<BGSOUND SRC="inthegarden.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Oh let me in thy pastures green
Find a quiet resting place serene
Surround me with your presence divine
There I'll know that I am thine

Give me a hope on which to dream
Of springtime moments near a stream
For when my eyes shall wake no more
You'll find me on that restful shore

His gentle voice tells me to follow
For I know not what's on the morrow
But I am told His hand will lead me
And that He will never leave me

All worked into His perfect plan
He holds me in the palm of His hand
Numbered are the hairs of my head
And all my needs He has already met

He watches over me while I sleep
And when in dreams I am so deep
When I awake without a worry
Then I'll know I'll be in glory

K. T. Fillier
February 11, 2003
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws