SEPTEMBER 22, 2001 13:45

"So, what’s up, Doc," Harm asked with a lame attempt at humor.

"Very funny, Commander. Lt. Harmon how are you doing this morning?"

"I’m fine, Doc. Thank you. What did you need to speak to us about?"

Stepping up next to the pair, Doc leaned in closer in a conspiratorial manor. "Well, Lt. Harmon. I think I may have some information for you that may blow this case wide open."

"What is it, Doc," Mac asked, unable to keep the anticipation out of her voice. This case had really been one dead end after another. A little good news would go a long way.

"It seems that Lt. Martin knew more than anyone thought she did about Gardner’s personal agenda."

"Not to be the voice of reason here, but just how, exactly, did find this out? It’s not like she told you."

"Well actually, Commander, she did."

"What?" Both officers exclaimed at the same time.

"Doc, are saying she’s gonna make it? After all of that?"

"No, Marine. What I said was that she’s the one that told me about Gardner." Pausing a moment to collect his thoughts, Doc continued, "After talking to you this morning, Commander, I stopped by Lt. Martin’s quarters. Something had been eating at me ever since this happened. I read the initial reports and the inventory of her personal items. It struck me as odd that there were no...well, REAL personal items listed."

Harm was confused. "What do you mean REAL personal items?"

"Well, she’s a young woman. She has friends and family, I’m sure. Yet, there are no pictures or letters. It’s like no one ever stayed there. Her computer was wiped out, no journal or daily diary, nothing. So, I went back to her quarters to see if I could find something, anything, that would suggest that this woman had a life outside the corps."

"So, what did find?" Harm asked exasperated.

"This." Reaching into his shirt, Doc pulled out a small, leather bound book. "This is her journal."

"Where, in the hell, did you find that," Harm asked, incredulously.

"I found it between the mattresses in her bunk. She had written in it night she was beaten. I think you’ll both find it very interesting reading. I don’t want to get into too much more about it until you’ve both had a chance to look at it. I do, however, think we still need to meet tonight and figure out what we’re going to do about everything though."

Nodding in agreement, Mac quickly answered. "I think you’re right, Doc. We’re running out of time. We’ll look over this and come up with something."

"Alright, Marine. What do you say we all meet in your quarters, say...19:00?"

Looking at her partner first, Mac turned then and spoke. "You got it, Doc. 19:00 it is."

"Good." Doc handed Harm the journal then started to move away from the group, then stopped, as if remembering something. "Commander, you might want to read that first before you go to interrogate Gardner."

"Why is that?"

"Just so you’ll have all the facts," was Doc’s cryptic reply.

Feeling uneasy, Harm briefly nodded in acknowledgment before placing the journal inside his uniform shirt. With a hand at Mac’s back, Harm led her out the door of the infirmary. "So, Lt. Harmon, my place or yours?"

"Very cute, Commander Rabb."

"Why, thank you, Ma’am. I think you’re pretty cute yourself."

Rolling her eyes at him, they continued on their way down the corridor. "This has to stop, you know?"

"What has to stop," Harm asked, not really wanting to hear her answer. He didn’t want to hear her say that they shouldn’t be working together. He didn’t want to hear her give all the reasons why they shouldn’t be seen together. He just plain didn’t want to hear it.

Reaching her stateroom, she unlocked the door entering then letting him in before shutting the door behind them. "Alright, let’s get busy and get that thing read. I want to know what’s going on here."

"Power down, Mac. I know you’re in ‘Marine mode’ now, but I think..."

"Okay, first, think long and hard about the last time you told me to ‘Power Down’. I didn’t take it well then, and I’m sure as hell not going to take it well now. Second, we have exactly 3 days, 23 hours and 43 minutes until Bobbi sets foot on this ship. By that time I want this thing figured out, Bobbi safe, and whoever is responsible rotting in the brig." By the time Mac had finished with her pep talk, she was flushed and out of breath.

"Wow," Harm stated, unable to keep the awe out of his voice.

"What? What are you staring at?"

"You, Mac. You are so amazing when you’re angry."

Quirking her eyebrow up at him, Mac countered, "Amazing, huh? Is that what you were thinking this morning when I was chewing out your ‘six’?"

Smirking back at Mac, Harm couldn’t help but tease, "Well that, and a...few other things."

"Such as," Mac asked, sauntering over to him.

Standing in front of him, she was so close, all he had to do was reach out. The scent that was uniquely Sarah Mackenzie assaulted his senses, causing his body to react to her. He had to get it under control, and fast. "Umm, we should really get to work on this. We have a lot to get accomplished in a short amount of time and..." Harm finished, his voice trailing off.

Knowing that he was struggling for control, Mac decided to push him just a little bit farther. "Alright, Commander. Let’s get to it then." Lifting her fingers to the top button of his uniform shirt, she slowing began unbuttoning each one.

"What...what are you doing, Mac?" Harm could barely get the words past his throat. His mouth was dry and he was having difficult time breathing.

Looking up at him innocently, Mac’s hands caressed over the solid plains of his chest through his undershirt. Finally her hands settled on the journal, plucking it out and holding it up between them. "I was just looking for this." Smiling sweetly, Mac headed toward the bed, plopping down unceremoniously. Looking up at him, she couldn’t help but laugh. He was standing there, unmoving, with the funniest expression on his face she had ever seen. Finally she had to ask, "Are you going to be alright, Harm?"

"You did that on purpose." It wasn’t a question, but a statement.

"Did what?"

"You know what. THAT." Harm stammered, while gesturing between her and his still gaping shirt.

Holding up her hands in mock surrender, "I was just giving you a small taste of what you did to me this morning. Only I was kind enough to leave my clothes on," Mac simply stated.

"That was so not fair, Mac," Harm replied, as he went to sit next to her on her bed, sulking.

"Oh, I see. You can dish it out but you can’t take. Talk about a double standard, Harm."

"I wasn’t dishing anything out, Colonel," Harm countered defensively.

"Wow, I must have really gotten to you if you’re pulling rank on me, Commander," Mac couldn’t help goading him some more. It was just too easy.

"Are we going to move on to the journal anytime soon? If we’re not, I have other things to do."

"Oh, really?" Seeing the scowl burrowing his forehead, she knew that he had reached his limit, and decided to let it go. "Alright, alright let’s get to it." Picking up the journal from her lap, she looked up at him and asked, "So do you want to read it or do you want me too?"

"You read, I’ll listen. Start with the good stuff though. Day of."

"You sure you don’t want to do this?"

"I said for you to do it, didn’t I," Harm shot back.

"Just wondering because you’re being awfully damn pushy."

"Will you just shut up and read it for God sakes."

Mac had to bite her lower lip at the absurdity of that last statement.

