Medicaid Fraud

by Centurea Montana

“Dr. Hawken? Miss Greene is ready for you in exam room 2.” My nurse popped her blond head in my office door. I could see a light flush on her face and she was breathing more quickly than usual. Apparently she expected Miss Green to become one of our special patients.

“Roger that.” I said without putting down my pen.

“Aren’t you coming?” She asked.

“Geez, Kristy. Keep your panties on, I’ll be right there.” I chided her and tried to go back to my paperwork. Whatever bureaucrat invented the word “compliance” should spend eternity in Hell signing and dating forms—in triplicate. “On second thought,” I said, throwing down my pen, “let’s see you take ‘em off.”

“Oh, yeah?” She stepped inside my office and cocked her hips. “Trying to get an early start, huh?” Turning around, she bent over and thrust her butt out at me. In my job as a gynecologist I see a lot of fat chick’s asses, and that makes the tight curves of Kristy’s rear all the sweeter. When she lies on her tummy her butt cheeks bulge up from her legs in a perfect semi-circle, reminding me of a pregnant woman’s belly. Maybe that’s why I like looking at her so much.

She wore blue scrubs on top and a tight knee-length skirt in matching color—not a normal nurse uniform, but I wasn’t complaining. As her hands slid under her skirt she swayed from side to side, flexing her butt cheeks to draw the fabric taut around each one in turn. Keeping that hypnotic motion going, her hands rose higher, pulling up the hem of her skirt until I could almost see her panties. Turning her head back to look at me she licked her lips.

“Wanna see more?” She taunted.

“You know I do, baby.” I leaned back in my chair and adjusted my slacks.

“That’s too bad, because you haven’t earned it yet.” She gave a low laugh.

Under the cover of her skirt she pulled down her panties, wriggling her ass as it slid over her cheeks. Spinning them around her finger, she flung them at my desk, spilling white lace and baby blue flowers across the Medicaid reimbursement form I had been trying to complete.

Without breaking eye contact I brought them to my face, breathing deeply and smelling her arousal.

“Ohhh…yeah. That’s a good girl.” I said through the lace.

“Now, can we go?” She straightened up with a smile, scooting out of reach as I approached.

On the way to Exam 2 I donned the lab coat I wear to reassure patients, especially older ladies. Even though I’m actually 34, I still look like I’m in my mid-twenties, with smooth skin and tousled blond hair. The job doesn’t let me be as active as I used to be, but I find enough time to hit the pool and keep my body well toned. Sometimes I think my professional life would be easier if I got fat and bald—at least new patients would take me more seriously.

Kristy strutted down the hall ahead of me, wriggling that tight ass and staying just far in front of me that I couldn’t grab it. When we arrived at Exam 2, she stopped and blocked the door with her outstretched arms and spread legs.

“What’s the magic word?” She asked, turning her head back to look at me.

I stepped forward into her personal space, until the bulge in my pants was almost brushing her backside. Reaching around her body I put my hands on her thighs, feeling the fabric of her skirt tight on her flesh. Her hair was long enough to cover her ears, but short enough to leave a strip of skin exposed on her neck. Without answering her I bent and brushed it with my lips.

“That’s not it.” She moaned softly.

“What about this?” I found one earlobe with my lips and caressed it.


Then what about this?” I reached under her skirt and cupped her naked crotch. “Because you’re about to get some pussy, aren’t you.”

“Ohhh…yessss” She sagged against me.

Showering her neck with little kisses, I brought my moist fingers to her lips.

“Mmmm...” Kristy hummed as she licked her own fluids off my fingertips.

“Look sharp, girl.” I gave her a final kiss and straightened up. “Time to act normal.”

“Aww...” She sighed.

I chuckled, giving her a minute to catch her breath, then we opened the door and went in.

“Hello. Jeanine? I’m Mitch Hawken. Nice to meet you.” I said, shaking hands with the young black woman sitting on the exam table. She looked to be in her early twenties, with a round face and full lips. Gold studs in her ears matched the one in her nose, and I caught a glimpse a starry tattoo on her exposed calves. The yellow knit one-piece she wore stretched to fit her swollen belly and tits.

“Hey.” She said neutrally. Her fingers were fidgeting with the paper covering the exam table and refused to meet my eyes. Something was obviously bothering her.

I sat and glanced at Kristy, leaning against the door in her nurse blues. She looked innocent, but I could see the way she was squeezing her thighs together as she stared at the black girl’s cleavage.

“How are you feeling? Any morning sickness?”

“Nah.” She said with a shrug.

“Well, that’s good. How long has it been since your last pre-natal checkup?”

“Um…around Valentine’s Day, I guess.”

“That’s…” I counted backwards. “…almost three months.”

“So?” She asked defensively. Her lips tightened.

“Is this your first pregnancy?” I asked, switching topics to help her get comfortable. “Any bleeding? Unusual discharge? Abdominal pain?”

She nodded to the first and shook her head at the rest.

