1020 Local Phoenix High School
Phoenix, AZ
Wednesday, March 3, 1987

Seventeen-year-old Sarah Mackenzie pulled her book bag on her shoulder and made her way out of her classroom. Joining the throng of students out in the hall, she managed to make her way to her locker and worked the combination. The locker sprang open and she put her French book in the locker and pulled out her Trigonometry book. Sarah pushed back a strand of her long brown hair and looked around.

A few yards down the hall she spotted him. Harmon Rabb, Jr. She had heard about him from her friends and talked to him a couple of times in passing, or when he needed her homework, but never on a more personal level. His father had died in the Vietnam War and he was the star player of the football team. He was also one of the most popular kids in school. Someone like her didn't have a chance with him. She tried to tell herself she didn't care that much anyway. Sarah was trying for a scholarship and needed to keep her mind in her studies. She didn’t have time for falling in love. Besides who would want someone like her anyway. Certainly not someone who looked like Harmon Rabb and Sarah was old enough to know that fairy tales really didn’t come true.

Shutting her locker, Sarah made her way to her next class. As she passed Harriet Sims in the hall she heard her whisper loudly enough for Sarah to hear, "Wow, Sarah has a nice dress on. Looks like her mother ran it through the wash with bleach!" The girl giggled and Sarah ambled away, tears burning in her eyes.

She entered her next class and sat down. Opening the book that she had gotten from her locker, she checked her homework and made sure that it was complete and that she had the answers correct. Harm came into the room and took the desk next to her. He looked over at her paper. "Hey, Mackenzie, got the answers to the math homework?" he asked.

‘I guess it’s one of those days when he "knows" me,’ she thought to herself. Sighing, Sarah handed her paper over to Harm and he got started copying the answers down on his own paper. The bell rang and Mrs. Piper, the principal, came over the intercom with the announcements. The list was long and it took awhile to go through them. Finally, she hit an announcement that caught Sarah's interest. "Auditions for the play Romeo and Juliet will be held on Thursday, March 4th, at 3:00 in the auditorium. Interested students should be ready to present a selection from the play. That is all." The loudspeaker clicked off and the announcements were over.

"Who wants to try out for some stupid play like that? Only nerds and brains try out for the school plays," Harm commented loudly. Some of the kids surrounding them laughed along, agreeing with him.

Tears burned in Sarah's eyes as she turned away so Harm wouldn't see them.

It didn’t work. He had seen and mentally kicked himself for the insensitive comment.

The rest of class went by more smoothly then the first part. Sarah finished her work and then had time to read some of her book. The bell rang and she put her books in her bag and prepared to stand up to go to lunch. Just as she was about to stand up, her best friend, Jason Tiner walked in to the room. Jason was only a freshman and even though she was a senior, he and Sarah had become the best of friends. "Sarah, you going to try out for the play?" he asked.

She nodded. "Of course I'm going to try out. I've always wanted to play Juliet. Are you going to try out?"

"Yeah, I thought that I would try out for the part of Tybalt. What do you think?" he asked.

Sarah smiled. "Sounds good. I think that you would be perfect for the part."

Together they walked out of the room and over to the cafeteria. Standing in line, they finally made it up to the counter. Sarah put a sandwich; fruit and a soda on her tray while Jason opted for the chicken salad and juice. The pair paid for their meals and quickly found a table. They sat down and dug in.

Just as they had sat down, Harm came up and pulled out the seat next to Sarah. "Hey, Mackenzie. I need your help."

"Harmon, you already got my answers to the homework what more do you want?" she asked impatiently, his nearness doing funny things to her breathing.

He shook his head. "It's not that. I need help in another class this time. How good are you in English?"

Before she could answer, Jason interrupted. "She's only been getting straight A's all her life in that class. She's only in the AP English class," he finished proudly.

"Jason." Sarah hissed.

Harm laughed. "Good. I need you to help me write a essay on this book that I had to read. Would you be up to helping me out?"

She nodded, giving in with a sigh. "Sure. Meet me in the library after school today and we'll get started then."

"Okay, see you then," he replied casually before getting up and sauntering over to his waiting friends.

Sarah noticed the group staring at her, pointing in the direction of her table, and snickering amongst themselves. Their laughter grew louder when Harm sat down, obviously teasing him about being seen with someone like her. Unable to stand it any longer, Sarah rose with her tray and did her best to hold her head high while exiting the lunch room. She would not let them see her cry.

So caught up in her inner struggle was she, that she never noticed the look on Harm’s face as he watched her leave, his eyes full of pride and longing.

1535 Local Phoenix High School
School Library
Wednesday, March 3, 1987

Sarah glanced at her watch for the tenth time in as many minutes, although she really didn’t need to. She knew exactly what time it was and exactly how long he had kept her waiting. Damn him, he wasn’t going to show up. School had been out for 36, no, 37 minutes and still no sign of him. Well, he could forget it. She had better things to do then set around and wait for that arrogant, pompous, stuck up...

"Hey, Mac. What ya doin’? Ready to get started?" Harm plopped down into the chair next to her like he had all the time in the world.

Well she didn’t. Standing up to gather her things, Mac turned an icy glare at him. "My name is Sarah, and it seems you have better things to do with your time than be considerate of me or worry about your grades since you’ve let me sit here for the last 39 minutes." She didn’t notice him look at his watch, or see the astonishment on his face at her accuracy. "So why don’t you just give me the name of the book, and tell me what the essay has to be about, and I can just finish it at home." Sarah was so mad she was shaking and all of her words tumbled out in one big rush.

With a hand on her arm he stopped her. "Look, Sarah, I’m sorry. I just got caught up talking to some of the guys after school. I just lost track of time."

Even though the statement was sincere Sarah was still angry. "What? So because I don’t have as many friends as you do I’m not as important?"

"That’s not what I said..."

Suddenly tired of this conversation Sarah cut him off. "Spare me, okay? Just give me the assignment and I promise I’ll have it done for you tomorrow." Looking away and hugging her arms around her middle in a defensive gesture, Sarah waited for Harm to retaliate in some way. But it never came.

Before she realized what was happening, Harm was standing in front of her, so close she could feel his breath fanning across her forehead.

"I’m sorry, Sarah. I really am. Please don’t leave," he pleaded softly. "I want to work on the paper with you. Don’t go."

Looking up, searching his eyes, Sarah saw something she didn’t recognize but it still touched her deep down inside.

Nodding slowly she finally consented. "All right. But we need to get busy; I need to get home."

"Sure," Harm readily agreed, willing to say anything to keep her there a little longer.

After an hour of working steadily on his essay they were finally finished.

"Well, that wasn’t so bad," Harm mused out loud.

Sarah had to agree. She was actually impressed with Harm’s knowledge of his English assignment. He had obviously read it so there really hadn’t been a reason why he would need her help. He was definitely interesting. "You’re right. It wasn’t bad at all," Sarah spoke, letting a small smile play about her lips before turning to look at him with shy, uncertain eyes.

Harm’s stomach did flip-flops with just that one look and that beautiful smile. Unable to resist the urge to touch her, Harm reached out and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, marveling at it’s silky texture. Returning her grin, Harm answered, "You sound surprised."

Blushing slightly at his attention, Sarah mumbled, "I guess I am. You’re not what I expected, Harmon Rabb."

Unable to find any words, Harm began helping Sarah gather her things. Noticing a copy of Romeo and Juliet, Harm asked, "So, are you gonna try out for the play tomorrow?"

Harm noticed her stiffen at his question. Before he could say anything more, Sarah answered with a terse "Yes" before picking up her book bag and heading for the door.

"Hey, Mac?" Harm called before she got to the door, deliberately using his new nickname for her.

Turning around she eyed him warily. "Yes?"

"Thanks. For all your help," he said while turning that killer smile on her.

How could she stay mad when he looked at her like that? "Your welcome, Harmon," she replied softly, before heading out of the library door.


1459 Local
Phoenix High School
Phoenix, AZ
Thursday, March 4, 1987

She closed her book with a clang and threw it in her book bag. This was the moment she had been waiting for all her life. The chance to play Juliet. She had been running late to the auditions so she had missed the first couple of people try out, but she had still made it in time.

Taking a deep breath, Sarah sat up tall in her chair and looked straight ahead. She was as ready as she was ever going to be.

Finally it was her turn. "Sarah Mackenzie?" Mr. Thompson, the drama teacher called out. Sarah stood up and made her way up onto the stage.

"Oh Romeo, Romeo, Where far out thou Romeo?

Deny thy father and refuse thy name, for I'll no longer be a Capulet.

What's in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

Sarah continued to give her presentation with as much passion as she could muster. Finally she was done. "Thank you, Sarah. Please stay here and we will let you know the results in a few minutes."

Around a half-hour later, it was time to announce who got what part. Jason got the part of Tybalt. Harriet Sims got the part of Lady Capulet. Then it was time to announce the part of Juliet. "With much deliberation, I have decided to give the part of Juliet to...Sarah Mackenzie." She grinned. This had to have been the best moment in her life.

"And now for the part of Romeo. This took some careful thought. The part of Romeo will be played by Harmon Rabb."

Sarah turned in shock. Harm? Play Romeo? It couldn't be!