Harm also realized how stupid that sounded, but was bound and determined to play it off. Damn she was frustrating. "Read it, Marine."

"Okay, here it goes...

*September 16

Dear God! How could I have ever been more wrong about someone? I’ve always been a pretty good judge of character, yet this time I was totally blind. I guess love does that to you. Makes you see only what you want to see. He had me fooled from the start. I guess I should write down and explain what happened, like I’ll ever forget it. I stopped by to see Mark after my shift. I knew he had been seeing someone else. She’s very pretty, I saw her leaving his quarters tonight, but I know she didn’t see me. I can’t remember her name...Sandy or something like that. I thought he would still be in there, but when I knocked, he didn’t answer. He must have left before her so they wouldn’t draw too much suspicion. Anyway, I let myself in, deciding I would just surprise him. When I entered, the first thing I noticed was the place was a mess. I thought I’d help out and straighten things up. So I started picking up papers, throwing away trash, that kind of thing. That’s when it happened. I bumped into his desk and his computer screen popped up. Guess it was on standby. Anyway, I didn’t think anything of it until I actually took a look at the screen. It was his personal e-mail. I was so curious about his personal life, he never has really told me anything about it. So I snooped. There were several e-mails from someone called Hazaar, all within the last few days. Pulling up the latest one, I was shocked at what I saw. He’s a traitor! A God Damn traitor! How could he? How could he do this to his country? How? Nothing makes sense anymore. Why would he possibly want to kill Congresswoman Latham? All of these things raced through my mind as I sat there. That’s when he found me. I was so lost in my own thoughts, I didn’t even hear him enter. He yelled and screamed, God he was so angry. I’ve never seen him like that. He...he hit me. I never really saw it coming. One minute I was sitting in his chair, the next I was laying on the floor. I tried to tell him I was sorry, but he just wouldn’t listen. He came after me again, but I managed to get away and out the door before he could get to me. I don’t know what to do. I thought I loved him, God I still do love him. What kind of person am I? I have to tell someone, but who? Maybe Patty. Maybe she can help me. I hope someone can...

After finishing, Mac looked up at Harm with unshed tears in her eyes. "She wanted my help. She was going to ask for my help. Oh God, Harm."

Taking her into his arms, Harm soothed her. "It’s not your fault, Mac. You didn’t even know about all of this at the time."

"I know, Harm, but what if I could have prevented it. I could have pushed harder. I could have gotten some real answers out of her. I could have..."

"Listen to me, Mac. This was not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong, and you couldn’t have prevented it. Now we know where to look. Now we can focus on coming up with a plan to nail this guy for everything: Bobbi, Leslie, and you." Gently Harm began stroking her back, " I promise, Mac. We’ll get him."

The methodic rhythm on her back was having the desired effect. However, she knew that she needed to broach a touchy subject again. "Harm, we still don’t know for sure that it was Gardner that attacked me. I know you want it to be him, but we still have to remain open to the possibility that it wasn’t."

Sighing in frustration, Harm knew she was right. "I know, but I just have this gut feeling."

Changing the subject, Mac sat up and looked at him. "Look, let’s just look through the rest of this. Maybe there’s something else in there we can use that will solidify this case against Gardner. We’ll worry about me later."

Shaking his head, Harm lightly tapped her nose. "Too late. I’m already worried about you. But you’re right, we need to get busy. Don’t you need to get back to the office though?"

"No, I told them that I might be overdoing it by coming back too soon, and that after I got done with you, that I was going back to my quarters to rest. I’m free for the rest of the day."

"Free, huh? Wish we were home. We could spend the rest of the day cuddled up on the couch, watching old movies, and making out like teenagers," Harm wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, causing Mac to chuckle.

"Teenagers? I’m a long way from 18, Commander, and so are you."

"Mac, Mac, Mac," Harm sighed, shaking his head. "Age is a state of mind. What? You don’t want to make out with me?"

"You’re pouting again. And yes, if we were home right now, I think I could definitely be talked into making out with you. But since we’re not, we had better stick with actually trying to get some work done. The sooner we get done..."

Harm broke in, "The sooner I can get you home. Alright, Mac. Let’s get busy and see what we can find out, before we have to meet with Doc."

For the next several hours, Harm and Mac poured over the journal. With each entry, the picture of a very emotionally scarred young lady was painted. Mark Gardner had preyed on Leslie’s vulnerabilities and insecurities and had ultimately ended up destroying her life. The unfairness of it all didn’t go unnoticed by Harm or Mac.

"What a bastard. I can’t believe anyone would be that heartless and cold. I mean she didn’t even know he was married until they were already into a sexual relationship," Harm stated, thoroughly disgusted by Gardner’s actions.

"I know. And there’s more here than just a sexual relationship. She never comes out and says it, but I would be willing to lay money on it that Gardner was abusive."

"You mean he beat her? Wouldn’t she have written that in there if that was the case," Harm asked, pointing at the still open journal.

"Not necessarily physical abuse. There are other forms of abuse, Harm. He, more than likely, was verbally abusive to her. From the way this reads she has all the signs of abuse, maybe as far back as childhood. She has real self esteem issues and probably saw Gardner as a father figure."

"A father figure?"

"Maybe. If her father was abusive then she will more than likely be drawn, or attracted ,to someone just like him. It’s what she knows, what she’s used to. As much as she is repulsed by that behavior, she is still attracted to it." Mac was avoiding looking at Harm directly.

The realization, of what she was talking about, finally dawned on him. She recognized the signs, because she knew what to look for. His overprotective instincts kicked in again. "Mac?" Her name was whispered so softly that she almost didn’t hear it.

"Yes, Harm?"

"Look at me, Mac."

"I can’t."


"Because I’m afraid of what you’ll see there."

"Mac, I’m not scared of seeing your past. All I want to do is be in your future."

"I know that, Harm. But that’s just it. I AM scared of my past. Everyday I live in fear that I’m just not strong enough to totally get past it."

"What are you talking about, Mac? You are an incredible woman and you ARE strong. You’ve made an amazing life for yourself and I have never been more proud to know someone, as I have been to know you."

"How can you say that after everything that’s happened in the last two years? I put us both through hell. I ran to someone else, someone I didn’t really love. Someone who was manipulative and who played on my emotional insecurities. All because I wasn’t strong enough to wait. Because I didn’t think I deserved you. Because..."

"Stop it, Sarah. It wasn’t all you. Dammit, don’t you think I regret everything bad that’s happened between us? Don’t you think I don’t beat myself up over every stupid thing I’ve ever said or done to you? I rejected you and sent you into that relationship with Brumby, so don’t even blame yourself for that. If I hadn’t been so totally ignorant, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation."

"But, Harm..."