“Do you know if the baby is a boy or girl yet?

“I hope it’s a girl, but I don’t know.”

“Do you have a girl’s name picked out?” Kristy gushed.

“Lakisha.” She said shyly.

“Oh, cute!” Kristy has a gift for putting patients at ease, and Jeanine rewarded her with a tentative smile.

I went through the standard routine for a first-time visit, asking about her situation and medical history. She had been going regularly until three months ago, when she abruptly stopped.

“Was there a particular reason you stopped seeing your old doctor?”

“Um…” Her face scrunched up, like she was debating what to say. The paper on the exam table crinkled as she shifted nervously. Finally she reached a decision. “My friend Liza recommended you. She said that you have something so it doesn’t hurt. You know...when you...”

Liza...Liza...I tried to remember. Ah, a chubby black girl with nipples like the Eiffel Tower that delivered last November. She was a moaner, I recalled with a smirk. I took gooood care of her.

“Don’t worry, Ms. Greene. Dr. Hawken will make sure you’re comfortable.” Kristy put a hand on Jeanine’s shoulder and smiled. She didn’t miss the chance to look down the girl’s top, I noticed.

“Well, I think we’re ready for the exam. And don’t you worry Jeanine, we’ll make this as pleasant as possible.” I said.

“Pleasant?” She sounded dubious. How little did she know.

“There is a gown on the counter and a paper sheet for your lap. Why don’t you change and we’ll be back in a jiffy with the ultrasound machine.” I said as Kristy and I left.

Once the door was safely closed Kristy goosed me from behind. When I spun around she had both hands cupped under her breasts and the thin blue fabric of her nurse’s uniform had tented over her nipples.

“She looks yummy.” Kristy said.

“I saw the way you stared at her, you slut.”

Kristy simpered and rubbed her crotch against my leg. She was one of my earliest patients, who had left her job in a pediatrics ward when she became pregnant. When she’d mentioned at an exam that she was bisexual but her husband didn’t care for swinging or a three-way, I’d suggested she come work for me. When I mentioned what her job would entail, she’d jumped at the chance. And as for her husband, I rationalized that Kristy kept him well serviced enough that he had nothing to complain about.

“You haven’t let me anesthetize a patient for two weeks. How do you expect me to feel?”

“What, Dennis hasn’t been taking care of you?”

“Oh, he gets his, but you know how hungry I get for pussy.” She whispered, putting one finger at the corner of my mouth, letting it trail lightly down my neck. “You want her too.”

I could feel my cock fatten as she talked. Yeah, I did. I wanted the girl on her back with her legs in the air. I wanted to put my finger and my tongue in her wet slit and hear her moan, and most of all I wanted to put my hands on her belly and feel the baby kick as I fucked her mama.

“First the ultrasound. Then I’ll let you anesthetize her.” I promised.

“You’d better.” She said, slapping my ass.

I chuckled and went to get the machine while Kristy finished up the day’s reporting with Debbie, our receptionist. When I returned, Jeanine had changed. She had ripped the paper accidentally, revealing a slice of inner thigh. I could have bought thicker gowns, but I didn’t mind the view. Soon enough she wouldn’t either.

“Why don’t you lay back on the table and pull up your gown. You can use the sheet to cover your lap.” I told her. I wanted to see her crotch, but I forced myself to wait. There would be plenty of time for that once Kristy put her under.

Jeanine lay flat on her back with her belly in the air. She was naturally slim, so it was obvious where the bulge began, just above the tops of her thigh. It swelled to a crown at her bellybutton, then sloped gently down to the skin under her breasts. I could see how tightly the baby’s size stretched her mocha colored skin, and it was marked by a thin black line descending the centerline of her body and disappearing under the sheet covering her thigh. My already thick cock pulsed as more blood flowed in and I had to adjust my slacks yet again.

“Here we go.” I slathered lubricant onto the side of her belly. I wanted to rub it in with my fingers, but she wasn’t ready for that yet, so I settled for running the transducer up and down her bulge, caressing her with the machine. Forcing myself to be professional, I flipped on the imager and did my job.

“See that? That’s the baby’s heart, and lungs.” I said pointing out the baby’s bodily features.

Kristy slipped back into room while I talked. She stayed by the door, out of Jeanine’s field of view, and palmed her own tits. I smiled when I saw one hand slip inside her waistband and turned back to Jeanine.

“Would you like to know the baby’s sex?”

She nodded eagerly, so focused on the screen that she didn’t realize Kristy was in the room.

“We can tell by looking for a penis. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what one of those looks like.” I said, taking a risk that she wouldn’t be offended. It wasn’t much a risk, though: no single mother with an address in Over-the-Rhine and piercings was a stranger to cock.

“Oh, yeah, I seen lots.” She replied. “But not lately. Not since…” She frowned.

Kristy winked at me. I knew what she was thinking—this girl was ready for action—but I was curious what Jeanine wasn’t telling us.

