You should apologise to these kid. Apologise. APOWOJYITH!! The police are right there. Yeah, let's get somewhere else. Come on. Well? You wanna try? I don't know about your town, but my friends in New York died! You can't fuck around in my neighborhood. Get the fuck out of here, you fucking bastard!

It's Naruto, the sordid tale about a young Aryan soldier living in an alternate retelling of history where Adolf Hitler (referred now as "der kaji") conditions young children from birth to be ruthless assassination machines, meant to infiltrate the German ranks and slaughter those who fap to CP or post on 4chan. Sadly, Naruto was brutally raped as a child by an escaped rabid Nazi bio-superweapon, a demon dog known as Cerebrus which implanted seeds of fire into Naruto's anus, granting him the unnatural ability to be a fucking doofus, much to the chagrin of Naruto's village, who had been selectively bred to literally embody ubermenches and therefore became envious of those with even a spark of individuality. Cast out of society and reviled like an American pid dog, Naruto undergoes tremendous physical, emotional, and psychological trauma, hoping to become the newest oh kaji, where he can promote a homoerotic neo-facist agenda forcing all members of the Aryan state to wear miniskirts and read the composite works of James Fennimore Cooper. In recent developments, after flunking out of Najizi Academy, he becomes a pirate (a Script Kitty pirate, to be precise) and goes through a stage of listening to emo music, spiking his hair into sharp crests and tries to slit his wrists, only to fine he heals quickly due to the presence of Cerebrus' semen in his veins. A++ Anime. You must watch.

"No. Not tonight," Charlie cried as he buried his tears in his pillow. "Oh yes, tonight. Tonight, just like yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, and a hundred nights stretching before that ending at the day you came to live with me. Tonight, just like tomorrow." "Please, Mr. Wonka, please don't!" Charlie gave out one last sob of beligerrence, but the Candyman tore off the young boy's trousers with no senses of regret. "Let's see, what do we have hear today? Is there a treat for me? I most certainly hope there is," said Mr.Wonka as we delved his thumb and two fingers into Charlie's anus. Forcing them in until they were at the knuckle, Willy moved his hand around, as if he was searching for something. Then, his hand stopped, suddenly. "EUREKA! I found it!" Removing his fingers, Charlie saw that firmly clutched in Mr. Wonka's hand was an everlasting gobstopper that Wonka had placed in there last night. Taking a lick, Mr. Wonka declared "It tastes just as delicious as the day I made it, although I don't know how I got so much corn on the shell formula." Wonka said the last line with a wink at Charlie, as if he expected him to laugh. "Oh Well, time for business." And with that, Willy Wonka dropped the gobstopper to his side and began to slide his PENIS into Charlie's now-loose asshole. Charlie let out a small tear and he began to grunt with every thrust. He must escape this madness. He must kill Willy Wonka. But there were no knives in his home, in his prison. There were no guns or swords or matches, or anything. Everything that was needed was done for you by an oompa-loompa. "Charlie, in a few minutes I'm going to place this in your mouth. I think you should like it, it's flavored with an exlusive mix of Charlie Bucket chocolate. Thanks for not wiping, baby." Charlie had given himself poor anal hygeiene in an attempt to scare Wonka away, but Willy ignored it and fucked him all the same, except now with more facials. Charlie desperatly wanted out of this hell, and by now he was willing to go through any plan he could in order to escape. And that's when he saw it. Next to Wonka's shaking knees was a gobstopper. Charlie moved his hands back as if to play with Willy, but as soon as he was close enough, he grabbed the gobstopper and swallowed it hole. The taste was revolting, but he had grown used to the taste and smell of his own anal production, so it passed into his throat with no problem. And in his throat is where it lodged. By the time Willy Wonka had figured out Charlie was dead, he had already came in the young child's asshole, wondering why the child did not let loose a barage of tears telling him to pull out. Placing his PENIS in Charlie's mouth, he noticed the boy's flesh to be unusually cold and his tongue to be unresponsive. Fucking him orally anyway, Willy Wonka knew exactly what to do with his apprentice. He called out to the worker oompa-loompas and told them to take care of the body as they pleased, to which the oompa loompas chuckled and exchanged mischevious smiles. At once, he signaled for the Chief Loompa. Making motions, Wonka spoke to him. "Another one has died." "So, what should I do, sir?" "Distribute the memory eraser chocolate, again," "And then, boss?" "Tell the world that my factory is opening it's doors to the public after 15 years of life as a hermit. And make sure only boys find the gold this time."

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