Update Archive

I just started this recently so I'm missing a lot.. the site's been around since around February 2003. That doesn't seem long when I say it, but it is...

July 3/06

Okay, the computer was a lot more messed up than I thought.. from what I hear the hard drive was probably wiped clean, so Issue 100 is pretty much gone. Which sucks, because I had made a backup of it on a portable hard drive, but I ended up deleting the backup to save space and never put it back on again. Issue 100 was getting close to finished and I didn't think the comp would just screw over like it did at the worst possible time, so I just left it. But there's irony for you. Oh well, at least there's still the trailer. Just imagine that but each clip about 30 seconds longer, and sound effects and voices, and no crappy techno music. And 5 or 10 minutes of other clips, and then a huge fight scene with monkeys and a ton of awesome guns, and then credits. It was gonna be so fucking good. I might redo just the ending fight scene when I get a working computer, and download all the programs I used again. Yep, there ya go, it really does suck but I couldn't have predicted anything like this. At least there's still the site.. i'll start updating with comics again sometime I guess. Sure was a waste of 6 months... oh well fuck it

Jun. 20/06

Computer died, it's getting fixed now.. as far as I know the actual hard drive should be okay (if not i'm fucked), updates to come soon. Hopefully it won't be more than a week, then I'm backing up all my crap.

May. 15/06

I'M GOING TO TRY AND FINISH THIS SOON BEFORE EVERYONE FORGETS ABOUT IT. Never doing this crap again, comics are so much easier and take way less time.

Apr. 27/06

Put up some fanmail, it's in "Articles/Other", which I changed since half of the stuff in there weren't articles. I'm going to work on Issue 100 now, but probably not. It WILL GET DONE, sometime. SOON. KEEP WATCHING FOR IT.

Apr. 13/06

I decided I should probably update with something so here. I made it yesterday and wasn't actually going to but it up, but meh..

Apr. 2/06

Computer's getting taken away to get fixed today, because it keeps shutting down randomly. At first it was just in games, but now it happens pretty much all the time. It will probably shut down while I'm typing this. I put all my issue 100 stuff on a flash drive, so if they mess up the computer or decide to format it or something then I won't lose everything. It shouldn't take too long to fix it so it probably won't be gone for that long.. if it is then meh, I don't think anyone will notice.

Mar. 28/06

I got rid of all the sound clips except for the current one to save space. Also, I was looking through some files from an old site I put up around June 2005, and found a crappy little thing I made about "Dennis" using Monkey Island stuff. It's in articles. Anyway, I think the site was something like www.geocities.com/krakhozia or something stupid like that. Apparently the site got deleted because I couldn't find it a couple months later, even though I thought geocities waited a year to delete their sites, and even then asked you first. The site only had 2 or 3 things, and some links, and I think I was going to review games or something, but I pretty much forgot about it after about a week. Anyway, I'm not actually going anywhere with this. Oh, and I might as well say before I go that if you ever go to the message board and it says it doesn't exist or some crap, they're just lying bastards because it will be back a few hours later.

Mar. 25/06

I don't have an update but issue #100 will be done soon, I'm 99% done all the animations and editing shouldn't take long, so keep checking the site. I'm also going to see V for Vendetta so I might put up a review for that in the next couple days, so I at least have something to update with.

Mar. 10/06


Feb. 22/06

Made a comic about the making of Misconceptons. I needed something to update with, so I made that. I've mostly just been working on issue 100 so that's why I haven't been updating. Not that I would normally update more often than this but... yeah. As for issue 100 I have most of the animations done, and the rest won't take too long. I dunno how much longer it'll take but meh, I'll get it done some time.

Feb. 13/06

I made a new poll.

Feb. 3/06

So, I put up another conversation I had with some person, it's in articles. Some person thought I was her dad, so I just played along and said a bunch of shit. I dunno, I just found it now and decided to put it up.. it's not really an article. Still no comics, I have to finish issue 100. I'm working on it. I started writing a short story of it, since I had no idea what the main story was going to be or how anything I've made for it would link together. So I started writing that to help figure out what I'm going to do. What I have now is pretty much a bunch of random animations that don't make sense as they are now. How could someone make a short story based on such a crappy comic? It's 1:30 AM and I don't know why I decided to update now, but I'm going to sleep. And I forgot to answer that question I just asked.