“Well, let’s take a look.” I said, aiming the transducer. My other hand rested on the opposite side of her abdomen, pretending to hold it steady. I didn’t really need it there, but I couldn’t wait any longer to touch that bulge. Her skin was soft and smooth, and I could feel the baby’s mass within. I ran my palm along the slope of her belly towards her breast, trying to keep my voice even.

“There’s one leg…there’s the other…nope, nothing in between!” I said, with an unforced smile. “Mom, meet your daughter Lakisha.”

The pregnant girl smiled back and I could see the earlier tension fading from her shoulders. That was lucky, I thought to myself, because I needed her relaxed for the next part of the exam.

“So far everything looks good, Jeanine.” I said as I pushed the ultrasound machine into the corner. My fingers trailed along her skin when I picked up my hand, as if they were reluctant to lose contact. “Why don’t we finish up your physical so you can go baby shopping for your little girl.”

“Okay.” She wore a tight little smile, like she was trying not to look happy and failing.

“Why don’t you lay back and put your feet up.” I gestured to the stirrups. Jeanine raised her legs without complaint and her gown rode up her thighs. My cock jerked in my slacks as I caught a quick flash of her inner thigh. There’s nothing better than a woman on her back with her legs in the air…except to be standing between those legs with your hands on her tummy and your cock in her pussy.

Kristy stepped forward and reached under the table to draw out a breathing mask. Clear tubes connected it to a pair of cylinders on the floor.

“Here you go.” She said, holding it over Jeanine’s face.

“Wh—what’s that?” The girl asked.

“Just the laughing gas you get at a dentist.” I reassured her. “That way you won’t feel any discomfort during the exam.”

“Oh, okay.” She let Kristy place the mask over her mouth and nose.

I hadn’t lied outright, but I hadn’t told the whole truth either. The hospital where I completed my residency was hosting a stage I drug study for GlaxoSmithKline, testing a new mix of anesthetic gases. Those were the initial tests on human volunteers, designed to check for adverse reactions before moving to a larger stage II study. What we found astonished everyone.

Subjects dosed with the new mix proved amazingly compliant. Follow-up studies found near-perfect adherence to physician instructions. They took their meds as directed, and even more surprisingly, patients reported obeying special dietary restrictions after leaving the hospital. Normally that never happens: patients forget their meds, they feel better and stop taking them early, and hardly anyone obeys dietary restrictions the first time they’re told. Disturbed by the implications, GlaxoSmithKline canceled the mix’s development and buried the project. Only those doctors like myself who had been involved in the test knew of the mix’s existence and effects.

Once my residency ended and I established a private clinic in Cincinnati, I restarted the project on my own. Reproducing the mix from the original GlaxoSmithKline mixture, I added a small amount of MBDB—a milder version of the street drug Ecstasy that is available legally—and found that treated subjects became highly susceptible to suggestion, especially if the treatment was combined with sexual stimuli.

“How’s that?” I asked once Kristy had fastened the mask to Jeanine’s face and opened the valve on both cylinders.

“Like cherries.” She giggled. Her head lolled and she let go of the paper she’d been fidgeting with earlier. I nodded to Kristy and she closed the MBDB valve. The initial dose would be enough.

“Then we’ll get started.” I put my hand on her calf, where she had three stars tattooed. Watching her face for any reaction, I slowly slid it up her leg towards her thigh. When her expression didn’t change I continued to caress her inner thigh, slipping my fingertips into the hollow next to her crotch.

“Ahhh…” I saw her chest fall in a sigh and her head tilt to one side.

“Feeling happy?” I asked her.

“Uh-huh.” She mumbled vaguely.

I had one hand on her belly while the other fingered the skin around her labia. The sheet still hid her pussy from my view, but I was content to let my fingers explore first. Her pussy lips were thick and swollen, first from pregnancy and now from drug-induced arousal. I spread them with my fingers and felt the dampness inside.

“Uh…” Jeanine’s hips swayed as my fingers kneaded her lips. Her eyes stared blankly at the ceiling and her hands hung limply off the edges of the table.

“Ah-hem.” Kristy cleared her throat to remind me that she wanted in too. Her nipples looked ready to poke through her uniform and her thighs were pressed together.

“Jeanine? We’ll begin with a breast exam. Do you check your own breasts regularly?” I asked as I pulled my hand away from her crotch and rolled her gown up over her tits. They must have been at least F-cups, and they sagged to either side as she lay on her back. She didn’t have skyscraper nipples like her friend Liza, but her puffy black aureole covered them like skullcaps.

“Ah…” She sighed.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes.’” I said.

With a nod to Kristy, I put both hands on one breast, probing the soft skin with my fingers. I slowly lifted and caressed her flesh while Kristy did the same to the other. Her breast felt heavy and I cradled it with one hand while stroking it with the other.

“Mmmm.” A low moan escaped Jeanine’s mask.

My nurse licked her lips and and I knew she wanted to suckle on the girl’s nipples.

