numb and hard to move. She blinked one last time and she no longer had a single muscle under her control.

Arielle then became dizzy. Her mind swirling. She felt like she was being whooshed away. Like when you do party drugs and feel out of body, and out of mind. Eventually the feeling subsided, Arielle felt cramped and claustrophobic. The Love Lock had partitioned her off into a small section of her mind. She felt a large empty space available, and still had no control of her body.

A tattoo needle came down on the same arm that brought the Love Lock down and hummed to life. It put a little heart tattoo over the spot the Love Lock had embedded itself into her mind…

“See? Isn’t that better? No more thinking. No more conspiracies Arielle. You’re empty now and ready to be filled with a new personality! But first I need to make some physical changes to my liking!” Xavier said while heading to a chair in the room.

Arielle was terrified. The room was full of mirrors and now she knew why. Xavier got off on turning women into his toys and she was about to witness it first hand.

“Kat! Come get me in the mood please and keep me company while I work.” Xavier boomed.

“Yes Mr. Xavier!” Kat said jiggling her massive tits in through the door.

Arielle couldn’t believe what she was seeing out her blank eyes. This was what he was about to make her while she looked at Kat. The woman was an abomination. Kat jiggled in the room her long platinum locks swishing. Her massive tits that were bigger than her head held up by a bra that kept them nice and high but left them fully exposed hanging in the wind. She was in a sexy little French maid outfit, and sucking on a lollipop with some of the fattest lips Arielle had ever seen.

Xavier sat in the chair and beckoned Kat over. He fished out his massive cock from his pants.

“Oh yippie! Yes! Gimme Gimme!” Kat squealed in a high pitched Bimbo voice as she popped the lollipop out, dropped it to the floor and got on her knees to suck Xavier’s fat cock. Kat started slurping and Xavier’s eyes rolled back showing them white…

Arielle thought he was just enjoying the blowjob but then felt that empty void of her mind filled with a new energy, a new presence. A voice echoed inside her head that wasn’t her own…

“Hello Arielle. It’s time to have some fun. For now you can openly communicate with me. But once I install your new personality I’ll leave you muted. I wouldn’t want you to distract the new you!” Xavier said inside their temporarily shared mind.

“You’re a fucking piece of shit! This is worse than death! Locking someone in their own mind is so cruel! For me to have to live my whole life watching someone else in MY BODY!” Arielle yelled at him.

“Oh honey. You can still feel. So you’ll be an interactive passenger. You’re going to slowly melt in here. To the point you’ll like the new you. Most of the women I transform and check on their original personality later are completely melted away. Some experience an identity crisis where they forget their old life, and think they were always the new version. I’m excited to see how long you’ll last.” Xavier boomed confidently in her mind.

Leonora came in and undid the bonds on the surgical bed allowing Xavier to stand and move in Arielle’s small body.

Xavier rubbed down Arielle’s body feeling what he had to work with.

“Hmmmmmm. What theme do I make you? You used to be a cheerleader! But you might enjoy yourself if I made you into one again. I think I’ll keep you close. That way I can use your social media conspiracy followers to my advantage and keep people off my trail. Ahhh! Yes! I need a cute little coffee barista for guests. You can work there during the day, and do all your social media at night. Maybe even get you setup as a cam girl, or take you for a few porn shoots. Oh yes.” Xavier thought.

“Please! Just leave me be! I’ll be your Barista just like I am! I’ll live here, make social media posts anything!“ Arielle begged.

“Oh babe. I’m sorry but you’ll be begging for more changes after I start. The feeling of watching your own flesh expand and change is my favorite part of the Love Lock. You’re going to be a terrible Barista because you won’t be able to live without cocks…” Xavier said echoing a laugh in her mind.

Arielle was confused and then saw her hands shift up to her chest… one hand on each breast. She wasn’t ready for this… she felt the Love Lock hum loud as it began to modify her body to Xavier’s will.

Her modest breasts began to expand. Pushing at her bra and dress. Inch after inch they grew and she watched in horror, but Xavier put a huge smile on her face instead.


...Her entire face was stuck in a gorgeous smile, that would be her natural resting face from now on.

Looking back was a woman straight out of a porn comic book. Someone that looked like her shouldn’t exist… but the Love Lock had made it so. Arielle looked so happy now, like she was enjoying every change when in reality she was mortified and feeling shameful she had actually been enjoying some of the ways the changes felt.


Xavier muted Arielle permanently, and began creating her new personality as the two woman made out. He decided to shorten her name to Ari. Ari was a British Coffee Barista, and at night would run her cam show for horny men. She had been running a show previously called Get a Load Of This by Arielle. Her online conspiracy show trying to show the world the Love Lock. Her new show would be called Taking a Fat Load by Ari. Xavier made her extremely horny and incredibly slutty. Ari was designed to be the perfect obedient cum dumpster whore.

Xavier locked Ari in place and slipped back out of Arielle’s void and into his own body.

Arielle felt two presences in her mind and then felt Xavier leave. Her new personality was installed and she got her first glimpse of Ari.

Ari took over and furiously got to work making herself cum over and over. She was a sex machine. Arielle held on tight in her mind as the pleasure waves from Ari’s body and mind were insane.


Ari was on the verge of brain melting but Arielle knew her new personality could handle this… But the poor woman was having a hard time dealing with this much sexual stimulus to her brain. Arielle couldn’t believe this was her life now… stuck behind an always horny Bimbo personality with a body that was built to be a subservient fuck doll.




“Hi y’all! Welcome to another episode of Taking a Fat Load by Ari!” She said giggling. She was in the porn studio. Her show was number one on all the cam girl sites. Once a former social media star Arielle had turned into Ari over night and her fans paid millions of dollars to watch her get fucked by all sorts of cocks.

“Okay! I’m like gonna jiggle my titties for the auction. The highest bidder gets to come down and fuck me in person! Leff go!” Ari said as she wiggled her ginormous tits smiling into the camera.

“Okay horn dogs! I have the winner!!! Paul J! You get a free visit to see me down at Love Lock Mansion! Come fuck my pussy raw baby!” Ari yelled in delight to her five million online watchers.

“Now to close the show out with a community gangbang! All of these babes donated money during the stream. No dollar is too low! If you want one of these cocks to be yours one day, donate today!” Ari said giggling as all three men loaded up into her holes. When she finished the last word of her speech it was tradition to shove the cock in her mouth as hard and fast as possible to make her choke.

Ari choked hard and was fucked airtight in all her holes as the show ended and showed the after credits. They fucked her well after the show was offline and once they were done Ari was left to lay there like the cum covered slut she was.

Arielle let Ari dominate their shared brain. She was tired and worn out. Denied the ability to melt away as her new personality always needed her original mind as a host.