"No. You are a beautiful, bright, incredibly intelligent woman. Your father was a fool, Chris Raggle was a fool, Dalton, Farrow, and every other man that’s ever passed you over. But the biggest fool...well that would be me, Mac. I had so many opportunities to go after what was right in front of me, and I didn’t take any of them. I’m so sorry, Mac. I’m so sorry I hurt you. I don’t want to ever hurt you again."

A lone tear escaped and trailed down her cheek. "Thank you, Harm."

"You’re welcome, Sarah." His lips slowly descended towards hers, when there was a knock at the door.

Backing away, Harm spoke softly, "I guess that would be Doc."

"Yeah, I guess it is about that time." Reluctantly she pulled out of his arms. But, before moving off the bed, Mac turned and chastely kissed him square on the lips.

Startled by the action, Harm jerked back and looked at Mac before smiling slightly. "I think you just broke one of your own rules, Colonel."

Arching an eyebrow at him, Mac quarried, "Complaining, Commander?"

Harm wasn’t completely stupid. "No, Ma’am."

"Good." After getting up from the bed, Mac went to answer the door. "Who is it?"

"It’s Doc, Lt. Harmon."

Opening the door, Mac stepped back to let him pass.

Wasting no time, Doc jumped right in. "So, what did you think?"

Mac went back over to sit next to Harm while gesturing to Doc to sit in the desk chair. "Well, now we have a confirmation that Gardner is definitely the traitor. However, who is Hazaar? And how are they planning to get the assassin on board? There are still a whole lot of unanswered questions. And who is this ‘Sandy’ Gardner was seeing?"

Harm noticed Doc tense visibly. Harm had immediately thought of Candy when the reference was made in the diary. Not Sandy, but Candy. What if...

"I have a theory about that, Marine."

"What is it, Doc," Mac asked, knowing she wasn’t going to like where this was about to go.

Drawing a deep breath, Doc proceeded to tell Mac about everything that happened with Candy, and his suspicions that she was indeed involved in the assassination plot.

"I didn’t even think about Candy," Mac sighed. "Doc, I can’t say that I totally approve of what happened between you and Candy, but I haven’t used the best common sense on this case either. Besides, it’s over and done with. So, what do we do now? She knows who I am, she knows we’re onto Gardner. Yet, she still hasn’t made a move to really interfere with our investigation. Where does that leave us?"

Harm piped in, "Something still isn’t making sense about this whole thing. I mean, there are just too many variables. We’re seeing all of the small details and it’s like we’re missing the big picture. I say we focus on Candy, come up with some idea of breaking her down before we chase Gardner into the corner. Build a little more against him. If we go to him now, without all of the facts, we have nothing to bargain with. All we have now is a lot of speculation."

"Alright," Mac conceded. "So, how do we get to Candy?"

Harm looked nervously over at Doc. "Well, we set a trap, and hope the mouse nibbles. What do you say, Doc? Think you can handle it?"

Torn between emotion and duty, Doc finally gave his answer. "Yeah, I can handle it."

Nodding in understanding, Harm continued. "Okay, here’s what we do."




Doc sat staring at the stacks of paperwork that had piled up on his desk in the last couple of days. In the two days that had followed since their conversation, Harm, Mac and Doc had been trying to put the final pieces of their plan into place. They were cutting it close, but in order for the trap to work, that had to make sure not to let the cat out of the bag to soon. However, Doc was really not looking forward to this. As hurt as he was at Candy’s obvious deception, Doc still couldn’t shake the feeling that he could trust her.

In these last few days, all three had made every attempt to talk openly in front of Candy about the case, leaking juicy bits of information whenever she was around. Candy always seemed impassive and Doc had to give her credit. She was quite an actress, but Doc knew better than to buy into the act. He had seen her in action, and he knew she was picking up on everything loud and clear.

Every time he found himself doubting her guilt, all he had to do was close his eyes and remember their night together. The images of her rifling through his desk, and reading his files, flashed across his closed lids. Soon, the wave of pain he had felt washed over him again only to then be replaced by the more passionate memories of their night together. He could still smell her, taste her.

As if on cue, the object of his treacherous thoughts broke through his pain filled haze. "Doc? Are you alright?"

For a moment, all Doc could do was stare at her, not trusting himself to speak. Then, as steadily as he could, he worked into a reply. "No, I don’t think I am, Candy. But I’ll make it."

Concern immediately etched her delicate features, and again Doc was assaulted by a wave of guilt mixed with anger. Anger at her for lying to him and anger at the cruel injustice of it all. The guilt he’d deal with later.

"Is there anything I can do to help, Doc?"

Here it was. Time to put one more piece into the puzzle. "Actually, yes there is, Candy. Commander Rabb and Lieutenant Harmon will be stopping by later to talk about what’s going to happen to Lt. Martin. I need you to take care of the arrangements to prepare the Lt. to leave. She’s being shipped to a hospital where they can decide exactly what needs to be done."

"Alright, Doc. I’ll take care of it, check her, and let you know when everything is finished."

Nodding in response, Doc turned away from her and started digging into the stacks on his desk.

Harm was about to go insane. He had barely seen Mac at all in the last two days. They had agreed to only see each other when necessary, meaning only when they were laying more ground work for their trap. As soon as that was done, they went their separate ways for the evening. Even if it was for the best, he still hated it. Although, he had to admit, he had gotten more done without her around.

He had talked to the skipper and the XO but both had proven fruitless. The Master of Arms was next, telling Harm what was already in his report. He had also questioned Lt. Gibbs and she had told him what she had seen, albeit what little that was. Not much to go on. She hadn’t seen his face because of the mask, and had not been able to tell height because it had all happened so fast. Again they were left with nothing. He had put off talking to Gardner because he had wanted to gather a little more evidence to use against him as leverage. The sad thing was he had found nothing that would link Gardner to Mac’s assault. Evidence was in short supply. His quarters weren’t even close to Mac’s, nor the gym and women’s showers. It seemed like another dead end, but none of that really proved that Gardner didn’t hurt Mac or Lt. Martin either.

Like he had said earlier, something just wasn’t adding up. What could Candy possibly be doing to help Gardner? She was the unknown factor here. Pacing the small confines of his quarters, Harm decided enough was enough. It was time to go ask Gardner a few questions, and hope he didn’t set off too big of a chain reaction. The last thing they needed was another ‘Gung Ho’ Marine.



SEPTEMBER 24, 2001

"Captain Gardner, do you mind if I have a word with you?"

Harm watched as Mark visibly tensed. "Commander Rabb. Nice to see you again." Having greeted the superior officer, Mark turned back to the engine he was working on, not offering any more in the way of conversation.

"I said I’d like to have a word with you, Captain. We can do it here, or somewhere more private, it’s up to you. But we are going to talk."

Gardner turned steel grey eyes on Harm. "Are you threatening me, Commander?"