My fingernails made small circles around her aureole, drawing a gasp from the patient. Kristy and I exchanged grins as the black nubs filled with blood.

“Jeanine?” I bent over her face.

“Mm?” She struggled to focus on me.

“Breast exams are very important for pregnant women, and my nurse will continue yours while I begin your pelvic exam.”

Jeanine nodded happily and closed her eyes as Kristy began to knead both breasts. She moved slowly and gently at first, then more roughly as she watched the blissful expression on the girl’s face.

“I love your boobies. They’re so soft.” She whispered into Jeanine’s ear.

The girl’s only response was to arch her back, offering herself to Kristy.

After a quick glance at me for approval my nurse lowered her face to Jeanine’s chest, nuzzling her cheek into the side of the girl’s breasts.

“Ahhh...” Kristy moaned as her skin slid over Jeanine’s erect nipple. Pursing he lips she took the nub into her mouth and sucked tenderly.

“Uh—” The girl gasped and her chest bowed, searching for deeper contact.

Tearing my eyes away from the steamy scene, I shifted my stool and sat between her legs. Without hurrying I peeled back the paper sheet, exposing an inch of creamy mocha skin at a time. My first discovery was Greek letters tattooed on the inside of her thigh; damn, I wish I could have watched that sorority initiation. The skin inside her thighs was smooth and hairless. When I could stand the wait no longer I pulled the sheet completely off, leaving her nude below the neck.

Her mound was black, much darker than the rest of her body, but I could see the crinkly pink folds of her inner lips. I ran my fingers around the outside of her lips, starting from the bump at her clit and curving down to her butt crack. They were full and meaty, almost as thick as my pinky.


Gripping her outer lips delicately I spread them apart, watching as the crinkled inner lips pulled apart. Her wetness sparkled under the bright light of my exam lamp.

“Ms. Greene?” I asked. “Did your previous doctor tell you that you have an unusually large clitoris?”

“Unh—” She grunted as I took it between my fingertips.

“Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal to see clitoral enlargement in pregnant women” I said.

“Unnh.” She groaned harder as I rubbed it.

“I’m going to examine your vaginal canal now, Jeanine.” Releasing her clit, I smeared lubricant across her crotch, working it into each fold and cranny in her pussy, coating her sex in the slippery goo.

Placing my hand at the entrance to her slit, I eased my middle finger inside of her. My other hand massaged her abdomen, probing for her organs, feeling the wall of her womb, swollen to contain the baby within. Once my finger was completely inserted, I methodically circled her vaginal canal, feeling for signs of trouble. Finding none, I let my finger curl up to the soft spot behind her clit. While the other hand caressed the base of her bulge, my finger gently tapped her G-spot, squeezing the flesh against my hand.

“Ohhh...” Her hips rocked under my touch.

I looked up from her crotch to see Kristy twist the girl’s nipples, jerking her tits left and right. Her nipples stretched and her black mounds jiggled.

“Jeanine, your nipples are an important part of your breasts, especially with the baby coming. Please make sure to check them often, just like Nurse Grey is doing.” I said, knowing she would hear it as a “suggestion” and obey. I looked forward to seeing her demonstrate at her next appointment.

Placing my hand on her crotch, I stood so Jeanine could see me. Kristy lowered the girl’s facemask at my signal. We needed her to be able to talk for the next phase of the exam. The anesthetic would wear off quickly once we removed the mask, but the MDBD would keep her aroused and uninhibited.

“How often have you been having sex, Jeanine?” I asked.

She was panting heavily, and it took several deep breaths before the naked girl could focus enough to think about my question. Sweat was running down the crown of her belly and trickling between her inflamed pussy lips.

“It’s an important question for your medical records. Are you having vaginal intercourse regularly?” I slapped her crotch—not enough to hurt, just enough to keep her aroused and distracted.

“Um—” She managed. Her hips ground against my palm and Kristy’s hands returned to her breasts. My nurse likes pregnant women for the way they jiggle, and I can’t say I disagree.

“In utero semen is an important part of female fetus development.” I told her. “Semen isn’t just sperm, Jeanine. You do know that, right?” I slapped her again.

She nodded, eyes going wide. Convincing her to agree was important; so was impressing her with my expertise. My guess is that accepting my authority helps lock my suggestions in place, even after the drugs wear off.

“Sperm is vital to good female health.” I insisted.


“Unh...” She groaned in pleasure and agreement.

“It’s a complex soup of chemicals. Do you read Cosmo?” I ignored her sounds.


“Then maybe you’ve read about some of the research, about how semen absorbed into the female body improves skin tone and promotes dopamine production?”

“I...unh...guess.” Her ass flexed unconsciously, pressing her pussy against my hand.

“We’ve known that for a while, but we’re only beginning to discover the other physical changes that semen causes. It’s amazing, really.”

“Mmm?” She managed to make her groan into a question.

“Absolutely. Just last month the Lancet published a study showing a direct correlation between in utero semen contact and clitoris development, for example. Just think: whether your daughter receives enough semen between now and her birth will determine whether she can ever achieve orgasm as an adult.”

“Unh?!” Even with her mask off, the wheels in her brain were still turning slowly. Her head tilted to one side as she tried to work through what I was saying.

“Clitoris development is crucial. Wouldn’t you agree, Nurse Grey?” I turned to look at Kristy as my fingers lingered on Jeanine’s clit. She was breathing as heavily as our patient, keeping her eyes fixed on the action between Jeanine’s legs.

“Wha—? Oh. Yes, definitely.” She took Jeanine’s hand in her own. “Just think how awful it would be if your daughter could never orgasm.” She said earnestly.

Jeanine bit her lip, staring back into Kristy’s eyes.

“We’re here for you, honey. Listen to Dr. Hawken and we’ll get through this together.” Kristy reassured her.

Jeanine nodded and turned her wide eyes to me.

“How often have you been having unprotected vaginal intercourse?” I repeated.

Jeanine opened her mouth to answer, then closed it again. Her eyes slid away from my gaze and hips stopped moving.

“It’s okay, Jeanine. I’m your doctor.” I reassured her, surprised by how much she resisted the question.

Her head rolled to the side and she stared at the wall.

“I...haven’t.” She whispered

“At all? What about the baby’s father?”

Her jaw clenched.

“That asshole...”


“I got ugly!” She suddenly screamed. Somewhere inside the girl’s brain a psychic dam succumbed to the drugs, releasing a torrent of pent-up emotion. “He used to come over all the time. He wanted me to wear tight clothes to show off to his friends. But now look at me!

“I’m fat! Who the hell would want to get naked with this?!” She put her hands on her belly.

“Oh, you poor baby.” Kristy’s mouth opened in an “o” of concern.

“Is that what he told you?” I asked gently.

“He said...” Her voice cracked and tears ran down her face. “He said...come back when I wasn’t butt ugly anymore.”

“That was three months ago, wasn’t it. When you stopped going to the doctor.” I guessed, and she nodded.

“Listen to me, Jeanine.” I stood and took her head between my hands, forcing her to meet my eyes.”

“Everything about you is beautiful.” Her face twisted but I held her head firmly and continued.

“No, Jeanine, I’m absolutely serious. You’re gorgeous.” I guided her hand to her belly and helped her caress herself. “That isn’t fat, that’s a baby. You’re doing the most beautiful thing in the whole world, Jeanine, and it makes you beautiful. Feel how soft and smooth your skin is? Look at these breasts, these aren’t just for your baby—what man—

“—or woman” Kristy pointed out.

“—wouldn’t love to bury his face in these.” I finished.

“Then how come Dwayne won’t—”

“Because he’s scared.” I interrupted. “He can’t handle being a father and he takes out his fear on you instead of facing it himself. That’s why he won’t have sex with you anymore, because it reminds him of your daughter.”

Jeanine’s lip trembled.

“Ahh...” I laid my cheek against her belly and ran my hands along her flank.

“When you look in the mirror you know I’m right, don’t you Jeanine.” I whispered “Deep down you know that you’re a woman, a sensuous, passionate woman.”

“Uhhh....” She slowly exhaled as my words sunk in.

“That’s natural Jeanine. You’re a grown woman with physical needs, and being pregnant doesn’t change that. You do want a man inside you, don’t you.” It wasn’t a question.

“...Uh-hunh” She admitted finally.

“There’s a medical reason for that, you know.” I said, still nuzzling her belly.

“There is?”

“Yes, there is.” I said, putting the finishing touches on the con. “Your daughter needs semen to properly develop her own reproductive organs. Unless she gets that her clitoris may not mature properly and she may never have the ability to orgasm. That’s why your body is still producing hormones that make you want to have sex even though you’re already pregnant.” Heck, it sounded convincing to me and I even knew it was a fraud.

Biting her lip in concern again, Jeanine looked at Kristy for moral support.

“Isn’t there anyone you can ask to fill your vagina?” My nurse asked, lingering on the final word.

Jeanine shook her head mutely, a hint of fear in her eyes.

“No one?” I asked.

“It’s this...” She placed a hand on her full abdomen.

“We only ask this because we’re concerned about whether we still have time to correct your daughter’s development.” I said in my best medical voice.

Jeanine’s mouth opened in fright.

“It isn’t too it?” She squeaked.

“Not if we act immediately.” I patted her reassuringly and she didn’t seem to notice that my hand was on her breast, not her shoulder.

“I’d prefer you go right home and have unprotected sex with the baby’s father, but that doesn’t seem to be an option, does it.”

She shook her head.

“In that case, I think we should inject a dose of semen immediately.”

“I...” She set her lips and nodded.

“Luckily, I have a supply. I can provide you with some now, and that will give you time to find another source. Kristy, would you mind preparing the injection?”

“Um...will Medicaid cover it?” Jeanine’s fingers were fidgeting with the paper again.

