
Here I recommend some websites of Black Jack for you. Some information in "Home of Kuro Hazama" is obtained from these websites.


Let's begin with the official sites first.

Tezuka Osamu World

手塚治虫的官方網頁, 包含了手塚老師一生的作品, 以及在他逝世後直至 2000 年間, 由他的門生創作的派生作品, 內容十分詳盡。
The official website of Tezuka Osamu. It contains all works of Dr. Tezuka during his lifetime, as well as works produced by his colleagues after he passed away until year 2000. This is a website with lots of detailed information.

URL: http://www.tezuka.co.jp/
語言 Language: Japanese English


一個由 Tezuka Production 創作的百分百間黑男官方網頁, 包含了在 2000 年後所創作的「怪醫秦博士」所有作品的資料, 怪醫迷不能錯過。
Official website produced by Tezuka Production, 100% devoted to Kuro Hazama. It contains information of all Black Jack works after Year 2000. Black Jack fans couldn't miss.

URL: http://blackjack.jp/
語言 Language: Japanese

Black Jack 21

Tezuka Production 旗下 YTV 所創作的官方網頁, 內容是關於最新一輯 「怪醫秦博士」TV 版動畫 Black Jack 21 的資料, 並有預告片供預覽。
Official website produced by YTV, a subdivision of Tezuka Production. It contains information of the latest TV anime work "Black Jack 21". Trailers are available for preview.

URL: http://www.ytv.co.jp/bj/
語言 Language: Japanese

Black Jack Site

Tezuka Production 在 2001 年創作的「怪醫秦博士 Flash 動畫」的官方網頁, 內有預告片供預覽,但要收看全部 12 輯動畫,就必須付款。
Official website of the "Black Jack Internet Flash Anime" produced by Tezuka Production in Year 2001. Trailers are available for download. But if you want to watch all 12 episodes, I'm afraid you need to pay.

URL: http://www.bb-anime.tv/bj/
語言 Language: Japanese


Official websites are introduced. Let me introduce you some fans sites.

Tezuka in English

這網頁由一位美國的手塚迷所創作, 內容計劃會包含所有手塚老師的作品, 以及近期的新作, 不過現在仍在擴建中。 但有部份已完成的內容, 內中的資料已經比手塚治虫的官方網頁更詳盡, 可謂一個不可多得的好網頁。
This site is created by a Tezuka fan in America. It is planned to include all works from Dr. Tezuka, including those recent works. But it is still under development. However, some of the completed parts is even more detailed than "Tezuka Osamu World"!
URL: http://tezukainenglish.com/
語言 Language: English

Google Group: Black Jack

相信這是世上唯一的「怪醫秦博士」英語討論區, 在這裏, 來自各方的間黑男擁躉可謂仔仔一堂, 你可在此討論區大談間黑男的一切事。
Possibly the only English "Black Jack" Discussion Group in the world. In here, you can find fans of Kuro hazama from every parts of the world. You can talk anything about Kuro Hazama here.

URL: http://groups.google.com/group/Black-Jack
語言 Language: English

"Tezuka Osamu Complete Manga Works" Explanation and Index

由日本的手塚迷創作,對「手塚治虫漫畫全集」的內容作全面分析, 網頁還包括「怪醫秦博士」 242 個故事的清單。
Produced by a Japanese Tezuka fans. It is an analysis report of "Tezuka Osama Complete Manga Works". A list of all 242 "Black Jack" stories is included.

URL: http://www.kurata-wataru.com/t-osamu/t-osamu.html
語言 Language: Japanese

Tezuka Osamu Analysis

一個由日本手塚迷創作的個人網頁, 對手塚治虫的其中數輯出色的作品作詳細的研究, 當然, 「怪醫秦博士」也在研究之列。
A personal website produced by a Japanese Tezuka fans. It analyses some of the remarkable works of Tezuka Osamu. "Black Jack" is certainly one of the analyzed candidates.
URL: http://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~snaf/
語言 Language: Japanese

Encyclopedia of Osamu Tezuka

所有手塚老師的作品, 出版過的刊物, 你都可以在這裏找到它們的資料, 這網頁真的名副其實是手塚治虫百科全書。
Any pieces of work and any published items by Dr. Tezuka, you can find their information here. This page is really the Encyclopedia of Osamu Tezuka.

