There are moments, however, when I
          wonder whether being the overlord to
          an Australian Empire could last very
          long. Or that the Empire could spread
          much further than Britain ... or even
          Australia at that. Just imagine it though
          - a world run by Australians... how
          Still, I'm sure we'd do a better
          job than the Americans. It'd be a lot
          more laidback and easygoing. Firstly I
          don't think the Australian people have
          much of a desire to bomb the crap out
          of everyone. We couldn't be arsed.
          We'd rather win at a game of something.
          Or watch everyone else lose.
          At least with the Aussies, the Earth
          would remain in tact by the time we
          were done with it. Maybe.
          But meanwhile we roam the world
          looking for places to make our own,
          and begin our expansion. You know
          the time is approaching. It won't hurt
          I promise.

          For those of you who've possibly
          forgotten, and after painfully having
          read up to this point, you may have
          come to the realisation that I'm quite
          strange. You might be able to put it
          down to an unusual childhood
          experience I had (see below), or if you
          are family members then I could blame
          you. Or the blame could be shared and
          once again be put also to England. For

          in my younger years having my father
          sit me down and force me to repeatedly
          watch Monty Python's Holy Grail. That
          would be enough to have any youngster
          growing up more than a little silly. And
          much like the movie, England is a silly
          place indeed.

          You might see examples of this in the
          photos on this site. You might not, and
          pretend you did. You might see glimpses
          of silliness, yet on seeing it forget you
          saw anything altogether. Or, when
          seeming about to forget, suddenly feel
          the hand of silliness upon you, and thus

          But first, and for once, in all serious-
          ness, actually being serious, I would like
          to thank Robin, June, and assorted
          Lovelocks for their generous hospitality,
          support and company. Without them
          my experience in England would be
          very frightening indeed (being serious).
          So frightening infact, that I would be
          left as a shivering and scared little
          (5ft3" little) Aussie, with absolutely no
          hope of taking over Coventry, let alone
          the rest of the country (being a little
          less serious now).

          I need also to of course thank Michelle
          for helping me out, keeping me company
          of an acquired taste, and just generally
          putting up with me. I should also thank
          her in advance for being such a good
          sport. (Not typically a very English
          virtue it seems ). For although the
          main purpose of this website is to show
          everyone in Australia what a silly place
          England is, it harbours a secondary
          purpose - paying out Michelle.
          TRANSLATION FOR BRITS: 'Taking the piss out of...'

          Sorry Meesh, but you're very smart.
          Too smart for your own good some
          would say, and this is one of the things
          I know how to do and you don't - paste
          things on the internet. Just consider
          this revenge for calling me "Stupid
          Aussie" from the moment I landed. For
          announcing to everyone that you did
          and didn't really know [with pointed
"This is Kristi-nah ...she's
          from AUS-TRA-LIA!!"
(This was
          often followed by grumbling under-
          breath from somewhere in the distance.
          Or mostly just lack-of-caring.) And
          wearing that really stupid cork-hat
          I was thick enough to get you.
          What else do I need revenge for? Oh
          yes, for after 30 hours flying from
          Brisbane to Singapore to Frankfurt to
          London, and then the drive up to
          Coventry, ...of ALL the places to
          first take me out to, you choose none
          other than the AIRPORT BAR. Thanks
          again. And then when falling asleep on
          the table in the middle of a Mixed
          Hockey drinking circle, due to the
          compacted effects of jetlag and
          exhaustion, your response was to poke
          me in the head and say "WAKE UP!!"

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