"Is there a reason I should be threatening you, Captain," Harm countered, just as cold.

"We can ‘talk’ in my office, Commander." With that, Gardner turned and headed toward the office off to the side of the hanger.

Harm followed behind, trying to formulate his questions in his head. Again he reminded himself that he needed to be careful not to give too much away. He also had to keep reminding himself that he couldn’t beat the shit out of the younger officer either, no matter how much he wanted to.

"Look, Captain, I’ll get right to the point. It’s come to my attention that you were having a...relationship with Lt. Martin."

A brief flicker passed through Gardner’s eyes. "And just where did you hear that, Commander?"

"I’ve talked to some of Lt. Martin’s co-workers. Most of them knew it. I guess you weren’t too discreet. So, tell me, where were you the night she was beaten?"

"What? You think I had something to do with that? I cared about her. There is no way I could do something like that."

Harm prayed for patience, as Gardner continued to deny his involvement. "So, if you weren’t involved, you won’t mind telling me where you were that night."

"I was here at the hanger."

"Do you have anyone to vouch for you? Anyone here with you?"

Gardner’s jaw clenched, "No. I was here, alone, working in my office."

"Ah, right. Well, Captain, I don’t have anything more to ask right now. I think I’ve got more than I need."

"Well then, Commander, if you’ll excuse me I need to get cleaned up." It was then that Gardner began rolling up his sleeves. Harm noticed the bandage on his forearm immediately. Harm saw red. "Hurt yourself, Captain," Harm asked, pointing to the gauze covering Gardner’s right arm.

"Yeah. Jabbed myself with a screw driver working on one of the engines."

‘You lying son of a bitch,’ Harm thought to himself but asked out loud, "Do you mind if I take a look at it, Gardner?"

"As a matter of fact, I do, Rabb. I’ve already had it looked at. If you have something else to talk about, get on with it, if not we’re done."

Walking slowly up to Gardner, Harm towered over the shorter man. Looking down at the man in front of him, his eyes shot fire and his voice sounded dangerously calm. "We are no where near done, Gardner. I will nail your ass."

With a smug, arrogance Gardner replied smoothly, "Give it your best shot, Rabb."

Without another word, Harm turned and stormed out of the office.

Meanwhile, Mac was having just as much trouble trying not being totally frustrated with the slow pace of things. She wanted to just go up and ask Candy what the hell was going on. Harm and his ‘trap’ had effectively ended that alternative. ‘I swear,’ Mac thought to herself, ‘men have to make everything so stinking complicated.’ She wanted this over with, the threat neutralized, and Mark Gardner in jail. She wanted to get home. She wanted Harm.

Having not seen him much, the last couple of days had almost been unbearable. Both had their best ‘down to business’ personas firmly in place, but Mac could tell Harm was having a tough time staying away. Hell, she knew because she was having the same trouble. Mentally noting the time, Mac realized it was time to go see Doc. Time to get the show on the road. Sighing, Mac heaved herself up from her desk, and headed out the door.

Candy listened, as the three of them talked about the case, from her spot at the counter behind them. Things had gotten completely out of hand the last couple of days. They were getting way too close to getting Gardner. She knew two days ago that she was in trouble, so she had asked for help. Knowing the situation, Candy had brought in the back up plan. Things weren’t going at all the way they were supposed to. The next comment out of Rabb only confirmed her belief that she was doing the right thing.

"I talked to Gardner earlier."

Mac looked at Harm, totally in shock. "You did what," Mac sputtered.

"I went and talked to him."

Doc had to break in and comment, "So, what did you find out?"

"Well, I found out he doesn’t have an alibi for the night Leslie was beaten. I also found out that...that he has a bandage on his right forearm." Looking at Mac he continued, "Probably from where you bit him."

Mac tried not to let her true emotions show through as memories of the attack came flooding back. Squelching the urge to cry out, Mac gazed steadily back at Harm. He was her rock and she knew that he was going to take care of her, he had made a promise. Finally, Mac could answer. "So, what now? What do we do next, Commander?"

Harm chanced a glance at Candy before quickly launching into his speech. "Well, we can arrest him. I know we don’t have much but at least we can detain him for the next three or four days, at least until we can come up with some real evidence and..."

"Doc, I’m finished here. Do you mind if I head out for the evening," Candy asked, nervously drumming her fingers on the counter.

The vice around Doc’s heart tightened. "Sure, Candy that’s fine. I’ll see you tomorrow."

"Good night, Doc, Sir, Ma’am." Without a backward glance, Candy walked out of sick bay.

Harm looked at the two people in front of him. "So, who wants to follow her and see where she goes?"

Letting out a painful sigh, Doc spoke. "I’ll go."

"That’s alright, Doc. I’ll go," Mac offered, wanting to spare him any more grief.

"Look, why don’t we go, Mac. Doc, you stay here with Leslie. We’ll bring Candy back here."

Mutely, Doc agreed, nodding.

"Come on, Marine, let’s go."

"Oh God that feels so fucking good. That’s it baby. Yeah, just like that, yeah...oh fuck yeah." Gardner moaned over and over, his head thrown back and his hands spiked into her hair. Her tongue swiped over the tip of his cock, and he couldn’t help but buck violently into her mouth.

Instinctively, she clamped her mouth tighter around him, sucking and pulling as hard as she could. Her mouth left him for a moment, her hand still tugging. "You like that, don’t you baby? You like it. Tell me you like it."

"Yes, yes! I like it," Gardner practically growled. "I fucking love it."

Harm and Mac followed Candy, stopping short when they heard muffled voices.

"I knew you would," Candy whispered.

"Well, what did you expect?" The man was growling at her.

"I don’t know, but not this. I never expected all of this."

"Well, sometimes shit happens. Now we have to deal with all of this. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of Rabb and..."

Harm and Mac stepped out the shadows, weapons pointed. "Don’t move, Candy." After turning with her hands raised in the air in surrender, Harm called out. "Alright, Gardner. Come on out."

"Wrong bad guy, Harm." Harm and Mac stood stunned as Clayton Webb stepped out of the darkness.

"Dammit Webb! What the hell are you doing here?"

"Good to see you too, Rabb. Hello Lieutenant Harmon."

"Webb, you have exactly ten seconds to start explaining all of this, before I kick your ass," Mac was seething.

"Easy does it, Marine," Webb threw his hands up in a defensive gesture. "Give me at least until we get back to sick bay. I’m sure Doc will want to hear this too."

With Harm and Mac leading the way, Clay chanced a nervous glance at Candy, before following them out with Candy in tow.




"So, you’re telling me you used us," Doc uttered incredulously.

"Well, it depends on your definition of ‘using’ you."

Harm shook his head in disgust. "Webb, you are a piece of work."