1820 Local
Mackenzie Residence
Phoenix, AZ
Thursday, March 4, 1987

Sarah walked home that night in shock. She still couldn't believe that Harm was going to play Romeo. His words from class the day before echoed through her thoughts. ‘Only nerds and brains try out for school plays...’ It just didn’t make any sense. What could have possibly possessed him to even try out?

Walking into her house, she dropped her book bag at the foot of the stairs and walked into the kitchen for a snack. There was a note taped to the refrigerator:

Working late. Don't know when I will be home.
Eat something good for you and get to bed on time.

Love ya!

Sarah couldn’t help but smile at the note. Her mother worked at the hospital as a receptionist and often worked late. This was nothing new to her. Opening up the refrigerator, she pulled out stuff to make a ham sandwich which she took up to her room. Turning on the stereo, she put in a newer cassette that she had gotten for her birthday a few months back from her Uncle Matt. She had just started to munch on her sandwich and just opened her French book to study for her test when the phone rang.


There was a hesitant pause before a deep, nervous voice carried over the phone. "Hey, Sarah."

She was baffled. The voice sounded vaguely familiar but she couldn’t quite place it. "Who is this?"

"It’s Harmon. But just so you know, my friends call me Harm."

Now she was just plain shocked. Harmon Rabb was calling her! And was he teasing her.

Stuttering slightly, Sarah managed to reply. "Hi, Harm. I didn’t realize I was considered a friend."

"Sure you are," he stated matter of factly.

"Um...okay," she uttered not knowing what else to say.

"Look, I was wondering if I could ask you something?" The uncertainty was back in his voice.

"Sure. What's up?"

"It’s not much," he replied. "I was wondering if you could stay over tomorrow after school so we could go over lines for the play."

She glanced at her calendar. "Yeah, I guess I can. I'll meet you by the French room after school, okay?"

He sounded almost relieved. "Sounds good, Mac. See you then." And as fast as he had called, he hung up.

Sarah returned the phone to the cradle and shook her head. Lying her head down on the pillow, she pulled her French book up to her and tried to study. Within minutes, however, she was fast asleep.

1450 Local
Phoenix High School
Phoenix, AZ
Monday, March 8, 1987

It had been four days since the parts for the play had been announced. This was the first real rehearsal and Mac’s stomach was aflutter with both nervousness and anticipation.

True to her word, and his, they had met to run through the play the next day after school. He was a little awkward at first, and each time Harm had been kind of stiff in his delivery. But he had warmed up to it by the end. She was still surprised by his trying out at all but had been too shy to ask his reasons for doing so. He was being so nice to her she didn’t want to do anything to spoil it.

"Okay, let's take it from Act 1 Scene 3. Harriet? Are you ready?" Mr. Thompson called out.

Harriet, who was waiting in the wings nodded. "Okay, and Action!"

She stepped out from her hiding place and faced the audience. After a dramatic pause, she delivered her first line, "Nurse, where's my daughter? Call her forth to me." The line was delivered with such facade that it was wonderful.

The scene went on from there. Soon it was Sarah's turn to enter the stage. She entered and delivered her line "How now, who calls?" It was just perfect!

From there, the scene continued smoothly. They continued to practice the scenes until it was time for the first scene between Romeo and Juliet or Harm and Sarah.

It was Harm who spoke first. "If I profane with my unworthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this, -- My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss."

Sarah was shocked. There was no awkwardness now. This time he delivered the line like a pro. He was so good she almost forgot to give her line. "Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, Which mannerly devotion shows in this; For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss."

Harm said his line and the scene continued again flawlessly. They worked so well off of each other and there seemed to be an almost magical quality to their performance.

"Wow. That was wonderful people. But now, let's go to the death scene," the teacher said.

She stopped in her tracks. "The death scene? That means.." It was time for the kiss. They had purposely avoided that part in their practice sessions. Well...at least she had purposely avoided it. Harm had wanted to but hadn’t pushed when she had skirted around it. Now there was no way out of it.

Sarah waited, fidgeting, while first Harm and Victor, the person playing Paris, had their scene. Then, all too quickly, it was time for Harm and Sarah's big scene.

Harm delivered the first line. "In faith, I will.--Let me peruse this face:-- Mercutio's kinsman, noble County Paris!-- What said my man, when my betossed soul Did not attend him as we rode? I think He told me Paris should have married Juliet: Said he not so? Or did I dream it so? Or am I mad, hearing him talk of Juliet, To think it was so?--O, give me thy hand, One writ with me in sour misfortune's book! I'll bury thee in a triumphant grave;-- A grave? O, no, a lanthorn, slaught'red youth, For here lies Juliet, and her beauty makes This vault a feasting presence full of light. Death, lie thou there, by a dead man interr'd."

"How oft when men are at the point of death Have they been merry! which their keepers call A lightning before death: O, how may I Call this a lightning?--O my love! My wife! Death, that hath suck'd the honey of thy breath, Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty: Thou art not conquer'd; beauty's ensign yet Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks, And death's pale flag is not advanced there.-- Tybalt, liest thou there in thy bloody sheet? O, what more favour can I do to thee than with that hand that cut thy youth in twain to sunder his that was thine enemy? Forgive me, cousin!--Ah, dear Juliet, Why art thou yet so fair?"

"Shall I believe that unsubstantial death is amorous; and that the lean abhorred monster keeps Thee here in dark to be his paramour? For fear of that I still will stay with thee, And never from this palace of dim night Depart again: here, here will I remain With worms that are thy chambermaids: O, here Will I set up my everlasting rest; And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars From this world-wearied flesh. --Eyes, look your last! Arms, take your last embrace! And, lips, O you the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss a dateless bargain to engrossing death! -- Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavoury guide! Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on the dashing rocks thy sea-sick weary bark! Here's to my love! O true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. --Thus with a kiss I die."

He was so passionate in the way that he delivered the line that it shocked Sarah. It was almost possible to believe he was really in love. Finally she rose and delivered her lines with everything she had in her. "What's here? A cup, clos'd in my true love's hand? Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end: -- O churl! Drink all, and left no friendly drop to help me after? --I will kiss thy lips; Haply some poison yet doth hang on them, to make me die with a restorative."

She leaned down to where Harm lay and gently pressed her lips to his. It felt right, but then this was Harmon Rabb we were talking about.

"Thy lips are warm!" she said after kissing Harm.

"Yea, noise? --Then I'll be brief. --O happy dagger!"

Sarah took the small, plastic knife from Harm's belt.

"This is thy sheath" She brought the knife up and stabbed herself in her mid-section. "There rest, and let me die." With that final line, she fell over Harm's body and closed her eyes.

There was silence in the auditorium before the others broke into slight applause. "That was wonderful! Harm, Sarah! That was just wonderful!" Mr. Thompson cried out enthusiastically. "That's it for today people. See you here tomorrow!"

Sarah rolled over and off so Harm could sit up. She was about to stand up when Harm grabbed her wrist. "Uh, Sarah? Can we practice that kiss again? I don't think it looked realistic."

She was torn between really wanting to kiss him again and really wanting to go home. The former won out. He was right they needed the practice. "Sure, I guess."

Shifting over so he was sitting next to her, they looked at each other before Sarah slowly leaned in and kissed his lips softly. Harm immediately deepened the kiss, putting his arms around her neck and drawing her closer to his body. She was reluctant at first, his closeness overwhelming, but now it felt right. A few seconds later, they pulled apart, breathless. "You are so beautiful, Sarah," Harm whispered.

She looked away, suddenly shy. "You're just caught up in the moment. You don't know what you're saying, Harm."

She tried to stand up again but once more he grabbed her wrist, bringing her back down. Tilting her face back up to meet his he uttered, "It's true, Sarah. You are beautiful. I know exactly who I am talking to."

He pulled her into him and kissed her again. Both caught up in the moment, neither of them noticed Renee, Harm's girlfriend, standing at the door watching the whole episode.

1515 Local
Phoenix High School
Phoenix, AZ
Monday, March 8, 1987

Renee stood just inside the door to the auditorium watching this whole scene unfold before her. She and Harm had been dating for four months now and Renee was very possessive over him. She be damned if she’d let someone like Sarah Mackenzie steel Harm away.

Slowly, she made her way down to the stage. "Harm, sweetie, I thought that we were going to meet outside at three," she said suddenly as she neared them.

Hearing another voice in the room, Harm and Sarah broke their kiss with a visible start.

Unable to explain the obvious to his girlfriend Harm played the whole thing off. "Renee, hey. I'm sorry. Sarah and I were practicing and I just lost track of time. Let me grab my stuff and I'll meet you outside okay?"

Renee nodded. "Okay." She really wasn’t all that worried about losing Harm to the mousy thing in front of her. She glanced down scathingly at Sarah who in turn looked down at the stage. "Nice to see you again, Sarah." With one finial flip of her hair, Renee made her way back outside.

Harm waited until Renee was all the way out before he stood up and grabbed his bag. Pulling on his letterman's jacket he chanced a glance at Sarah. Looking at her still form, he was a little worried by her sudden silence. "I'm sorry about Renee, Sarah. Really I am."

"She’s your girlfriend, Harm. You don’t have to explain anything to me. Like you said, it was just...practice."

It was more than that and they both knew it. Taking in the defeated look on her face Harm tried to make it up to her. "Listen, how about you come over to my place tonight and we can practice some more?" he suggested.

"I don’t know if..."

"Come on, Mac. It’ll be okay."

She was back to being Mac. Giving in she nodded. "I might need a ride over there though."

With his smile firmly in place, Harm countered. "Sure, no problem. I'll pick you up at 6. Sound good?"

She nodded again. "Yeah, see you then."

With a final wave he started to leave. "Bye, Mac."


She watched his retreating back and then made her way down to the front row of the theatre where her books sat. The door opened again and Sarah looked up and saw that Jason was making his way down the aisle. "Hey, Sarah, want a ride home? My mom's here," he asked.

"Yeah, sure. Thanks, Jace." She murmured distractedly.

He looked at his friend. "Are you okay, Sarah? You seem kind of down."

"I'm fine," she sighed. Her body may have been there, but her mind was a million miles away.

1812 Local
Rabb Residence
Phoenix, AZ
Monday, March 8, 1987

Harm pulled his corvette into the driveway. "Welcome to Casa de Rabb," he said, flashing a grin at Sarah.
Trying to avoid being distracted by his smile, she instead turned and looked at the house. "This is beautiful, Harm. I love it." She opened her door and grabbed her backpack out of the back.

The pair walked up to the front door and Harm opened it. As they stepped inside she gasped at the beauty that was introduced to her. The front hall had a high ceiling and a beautiful chandelier at the very top. A flight of stairs made their way up to the second floor.

Watching her take it all in, Harm chose to divert her attention back. "Hey, let's go up to my room. There's more privacy up there."

She nodded and followed Harm up the stairs and into his room. Posters of fighter jets and family pictures were on the tastefully painted walls. His bed was off in one corner and an oak desk sat in the middle of the room against one wall. Off to her left was a table where his stereo sat. Cassettes filled a basket next to a speaker. Sarah dropped her bag at the foot of the bed and sat down on the edge.

After putting on some soft music he sat down next to her. He was way too close. "Where's your mom?" she asked suddenly, looking at everything in the room but him.

"I think she's somewhere until late tonight," he replied, never taking his eyes off of her.

She turned to him then and smiled. It died as soon as she saw the intense look in his eyes. God if she wasn’t careful...

"Sarah, I have a confession to make," he spoke softly.

"You do?" she managed to choke out through her suddenly dry throat.

He turned his body so he could look even more deeply into her eyes. "I didn't invite you here just to practice the play."

"You didn't?" she asked, not quite catching where he was going with this.

"No, I didn't. I have something to tell you," he paused, taking in a deep breath. "I've fallen in love with you, Sarah Mackenzie. I know that I'm dating Renee, and that she supposedly loves me, but it's you that I've fallen in love with."

Sarah was shocked by his admission. "You really...have...fallen in love with me?" she tripped over the words, unable to believe.

He nodded solemnly. "Yes, I have."

Unable to hold off any longer, Harm leaned toward her and gently kissed her lips.

The feel of his lips against hers was so incredible, so soft and warm and gentle, and for a moment Sarah let herself indulge in that feeling. Having never had a boyfriend, Sarah was unsure what was expected of her. But at his insistent probing, Sarah let his tongue slip past her lips and before she knew what was happening, he had deepened the kiss, his tongue delving deep into the warm recesses of her mouth. The sensation was overwhelming. All of a sudden the need to touch him was too great and her small hands splayed out against his chest.

Harm was having the same problem. While he wouldn’t be considered inexperienced, he had never felt this way about any other girl before. He wanted to touch her everywhere all at once. While his mouth greedily explored hers, his hands began to move, starting at her shoulders and working their way down. She was so soft, and she smelled so good. It seemed the most natural thing in the world to lay back with her on his bed, to cover her with his body.

His kisses were the sweetest thing Sarah had ever experienced before, and the feel of Harm’s hands had her body on fire. She could feel his fingertips grazing the flesh of her stomach just underneath her sweatshirt and the muscles fluttered in response. When those same hands moved up her rib cage to brush up against the undersides of her breast, Sarah could feel herself falling completely under his spell. That’s when she felt his hardness brush against her leg and she knew this was wrong. It was all happening too fast.

Abruptly Sarah pulled back and sat up. "Harm, we...we shouldn’t."

Just as fast Harm was up next to her. "I’m sorry, Sarah. Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you?"

Shaking her head no, she couldn’t meet his eyes, embarrassment coloring her cheeks. "You didn’t do anything wrong."

Softly he prodded, "Then what is it, Sarah?"

After a moment of silence, she did her best to answer. "It’s just...I’ve never...I mean I don’t..."

"Hey, it’s all right. You can tell me." Tilting her chin up with the tip of his finger he looked into her eyes. That’s when he saw it all. All the fear, mixed with awe and even love. "You don’t have to be afraid of me, Sarah. I would never hurt you. You have to know that."

Moving off the bed to stand in front of him, she began to pace as she spoke. "How, Harm? How do I know that? We barely know each other." Breaking off to run her hand through her mussed hair, she now spoke with more certainty. "Little less than a week ago I was a nobody, someone you only talked to when you needed to copy your homework and laughed and made fun of with your friends, and now I’m supposed to believe that you love me?" She was ticking off points on the fingers of her right hand, trying to convince herself as much as him. "And you have a girlfriend, Harm. Even if you don’t love her, it’s not fair to her for us to be together now."

"I know you’re right, Sarah. And all of it, what you said, is true. But I can’t help how I feel. Even if it’s wrong right now, I still know that I love you." He could still see the struggle in her eyes and he wished there was something more he could say to convince her.

Sitting down next to him once more she spoke in hushed tones. "Harm, I...I want to believe you. I really do. But there has to be more to it than this. I want to get to know you before we..." She cast a nervous glance back at the rumpled bed before continuing, "before I give myself like that."

Harm flushed slightly before agreeing. "You’re right. It’s just I’ve never felt like that before. I got carried away and I truly am sorry."

The sincerity in his voice softened her a little. "Me too. Harm...I’ve never been with someone...like that before."

Realizing exactly what she was trying to say, Harm took her into his arms before replying. "I didn’t mean to push you."

Wrapping her arms around his waist, she mumbled into his shirt, "You didn’t, Harm. I was just so afraid that I’d...disappoint you. I mean I’ve never even been kissed before."

Pulling away so he could see her face, Harm was shocked. "Really?"

"Well, yeah. I mean aside from kissing my mom and the occasional kiss from my uncle that is. But never, never like this."

"Then I’m honored you let me be the first." Wanting to lighten the moment a little, he smiled that cocky smile at her before asking, "So...how was it, Mac?"

Realizing he was trying to tease, she gave it right back to him. "Well, it was better than kissing my uncle."

"Oh, gee. Thanks a lot." Harm set about tickling her sides and soon both were laughing together. When the moment and the laughter finally died away, Harm murmured, "I guess I should take you home then, huh? I mean, since we’re not going to practice."

"Yeah, I guess you should," she agreed even though she sounded like she really didn’t want to.

Harm helped her up and then helped her gather her things before walking her down to his car again. Opening the door for her, he made sure she was comfortable before heading around to his side. Once seated, he took her hand in his, his eyes seeking permission for the small gesture. Her beautiful smile said it all, and Harm felt like his chest would explode with all the love that he felt for her.

They rode for a while in comfortable silence, just enjoying the evening with the top down on his convertible. When the silence was broken it was by him. "Mac, I was wondering if you wanted to eat lunch with me tomorrow?"

"Really?" she asked, more than a little shocked.

"Well, yeah. You were right when you said that we needed to get to know each other better. I thought lunch would be a good place to start. That and maybe if you wanted to, to go see a movie or something sometime."

"That would be great. I’d really like that," she couldn’t help but answer. Ever so slowly, though, the doubt crept back in. "But what about your friends, Harm? You usually eat with them and, well...they don’t exactly like me."

"Mac, that’s not true." At her incredulous look he started over. "They’re not that bad. They’re just...guys. They can’t help but act ignorant."

Giving a short snort, she ventured her opinion. "Oh, that’s the reason, huh? Ignorance? I’ll have to remember that. I thought it just because they were all inconsiderate jerks."

"Not all of them, Sarah," he answered seriously. "I just want you to be apart of things, Mac. Talk to them. They’re all really cool once you get to know them."

"Harm, I’ve heard what they say about me. You know, those things they don’t think I can hear?" When he didn’t say anything she continued. "Well, I can hear them. And it hurts. I’m not a part of your group, Harm, and I probably never will be. They don’t want me."

"But you’re incredible, Mac. You’re funny, and smart, and talented...and beautiful. How could they not like you?" he asked incredulously.

"As nice as it is to hear you say that, Harm, not everyone shares your opinion." Sarah squeezed his hand, before looking out the window, watching the houses pass by. After a moment she asked a question that had been plaguing her for a week. "Harm?"


"Why ‘Mac’?"

Grinning shyly, he looked at her briefly before answering. "I don’t know, really. It was just different. Something only I call you. A special nickname."

"I like it," she barely whispered. "You call me Sarah when we’re...when you want to be serious though. I was just wondering that’s all."

"Well, I didn’t know if you wanted me to call you Mac anymore after that day in the library."

Giving him a saucy smile she told him, "I was pissed off. You left me setting there for almost an hour..."

"Half hour," Harm interrupted, highly amused at their ‘argument’.

"And you came in there smiling that damn smile..." she continued undeterred.

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Harm teased as he pulled to a stop at the light.

"And just expected me to just roll over and forget that you were an inconsiderate...hmmf." Whatever else she would have said was cut off by his lips on hers. After a short sweet kiss, Harm backed away with said smug smile plastered on his face.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Sarah leaned back in her seat before giving him a knowing look. "Nice try, but you’re not getting out of it that easy."

Pretending to ponder her statement Harm finally asked, "Well then, whatever can I do to make it up to you?"

Giving him a wink she faced forward in her seat again. "Don’t worry. I’ll think of something."

Bantering back and forth the rest of the way, Harm couldn’t help the pang of disappointment that hit him when he finally pulled into her driveway. Awkwardly they sat, both eyeing the other, until Harm couldn’t stand it anymore and placed a light, parting kiss on her lips. "I’ll see you tomorrow, Sarah. And I promise you, things will be different. I know they’ll like you once they get to know the real you. You’ll see."

With a small, sad smile Sarah got out of the car. "That’s just it, Harm. They know the real me. I am who I am. I always have been. It’s still not enough; it never has been. Goodnight, Harm."

"‘Night, Sarah."

Walking to the door, she gave a short wave before heading inside. Unable to talk herself out of it, she ran over to the picture window, pulling back the sheer curtains to look outside. Watching him pull out into the street, Sarah offered up a silent prayer that somehow, someway they could beat the odds and make it work.

Letting the curtain fall back into place, Sarah leaned back into the couch. Closing her eyes she allowed herself to replay her brief time with Harm; his soft kisses, his kind words. Harmon Rabb was all of those dreams she had never voiced before, choosing instead to focus on school and her good grades. Now here he was, in the flesh, telling her that he loved her. It was just so hard to believe him.

The only man to ever say that to her had been her Uncle Matt and he didn’t really count. She had always promised herself after watching her mother go through hell with her father that she would never let go completely, that she would always hold a piece of herself back from everyone. If you don’t fall in love you can’t be hurt. But Harm had gotten past that barrier, had crashed through that wall surrounding her heart, and deep down Sarah knew that if the truth be told she had already fallen in love with him as well.

Silently the tears started to fall. It was no use fighting it. Harmon Rabb now held the key to her heart.


Harm drove home, not really paying much attention to anything going on around him. His mind was too absorbed with thoughts of Sarah Mackenzie. Harm had dated his fare share of girls, most of them blonde and beautiful. But Sarah Mackenzie had always had haunted his dreams Even though he really didn’t know her he’d always been aware of her. What was it about her anyway?

That was easy. She had it all. Looks? She was absolutely beautiful. From her pouty lips and her pert little nose, to those big, luminous, dark brown eyes, Sarah was definitely something to look at. And she had an incredible body. Most might not be able to notice under the baggy clothes she usually wore, but Harm had noticed. He had been noticing for a long time. He’d been watching her for the last three and a half years, always on the outside, always afraid to take that last step and reach out for what he really wanted. She was incredible.

But her physical attributes weren’t the only thing Sarah had going for her. She was smart and funny, someone he could tease and expect it right back, someone he could laugh and share things with. She, like Harm, seemed to be so much older than her seventeen years. At eighteen, Harm had lived through more than his fare share of heartache, trying to help and comfort his mom as best he could while trying to deal with his own feelings. It had been hell for awhile there and then his mother met Frank and seemed to start to heal. Harm still carried around scars from his childhood but chose to hide them. None of the kids at school pressed him about the details anymore. They knew what to talk to him about and what not to. Even his girlfriends had always just wanted the fun side of him. He purposely picked girls that didn’t want much, just the fun Harmon Rabb, the most popular guy in school and the captain of the football team. They wanted the trophy and Harm could give them that.

But Sarah was different. He’d only spent a week with her but already he knew that. He could tell by her sad eyes that there was a deep, long buried hurt in her, one that might equal his own. Maybe someday she would tell him. For some strange reason he wanted to tell her about himself, he wanted her to know the real him. But that thought in itself scared him.

Pulling into his driveway, Harm was no closer to any conclusions about anything. He was still haunted by her parting words. Were the kids he hung out with really that superficial? Thinking back, they had always teased him about his fascination with Sarah. Chuckling to himself Harm shook his head in wonder. He was so transparent. Even his best friend, Bud, had called him on it.

‘Come on, Harm. Mackenzie? Don’t you think you could set your sights a little higher?’

The memory stopped him cold. They really didn’t think she was good enough. He hadn’t seen it at the time. He had just smiled and shrugged his shoulders, saying nothing to Bud. Now Harm felt like a total heel. Is that what she saw from all of them? From him? He knew Bud wasn’t spiteful or mean, a bit misguided maybe...


Shaken out of his thoughts, Harm looked at his mother. "Hey, Mom."

Giving him an odd look when he still made no move to enter she asked, "So, are you coming in or are you just going to sleep on the porch?"

Not acknowledging her playful tone, Harm remained serious when he answered. "No, I was coming in. I was just...thinking."

Knowing her son better than he thought she did, Patricia gently prodded, "Anything I can help with, dear?"

For a moment it looked like he would take her up on it, but at the last minute turned and headed for the stairs. "No, that’s all right. I’m just going to go on upstairs."

"Well, when you need to you know where I am." At his silent nod she continued. "Don’t stay up too late. Oh, and Harm?"

"Yeah, Mom?"

"Renee called, three times. I think she wants you to call her back," his mother replied, tongue in cheek.

Harm rolled his eyes at his mother’s teasing, but not before chuckling and giving her a weak, "You think?" before heading up the stairs to his room. Not looking back, he never saw the sadness settle on her face. He looked so much like his father. Sometimes it was so hard not to remember...

Plopping down on the bed Harm reached over for the phone, only to stop and draw back at the last minute. He didn’t really want to deal with Renee tonight. Not when his time with Mac was still so fresh in his mind. He allowed himself a smug, satisfied smile at his choice in nicknames. It really did suit her. Besides Mac was right. It wasn’t fair to think about her while he was still attached to Renee. He’d break things off with Renee tomorrow in person. She deserved more than a telephone call. Then he would be free to pursue Mac.

With that decided he let himself drift off to sleep, his dreams filled with his beautiful, dark haired Juliet.


07:55 Local
Phoenix High School
Phoenix, AZ
Tuesday, March 9, 1987

Harm made his way to his locker, scanning the hall for any sign of her. Disappointment speared through him when he didn’t see her. He needed to talk to Mac. Hell, he’d be satisfied just looking at her. He couldn’t explain it, he had woke up that way, needing her. Grabbing his book for his first class, Harm started to shut his locker when he felt a pair of arms snake around his middle. Tensing, he turned around, trying to disengage Renee’s arms at the same time. It didn’t work.

"Harm," Renee pouted. "Don’t be like that. I’ve missed you."

"Renee, please," Harm begged, looking around nervously.

"What’s wrong? You didn’t call me back last night. Now you don’t want me to touch you." Pressing herself against him more fully, she practically purred, "I bet I can make you change your mind." Before he could offer a protest, Renee kissed him.

To everyone else passing by, nobody thought anything of it. But to Sarah Mackenzie, it meant everything. Rushing past them as fast as she could, she tried desperately not to let the rolling of her stomach get the better of her. With a hand clasped to her mouth she made her way quickly to the restroom.

Harm saw the flash of dark brown hair and immediately felt the sinking in the pit of his stomach. ‘Oh, God. She saw us.’ Breaking the kiss, he pushed Renee away roughly. "Damn it, Renee."

"What’s with you?" Turning to look in the same direction he was staring, Renee saw what had caught his eye. "What? Her?" Renee snorted incredulously. "You didn’t want her to see, did you?"

"Let’s not do this now, Renee," Harm spoke low enough for only her to hear.

"Why not? You’re MY boyfriend, Harm. You can’t seriously be interested in that...that...white trash." At Harm’s horrified look, Renee continued. "Oh, yeah. Complete with the alcoholic, abusive father. No wonder she is the way she is."

Harm was stunned. Not about Sarah, but by the disgusting behavior of his soon to be ex-girlfriend. "Renee, don’t ever, ever talk about Sarah Mackenzie like that again."

His tone was so low it almost scared her. "Harm, you can’t be serious. She’s not good enough for you. Who the hell cares about her anyway? She’s a nobody. Why are we even having this discussion?"

"We’re having it because it’s over between us, Renee. Now get the hell out of my way. I have to find her." Stepping around, Harm started down the hall, leaving a stunned Renee Peterson standing in the middle of the hall and shaking with rage. ‘We’ll just see about that, Harmon Rabb. There’s no way this is over yet.’

Harm followed her, noticing as she made her way to her English class and entered. Almost running down the hall after her, Harm made it to the door just as the bell rang.

"Mr. Rabb? Um, I think you’ve made a mistake. You don’t have English until fourth period," Ms. Langly, their English teacher chimed in, highly amused. There were snickers and a few laughs here and there, but through it all Sarah never looked his way. Feeling more than a little defeated, Harm mumbled an apology before turning away and making his way to his own class. Shaking his head, Harm couldn’t believe this was happening. As he reached his class, he again endured the mirth of his classmates before sitting down dejectedly. He’d try to talk to her again in math.

Sarah was not looking forward to this. She had managed to avoid seeing him all morning. She couldn’t believe how bad it had hurt, seeing him kissing Renee, when only last night it had been her he wanted. Her heart squeezed painfully in her chest. What was she going to say to him? How could she get through this with her dignity still in tact? She’d be damned if she’d let him see her cry over him.

Bracing herself, Sarah walked into her math class, her heart plummeting when she caught sight of him sitting there, waiting for her. With her head held high she made her way to her desk and set down, rummaging through her book bag, looking for any distraction not to talk to him.

He wasn’t going to be dissuaded so easily. "Sarah, look I need to explain..."

"No, you don’t. I think I got the picture," her voice was deadly calm.

Surprisingly, so was his. "No, I don’t think you do. It wasn’t what it looked like."

"Oh, really? So, tell me, Harmon," she deliberately used his whole name. "What exactly was it when it looked like her tongue was shoved down your throat?" Her voice had risen slightly and people were starting to stare. Neither, however, noticed.

"She kissed me, Mac." His temper was starting to rise as well.

"Didn’t look like you were trying to hard to stop it."

"Damn it, Mac, I..."

"If you two are finished, we’ll get started," it was Mr. Carter’s turn to break up their tiff.

Harm gave her one more hard look before speaking. "This isn’t over, Sarah."

Sitting back in her seat, she crossed her arms over her chest and decided to ignore him.

The tension throughout the rest of the class was so thick you could have cut it with a knife. Harm watched on helpless, as Sarah sat, stubbornly refusing to even look at him, pretending to be more interested in the math lesson. In reality, she hadn’t heard a word Mr. Carter had said so far.

She looked calm on the outside, but inwardly she was fuming. ‘How dare him? How could he do that to me?’ All of the hurt rolled around inside of her, hurt and disappointment. She had really wanted him to be different. She had watched her mother go through so much pain. All of her fathers lies, the drinking, all of the hitting. Where as she knew Harm would probably never hit her, he had certainly lied to her.

A small voice of doubt pushed through the hurt though, wanting her to at least hear him out. It was enough to give her pause, allowing the idea to take root. Maybe he deserved to at least tell her his side of what happened. The ringing of the bell brought her out of her reverie. Without a even a glance in his direction, Sarah stuffed her book and notepad into her bag and started toward the door. She had just about made it when she felt a hand on her arm.

"Mac...Sarah, please."

About to tell him to forget it and leave her alone, she made the mistake of looking into his eyes. They were begging, pleading with her.

"I’m going to lunch," she informed him quietly.

Harm nodded and let go, his head hung in defeat. She made it about five feet before turning around. "Well? Aren’t you coming?"

His head snapped up at her softly spoken question. Not having to be asked twice, Harm was beside her in two, long strides. When he stood next to her, he gently tilted her face up with his fingertips. Her wariness of him was still there but she was giving him another chance. He could only imagine what it had cost her to give it to him.

Turning, together they walked down to the cafeteria. Choosing their individual items, both hurried through the line, before heading for the door once more. It just seemed to be understood they would eat outside, there was more privacy there. Reaching the door both stopped short and turned when they heard Bud Roberts call out. "Hey, Harm! Over here. We saved you a spot."

Harm could sense the tension in her small frame immediately. Wanting to put her at ease, Harm called back, "Naw, that’s okay. I’m going to eat outside with Mac."

"Mac? Who is Mac?" Finally noticing the girl standing next to his friend Bud managed to choke out, "You mean Mackenzie?"

Now Harm was getting angry. What the hell was wrong with these people? "Yes. Sarah Mackenzie." With that, Harm put his free hand to the small of her back and led her out. Bud, as well as most of the lunchroom looked on, stunned speechless.

Sarah was a little stunned herself. He had just stood up for her, on a small scale maybe, but it was more than anyone else had ever done for her. After finding a spot under one of the palm trees that lined the campus, both started in on their lunches. Totally content for the moment, they ate on in silence, stealing glances at the other when they thought the other wasn’t looking.

About halfway into her burger Harm piped in, "Mac, how can you eat those mystery meat burgers? Yuck!"

At the look of total disgust on his face, Sarah burst out laughing. "What? These things are great. How can you not like cafeteria burgers?"

"I don’t like any kind of burger," he countered.

Now it was her turn to look horrified. "You don’t like...burgers?" It was even hard just to say it.

"I don’t really like meat of any kind."

"Oh brother. I can’t believe you. You are something else, Harmon Rabb."

Harm smirked back at her. "I’ll take that as a compliment." Pausing for a moment, Harm tried to gather his thoughts before speaking. When he was satisfied he had them under control, he started in. "Look, Sarah, I’m sorry about this morning." When she didn’t say anything he hurried on. "I was getting my book out of my locker when Renee came up behind me. When I turned around she kissed me. You’ve got to believe me, I was going to break up with her this morning. She just didn’t give me a chance. And before I knew what was happening there you were and you saw the whole thing and...God, I am so sorry."

"Harm...Harm! Take a breath." Taking her own advice, Sarah drew in a cleansing breath before replying. "I believe you, Harm. I do...it’s just...it hurt. You really hurt me." Sarah looked down at her hands before continuing. "I promised myself that I wouldn’t let you get to me. But you have. I never knew I could hurt like that until this morning. I...don’t know if I can open myself like that again."

"Sarah, look at me." When he had her attention, Harm plunged ahead. "All I can say is I’m sorry. Just give me a chance. Let me prove to you that we’re meant for each other."

"How can you feel so strongly about all of this? We’re just...kids. How do you know that I’m not just a crush? That I’m not just some passing fancy?" her dark brown eyes bore into his.

Searching for the right words, Harm tried to find some common ground between them. "What about Romeo & Juliet?"

Sarah felt the corners of her mouth tilt up. "What about them?"

"Well, they were just kids. They knew immediately that they were meant to be together, forever. Romeo knew from the first moment he laid eyes on Juliet that he was in love with her," Harm stated emphatically.

"It’s a play. They’re not real. It’s not real, Harm."

"It was for me," he looked away, embarrassed by the admission.

"What did you say?" her voice slightly faltered.

"I said it was for me. I remember the first time I saw you. It was the first day of school, Freshman year. You walked into Mr. Halemeyer’s biology class, and right there I...I just knew."

"Knew what?" When he didn’t answer she tried again. "What did you know, Harm?"

"That you were the one."

The ringing of the first bell brought them back to reality. Helping her up, Harm took their trash and threw it away before taking her hand.

Sarah looked around nervously and then down at their clasped hands. "Harm...are you sure? I mean..."

"I’m sure, Sarah. Is it okay with you?"

"Um...yeah. I guess so," she answered, not really able to come up with an excuse not to. Walking in the building, both were aware of the curious and astonished glances of their classmates. Sarah couldn’t help but feel a little bit better about herself. She was with Harmon Rabb. When they finally reached her class, Harm stopped her before she could enter. Pulling her back to him, Harm bent down and kissed her lips firmly but gently.

Breaking apart Harm took in her shocked expression and couldn’t help but laugh. "What?"

"You...you kissed me."

"Yes, I did." Leaning down he whispered, "Get used to it." Steeling another kiss, he added, "I’ll catch ya in French, Mac." And giving her a wink, he walked off down the hall, leaving a stunned Sarah Mackenzie behind.

The next five weeks went by so rapidly Sarah barely had time to breathe, let alone enjoy her budding relationship with Harm. Between rehearsals almost everyday, and every other free moment spent with him, there wasn’t one spare moment to call her own. But she wouldn’t have had it any other way. They had been the best five weeks of her entire life.


18:05 Local
Guys Dressing Room
Phoenix High School Auditorium
April 16, 1987 - Opening Night

"Wow, Harm. Nice tights," Bud teased his friend. "Glad it’s you and not me."

"Hey, shut up," Harm retaliated good-naturedly. "So you decided to show up, huh?"

"Are you kidding? Seeing you in this get up? I wouldn’t have missed this for the world. Beside, Harriet wanted me to come."

"Oh, I get it. Harriet’s pushing you around. Weak, man. Really weak."

"Look who’s talking." Bud tried to throw the comment out as a joke, but it came out harsher than it should have.

Harm picked up on it immediately. "Got something you want to say, Bud?"

"It’s just," Bud ran his hand through his hair, trying to come up with the easiest way to say this. "It’s just, I know you like Sarah, Harm. She’s really an okay girl and all."

"But?" Harm pushed.

"Well, Harm, I mean...she’s not even...look, you have college after this. A scholarship for football if you want it. Or maybe even the Navy. You’ve got everything going for you...but all you can think about is Sarah Mackenzie. You’re not even hanging out with any of us anymore really."

"What are you trying to say, Bud?" Harm barely ground out.

"It’s just that well look where you come from and...look where she comes from. Sure she’s happy now, she has it all because of you. She’s dating the most popular guy in school. But man, all she’s going to do is hold you back. And we...well all of us...I just wanted to know if you really know what you’re doing? Are you really that serious about her? What is it about this girl?" Bud finished in a rush.