Jan. 21/06

I put up a new song. Or clip of a song, the song is Drugs in My Pocket by the Monks. I also put up a conversation I had on msn with some person, it's under articles. It's kind of crappy, though, but I figured I might as well put it on here. It's also not an article. My progress on issue 100 is probably about... 10%. Yeah, I should probably get working on that now.

Jan. 16/06

I have a new comic for today, which was actually made a couple days ago. But here it is, issue #99. Now I have nothing to do but work on 100, which I've already been doing for a while... well, a little while. I still have a lot more to do though, so... I dunno when it will be done. Yeah, it's gonna be long. I'll keep updating with stuff until its finished though. If I forget to update just go on the message board and yell at me or something.

Jan. 11/06

Misconceptions 98 is UP. Yeah... I have nothing else to talk about so... go away

Jan. 4/06

I took down that article about Nintendo, because it sucked. Yeah, no new comics, I need to make #98 and 99, but I have to make a sprite of a really big table, or find one, or something... so as soon as I do that I'll make them. So this isn't really an update at all. Actually, yes it is. I got a new hit tracker thing for my site that actually works.

Dec. 24/05

So, it's Christmas Eve and I actually finished my Christmas comic in time. It's only four comics long, but oh well. So go read it if you want but don't get your hopes up because it's pretty crappy.

Dec. 21/05

New Misconceptions. I also started this Christmas series thing, called "Krakko's Christmas". Yeah, it's an idea I stole from someone else. I've only made 2 comics so far for it... I should probably finish it some time soon. They're are under Random Comics. Also, geocities changed their layout around a lot, so the page statistics may or may not actually work now. Oh yeah, and The Warriors (the game) is cool.

Dec. 15/05

New comic, and issue 100 is underway. This issue 100 is shaping up to be pretty awesome. It won't be done for a while, but when it is... it's gonna be intense. It will likely cause seizures, strokes, and possibly even make your head explode in amazement. So I'd recommend taking some tranquillizers before you watch it. That should calm you down and reduce the chance of a seizure.. I don't want to have any lawsuits over it.

Dec. 12/05

I have a new comic today, for the thriving Krakko's Comics fanbase. I know you guys have been eagerly awaiting a new Misconceptions, and here it is, in comics section (I'm not linking it you lazy asses). Anyway, I've started making issue 100.. so it's probably going to be pretty long. I dunno why I'm spending so much time on it when no one is going to watch it anyway. So, that will probably take a while, but I'll keep updating until it's done... And that poll on the right is shitty, you can vote as many times as you want.

Dec. 10/05

New Misconceptions, and I've started working on issue 100... no I haven't, but I will.. soon. As soon as I figure out what the hell it's actually going to be about.

Dec. 8/05

COMIC UP. Took down the random stuff section. I'll put up a better one, not made in page builder some time, that one was pretty bad. I've been fooling around with this "Google Earth" thing, which is actually pretty cool. Here's my house. Yeah, apparently where I live isn't mapped out as well as some places. I also found where they're testing nukes (that's Area 51), which is pretty cool. Oh, and I just realized I had accidentally taken the mainmac.com button down, but it's back up now.

Dec. 4/05

Just changed the Video Games section to Articles, now its just for anything I feel like putting in there. Not rants, just articles... and stuff. I added a guide I made on how to get more traffic to your site. I added that poll, too.. I doubt anyone's actually going to vote, but I needed something to put there.

Dec. 2/05

Issue 92 is up. It's pretty long though, so get ready for a good sitting before you read it. I also changed issue 91 a bit in case you were wondering, which you weren't. I put the Jawa sprite sheet up again too, it was down for some reason. And there's a new song up. It's from a game that I never really liked that much, but I played a lot anyway. I think issue 100 will probably be animated.. maybe a movie with sound and music and crap... depending on how lazy I am. Or it might just end up really shitty, I dunno. I'm willing to bet it will end up shitty.