"Look, I couldn’t tell you everything."

Mac glared at Clay a moment before prodding, "But you’re going to tell us everything now. Right, Clay." It was said as a statement, not a question.

With his hands planted firmly on his hips, Webb started into the story. "We’ve known all along that Gardner was the traitor."

Hissing a breath out between clenched teeth, Harm seriously thought about taking a swing at Webb. Just one would make him feel better. Sensing the tension in her partner, Mac quickly placed her hand on his arm, squeezing gently. Relaxing somewhat, Harm was calm enough to ask, "So, if you knew it was him all along, what was the point of sending Mac out here?"

"We sent Mac to protect Bobbi, and to try to weed out the real terrorist."

Confused, Mac queried, "The real terrorist? What are you talking about? I thought he was trying to sneak someone on board to kill Bobbi?"

"Yes we know who the terrorist is, we just don’t know who it is."

"Dammit Webb! Speak English," Harm had reached his limit.

"A communique was intercepted, by Gardner, to an international terrorist known as ‘The Raptor’."

"Bird of Prey, interesting name," Mac mumbled to no one in particular.

"The Raptor is responsible for a number of assassinations and international incidents over the last ten years. When Gardner enlisted the help of a terrorist organization, we immediately began monitoring, realizing that he was actually enlisting the Raptor’s help. ‘Hazaar’ is one of a dozen aliases the Raptor uses. We had most of it figured out, but no one has ever seen him. We sent you, Mac, to make sure Bobbi made it through safely. No one expected all of the other variables, the beatings. But we knew we needed to play this thing out to the end. If we can get Gardner to think that everything is still going according to plan, we can catch the Raptor. He makes his move, and we’re there to catch him. It’s not the Raptor’s style to leave witnesses, and Gardner is as good as dead if we miss a beat."

Doc couldn’t keep silent any longer. "So, where does Candy figure into all of this?"

"I was sent to keep you a step behind Captain Gardner. I tried to stay abreast of how your investigation was coming along, and then I was supposed to point you in a different direction, away from him if possible," Candy answered, unable to meet his eyes.

"Alright, Webb. What do we do now? Does Bobbi know about any of this?"

"No, Mac she doesn’t."

"Don’t you think she should? You’re risking her life, deliberately putting her in the line of fire."

"Mac, she already knew she would be. Besides, now she has all five of us to make sure nothing else goes wrong."

"Something always goes wrong with your operations, Webb," Harm bit out sarcastically. "What makes you think this is going to come off any differently."

"Oh, come on, Harm. You and Mackenzie always come out smelling like roses."

Both rolled their eyes the CIA agent.

Quietly, she slipped out of his quarters.

He was spent and asleep, ‘typical man,’ she thought with disgust. Give him some and he passes out. Oh well, he had served his purpose to her. He was great in the sack and he would get her Bobbi Latham. Sex and the kill. To bad she would have to kill him too. Shrugging and smiling to herself, she was humming softly as she walked back to her quarters.

Only two more days...

Everyone had left except Doc and Candy. Now the awkward silence hung between them. Candy looked down at her feet, gently pushing around the imaginary dirt. "I’m sorry, Doc."

"For what, Candy? You were just doing your job."

"No, for...for hurting you. I know what you thought when you caught me going through your things. I took a chance and I blew it."

Sighing, Doc walked over to her. "Hey, I understand now. I know how crappy this business can be. I’m just sorry that I didn’t listen to my head and leave you alone."

Looking up, she couldn’t hide the pain that had settled in her eyes. "Is that really how you feel?"

"Yes, Candy, it is. I’m sorry, I don’t want to hurt you either, but we both know why there can’t be an ‘us’."

"No, Doc, I don’t. I know what our responsibilities are. I know how dangerous it is. I know the risks, but dammit, Doc, I have never felt about anyone the way I feel about you. There has to be a..."

"Candy, don’t do this, please." Cupping her cheek in the palm of his hand, his thumb lightly brushed away the tear that escaped. "There isn’t a way. We aren’t going to get our happy ending. I am so sorry."

Leaning into his palm for just a moment, Candy opened her eyes and looked strait into his. Stepping away, she stood up straight and spoke from her broken heart. "I’m not sorry, Doc. I’ll never be sorry for falling in love with you." And with that, Candy turned and left him, stunned and completely alone.

"So, Lt. Harmon, are you going to ask me in, or are we calling it a night?"


"I know, I know. But I can’t help it. It’s been a rough couple of days. I’ve missed you."

"I’ve missed you too. I didn’t think that would be possible, we’re on the same ship for Christ’s sake."

"Let me in, Mac." His voice had became dangerously low, and Mac’s stomach began to flutter. Looking up into his eyes was a mistake. They glittered with a wanting, a need, that Mac couldn’t deny and really didn’t want to.

"Yes," she whispered so softly, but Harm heard her.

Just as she turned around to open her door, Clayton Webb stepped around the corner. "Hey you two. Um, sorry if I’m interrupting anything, but I need to talk to Harm for a minute."

Disappointment etched Mac’s features, and Harm’s arms folded across his chest in disgust. Again so close, yet not close enough.

Harm finally spoke, "Alright, Webb. Just give us a minute would you?"

"Sure, Harm."

"Fine, you wait out here, I’ll be right out." Without another word, Harm opened the door to Mac’s quarters, leading her in and the slamming the door behind them.

Mac never knew what hit her. "Harm, I..." She never got to finish, the words cut off as he covered her mouth with his. Instinctively, her arms snaked their way up around his neck, her body melting into his.

Clayton Webb heard the thud on the other side of the door, as Harm pushed her back against the hatch, effectively trapping her. There was no room for escape, not that she wanted to. She wanted this, so badly. Her body ached for him, even knowing this was going no further than this. ‘For now, it’s enough,’ she thought, just to have him touch her, his tongue dueling with hers.

Harm was fairing no better. Her immediate response to his kiss had turned him on like nobody’s business. That, coupled with not being able to see her the last couple of days, had made it damn near impossible not to take her out in the hallway. When she had said ‘yes’ he had known that he had to have her, he couldn’t wait any longer. That was, until Webb showed up. ‘Damn you, Webb,’ he mentally cursed.

Knowing he had to pull away, and actually making himself do it, was proving to be a daunting task. Finally, he broke away, breathless. As he looked down into her eyes, he saw all of the passion, the fire that was slowly threatening to consume them both. And Harm realized, for the first time in his life, he wasn’t afraid of it. In fact he wanted it, yearned for it, but only with her. He was the moth, drawn inexplicably closer to the fire that was Sarah Mackenzie. He wanted her heat. He wanted to be consumed. He wanted...

"I have to go," the voice sounded foreign, even to his own ears.

"I know," her own voice sounding ragged and low.