With measured steps, Harm stood right in front of Bud. "You’re right, Bud. Why would I want someone like Sarah? I mean, her father was a drunk who beat her mother, and her. Her mother works all the time so she doesn’t have anyone around to look out for her. What a reputation right? I mean any mother that would let her daughter hang around with her boyfriend, alone, can’t be much of a decent human being. What the hell was I thinking?"

Bud was officially scared. He had never, ever seen his friend look this menacing before. He must really love this girl. "I’m...I’m sorry, Harm."

"That’s all you’re going to say? I’m sorry? You don’t get it, Bud. Nobody seems to get it. I love her. Not just a passing fancy, ‘I want to get in her pants’ like her kind of a thing. I LOVE HER. And just because she came from a rough background, that doesn’t mean she’s not one hell of a girl. She’s been through more pain than most of us will ever go through and has come out of it with more dignity than any person has a right to. She’s at the top of her class academically and on her way to something more after this measly little high school. Why would I want someone like her? Because she’s everything I could ever want. I don’t deserve HER, Bud."

Bud felt terrible. "God, you’re right, Harm. I’m sorry. I just...you’re my best friend. I’ve always looked up to you. I just...I just never seen you like this about a girl before. I just want you to be sure. If she’s what you really want, hey I’m all behind you. I really am sorry."

Sighing, Harm gave his friend a break. "Thanks, Bud."

"Well, I’m gonna get out of here and let you, uh, finish." Bud couldn’t help one more jab.

"Get going, will ya? I have to finish so I can go see Mac."

"Geez, you got it bad, my friend."

"Yeah, I do. Not only is it her big staring role, it’s her birthday today too. I want tonight to be perfect for her."

"I’m sure it will be. Good luck, Harm."

"Thanks, Bud."

With one last nod, Bud took off out the door.


18:35 Local
Twenty-five Minutes to Curtain
Girls Dressing Room

She was so damn miserable.

They had gotten closer and closer and Harm had made certain, or had tried to make certain, there was no doubt about how he felt about her. They ate lunch together, walked to classes together. He would hold her hand and kiss her before relinquishing her at her class door. The classes they did have together they had managed to secure seats next to each other.

Things were moving right along. They talked a lot, about everything and nothing, it didn’t matter as long as they were together. And like any healthy teenagers, they kissed and cuddled, they even touched a little more than they should. But every time they got to a certain point, Harm would stop. When she asked him about it, he always said he had too much respect for her to do anything she wasn’t ready for. For that she really was grateful. She loved Harm, she knew that, but she also knew when the time was right for both of them it would happen naturally. He was so very kind and thoughtful. She had even met his mother. She was very nice and seemed to have taken a liking to Sarah almost immediately.

Rehearsals had been a blast too. Harm had truly fit in with the small group of cast members, as had Sarah and Jason. She even had a new opinion about Harriet Simms. The two girls had become friends after finally talking and spending time together. Even Bud Roberts had stopped by a couple of times. While at first he had been sort of reserved around her, he too had opened up and seemed to accept her. Or so she thought.

So here she sat, twenty-five minutes away from curtain time, her eyes puffy and swollen, trying to repair her damaged make-up. Why did this have to happen tonight, of all nights? Better yet, why did it have to happen at all? Some birthday...

"Damn it!" Sarah cursed loudly.

"Hey," Harriet called as she entered the girls dressing area. When she noticed Sarah’s tear stained face she was immediately alarmed. "Oh God, Sarah. What’s wrong?"

"Nothing...oh, everything." The admission brought on a new wave of sobs.

"Sarah, honey, calm down and tell me what happened," Harriet soothed. She really had come to like Sarah an awful lot, and like the role she was about to play, took on the matronly persona. "Why are you crying?"

"It’s...it’s Harm. I heard him and...Bu...Bud talking awhile ago," she managed between sniffles.

"What about them?" Harriet asked, even though she was a more than a little worried about what her Bud had said to Harm. Bud was very sweet but he could say some of the stupidest things.

"I walked by the guy’s dressing room earlier. I was just going to say ‘hi’ and...you know, wish Harm good luck...and that’s when I heard..."

When Sarah didn’t finish, Harriet prodded, "What?"

"I...I heard them talking about...me. Bud, well, he was asking Harm if he was sure about me."

"Sure about dating you, you mean?" Harriet clarified. So far it wasn’t so bad.

"Yeah. He said that he liked me and all, but that Harm had a lot ahead of him, college and maybe eventually the Navy. Would he really want someone like me tagging along, holding him back."

Harriet was furious. "Bud said that?"

Nodding yes, Sarah stared down at her hands.

Almost afraid to ask, Harriet went on ahead. "What did Harm say?"

"He said...he said that Bud was right. Why would he want someone like me? With my alcoholic abusive father and dysfunctional home life how could he even considerate it. That’s when he said he didn’t know what he’d been thinking..."

"You can’t be serious?!"

"Yeah, he did." Wiping her nose with a tissue, Sarah continued. "That’s when I left...I just ran. I couldn’t listen to anything else."

"Damn, stupid men. I can’t believe you didn’t march right in there and kick his a.."

Harriet’s tirade was cut short by a knock on the door. "Who is it?"

"It’s me. You guys decent in there?" Harm asked tentatively.

Harriet caught the panicked look in Sarah’s eyes and it only served to infuriate her further. Before Sarah could offer up a protest, Harriet walked over to the door. Cracking it just enough to see him Harriet spat, "What do you want?"

Taken aback at Harriet’s gruff tone of voice, Harm proceeded with caution. "I just wanted to see Mac a minute."

"You want to see Mac? Well get a good look." Harriet shoved the door open, showing him a very weepy Sarah.

She looked absolutely beautiful in her costume, her dark brown hair in tight curls framing her face. But that wasn’t what hit Harm the most. "Sarah, what’s wrong?"

Before she could answer, Harriet jumped in once again. "What’s wrong? You and Bud Roberts that’s what’s wrong. How could you do that to her? How could you talk about her like that?"

Guilt crept across Harm’s features. "I...we...oh, Sarah. What all did you hear?"

Her anger had finally kicked in full force, overruling her tears. "I heard enough. I heard what you really think about me." Turning away she finished, "Just leave me alone, Harm."

"Mac, it’s not what you think. I...Sarah, look at me." Harm pleaded desperately.

"Just go. It’s almost time to start," she still wouldn’t look at him.

As if on cue, Mr. Thompson came to the door. "Places everyone," he chimed before leaving as quickly as he came. The wind had been knocked out of Harriet’s sails at the look of desperation on Harm’s face. Whatever had happened in the other room, she knew one thing for certain. Harm loved Sarah. Wanting to give them a little privacy, Harriet followed Mr. Thompson out.

When they were alone, Harm made one last attempt. "Sarah..."

Her voice was a little stronger when she replied, but she still wouldn’t turn around. "It’s time, Harm."

Sighing in frustration, Harm relented. "All right, Sarah. I’ll go but you have to know this. I do love you. I know you didn’t hear our whole conversation, because if you had you would know that it ended with me telling Bud I wanted this night to be the most special night of your life. I meant that, Mac." With one last look of longing, Harm placed his gift on the table behind her and quietly left.

Only when she was certain she was alone did Sarah turn. Making a mental note of the time she knew she needed to get backstage. That’s when she saw it. The small, but brightly wrapped package beckoned to her, daring her to accept it. She knew it was from Harm. He was the only one she had told that it was her birthday.

With her fingers shaking badly, Sarah reached for the present.


Nervously awaiting her cue, Sarah stood fidgeting. Everything was going so well with the performance. Their fight had only served to heighten their awareness of each other, bringing out the passion in each line that was delivered. They had made it through their opening scene, and when she had looked into Harm’s eyes the look of love and longing in them took her breath away. You could feel the electricity between the two of them, radiating through every look, every touch, every word. It was almost as if real life had ceased to exist and all that was left was the truth of their feelings, expressed through the words of the play.

All too soon, it was time for her to take her place on the makeshift balcony. She couldn’t control the butterflies that were dancing in her stomach at the thought that in a few moments she would be giving him his answer. She fiddled once again with his gift, it’s hidden message pressing against her flesh, branding the skin where it touched. As the light in her "bedroom window" came on, she heard his deep voice start his speech. Listening intently to every word, Sarah allowed herself to be swept away, cast into the moment. Her Romeo was waiting, and it was time to face her destiny.

"It is my Lady there; it is my love! If only she knew that she were! She speaks, yet she says nothing. What of that?" ‘Isn’t that the truth,’ Harm mused to himself. ‘She bares her whole soul through...’ "Her eyes can speak. I’ll answer them. I’m too hasty. It’s not to me she speaks. Two of the fairest stars in all the heavens, having business elsewhere, beg her eyes to take her place till they return." ‘What if she really decided to go away and leave me?’ Harm started to panic at the thought. "What if they did change places? The brightness of her face would shame those stars, as sunlight puts a lamp to shame. Her eyes in Heaven would shine through skies and clouds so bright that birds would sing and think it were not night." It was so true. It wasn’t hard to say all of these things about Mac, his Sarah. They were his reality. She was so very beautiful...

