Klamath Union High School ( KU)

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Click to go 50th Reunion Photo Album 50TH REUNION WRAP-UP

Prepared By: Bonnie (Sparks) Robeson
Phone: 541-967-7982 | E-Mail

August 2004

Dear Classmate:

In case you are one of the few who didn�t attend our weekend function here is an accounting of a great time had by all. Our 50th year class reunion was a success beyond our wildest dreams. Friday night 131 of us filled to overflowing one of the bars at Shilo Inn for a fun time of food and fluid. We made name tags available to cut down on the puzzlement of that face you thought you knew, but weren�t quite sure.

For some, Saturday morning was spent decorating the ballroom at Shilo for the coming dinner. Thanks to Sue Ramsby Bayless and Marcia Wilson Blinstrub and other helping hands it turned out beautiful. Marcia had purchased ironwood pelicans, which sat in a centerpiece of grass on a mirror on each of 18 tables. Votive candles and red napkins on a white tablecloth were added to each table. A dot was placed under one cup on each table and whoever had that cup could take home the pelican from their table. Red and white balloons hung from each chandelier and enlarged photos from the 1954 El Rodeo and clippings of happenings in 1954 were placed on the wall for all to enjoy.

Dave Maxwell got a group together for a time of golf Saturday morning. Eight or ten participated and they won various prizes.

At noon over 100 classmates, spouses, and friends had a great tour of Klamath Lake on the Klamath Belle paddle wheeler. Ice cream with various toppings was served to all which was a gift, along with the boat ride, of Jack Himelwright, Tom Highland, and Ken Martin.

Cliff Ambers arranged for a guided tour of KU at 3:00 with John Tellom, a KU employee. It was amazing how many changes had taken place over the last 50 years. The auditorium was made into offices and classrooms, both upstairs and down. The library that had been moved across the hall into the auditorium remodel was twice as large as when we were there. Our graduation photos that we restored, as well as some other classes, are hanging in the library, hopefully temporarily, until they can be hung in the halls like before. Most of the woodwork all over the school is painted red!!

Saturday night 174 +/- classmates, spouses, family and friends, attended the dinner and silent auction. Some may not have signed the guest book, but this is pretty close. Florence DeRossier made great name tags from our graduation photos to help us put a name with the face. Audrey Varnum Sinner did a great job of putting together a silent auction which took place during the dinner. It was a great success as it brought in $ for our treasury with the purpose of off-setting the cost of the reunion book. Ann Wolfrum Rinehart took orders for a reunion memory book for $25.

Joan Meador Rauch was the MC for the entertaining evening starting with Glenn Shellito leading the Pledge of Allegiance. The committee working on this reunion were introduced: Richard Pastega, Clara Cabella, Harold Heaton, Martin Kerns, Sheryl Keady as well as all those mentioned in this wrap-up. The rally squad was introduced, then after some prodding gave a yell. It was good to see they could still do a great job.

Six or eight got up and sang a new rendition of Favorite Things. It�s been printed for this book in case some couldn�t hear the words or if you weren�t there. It was a hoot.

Lapel pins, containing a pelican drawn by Ron Poole, and denoting our 50th class reunion, were passed out to each classmate by Pat Taylor Mathis. She had taken on the project of designing and ordering the tee shirts and sweatshirts we each ordered before the reunion which were made available Friday night. The same pelican was on some of the shirts that was on the pins. Terri Borgen Dippel took the picture of the high school that was on some of the shirts.

A disc jockey was hired to play 50's music from 9:00 to 11:00 so that was enjoyed by many along with lots of visiting. A few classmates joined us for the first time at a reunion since graduating and it was good to see them again.

A picnic at Wiard Park was attended by about 90 of us. Ruth Moak Spillar catered hamburgers and trimmings, hot dogs, chips, beans, and potato salad as well as beverages. Some classmates brought brownies and extra salads.

When the reunion announcement was mailed January 2004, I stated that there would be a meeting at the picnic to find out where classmates wanted to go from here as far as another reunion. It was unanimous that everyone had such a good time at this reunion that they wanted another one in 5 years. However, maybe more laid back. It was decided that we wouldn�t invite other classes at this time, as some other classes may have done in the past. We�re always open to ideas about 2009, so keep those suggestions coming!!

During that meeting I stated that we had pretty much depleted our treasury so as to make the fee to everyone low enough that more people could attend. Because of that there would be no more newsletters as they cost over $100 to send each summer. Someone suggested we take up an offering to replenish the treasury to cover the first newsletter next summer. Before I knew it we had $ piled up in front of me. There was also a suggestion that a subscription form be sent to everyone. If you want to continue getting the newsletter, please send the attached blank back to me with your $10. If you don�t want to get the newsletter, that�s okay.

Please be in touch whenever there�s a change of address or just to chat.

Your classmate,

Bonnie Sparks Robeson
[email protected]

NAME __________________________
ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________

If you are interested in getting the newsletter starting with Summer 2005, please send $10 for newsletters every year till the next reunion, 2009. Also, If you have any ideas for the 2009 reunion, please write them on the back of this form or email me. Any time it occurs, please send me any news or change of address.

Bonnie Sparks Robeson
31981 Meadowlark Loop
Tangent OR 97389
[email protected]

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