"What happens next, Sarah?"

Caught off guard at the use of her name, Mac didn’t know how to respond. "I don’t know, Harm." She couldn’t make a decision right now. Not when her lips still tingled from his kiss. Not when her body still throbbed from his touch.

He knew she was letting him decide. And even though every part of him screamed out that he wanted her, he knew they should wait. Forty-eight hours and it would all be over. Then he’d take her home. Then, and only then, would it be the right time. "I guess this is where we should say ‘Good Night’."

Relief flooded her body. As bad as she had wanted him, she knew it wasn’t the right time, not yet. "Yeah, I guess it is."

Nodding, he dipped low to brush a kiss on her cheek. "Good Night, Mac."

Grazing her soft lips across his cheek in return, she answered, "Good Night, Harm."

Pulling away was the hardest thing he had ever done in his life. "I’ll see you tomorrow."


Stepping away from the door, Mac opened it and let him pass, nodding only briefly at Webb before closing the door. Walking wearily to her bunk, Mac fell backwards, her arm flopping over her eyes, and groaned. It was going to be another long night. But, smiling to herself, she now had new memories to take to bed with her.

"What do you want, Webb?" They had entered Harm’s cabin, and Harm had absolutely no patience left.

Taking a seat at Harm’s desk, Webb changed the subject, while trying to appear innocent. "So, what’s going on with you and Mac? I mean, I know I interrupted something out there in the hall."

"That is none of your business," Harm replied as calmly as he could manage.

"Come on, Rabb. I mean, are you and Mac, well you know..." Webb wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Get out, Webb."

"Alright, alright. I was just trying to get a rise out of you. But, by the look of things when you came out of Mac’s cabin, I guess she had already taken care of that for you."

"That’s it, Webb. I’m going to hurt you."

Webb jumped up and away from Harm. "Okay, look I’m sorry. You’re right, none of my business. I really was only trying to get your goat. It’s really just too easy anymore. Especially where Mackenzie is concerned."

"Webb, I’m going to ask you one more time. What the hell did you want?"

Sighing, Clay started in on the conversation that he had been dreading since finding out about Mac’s assault. "Harm, I know how much you care about her. This was her life a long time ago, and she was good at it, but I know her life now is JAG and you. I just want you to know what we are really dealing with here. We are all in serious danger, Mac included. It all hedges on being able to follow all of this out to the letter. The Raptor has never missed a target, Harm. His kill ratio is perfect. I know you’re not really part of this operation, but now that you’re here I could really use your help. If not for me at least for Mac’s sake."

Harm was furious, Webb knew exactly how to play him, and he was dirty enough to use Mac. "You are a bastard, Webb. And yes, I’ll help for Mac and Bobbi’s sake. But after this is over, Webb, you stay away from Mac. No more assignments, no more jobs only she can handle. No more."

"I’ll do my best but I can’t promise anything, Harm."

"Yeah, that’s you isn’t it. No promises, just what you have to say to get what you want."

"I do what I have to do, Harm, just like you do."

Staring at Clay for a long time, Harm finally nodded his agreement. "What do you want me to do, Webb? What’s the plan?"

Smiling a half smile that he couldn’t quite pull off, Clay began to lay out their strategy. "Well, it’s only the five of us. Mac has been assigned as the officer in charge of Bobbi’s visit. She’ll be the one showing Bobbi around, that way when Gardner, or the Raptor, is about to make their move, we know Mac will be there to look out for Bobbi. Now as for you, I need you to be as inconspicuous as possible, although, since Bobbi knows you, you wouldn’t seem out of place being around her. After everything that’s happened here lately I guess that’s one bonus to having you around. You’re our ace in the hole, so to speak. No one else really knows you know anything about Bobbi Latham’s visit. Me, Doc and Candy will be on the look out as well; extra fire power. But, as I’ve said, Mac looks after Bobbi, and our number one concern is taking out the Raptor. If we get Gardner, but miss the Raptor, everything else doesn’t mean a damn thing."

"I know where you’re coming from, Webb, but my number one concern is making sure that Bobbi doesn’t get assassinated and that Mac doesn’t get killed protecting her. So, whatever it takes, I’ll do it." And he meant it.

"Alright, Harm." Looking at his watch, Clayton Webb started to take his leave. "I have to go. I’m flying out tonight so that I can come back with Bobbi’s transport. Good luck, Harm." Held his hand out in an offering of peace, and Harm grudgingly shook it."See ya in a couple of days, Rabb."And with that, Webb was gone.



SEPTEMBER 26, 2001 1200

Mac sat, nervously fidgeting with her academy ring. Bobbi would be here in two hours, and they still had no idea who the Raptor really was. How was she supposed to protect Bobbi from something if she didn’t know what to look for. The ring of the telephone brought Mac out of her sober thoughts.

"Public Relations Office, Lt. Harmon."

"Good. Just the Marine I was looking for."

Unable to hide her smile, turned away before answering, "Good morning, Commander Rabb. What can I do for you?"

"Boy that’s a loaded question, if I’ve ever heard one. I can think of several things, right off of the top of my head, but I guess I had better keep those to myself for now."

Biting her lower lip to keep from laughing, Mac countered, "That’s probably wise, Commander."

"Ahh, other ears around?"

Looking over at Kerry, who was doing her best to try to look like she wasn’t ease dropping, Mac answered, "That would be correct, Sir."

"I see. Well, then, is everything all set? You ready to end this?"

"That would be a yes to both."

"Me, too. Soon, Ninja girl."

"I know."

"Good luck today. And be careful. Mac...I just really don’t have a good feeling about this. Are you sure you’re..."

"Yes, I’m sure everything is going to be fine. Take care of yourself too, Commander."

"I will. Bye."

"Good bye."

Harm heard the whispered farewell, and a greater sense of foreboding came over him. Something bad was about to happen, and Harm knew she was in trouble. He didn’t know how, or why, he just knew. Acting on instinct, Harm rushed out of his stateroom and headed toward Mac’s office.

"Patty, have you seen the in-coming visitors file anywhere? I can’t seem to find it anywhere."

"No, Kerry, I haven’t seen it. Maybe Amanda had it."

"Don’t know. Should I look around her desk?" The girl seemed terrified at the prospect of looking through her superior officers desk.

"I’ll do it." Mac looked around on the top before pulling open the bottom drawer of the desk. "I don’t see it any..." Mac’s voice trailed off as soon as she saw the transfer request laying off to the side of the drawer. "Um, look, why don’t you go grab some chow. I’ll hold down the fort until you get back. In a couple of hours everything will be crazy around here."

"You sure, maybe I should stick around. You know, in case Amanda..." At Mac’s patronizing look, Kerry relented. "Yeah, you’re right. Okay, I’ll be back in a bit."