“The recommended procedure for this diagnosis is to artificially inject donated semen into your womb. Unfortunately, the Medicaid bureaucracy isn’t ready to accept that yet.” I held up a hand to prevent a response. “On the other hand, if we inject it naturally we don’t need to charge for supplies and we can file it as an “extended visit.” The good news is that Medicaid will pay for that.

She nodded eagerly, just like her friend Liza and all the other Medicaid patients I’d used that line on. Low-income, knocked up young women; hell, I probably didn’t need the gas, I could just show them my cock and let them take it from there.

“Excellent. Kristy, would you give her the consent form.”

“Here you go, Ms. Greene. It’s just a routine step form giving us permission to treat you. Sign here, please.” She handed the girl a clipboard and pen, and pointed to a line at the bottom. She scrawled an approximation of her name perpendicular to the line.

“All set, doctor.” My nurse said with an eager smile. She knew what was coming next and she wanted it as bad as I did.

“Kristy, would you put the mask back on?” I asked, but she was already in motion when I when I opened my mouth.

Five deep breaths later and Jeanine’s concerns faded as the gas mixture ate away at her brain. I waited another ten breaths because I wanted to make sure it had taken full effect. Everything I’d done until now could be explained as her misremembering a normal exam through the haze of anesthesia. Once I took off my clothes, though, I was putting my medical license at risk.

“Kristy, please prepare the patient’s vagina for injection.”

Kristy’s grin stretched from ear to ear; this was her favorite part of the exam. Trading places with me, she sat on the stool and lowered her mouth to the black skin of Jeanine’s swollen pussy.

“Ooooh.” The girl’s body jerked as Kristy kissed her pubes. Her hands gripped the edges of the table. While I fondled her big tits, Kristy started to nibble, taking little bites of the girl’s pussy lips.

“Oh...” Jeanine’s eyes closed and her ass flexed, pushing her crotch into Kristy’s face.

Kristy loves eating pussy. Once she gets going she attacks it like a wolf, slobbering up and down the slit, thrusting her tongue into the girl’s pussy, and smearing her cheeks with lube and saliva. She goes after the girls’ ass with same passion, drooling in her crack and clamping her mouth in a vacuum around the girl’s asshole. Back and forth, from slit to ass she goes, until the girl’s crotch and her own face are a sloppy mess.

“Oh..oh...OH.” Jeanine quivered and her eyes flew open as Kristy sucked an orgasm out of her pussy. Experiments showed that the post-orgasmic high is a period of peak susceptibility to suggestion.

“Jeanine. This is part of a natural injection. It is natural for one woman to give another woman pleasure. The thought of making love to a woman excites you. The thought of eating her pussy makes you wet.” I whispered into her ear as she came down from her orgasm.

“Kristy, please prepare the injection.” I said.

“Of course, doctor.” She withdrew from between Jeanine’s legs at once and unfastened my belt. The girl gasped when she saw Kristy unzip my slacks and pull them down. The tent in my boxers left no doubt about what I planned.

“Jeanine. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t know how semen naturally enters the female body. We could do this artificially, but then Medicaid wouldn’t pay...”

As I explained about Medicaid, Kristy slid down my boxers, exposing my shaft inch by inch. Letting my cock snap against my abdomen she pulled my boxers the rest of the way off. It won’t win any prizes for size, but it’s enough to satisfy. She knelt at my feet and kissed the tip.

Her real passion was pussy, but she didn’t mind sucking cock either. I had “suggested” that her husband would enjoy the occasional morning blowjob before their children woke up, so I didn’t feel guilty using his wife from time to time.

Holding my cock in one hand I rested it against Kristy’s cheek, feeling it slide across the shiny glaze of juices left there from eating Jeanine’s pussy. Half closing my eyes I shifted to the other cheek, pulling it away as she lunged for my cock with her mouth. With a wink, she returned to her place between Jeanine’s legs while I lifted the mask off the girl’s face.

Stepping closer I leaned over and held my cock in front of the girl’s eyes. When she closed them I pushed it down into her face, leaving a slimy trail across her eyelids. Her chest heaved and her tits wobbled.

Holding it by the base I tapped my cockhead gently on her lips. She kept them closed at first, refusing to open her eyes either. Running the tip along the curve of her mouth I watched her own fluids sparkle on her lips. With my other hand I circled the bulge in her tummy, outlining the baby within.

Kristy’s hands encircled her pussy, massaging her inner thighs: squeezing her lips together, pulling them apart, and probing the skin of her crotch. She kept her mouth close, letting her breath tickle Jeanine’s nerves without making direct contact.

“Mmmm.” Jeanine moaned through her closed lips. Her face tensed, and I could see she was struggling with her own animalistic desires.

“Listen to your body, Jeanine.” I said, letting my cock brush across her lips. “Lust is natural. Let your body win.”

Her eyes opened and she looked up at me with pleading eyes. Ironic, no? Appealing for help from the very man who is twisting your mind and using your body. But I kept that thought off my face and nodded reassuringly.