"See how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch her cheek." ‘Oh God. She’s wearing it. She put it on.’

"Oh dear," Sarah barely got the words out, her voice choked with emotion. Still she pretended to be alone with her thoughts.

With more courage now he delivered his. "She speaks. Oh, speak again, bright angel! For you are as glorious in this night, so high above me, as is a winged angel sent from heaven to the upturned, wondering eyes of mortals who bend back to gaze on him as he rides the lazy-pacing clouds and sails on through the air." ‘Who needs flying when I have Sarah?’

Looking around, trying to find him out in the so called "dark", Sarah called out but didn’t expect to find anyone. "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Disown your father and refuse your name. Or if you won’t, just swear your love and I’ll no longer be a Capulet."

Harm remained hidden but his intense gaze focused solely on her, willing her to find him. "Should I listen to more, or should I speak now?" Harm spoke as if torn as to reveal himself.

Getting into the moment she replied, talking to no one but really talking to him. "It’s only your name that is my enemy. You’d be you, whatever you name." ‘It doesn’t matter what’s happened. He’s still the same Harm.’ "What’s a Montague? It is not a hand or foot or arm, or face, or any other part belonging to a man. Oh, take some other name. What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. So would Romeo, if he were not named Romeo, still have that dear perfection that he owns without that name." No matter what, Harm would always be the one. "Romeo, give up that name and in exchange for it, which is no part of you..." Sarah hesitated for only a moment, willing him to understand her answer. "Take all of me."

Harm was stunned. She had said it, was saying it. Her answer was yes. Harm could only stammer, "I’ll take you at your word. Just call me "love," and I’ll be rechristened. Henceforth, I never will be Romeo." ‘You have all of me, Sarah. I’m yours.’

"Who are you, there screened in the dark, and listening in on my secrets?" ‘Where are you, Harm? I want to see you?’

"If I have to use a name, I don’t know how to tell you who I am: my name dear saint, is hateful to me because it is an enemy to you. If it were written down, I’d tear it up."

"My ears have not drunk a hundred words your tongue has spoken, but I know your voice. Aren’t you Romeo and a Montague?"

"Neither lovely one, if either you dislike," Harm countered smoothly. He was thoroughly enjoying this.

"How did you get in here, please tell me, and why? The orchard walls are high and hard to climb, and this place is death, considering who you are, if any of my kinsmen find you here."

This was it, time to let it all out. "Love gave me wings to fly with; for walls of stone cannot keep love out. And what love can do, he who loves, dares." ‘Let’s do it, Sarah. Me and you. Together...’ "Therefore your kinsmen are no hurdle to me."

"If they see you here, they will murder you." ‘Are you sure, Harm?’

"Perhaps so, but there’s more danger in your eyes than from twenty of their swords. Just sweetly smile, and I’m safe from their hatred." ‘Positive, Sarah.’

"I would not for the world they saw you here."

Harm flashed a confident grin. "I have the cloak of night to hid me from their eyes; but if you don’t love me, let them find me here. Better my life be ended by their hate than death delayed, lacking your love."

"At whose direction did you find this place?" she asked already knowing the answer.

"By love, which first prompted me to inquire. Love gave me counsel, and I gave him eyes. Although I’m no pilot," ‘Not yet anyway,’ "still, if you were as far as the farthest shore washed by the sea, I’d risk everything for such a reward."

‘Wow,’ was all she could think. ‘Well, time for the most important speech of my life.’ "You know the dark of night masks my face, or you’d see a blush upon my cheek for that which you heard me say tonight. Gladly, I would stand on form; gladly, gladly deny what I have said. But goodbye to being proper. Do you love me? I know you’ll say "yes," and I’ll take your word. Yet you might swear and still prove false. They say the gods laugh at lovers’ lies. Oh, gentle Romeo, if you truly love me, swear it truly. But if you think I’m too easily won, I’ll scowl and spurn you, and I’ll tell you "no," to keep you guessing, though not for any other reason."

Harm couldn’t suppress a small chuckle. Juliet and Mac were definitely similar in spirit. Mac could hold her own, yet underneath it all she was so vulnerable. Shaking himself, he listened carefully to the last part of her line, it was his favorite part. "To be honest, fair Montague, I’m so in love, that you must think me unladylike. But trust me, gentleman, I’ll prove more true than women who play hard to get. I should have been more distant, I admit, but you heard me confessing my love before I knew you were there. Please, forgive me, and don’t think my yielding quickly means a loose love, which the dark night has brought to light."

"Lady, I swear by the distant blessed moon that gilds with silver all these fruit-tree tops..."

"Oh, don’t swear by the changeable moon that each month moves from full to thin, in case your love changes too."

"What shall I swear by?" Harm implored.

"Do not swear at all. Or if you must, swear by your sweet self, which I do worship, and I’ll believe you."

"If my heart’s dear love..."

She cut him off again. "Well, do not swear. Although you give me joy, I get no joy from this exchange of vows tonight. It is too rash, too ill-advised, too sudden, too like lightning that is over before you can say "Look!" Good night, dear. This bud of love, ripened by summer’s breath, may prove a beautiful flower when next we meet. Good night, good night! May as sweet a sleep and rest come to your heart as that within my breast."

The scene continued on, her denying him what he wanted most, teasing him, until finally relenting. Making their vows to each other, both relished in their parts. The audience looked on as well, completely entranced by the magic in front of them. Harm’s mother, as well as Sarah’s both realized they were witnessing more than an act. They had seen the love that had blossomed between the two in such a short amount of time. And though both were worried, there was no mistaking what was between their two children.

Bud, who had expected to be bored out of his mind, found himself engrossed. Watching his friend with Mac, well now he finally understood. Harm wasn’t making a mistake, he was taking a chance. Suddenly things didn’t look all that complicated with Harriet. He knew he was crazy about her, maybe he should follow Harm’s example and tell her.

Renee had also been there and after what she had just seen, she knew there was no hope. With as much dignity as she could muster, Renee quickly left the auditorium.

By the time the curtain fell, everyone in the place was exhausted, emotionally wrung through the ringer. There wasn’t a dry eye in the place and everyone sat almost stunned for a moment before the overwhelming applause resounded through the auditorium. Hand in hand, Harm and Sarah took their bows. Looking deeply into her eyes, Harm raised their joined hands where his bracelet graced her dainty wrist. In front of all their friends and family, Harm grazed her knuckles with his lips. They had made it through this together.

Later that night, after the cast party that had been graciously hosted by Harriet, the small group began to disperse. The only ones left were Harm and Sarah, Bud and Harriet, and Jason Tiner and Lauren Singer. Jason and Lauren had started dating about halfway through rehearsals. She had been cold and stand-offish at first, but Jason had done wonders for her disposition.

Now in the comfort of her small circle of close friends, Sarah felt better than she had in weeks. Even her earlier anger at Bud had dissipated. He hadn’t come out and said he was sorry but she knew that he was. Everything about her life had changed drastically in just a few short weeks. With Harm’s arm loosely draped around her shoulders, she felt truly content for the first time in her whole life. She had it all and it was all because of the incredible guy sitting next to her, pressed closely to her side.

Eventually, early in the A.M., it was time to call it a night. Well, at least with their friends. Harm had other plans for Sarah. But just as she was about to follow Harm out the door, Sarah felt a hand on her arm. "Mac...um, Sarah."

"What is it, Bud?"

When he heard there was no malice in her voice when she talked to him, Bud rushed on, "I just...well, I just wanted to say that...I’m really sorry. I know you heard what I said to Harm earlier tonight and I...just wanted you to know, I was wrong."

Truly touched, Sarah patted his hand. "Thanks, Bud. And don’t worry about it. We’re okay," she offered sincerely.

Harm grinned down at his friend and then to his girlfriend. Yeah, they were definitely going to be okay.

Once in the car and on their way, she finally let herself look at her bracelet. It really was beautiful.

"Do you really like it?" Harm asked, his voice uncertain.

"Of course I like it. I love it. I love you." she answered, suddenly bashful.

"You’re very pretty when you blush, Mac."

"Thanks. So, are we going home or...are we going somewhere else?" She really didn’t want this night to end yet.

"Well," it was his turn to be nervous. "I was thinking that, well, maybe you’d like to go somewhere and...be alone for a while. You know, by ourselves."

He was stammering, and she was about to offer some glib remark but it wouldn’t come out. Instead she agreed. "I’d like that."

"What about your mom? Will she be upset about you staying out so late?"

"No. In fact, she gave me her blessing." Even now her mother’s behavior puzzled her.

"Really?" Not that Harm was knocking his good fortune, it just seemed odd.

"She said that she knew I would be with you. She trusts my judgment and she really likes you. I guess she just figured that I’m an adult now and that I’m capable of making my own decisions."

"You know, it’s strange but, I kind of got the same reaction from my mom. She just told me to take care of you..." Harm trailed off, pondering his mother’s words. It had almost been like she was giving her blessing to whatever might happen between them tonight. Weird.

"Hey, Harm? You okay?"

"Oh, uh, yeah. Just thinking."

"Don’t hurt yourself," she teased.