"Alright, Kerry." Mac waited until the young woman was out of the office before pulling the request for transfer papers out. Skimming over the document, Mac’s mind worked furiously to try and comprehend exactly what this meant. There had never been any mention that Leslie had asked for a transfer. When Mac reached the last form, she was shocked to read the "Request Denied" letter attached. Amanda was in charge of the office, so she’s the one who had denied Leslie’s transfer. Why? What purpose would Amanda have for denying the transfer? And why wouldn’t the Captain have said something about the transfer to Harm unless...

"Find anything interesting, Lieutenant?"

Fear crept up Mac’s spine as she tried to compose herself before turning around. "Oh, excuse me, Ma’am. I was just looking for the..." Mac looked up and met Major Amanda Williams cold eyes, and the gun that was pointed directly at her.

"Not much, although, I’m really not sure what I’m looking at." Mac answered levelly.

"Don’t you, now? I find that hard to believe, Lieutenant. Now put it back in the drawer, and move, slowly."

"You’re the Raptor. Aren’t you?"

"Very good, Lieutenant. Of course you’re not really a Lieutenant are you? Who are you really? CIA? Did Webb send you?"

"Go to hell."

Tsking Mac while shaking her head, "Not very nice ‘Patty’. Now let’s go. Move!"

"Where are we going?"

"No more questions," Amanda spat, thrusting the gun into the small of Mac’s back. "I said move."

Doing as she was told, Mac walked out first, Amanda following closely behind.

They walked with Mac continuing to lead, Amanda guiding her along. Coming up on an empty storage room, Amanda shoved the jun deeper into Mac’s back. "Alright, Lieutenant, in there."

After flipping on the light switch, Mac was able to take in her surroundings. The only furniture in the room was a table and chair.


Doing as she was told, Mac sat in the chair as Amanda quickly bound her hands and feet. Half sitting on the table, gun still pointed at Mac, the inquiry started. "So, tell me, who are you? And who are you with? I know you’re not here by yourself."

Mutely, Mac started at the far wall behind Amanda.

"Answer me, dammit!" When Mac still gave no response, Mac felt the pain explode on the side of her face from Amanda’s fist. Raising her head slowly, Mac looked straight at Amanda for a minute before again turning to stare at the wall just over her shoulder.

"You know it really doesn’t matter who you are. As far as I know, you guys have turned up nothing on me. I know you suspect Mark, but that’s ok. That’s what he why he’s still around."

"You needed him. He’s the fall guy isn’t he?"

"Now why should I answer your questions if you won’t answer mine? Not very fair is it?"

"Fair? You call what you do in your line of work fair?"

Giving a small snort of laughter, Amanda continued. "You don’t know anything about my line of work."

"Gee, what’s there to know? Is it the part where you get paid to kill people for money?"

"The money is only an added bonus."

"Ahh, so then it’s the political point, your cause that’s so important."

"Listen, I could care less about political causes. It isn’t about that either."

"So, what the hell is it then?"

Looking seriously at Mac, Amanda drew up close, her face only inches away. "It’s all about the power."

"The power? What power? You mean you find killing defenseless people a power trip? That just makes you a coward."

More calmly than she felt, Williams answered. "A coward? Defenseless people? Hardly. That would be like saying they’re innocent. Bobbi Latham has done more underhanded, dirty dealings in her position than you or I could ever be accused of. She’s corrupt, as were all the others I’ve killed over the years. I’m more pure in my motives than any of them could ever have been. I kill for the money. I kill because I like it. I kill." Shrugging her shoulders in indifference, Amanda stood and started walking toward the door. Stopping up short, she turned around one last time to look at Mac. "I just wanted you to know, don’t worry about Bobbi. I’ll take care of everything." Smiling evilly again, she turned and exited, locking the door behind her.

"Shit!" Mac was in trouble and she knew it. Paying attention as they were walking, Mac knew that this was a fairly deserted part of the ship. No one would hear her scream even if she tried. Again, looking around the room one more time proved to be a futile effort. There was nothing in this room she could use to get out of here.

Resigning herself, Mac realized all she could do was wait. "Alright, flyboy. I know you once said you always know where I am. Looks like you’re going to have to prove it."


"Excuse me, Lieutenant. Have you seen Lt. Harmon? I need to speak with her."

Kerry turned around, shocked, looking at the most stunning man she had ever seen in her life. ‘Wow!’ "Um, no sir, I haven’t seen her since before lunch. I was going to take my full time, but with everything being kind of hectic around here today I just grabbed it and came right back. She was supposed to be here, but when I got back she was gone." ‘Great I’m babbling. Breath, Kerry, just breath.’

Fear welled up in Harm, something was wrong. "Ok, Lt. Is there anyone else around that I can ask.?"

"I’m sorry, Sir. No there isn’t. I’m the only one here at the moment."


"Um...Sir, I..."

"Is there something I can help you with, Commander?"

Harm turned to see Major Williams enter the office, standing at attention in front of him. "I was just looking for Lt. Harmon. I needed to talk to her about some of the details of her assault. Do you know where I might find her?" Harm thought he glimpsed a slight narrowing of the Major’s eyes, but then it was gone and Harm could almost convince himself that he had imagined it. Almost.

"I’m sorry, Commander. I haven’t seen her. Maybe she just went to check on some of the last minute details of the Congresswoman’s arrival. I’m sure she’ll be back later."

"Uh, I’m sure you’re right. I’ll just check back later. Thank you Major, Lieutenant." Both nodded as Harm left the office as fast as he could without drawing suspicion. Making his way down the corridor, Harm decided to stop at Mac’s quarters and see if she was there. Knocking on her door, Harm called out, "Lt. Harmon may I have a word with you?" When there was no answer, Harm tried knocking once more before trying the handle, finding it locked.

"Okay, now what?" Harm asked himself out loud, as if hearing the words would make the answer magically appear. ‘Doc,’ he thought to himself, ‘I need to talk to Doc. Maybe he can help me find her.’ With the decision made, headed down to the medical quarters, offering a up silent prayer for God to watch out for his Sarah.



SEPTEMBER 26, 2001

"What do you mean she’s gone? Didn’t you just talk to her earlier?" Doc’s incredulous voice only served to put Harm further over the edge.

"Yeah, I talked to her. She said everything was fine and that she was all set for Bobbi to arrive. But...I just have a bad feeling about this, Doc. I got this...I don’t know, feeling in my gut that said she was in trouble. So, after I hung up the phone, I decided to go down to the office. She wasn’t there and one of the Lieutenants in the office said that when she got back from lunch, no one was in the office, which was odd because she said Patty told her she would, in her words, ‘hold down the fort’ until she got back. Something’s wrong, Doc. She wouldn’t have just disappeared."

