Pavlov Was Right
by HB5211

Something is happening on the sorority scene at a major Southern University. Greek sisters are disappearing and later turning up working in the adult industry as escorts, dancers, and film stars. When interviewed, they all have the same story. They were doing it for the money and career enhancement. Rebecca Sloan is a reporter on the campus newspaper and is determined to get to the real story behind the disappearances. How far will she go to get her story?

Rebecca turned off her laptop for the night. It was almost 1 AM and she had an early morning class. When she signed up for the university newspaper, she never knew it would become like a second job. However, what she did know was it would look good on her resume. What Rebecca really needed and dreamed of was one good story or scandal to make a name for herself and set up a post graduation job offer. After doing some research, Rebecca felt that she might have found the ticket to a successful career.

For months, there had been rumors swirling across the campus about young coeds disappearing from multiple sororities only to reappear months later working as escorts, dancers or adult film stars in the city and across the Southeast. These young women transitioned from the physics lab to the casting couch or exotic dance stage in a matter of months and it did not make sense. Although there were multiple police reports, there was no follow-up as when the girl’s reappeared, all seemed happy and none wanted to press any charges against anyone. Although it all seemed strange and almost bizarre, there was no evidence of any crime being committed. Rebecca was sure there was more to the story.

In the morning, she met a friend for coffee who was a member of a prominent Greek organization on campus. When Rebecca asked Liz Jones about the disappearances and reappearances, Liz admitted that it had happened not once, but twice in her own house. Both times, the young women involved had been prominent members of the organization; however, there was no evidence of any foul play and they seemed happy with their new career choices. Liz laughed, “although I may not agree with what they are doing and it is not for me, they did seem happy and content.” Rebecca could just sit and shake her head in wonder about what was happening.

Armed with the knowledge gained from Liz, Rebecca began researching in detail and what she discovered in the next few weeks sent a chill down her spine. Across campus, it was not one or two girls, but over 25 in the last few months. When she went to the campus police and finally got an interview with Chief Daniels, he seemed sympathetic and fatherly, but was firm in the fact that there was nothing he could do. When Rebecca tried to object, Daniels added, “Ms. Sloan, you of all people should know that without complaints or evidence of a crime, there is no crime.” He then waved her out of the office.

Going over her notes, the only item that seemed to connect the girls in any way was they all seemed to disappear right after campus parties or social events. That fact was not surprising, but what got her attention was all of the events had been catered by the same company: Elite Events and Catering. Elite had been serving the campus for almost five years quickly displacing many of the mom and pop services used before. Rebecca checked on the company’s background and it had a sterling reputation; however, it was her only lead. Without hesitation, The aspiring journalist picked up the phone, called Elite and arranged for a part time job interview. According to job flyers around campus, they were hiring.

The next day, dressed professionally, Rebecca entered the Elite Events offices at 10am. She had a interview with Juliette Roam, who owned the company with her husband of 10 years, Jimmy. Entering Juliette’s office, Rebecca introduced herself and clearly stated that she was interested in a part time job to help offset college costs.

Juliette smiled, asked some standard interview questions and then made a quick decision, “I am sure that we can use a smart young woman like yourself at our events.” She went on to explain that her job would be serving guests, replenishing food and, given she was twenty-one, a little light bartending. Rebecca nodded her head and was put on the schedule for the upcoming weekend. As she was walking out of the office, Rebecca bumped into Chief Daniels from the campus police. Rebecca seemed surprised to see the head of campus police at a catering company and her facial expression gave away her question. The Chief quickly commented that he was here arranging for the annual police fund raising event. Rebecca nodded and headed out the door accepting the chief’s explanation.

As soon as she pulled away, Daniels looked to the Roam’s and stated, “we have a problem.” When Jimmy raised an eyebrow, Chief Daniels pointed out the door. “That young woman who just left, she is with the campus newspaper and researching the disappearance and reappearance of students turned escorts, dancers or erotic models. She is a problem.”

Jimmy looked over to his wife looking for an explanation on why Rebecca had been in the office. “She came in here looking for a job,” Juliette stated, “everything seemed in order so I hired her. She starts Saturday.”

The chief looked to the couple. “We have a good thing going here and we don’t need prying eyes getting in the way.” That girl is sniffing around and a loose end. I don’t want loose ends.”

“I understand chief,” Jimmy stated. “Maybe our new employee will get to see everything we do here at Elite Events. I am sure Juliette can arrange for her to have the full corporate experience.”

Juliette nodded. “Maybe that is the best way to handle her in the long run.”

Saturday’s event was a reception on campus for some university donors. Attending would be faculty and staff, but also some of the key campus leaders and coeds. As Rebecca got ready to attend, she checked her appearance out in the mirror. She was dressed in standard Elite attire: a white blouse, a black skirt and flats. Her makeup was tastefully done. Image, she had been reminded, was everything in the event business. When she walked up to Juliette an hour later, she quickly passed her visual inspection. “You look wonderful Rebecca, please remember to smile and be cheerful.” With those words, Juliette led her into the kitchen where appetizers were being stacked on trays.

