Cops and Robbers

Objective Robbers to steal the "treasure" before Cops capture all Robbers
Setup and Background Two Teams: Cops and Robbers.
Style Wide Game Very Active Chasing Game
  • Area marked off as Gaol (by a rope)
  • Treasure that can be easily picked up! This is placed in the centre of the Gaol.
  • Robbers run off to hiding places, Cops remain at the Gaol.
  • On "GO" Robbers attempt to steal the treasure without being tagged; Cops try to tag all Robbers.
  • Tagged Robbers are escorted to Gaol and remain in Gaol.
  • Robbers can be freed by an already free Robber by the free Robber tagging the Captive while the Captive is in Gaol.
Ends Time Limit, when all Robbers are caught (Cops win), or when treasure is stolen (Robbers Win). Don't forget to switch sides.


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