Nov. 24/05

So, I put a new layout up. I decided to change it to something that's not completely made up of images. The old one was taking a while to load, or at least on my computer. I would go to the site, internet explorer would freeze for about 5 seconds, and then the whole site would load all at once. I dunno, maybe my computers screwy. Anyway, I've had this layout for a while, I was going to use it for a new site when Coolbonesite bought some webspace a while ago, but he kind of gave up on that. So I still had the layout sitting around, I changed it a bit and made a new banner and there you go, the new layout. It's not the best but I like it a lot more than the old one. I still haven't figured out what I'm gonna put on the right side there, but I'll get around to that some time.

Nov. 20/05

Comic.. and I'm linked with Donut Pie now. And I took down the guestbook because it was full, and pointless. And the page stats thing doesn't work even though it should, but I'm leaving it up because... I dunno. Yeah that's all I have to say and I feel sick for some reason.

Nov. 13/05

New Misconceptions. Hosting them on Photobucket now to save space.. and bandwidth.

Nov. 3/05

I actually updated! No comic though, just added a new section called "Video Games". So, I'll just put anything I feel like writing about games in there. Just one article in there now, it's my opinion on Nintendo. My comics are shitty anyway, so check it out... Oh, and I think you need Realplayer to hear the music that's up... yeah it was being screwy so I uninstalled it on my computer.

Oct. 28/05

So, the site's back up. Here's a link to the comic that was up on the main page for the last while. So, that's my update for now. If you've already read it, read it again. Or listen to the new song I put up. Yeah, it's from Jazz Jackrabbit. It's pretty hardcore, I know. Anyways, I'll try to start updating a bit more here, unless fb20xl people start coming back and using up my bandwidth again, but they've probably forgot already. So we'll see how it goes.

Oct. 06/05

COMIC UP. I have another one half made, I'll finish it sometime. Almost at 90...

Sept. 25/05

Check it out. I made a new message board. I don't really know why, I was just bored and felt like making my own.

Sept. 15/05

Made a new Misconceptions. I hate when people make up shitty excuses for not updating like "My personal life has really been hell for me lately", like they have cancer or something.

Sept. 13/05

New comic up, that me and Coolbonesite made because we were bored. It's kind of like a guest comic type thing. Or whatever, I dunno. Yeah, so it's under random comics. I started a new Misconceptions, maybe I'll go finish that now. I also put up the guestbook again.

August 28/05

I made a new Dr. Phil comic, continued from the first one. It's alright, not the best, but its okay. I was just on the IMDB message boards for this movie called "Sonic" that they're making about some young waitress who unexpectedly dies and is revived by her boyfriend. Anyways, the board is full of people joking around, saying it's about Sonic the Hedgehog, even though it clearly isn't. It's so hilarious, everyone actually thinks they're serious and tells them to read the plot outline, and people just ignore them and keep pretending it's about Sonic the Hedgehog. Yeah, I dunno why I told you all that, but go read those message boards, they're funnier then my crappy comic.

August 22/05

Yeah, I haven't updated since the beginning of summer, but yesterday I got bored and had no internet so I made a comic. I might make some more soon, now that I have an idea for the story. I was also going to get a better message board that you don't need to register at just to read it. Maybe I'll do that now. Oh, and I added a new jawa sprite sheet to the sprites section.

June 2/05

Yep, I haven't updated in a while. I broke my updating streak. I've updated at least once a month for at least a year I think, but I FORGOT TO UPDATE LAST MONTH! Well, I didn't really forget, I just didnt update because I'm a lazy ass. I could make up a bunch of excuses, like school, personal shit, or whatever people say, but that would just be shitty, so I'm just say that I'm a lazy ass. I don't even have a real update now, just a new affiliate. I'm gonna make some more comics some time.

April 22/05

I put up a new Misconceptions, and also made a new random comic. It's a parody of those old crappy sprite commercials, which I don't even think are on anymore.

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