Rebecca’s job for the next few hours was to insure each guest was offered champagne as they made their way into the reception. She did it with enthusiasm trying to make a good impression on her employer. When Chief Daniels entered looking dapper in a tuxedo, Rebecca made a point to compliment him. “Looking especially good tonight, Chief. Please enjoy yourself.”

Daniels looked over and smiled almost a predatory smile, “oh I will Ms. Sloan. I am sure we will both find tonight’s activities interesting.”

Throughout the evening, nothing appeared out of the ordinary. By 10pm, the affair was winding down and Juliette walked over discussing cleanup. “Rebecca, can you go and help my husband break down the bar, while I attend to the kitchen?”

Rebecca nodded and walked into the main room where the bar was located looking for Jimmy. Finding him near the bar, she nodded and was about to ask what needed to be done when she was surprised by Jimmy handing her a flute of champagne. “They did not finish what was in the open bottles and given it is paid for, I hate to see it go to waste.” Jimmy sipped his flute and nodding to Rebecca made it clear she could also indulge. Wanting to blend in, Rebecca took a long sip before putting the glass down and started to break down the bar.

Almost immediately, Rebecca felt light headed. She mentally blamed it on the champagne and commented, “that went right to my head.” Those were the last words Rebecca managed to get out of her mouth before blackness settled in around her. Jimmy was there to catch the young coed as she crumpled to the floor. Within minutes, the student reporter was in the back of a catering van headed enroute to the Elite Events warehouse on the other side of the city.

“God my head hurts,” Rebecca mumbled as she tried to open her eyes. She had no idea where she was except in a sparsely furnished room. Trying to move, she found that she was strapped down to what looked like a gurney. She yelled out for help; no one answered. Looking around, she could not find a clock or a window which added to her confusion and anxiety. Again, she called out for attention. Again, silence was the only reply.

Juliette and Jimmy observed the coed through a two way mirror. “Keep her isolated for awhile longer. It gets her blood pressure and respiration up which makes her easier to control with drugs when that protocol is needed.” As they watched, Rebecca pulled at her bindings until she reached the point of exhaustion.

Three hours later, Juliette entered the room. Rebecca by this time was almost frantic with isolation and fear. When she saw Juliette’s face, she visibly relaxed clearly thinking she had been saved.

“Juliette, thank god. I don’t know how I got here or how you found me, but free me and let’s get out of here.” Rebecca stared at her employer waiting for a response. What she saw was Juliette smile and walk over to the gurney. Instead of freeing her, Rebecca watched in confusion as Juliette seemed to inspect her bindings.

“You will learn not to pull so hard” Juliette smiled, “you will just end up bruising your fair skin and we cannot have that can we?”

It slowly dawned on Rebecca that Juliette was not here to free her, but was her captor. She watched as Juliette walked over to a cabinet and got a syringe and vile of drugs. With almost theatrical drama, Juliette filled the syringe and walked back over to Rebecca’s gurney.

“I see your mind working in overdrive dear, but don’t worry, soon you will have nothing to worry about nor have a care in the world.” Juliette watched as Rebecca fought the bindings elevating her heart rate even more. A small smile creased her face. “I understand that you wanted to do a story on the sorority women who disappeared and came back shall we say, changed women?”

Juliette looked directly into Rebecca’s face. “Well dear, you will get your story and see first hand how those young ladies had their lives changed. Unfortunately for your budding journalism career, the story will never be published. Besides writing and complex thought just induces stress and we can’t have that can we?”

“You are mad,” finally spilled from Rebecca’s mouth.

“Hardly mad my dear. We just are the procurement arm for a much larger operation housed right here in the university. Now some of the researchers in psychology and genetics might be mad, but not me. You will meet them all in short order.”

As Juliette talked, she was swabbing Rebecca’s arm with a sterile pad. Before Rebecca could say anything, she watched in horror as the syringe broke through the skin and found a vein. The plunger seemed to get depressed in slow motion as Juliette whispered in her ear. “Enjoy the ride, your voyage of discovery is about to begin.”

As Rebecca drifted off into a twilight sleep, her gurney was moved into another part of the facility where a lab had been set up. Juliette turned her captive over to Dr. Angela Gregor and her team of geneticists, micro-implant specialists, psychologist and psychiatrists. All were brilliant, but all were driven by power and greed. The fear of conducting unethical research and the violation of the motto of “do no harm,” never registered in their minds.

Completing Rebecca’s physical, Dr Gregor went over the results. She looked up at her team. “Well what we have here is a very healthy and beautiful 21 yr old coed. Surprisingly, she is still a virgin.” She looked down at her team, “that fact will cause some interesting trial parameters.” Looking over the rest of the data, Angela finally looked up. “Does anyone have any concerns with this patient?” Hearing none, the meeting dismissed and treatments on Rebecca began.

