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April 27, 2008
added nothing of significance

This technically counts as an update, Ech.


December 7, 2006
added UZC #405

Hey, it's been less than three months, stop complaning. Fine, you can complain because it looks like crap (I can't find my UZC folder at the moment).


September 9, 2006
added UZC #404

Yes, it's the obligatory "404" joke. Minineko pretty much explains the entire comic.

 UZC Quote of the Day:

Mars: i dare elroy to explain this
Mars: on account of 1. it's guitar hero
Mars: 2. the guy is, apparently, scorpy

September 4, 2006
added UZC 2D #15

I guess this ends the UZC in 2D series. Not a moment too soon, either. (Actually, I might've been better off four strips ago...)

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UZC Themes: Green 1 | Green 2 | Green 3 | Green 4 | Wave | Not a UZC | Jaden
Halloween | Seizure Party | Zeo | FC | X-Mas | St. Patrick | Tiny Stripes | Fire | Fancy | Blank
*The Hall of Trophies*

These are my affiliates and other comics, which I include as affiliates, to make myself look more popular and cool. =^n.n^=

Disclaimer: characters are based on people from and its chat and forums, but do not necessarily represent their thoughts or opinions =^e.e^=
Comic and characters ©2003-2005 by Kyattsuai and respective owner. Pokémon Zeo ©2000-2005 by purity, Ech, and their respective owners. The UZC is not affiliated with Zeo officially, as the title would imply.

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