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  • Beading Basics: What you Need to Know to Get Started Beading
    Stringing beads is a fun way to reduce stress and explore your creative side. Put a colorful necklace together or create a beautiful matching set with a bracelet and a pair of earrings. Wear your creations, sell them, or wrap them in tissue paper and give them to your friends.
  • GLASS BEADS -The History and Making Of
    Beads are amongst the oldest human art and technology, dating back 30,000 years. Glass beads have been dated back to at least Roman times. Perhaps the earliest glass-like beads were Egyptian faience beads, a form of clay bead with a self-forming vitreous coating.
  • Okay, you have all the beads, now what are you going to make?
    Beads, beads and more beads. That’s what you see when you walk into a bead store. Log onto any bead website, more beads! Which ones do you buy? What are you going to make with them? How are you going to put them altogether? Where do you start? Your confidence starts to plummet as the overwhelming anxiety of where to start takes over.
  • The what's what of findings
    Many people just starting out in beading can get a little lost with all the jargon. As with any industry, learning what things are called and what they are used for can be a challenge. This article will assist in clarifying some of these terms.
  • Tools of the Bead Jewelry Crafts
    Like any other art form, beading jewelry is a way in which you can express your creativity and originality. Your imagination, skill level and budget are the only limitations to what you can create. You can use patterns or design your own bead jewelry. As you become more experienced in working with the tools of the craft, you may even begin selling your beautiful earrings, bracelets, rings and necklaces!



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