Gregor explained to Juliette and Jimmy earlier that although humans perform at a higher brain function then animals, they were afterall, just another species and biologically reacted as the rest of the animal kingdom. Strip away reason and we are left with animal instincts. She then discussed Pavlov’s theory concerning stimulus and response. She argued, and her team was proving, that given the right set of stimulus, human behaviors could quickly be modified. “When we are done with Rebecca, she will do anything asked for the pleasure reward we will provide.”

Over the next few days and weeks, Rebecca’s conditioning consisted of a regimen of drugs, subliminal messages and hypnosis. While tranced, a hololens goggle covered her eyes projecting images of various sexual activities directly onto the cornea of her eyes. While this mental conditioning took place, a team implanted small micro sensors throughout her body. Located in her nipples, clit, g-spot and ass, these sensors were capable of producing various degrees of pleasure or pain based upon the program the team was running. By the end of the second week, Dr. Gregor decided it was time to bring Rebecca out of her twilight existence.

For the second time, Rebecca woke up unaware of where she was located. It took a few moments for her to gather her bearings, but those observing her could see the coed’s facial expressions change as reality set in. Sitting up in the gurney, Rebecca swung her legs over the edge and went to stand not realizing her body was naked. Before she could get out of that dilemma, the door opened and in walked Juliette, Jimmy, Dr Gregor and a few key members of her team.

“I see the patient is awake and functioning,” Dr. Gregor spoke. “Now we can assess our clinical success.”

Looking straight at Rebecca, she said “stand up, hands behind you head.” Immediately, Rebecca stood and her hands went behind her head with her fingers interlocked. Naked, she stood like a beautiful statue. Unable to move, Rebecca tried to talk. Nothing happened. A tear formed in the corner of her eye and confusion filled her face.

Dr. Gregor spoke. “Don’t worry my dear, you are just reacting as you should to our programming. While you thought you were asleep, my team has been busy working with your mind and body to give you a new outlook on life. When you resisted, we inflicted pain, when you obeyed, we provided pleasure. Naturally, your body becomes conditioned to the pleasure and craves more and more. In effect, you become a pleasure junkie and will do anything asked to keep receiving the sensations we provide.”

Pausing for dramatic effect, she continued, “even now, your body feels the pleasurable vibrations in all the right places doesn’t it”. Dr. Gregor waited for an answer.

Without thinking, Rebecca nodded her head and mumbled “yes doctor.” Her acknowledgement increased the pleasurable vibrations. She was put through a series of questions and commands and each time she obeyed or answered correctly, her pleasure was increased. When told to kneel on the floor and touch herself, Rebecca found herself kneeling, one hand massaging her breasts and nipples while the other played with her clit. The pleasure intensified until she exploded in orgasm.

Dr Gregor looked down at her. “You cannot resist in any way. Your body and mind will conspire to defeat you. All you can do is run to the pleasure.”

Tears rolled down Rebecca’s face. Rebecca was immediately shocked through her embedded sensors and she fell to the floor screaming. “Crying leads only to pain,” Dr. Gregor emphasized. Rebecca nodded,stopped the tears, and was soon again kneeling naked. As she did, pleasurable sensations again invaded her body bringing a smile to her face. Gregor looked to Juliette and Jimmy, “see how easily the smart ones adapt.”

Gregor led Rebecca to a computer where she was already logged into the campus network. Rebecca sat there and did two things: she sent an email to the editor of the campus newspaper describing her investigation and conclusion that there really was no story behind the coed’s disappearances and she sent a letter of resignation to the University Registrar.

By 4pm, Rebecca was dressed and waiting as Chief Daniels drove up in his car. Inside her head Rebecca was confused, was she about to be saved and this nightmare to end? Those hope shattered when Daniels said, “well, I am here to pick up my present for providing all of the top cover for your organization over the years.”

Gregor, Jimmy and Juliette, shook his hands and called Rebecca over. “I am sure you will find her to your liking.”

Daniels looked at Rebecca, “ah Ms Sloan, well I do hope your investigative reporting led to some interesting discoveries.” A sly grin broke out on his face. “Has she been conditioned as I asked?”

Dr. Gregor nodded, but added, “you are free to see for yourself.”

With that, Chief Daniels lowered the zipper on his uniform pants exposing his soft cock. As soon as he did, Rebecca’s eyes were glued on it. Her mind said that it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Pleasurable sensations began to fill her body as the sensors kicked in. Her mouth began to salivate in anticipation. Within 30 seconds, she was kneeling in front of the chief and within a minute she was sucking him to hardness. Rebecca did not stop until Daniels held her head in place, grunted and filled her mouth with his thick seed. When he did, Rebecca herself orgasmed.

Daniels zipped up his pants. “Well, I must say I enjoy doing business with you folks.”

Daniels told Rebecca to stand and follow him as he led her out to his patrol car.

Rebecca moved into the Daniels home that evening and willingly surrendered her virginity to the Chief before morning. No longer a student, Daniels quickly had her providing him with a steady stream of income in the adult entertainment industry where she quickly became a rising young star on OnlyFans. Although in a deep dark corner or her mind, Rebecca knew all of this was wrong, she could do nothing but smile and perform; afterall, performance led to pleasure and pleasure as everyone knew was addictive.