Episode I: The Phantom Menace
     Miscellaneous : lightsabre combat : Seven Forms
  "Destroy you, I will" - Yoda to Darth Sidious, Revenge of the Sith
Yoda practices Form IV (Attack of the Clones)

Type: lightsabre combat Form
Affiliation: Jedi Order

Qui-Gon Jinn
Obi-Wan Kenobi

Seven Forms

Form IV (Ataro, Way of the Hawk-Bat) is the most acrobatic of the Seven Forms of lightsabre combat, and allows a true Master to go beyond what is physically possible. Masters Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn trained in the art of Form IV.

The fourth great lightsabre discipline focuses on a
Jedi's ability to use the power of the Force to perform acrobatic manoeuvres during battle. Running, jumping and spinning moves are augmented by the Force, while Form IV lightsabre combat is a blur of elegant yet deadly moves. Force-fuelled acrobatics help to overcome a particularly powerful duelist, or to achieve an advantage against multiple opponents. The Sokan style borrows the agility of Form IV to create a style focused on evasion and luring an opponent into a vulnerable position over expansive terrain.

Form IV masters focus on the Force in battle, letting it flow deeply not only through one's spirit, but through their entire body, allowing even elderly or physically frail Jedi to perform astounding feats of agility. The ancient Master Yoda, for example, can rid himself of the infirmities of old age with his expert command of the Force. With the Force and Form IV, Yoda is a master swordsman unparalleled by any in the
Jedi Order. Qui-Gon Jinn also employs Form IV, though not to the acrobatic extent of Yoda. In his sixth decade, Qui-Gon can fight as well as a man half his age.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was, in his early years, a practitioner of the Ataro style, but the death of Qui-Gon Jinn at the hands of Darth Maul revealed a flaw in the Form IV teachings. Obi-Wan felt that the Form's acrobatic nature did not provide enough defence in combat, and so Kenobi shifted his focus to the more defensive Form III, or Soresu. He used this style exclusively throughout the Clone Wars, though reverted briefly back to the Ataro form in his duel with Count Dooku over Coruscant. This was, however, a ploy to lure Dooku into a false sense of security: Dooku knew all the weaknesses of Form IV, having trained Qui-Gon himself, and so became overconfident in battle with Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. The Jedi then reverted back to their true Forms, and were able to defeat the Dark Lord. Yoda later unleashed the full power of Ataro in his epic confrontation with Darth Sidious, but even Yoda's might was not enough to bring down the Dark Lord, and Yoda was forced to flee.

  SourceThe Phantom Menace, Episode I Visual Dictionary, Revenge of the Sith

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Image Gallery: Seven Forms

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Yoda uses Form IV against Darth Sidious (Revenge of the Sith)
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