Her lips parted with a sigh of surrender and I knew that she was mine. I let her cradle the head of my cock between her lips as our eyes locked. Her tongue moved tentatively, sliding across the bottom of the flared head. Gaining confidence from my smile, her lips opened wider, and accepted the shaft deeper in her mouth.

“Ohhh, Jeanine. You’re so hot!” I encouraged her.

Closing her lips again she sucked greedily on my dick. I could see her hollowed-out cheeks move as her tongue circled the head. This chick was no stranger to cock, that much I knew when she raised her head to take it deeper in her mouth. She gagged as it hit her throat, and when I pulled back her saliva fell in rivulets from the tip. Sliding back into her throat I felt it hit her tonsils as she sucked.

“Ready?” I asked.

“Um-hm.” She gagged around my cock.

I bent down and kissed her, and then traded places with Kristy, who stood to one side and held her pussy open for me. I lined up my erection with the pink flesh of her canal and placed it against her flesh.

“Ready for your vaginal injection?” Kristy asked brightly.

“Ohhhh...” Jeanine could only moan, but her stiff nipples and wet, inflamed pussy screamed for cock. Her slit was a fever swamp of lubricant and her own juices, and I slid in easily, feeling her hips buck against mine as I entered her.

“UH!” She grunted and her body shook from a short, sudden orgasm.

“Oh, yeah...” I groaned as her insides squeezed my dick. “Hell, yeah.”

I bore down on her slowly so she could adjust to the sense of fullness she hadn’t had in months. I pressed my body against her hips and my balls brushed against her crack.

Her pussy farted as I stroked her with long, slow movements. Her pussy was warm and tight and she squeezed my dick like a virgin.


Kristy was leaning against the counter with her skirt hiked up above her waist. One hand was at her crotch, feverishly rubbing herself, while the other slid under her shirt to fondle her breasts. Her chest heaved as she watched me fuck Jeanine.

“Unh...unh..” The girl huffed as I slid in and out. Her hands clenched and unclenched uncontrollably. The paper under her ass crinkled noisily as she wriggled.

I put both hands on her belly, cradling the baby inside as her mother writhed around my cock. Her hips bucked erratically against me as I thrust into her. Finding my rhythm I pounded harder.

“Uh...Uh...” Her moans filled the room, accompanied by the soft wet sounds of my cock sliding into her pussy.

“Oh...” Kristy added her own note, with two fingers deep inside her own slit.

We all looked up suddenly as the exam room door opened. We were moaning loud enough to hear in the other exam rooms, but there shouldn’t have been any other patients around this late in the day.

“Y’all having fun in here?” My receptionist interrupted us. Debbie was one of my first patients. Unwed and pregnant, she’d known that the baby’s father would not take care of her, and over the course of her treatments we unexpectedly fell in love. I even let her put me under the gas once. Or maybe twice, it’s hard to remember exactly. Now we’re married, but she insists that I continue to provide other women with the same level of care I did for her.

My wife has a narrow face, like a little bird, with long brunette hair tied back in a ponytail. She has such a small frame that it’s hard to believe she can carry a baby to term, but her daughter now has two younger brothers to play with, and Debbie wants more. Sometimes I wondered if she gets too much of a thrill from being pregnant.

Work finished, she had changed into a cotton sundress, the kind she knows I like because it’s easy to flip up over her back when she bends over. I didn’t have to ask to know that she wasn’t wearing any panties and her high-heel boots were calculated to raise her pussy my crotch level for easy access.

“Hey baby.” I called.

“Kristy dear, you still free on Sunday? I reckon Mitch can take the kids to the park so we can have us some girl time.” She drawled. Her father was a Baptist preacher in upstate South Carolina who wanted nothing to do with a lecherous whore of a daughter, as he called her when he learned she was pregnant. With nowhere to go, she threw darts at a map and ended up at my clinic in Cincinnati.

“I’m always free for that.” Kristy said. I sighed at the prospect of shepherding six children under the age of seven at the park, but I tried to look on the bright side: at least I didn’t have to hide the credit card.

“Uh...Unh...” Jeanine bucked against my cock as I resumed my thrusts.

“Oh honey?” Debbie turned back to me and spoke over the sound of my body slapping against Jeanine’s. “Once y’all get done with that piece of brown sugar there, you be sure to get on home. Your son done drop a roll of paper in the toilet this morning when I was changing little Bobby and I reckon you can unclog it when you get home.”

Kristy stifled a laugh as I groaned.

“Oh, by the way, you ‘member if we finished the KY last time? I’m gettin’ a little itch, you know?

“I...uh...I think so.”

““Well, I’ll pick some up on the way to Susie’s.” She said. Susie was another of my former patients, who had turned her home into a day care. With my persuasive recommendations supplying customers, she was doing quite well.

“Take care now, y’all.” She waved and left.

“All right, you little slut.” I grunted, It didn’t take long before I’d forgotten the interruption and her hot pussy held me tight. I held her belly, feeling the baby inside as I jammed my cock into her.

