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Katching up with Kendriya Vihara @ Bengaluru

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The following was the opening page at the geocities site. Yes, there was a shot of the community centre looking from the ninth floor terrace of the block D-5. Hopefully we may be able to retrieve the specially commissioned photo shortly. The following write up was extempore, as many sites desire such home page inputting is done by hand – but they would not reveal that requirement to the uninitiated, to start with. Very often you reach the Sunderbans after lot of legwork, taxiing, train safari and a passage in an ocean liner only to then discover, you do not have any weapon to challenge the pouncing tiger in front – so you settle down to a  fist fight – like that :--


Kendriya Vihar is a peaceful community located off Jakkuru airfield but before the IAF airbase. It is easily traced on the NH7, some 550 kMs short of Hyderabad.

How does one arrive at the Kendriya Vihar? Easy. You locate the penultimate stop of any Volvo Vayu Vajra to BIAL.  Kendriya Vihar is just in front. A six lane exclusive super highway has lately been laid to bypass the Train Halt at Allalasandra. When you whizz past this highway do not miss the imposing view of the Nandi Hills yonder and the omni-present B-TRAC Interceptor with challans in hand!

The 603 families that live in the campus never imagined urbanisation would strike them like a tsunami. So they are equipped with 24 by 7 Cauvery water and power for common services. Friendly neighbourhood boutiques dot the colony for the immediate needs. Waste water is recycled and deployed to maintain the greenery over a five acre garden.

Kendiya Vihar Apartment Owners' Association [KVAOA] is responsible for the upkeep of the premises. A new Management has taken over since the last AGM of May 2010 -- presided over by Mr K Rajan





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Page 1 : is Home : peruse About, control + click on
Page 2 : Our New Selves [a.k.a the Emperor in his new clothes], control + click on
Page 3 : The more interesting blogs we receive are displayed : control + click on
Page 4 : shows the Notices issued from time to time [by the Administrative Officer, President, Vice President and the Secretary] : control + click on
Page 5 : carries the constitution : control + click on

Come share your thoughts and experience – Write to kvaoaynk at dataone dot in or kvaoa at yahoo dot com

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Uploaded 09 Dec 2010 Thu 1300\