"Ha, ha. Very funny," Harm pouted which only caused her to laugh at him. He smiled back, although his stomach was in knots over what was about to happen in a few minutes. Still, he tried to keep things light. He had everything he needed for the perfect end to their evening, he just hoped he wasn’t presuming too much.

A little bit farther and they had reached their destination. "Harm, wow. It’s beautiful." It was just a small lake but with the moon glinting off the rippling surface it was the most romantic place in the whole world to her.

Harm let out a breath he didn’t even know he’d been holding. "You like?"

"Oh yeah. It’s so pretty here."

"Well, you should fit right in then."

"Sweet talker."

"I try." Harm went around to the trunk of his car, removing the items he needed. He had tried to think of it all: the blankets, the music, and of course the little black box he had shoved in his pocket. Harm built a small fire before spreading the first blanket out. He waited until she was seated before turning the music on and sitting beside her, wrapping them both in the other blanket.

There they sat, just holding each other, occasionally stealing kisses. When things started to heat up a little, Harm backed away. "Mac, wait. There’s something I..."

"Harm, what is it?"

Not knowing what exactly to say, Harm reached for the box in his pocket. Bringing it out, he held it up. "Open it, Sarah."

Taking the box, she tried to steady her shaking fingers. "Harm, what...?"

"Just open it. Please."

Doing as she was told, Sarah gasped when she saw two gold wedding rings. One was obviously a woman’s wedding set, the other the matching man’s band. Stunned she looked up at him. "Harm? What...how?"

"This was my mother’s and my father’s wedding set," he spoke so softly she almost didn’t hear him.

"Your dad? But why didn’t he have it with him?"

"Well, when my dad left for Vietnam that last summer, he said that he wanted her to keep it, so she would hold the most important part of him until he got back."

"Oh, Harm," the emotion threatened to overwhelm her.

"When it was obvious he wasn’t coming back, she took it off, said it was too painful. She put both sets away for me, when I was ready." Taking her hand Harm looked at her. "I’m ready, Sarah. Marry me."

"Harm...are you...we’re too..." All the excuses she tried to come up with didn’t hold water. Truth was she wanted to marry him. "When?" was all the answer she gave.

"How about now?"

"Are you serious?" she asked incredulously. But one look at him confirmed it. He was serious.

"Right now. There’s just you and me. Let’s do this just for us, Sarah. I know that someday that we’ll have a regular wedding. But tonight...it’s just about us." Raising up on his knees, he took out the wedding set. "I love you, Sarah Mackenzie. I know we’re young, but you captured my heart the moment I saw you. I meant what I said on that bracelet, I want you with me always. Forever." Sliding the ring on her finger he pledged, "No matter what happens, know that with this ring you hold the most important part of me. I’ll always be yours. Till death separates us."

By the end, the tears were rolling down her cheeks. After he had brushed them away, she reached for his ring. "You pushed through all the walls I had built around myself. You gave me a glimpse of a life I had only dreamed was possible. No matter what happens, I promise I will always be there with you, supporting you, loving you." Sliding the ring on his finger she vowed, "No matter what, know that you’ve given me the greatest gift I have ever received. I’ll always be yours. Till death separates us."

The words had barely left her lips when his were claiming them. The kiss was sweet and full of promises only a lifetime together could ever truly fulfill. When Harm laid her back against the blanket, he searched her face for any sign of doubt.

"I’m sure, Harm. I want to give myself to you."

"And I to you," he whispered against her parted lips.

From then on there were no more words. Slowly he slid her sweater up over her head being careful to take in every detail, every line, every curve as the flames from the fire danced in shadow over her smooth skin. When he removed her lacy bra, his fingers trembled. She was so beautiful. Starting at her lips, Harm kissed her, working his way down over her jaw, the base of her neck and down. When he reached the tip of her breast, Harm paused for just a moment before taking it into his mouth.

The sensations shooting through her body were too much for her and she cried out. Still he continued, giving the same attention to the other breast. He knew she had no idea really what to expect, but he couldn’t seem to slow down. Removing the rest of her clothing he worshiped her body, touching, caressing her until she was almost delirious. Somehow they managed to get his clothes off as well and this time it was her turn to make him crazy. She touched him everywhere, curious to learn everything about him. His body was so different from hers.

When Harm couldn’t take it any longer, he reached for his jeans, fumbling for the packet inside the pocket. No matter what he needed to protect her. With that accomplished, Harm looked down at her, his wife. His wife. He was married, if not legally then in spirit. When he saw his love reflected back in her eyes, he gently pushed into her body. She stiffened at first, her body trying to accommodate him. She braced herself, and Harm finally broke the barrier. She sucked in a deep breath, fighting back tears at the pain, but all to soon the pain was replaced with a new feeling.

Harm moved slightly, and when she moaned instead, he knew instinctively that she was ready. Steadily he increased the pace, moving in and out of her, their bodies moving together in a dance as old as time. On some level, Harm realized the magnitude of this moment. He had never been to this place with any other girl before, she was his first and he was hers. And it all felt so perfect. All too soon, he felt her tighten around him, the shudders of her orgasm wracking her body. It was enough to push Harm over as well, and with a shout of her name, Harm collapsed on top of her.

For a long time they just laid there, holding each other. When he rolled off her, he brought her with him, his arms still almost painfully tight around her. He couldn’t find enough words to tell her everything that was in his heart. As if sensing his struggle, Sarah leaned forward and kissed him. "‘I love you’ almost doesn’t seem to be enough now. Does it?"

"No. It doesn’t." Harm tucked the stray strands of hair behind her ear. "But I’ll say it again anyway. I love you."

"Forever," she promised.

"Forever," he vowed.



Phoenix High School Class Reunion
Phoenix, AZ
August 23, 2002

After that first beautiful night together, the rest of the school year seemed to fly by. First prom and then all to soon graduation was upon them. But through it all Harm and Mac remained inseparable. While they still kept their "marriage" a secret, it became an extremely difficult one to keep. Neither could bare to take their rings off so Harm wore his under his class ring while Sarah wore hers on a chain around her neck.

It was in the summer of that same year, they told their parents that they wanted to make it official. To their astonishment, their parents weren’t all that surprised by their announcement. On August 20, 1987, Harmon and Sarah were married in a little church there in Phoenix, all their family and friends there to witness the joining. Looking at his beautiful bride in her summer white sundress, Harm knew that while similar to the parts they had played, he and Sarah were going to make it.

Now here they were, back in Arizona for their fifteen year class reunion. It felt kind of strange to be back here after all of this time. Harm and Mac were enjoying themselves though, chatting with friends and getting reacquainted. Bud and Harriet were there as well, even though that particular pair they had stayed in touch with over the years.

Sitting at their table now, Harm and Mac both took in their surroundings while scanning the crowd for familiar faces.

"Hey, Harm? Have you seen Renee?" Bud asked, curious as to where Harm’s ex-girlfriend might be.

"No, and last I heard I don’t think she would have had any plans on making it back here." Harm shook his head. Renee Peterson had left for California right after graduation. Through the grapevine, i.e. Harriet Sims-Roberts and the Hollywood tabloids, Renee had made quite a name for herself in movie industry, directing a few big features, but it was her personal life that seemed to be a mess. Each messy breakup was splattered across the supermarket prints.

"Yeah, she’s probably busy." Harriet chimed in.

"Mac, look over there. Isn’t that Jason Tiner?"

Sarah followed Harm’s finger and sure enough there he was. It had been a long time but he really hadn’t changed much. "Yeah, it is. Wonder why he’s at our reunion."

"Maybe, it has something to do with a very pregnant Lauren hanging on his arm. Guess he married an older woman after all. He always did have a thing for you."

"Oh please we were just friends."

"You and I were friends." Harm pointed out.

"We were never friends, Harm, we skipped all that and went right into ‘full time relationship’."

"You complaining?" He asked, putting his arm around his own very pregnant wife, hugging her tightly to him.

"Not on your life, Sailor." She wouldn’t complain for the world. After exchanging their vows to each other, Harm had joined the Navy, and Mac had joined the Marine corp. Both had decided to go to law school. When Mac had questioned him about wanting to be a pilot instead he said he had changed his mind. He wanted to be around for their children unlike his own father.

Bud and Harriet had also followed their friends into the service, both deciding on the Navy. Of course Mac remained the odd ball of the group by being the only Marine, but that was okay, she was used to it. It had taken Bud and Harriet a little longer to tie the knot, but they had eventually made it to the alter and had actually beat Harm and Mac in the children department. But thank God all of that was about to change, Mac couldn’t help thinking to herself as she rubbed her rounded belly. And even though it would be their first, they were going to make up for lost time by having twins.

Yes, they had made quite a life for themselves. It had always been hard work, but every minute of it had been worth it. They had been the best fifteen years of her life.

"Hey. Earth to Mac!"

"What?" she started out of her reverie.

"Where were you just now?" Harm asked, curious.

"Just thinking about our life together. It’s been pretty terrific. Even though it started out a little bumpy, and maybe a little unconventionally, we made it."

"It was tough at times. But I think we did okay," Harm stated proudly.

"I think we did more than okay. I think we did pretty damn good."

"Hopefully the tough stuff is all in the past. Although, the now we’ll have little ones to think of."

"Don’t worry, Sailor. The future is going to be even better," she winked.

The End.

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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