“Uh—” Jeanine grunted wantonly as her pussy squelched around my dick.

Oh yeah, this girl knew her way around a cock. I wondered how many men dumped their sperm in her womb before she became pregnant. I could feel the muscles in my abdomen clench and a tightening in my balls.

“Unh..Unh...Aaaaa!” The black girl shrieked as her body convulsed in orgasm and fluid sprayed from her slit. Her feet jerked against the restraints in powerful spasms.

“Ohhh...” I yelled as her expression pushed me over the edge. My cock delivered the promised injection, squirting semen at the baby floating in her womb.

“Ahhhh...” I moaned as my cock emptied into her body in spurts.

I couldn’t relax for long, though, because I needed to make my suggestions while she was still in post-orgasmic bliss. Pulling out, I quickly stepped to her head and put my mouth by her ear.

Kristy followed me, taking my softening cock in her mouth and sucking out the last of my semen. She has the most delightful way of tickling the bottom of my dickhead with her tongue that turns each spurt into a mini-orgasm.

“You need...uh...regular injections of...uh...semen to stay healthy.” My body quivered as I pumped my seed into Kristy’s greedy mouth. “Your baby needs semen to develop properly. Call tomorrow and make another appoint for Friday, the last one of the day.”

She nodded in acquiescence.

“Today’s appointment gave you what you need. You need my semen. By Friday, you will think about my semen all the time.”

“I am your doctor and you should obey everything I say. Do you understand?”

She nodded.

“Obey me.” I said to make sure, and took off her mask. “Who am I?”

“You are my doctor.” She mumbled.

“And what should you do?”

“Obey you.”


“Obey you.” She said more loudly, as a little orgasmic shudder ran through her body.

“You’re doing the right thing for your baby.” I reassured her and watched a smile spread across her sweaty face.

Having vacuumed the semen out of my cock Kristy slid between Jeanine’s legs and slurped up the white fluid that was seeping out her slit. Moving back to the girls face, she lowered her mouth to Jeanine’s.

The girl’s eyes widened in shock and she tried to turn aside, but I held her head steady.

“Orally injected semen is not as effective as vaginally injected, but it will help your baby.” I said. “Hold still so Nurse Gray can administer it.”

Flustered, Jeanine let her mouth fall open as my semen dribbled from Kristy’s lips onto the girl’s waiting tongue. Then she lowered her mouth and gave the girl a slobbery kiss. Shocked at first, Jeanine began to respond as my suggestion took hold. She kissed back, enjoying the feel of another woman’s lips.

I stepped back and watched the two make out as I put my clothes back on. Dark spots covered my slacks where she had squirted on them. Shrugging, I refastened my lab coat over the top.

“Call me when you have her cleaned up.” I told Kristy and went to my office. I had almost finished another Medicaid claim when the two of them came in. I tossed Kristy her panties and wondered if Jeanine had bothered to put her underwear back on.

“Souvenir?” Kristy asked Jeanine as she handed the girl the white lace.

Jeanine took them and held them to her face.

“Put them in your mouth the next time you finger yourself, pervert.” Kristy said with faked menace.

Jeanine stuck out her tongue in reply.

“Are you two about finished?” I asked.

“Yes. Thank you, doctor.” The girl replied, looking at me demurely.

“Now then,” I said, pretending to look at her chart on my computer screen. “Today’s injection went fine, but I think we should repeat the procedure as soon as possible. I’d like you to come back next Friday.”

“Are you going to…give me another injection?” Her back arched unconsciously, lifting her tits towards me.

“I think that would be best.”

“Me too.” Kristy added with a grin.

“Next time should be fine, but in the future we may have to administer the semen anally.

“Anally?” She asked, flexing her ass cheeks nervously.

“We’ll talk about that next Friday.” I reassured her. “Oh, one more thing. If Medicaid found out that we included a semen injection in your regular visit there would be hell to pay—for us and for you. Can we count on you not to tell anyone?”

“Yes, doctor.”

“Jeanine?” I approached the girl and spread my hands on her bulging tummy.

“Can you feel her kick?” I asked.

She nodded, breathing more quickly.

“You did a good thing for your daughter today. Thanks to you she will grow up to be a healthy young woman. What you did today shows you are a good mother.” I laid it on thick so the suggestion would hold.

She put her hands on her belly and a smile spread across her face, creeping from her lips to her eyes until she shone with joy, feeling the satisfaction of doing well while doing good.

Now she was mine, I thought. She wouldn’t tell anyone, not if it meant endangering the baby and losing the pleasure we’d given her.

“Right then, I’ll see you Friday.” I repeated.

“Yes, doctor.” She said, still breathing in quick pants. Kristy took her hand and led her away. As they left, I saw my horny slut of a nurse slide her hand up the girl’s skirt, and Jeanine didn’t pull away. Friday should be fun, I thought. With the image of my wife’s lubed up ass to keep me company, I turned off the lights and left.