URL: http://www.phoenix.to/index.html
語言 Language: Japanese

Works not published in "Shonen Champion Comics"

有部份「怪醫秦博士」作品並未收錄在單行本中, 本網頁提供了有關它們的資料, 包括故事內容, 未被收錄的原因, 以及在什麼地方可以找到這些作品。 另外, 本網頁還大膽地刊登了封印作品「」的其中兩頁, 千萬不要錯過啊!
Some works were not published in "Shonen Champion Comics". This website states out their information, such as story details, reasons of being excluded, and where can you find them. Also, this page bravely published 2 pages of the sealed work "The Seat of Pleasure". Don't miss!
URL: http://www.geocities.jp/im_bpn_n/kairaku/
語言 Language: Japanese

Black Jack List Sorted by Publishing Date

另一個包含「怪醫秦博士」 242 個故事清單的日本網頁, 不過這清單還列出了在每個故事中, 間黑男所收到的報酬, 十分特別。
Another Japanese page listed out all 242 Black Jack stories. But this list also includes the actual money received by Kuro Hazama in each story. It is a very special list.

URL: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/blackjack/list/index.htm
語言 Language: Japanese

Osanushi Zatu Gaku Jiten

這裏列出了另外一個故事清單, 但很特別地列出了在每個中間黑男所診治的疾病名稱。 另外, 網主公開了他的私人珍藏 Black Jack Collection Box I & II 的內容, 千萬不要錯過!
Inside this page, there is another story list. But this time, the list included names of disease that Kuro Hazama cured in each story. Also, the web master showed his private collection to us, Black Jack Collection Box I & II. Don't miss!
URL: http://plaza.across.or.jp/~dora-mania/
語言 Language: Japanese

Black Jack Full Episode List

又一個故事清單, 這清單內加插了間黑男在內有出場的故事在內, 資料十分詳盡。 本網頁內的清單就是按這裏的資料寫成。
Another story list, this list also included Midnight stories with Kuro Hazama. Information is very detailed. The list on this page also used this list as reference.

URL: http://www.takeboh.com/bj3.html
語言 Language: Japanese


一個由日本怪醫迷創作的個人網頁, 沒有圖畫但資料詳盡, 內中有「怪醫秦博士」的一百條問題, 十分有趣。
A personal website produced by a Japanese Black Jack fans. There are no pictures inside but the information is very detailed. There are 100 "Black Jack" questions inside, very interesting!

URL: http://mitoro.her.jp/bj/
語言 Language: Japanese

Black Jack / 手塚治虫

ASCII 的間黑男?! 對! 是否很有趣呢? 除了間黑男外, 這裏還有其他配角的 ASCII 畫啊。
Kuro Hazama in ASCII?! Yes! Isn't it interesting? Apart from Kuro Hazama, there are also other secondary characters in ASCII.

URL: http://members.at.infoseek.co.jp/clct/blackjack.html
語言 Language: Japanese


這其實並不是「怪醫秦博士」的網頁, 不過網主很喜歡「怪醫秦博士」, 所以創作了自稱為「怪醫秦博士」第 243 話的同人漫畫。 畫得不錯的, 但還未完成呢!
This is not exactly a Black Jack page. But the web master loves Black Jack and created a remake manga called Black Jack Episode 243. Not bad, but not quite finished!

URL: http://www.tky.3web.ne.jp/~tahji/
語言 Language: Japanese

以上是我推薦給大家的網頁, 希望您們喜歡。 如果您發現有任何「怪醫秦博士」的網頁未被列出的話, 請告之, 謝謝! 我的電郵是: [email protected]

The above are websites I recommended. I hope you will like them. If you found any "Black Jack" page not listed here, please tell me. My email is: [email protected]

最後, 您也可以用我的佩佩搜尋器來搜尋其他網頁。

Finally, you can use my Pinoko Search Engine to search other websites.

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