About Me
My Intrests:

I have always liked drawing, and music sence the age of five (I was born with a box of crayons).

musical talent came about in kindergarden starting with playing violen until 6th grade and then swiched to playing piano until 5th level.  During college I started to learn guitar.

I graduated from college in 2004 with a
Bachlor of Arts degree in Visual Arts. With a Concentration in Art History, a Minor in Anthropology, and a couple of Chemistry calsses. I want a profession that deals with Art (my passion now is to become a Conservator of Art....)

In the Real World I work with a group of conservators as their
Digital Documentation Photographer and Paintings Lab Intern.

During the mean time -  When I am not at work I try to set asside some time to read, study, plan fun things, plan out good meals, workon my computer, work on my web pages, and take home projects. No mr's at all.

Goals I have

Be able to fix my web pages some day.

Make more pages and scaning new art work in.
Some of the things I love are: my friends cats (I like animals), my cat BOB, my family and 2nd and 3rd families, the beach (just water), having time to my self, Mr. Bunny.............
and a special some one else who is out there far far away some where ........

Books I have Read 2004-2005
Angels and Demons.- Dan Brown
The Divinci Code- Dan Brown
Star Man -Sara Douglass
Sinner- Sara Douglass
Dragon Fly in Amber- Diana Gabaldon
Voyager-Diana Gabaldon
Rachel- Marian Keys
Eats, Shoots and Leaves- Truss
He's Just not that into you: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys - Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo
The Loch- Steven Alen

-----------What I am reading Now -----------
Bright Earth
How to tripple your reading speed

Others to come back to
Looking at art
books on Leonardo- Marini and David Allen Brown

------------------ Books I would like to read
the stupidest angel- Christapher Moore
A code to rival Da Vinci's - james neal webb
Birth of Venus- Sarah Dunant
Illuminator- Brenda Rickman Vantrease
Over the Edge of the World: Megellins voyage

What I am up to now
I am still working at the Bookstore until I can obtain a job in my field of work. The other options I have is working on getting a grant to do free work with a museum or going back to school part time for Museum Management.
still dreaming and wishing for you know who

But for now.......
I wish you luck in all your endevers.

To be continued........................................................
About me PG 2
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