"Calm down, Harm. You’re wearing a whole in my floor. I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for why she wasn’t there. Maybe you’re just overreacting. Maybe she just had to run out for a minute and she’s back now. We’ll find her."

"Find who?"

"Uh, hi, Candy. Mac. Harm was looking for her but hasn’t been able to find her."

"Oh? Don’t you think that’s serious? Maybe we should split up and look for her."

"I think that’s a great idea, Candy. I’m going to go back to the office and see if she made it back there. Maybe one of them might have more of a clue as to where she went."

Doc nodded before adding, "Okay by me. I’ll check again at her quarters and then check the obvious places; gym, mess hall, those types."

"I’ll check in with Webb, see if he’s heard anything," Candy said matter of factly.

"I thought he was on his way here with Bobbi. How are you going to get a hold of him?" Harm asked, genuinely curious.

"I’m gonna try on his phone. He always carries it. It’s worth a shot. After that I’ll just start looking around."

"Alright, people, let’s move then," Harm commanded. Doc and Candy just shared knowing looks. This was a man on a mission.

"You got it, Commander. Let’s go."


"No, Sir. She still hasn’t made it back yet. I’m starting to get worried." Kerry answered, wringing her hands together nervously.

"Why is that, Lieutenant...?" Harm asked the distraught Lieutenant.

"Adams, Sir."

"Lt. Adams why should you be worried?"

Looking around to make sure they were alone, Kerry seemed satisfied before starting. "Sir, before I left for lunch, Patty...um, Lt. Harmon was helping me look for a file."

"What file?"

"It was a file containing all of the incoming personnel in bound to the ship. I couldn’t find it and needed to cross check one of the names on the list, so I asked Patty for it. She said she had no idea where it was, that maybe Major Williams had it on her desk." Kerry paused, unsure wether she should spill the next part of the story to a superior officer.

"Come on, Adams. I promise, whatever it is, stays with me."

Again satisfied, Kerry stated, "I asked Patty if I should ask the Major or just look on her desk. I didn’t really want to look for it on her desk."


"Well, Sir, Major Williams kind of...scares me. And she’s a superior officer. I was petrified. So...Patty said she would look for it. She looked around on top and then opened one of the Major’s drawers when...she asked me if I wanted to go on ahead and go to lunch; that she would stay here and look after the office. That’s the last I saw of her. When I got back, no one was here."

That bad feeling was getting stronger. "Did Major Williams say anything when she got back a while ago?"

"No, she didn’t." Kerry grew quiet, as if that thought puzzled her.

"So, why exactly were you worried when I came in just now?"

"Sir, it’s almost time for Congresswoman Latham’s visit. Patty was handling the detail and now I can’t find her or Major Williams."

"Where’s the Major?" Harm couldn’t help it, the growing sense of panic for Mac starting to all but choke him.

"I have no idea. After you left, she grabbed something out of her desk and left again, not saying a word. What am I supposed to do, Sir?"

"Calm down, Adams. We’ll figure it out. If neither surfaces before the Congresswoman shows up, then I guess you’ll have to handle it."


"Yes, you, Lt. Adams. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine." Harm treated her to one of those heart stopping smiles, even though it never reached his eyes.

Kerry just happened to be un-immune, feeling her knees start to go weak. "Wow," the whisper escaped before she could stop it.

"Excuse me?"

"Uh, nothing, Commander. Umm, thank you for your confidence in me. I just really hope we don’t have to see if you’re right."

"Yeah, me too."

"We have a problem."

Mark looked up from his desk at the woman in front of him, cursing his body’s instant reaction to her. She was so damn gorgeous, but he knew she was just as ruthless as she was beautiful. "What are you talking about? I thought everything was going according to our plan."

"Yeah, well we’ve been infiltrated. Lt. Harmon knows about the assassination plot."

"What? But how the hell would she know? She’s just..."

"She’s CIA. I have no idea who she really is but she’s not just some measly Lieutenant. I caught the bitch going through my desk. She knows about us, and if she knows, I guarantee there are more of them here, and they know too."

"Alright, what’s the plan now?" ‘Great, just fucking great.’

"We go ahead with the plan. Hazaar is planted in Latham’s security detail and trust me you’ll know him when you see him. As soon as he takes out Bobbi Latham you take him out and go on being the hero. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of ‘Lt. Harmon’. Or hell, maybe I should just let you finish what you started."

Gardner just stared, looking at her like she was crazy. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh, come on. You don’t have to play with me, Mark. If you wanted to fuck her all you had to do was ask. I’m sure she would have fallen into bed with you. You didn’t have to try to rape her."

"What are you talking about? I didn’t try to do anything to Patty. I haven’t even seen her since she came to talk to me about Leslie."

"She came to talk to you? When?"

"Right after I...tried to get rid of Les. She came to tell me that she was sorry about Leslie and that she would keep it to herself about our affair."

"Son of a bitch! Why didn’t you tell me?"

"Because I didn’t think it mattered. I was going to go try and see her again, but that damn JAG lawyer is always hovering over her. Nobody can even get close."

"Why would the Commander be hovering? I thought he just..." Smacking her forehead, Amanda groaned. "Of course. Shit! I have to go."

"What? What are you going to do?"

"I have to make sure all of this goes off without anymore complications. You just handle your end. I’ve got the rest covered."


"What about you, Doc? Did you find anything?"

"Not a damn thing, Harm. What now?"

"I don’t know. Has Candy got back yet?"

"Not yet. She..."

"She didn’t find out much of anything." Both men turned expectant glances at Candy as she walked in the door. "I spoke to Webb, who was upset to say the least but said that things should move ahead," Candy cast an anxious look at Harm before finishing, "without Mac if necessary."

"Shit. I can’t just quit looking for her. We have to find her."

‘I thought you said you always know where I am...’ the words echoed through his head.

"Harm? What is it?" Doc’s voice cutting through his haze.

"I’m not sure, but...I think I can find her."

"What? How?"

"I can’t explain it, Doc. It just...is."

Rolling his eyes, Doc could only go along while Candy just smiled knowingly.

"Alright where is she then, Harm?"

"Look, Doc, you and Candy go ahead and get into position. Bobbi should be here anytime. I’m going to go get Mac and we’ll catch up with you guys."

"Alright, good luck, Commander." Doc held out his hand.

"You too, Doc." Harm shook it.

‘Hold on, Marine. I’m coming.’


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY CAN’T FIND HER?" Bobbi was having to shout over the noise of the aircraft.


Her answering look was skeptical, but she didn’t voice her doubts. If anyone would take care of her she knew it was Harm. He was too noble to let anything happen to her. Glancing up, Bobbi looked over at the nicely dressed man across from her. She had never seen the man before, but she knew all of the members on the team had been run through strict security checks. There was nothing to worry about. When he smiled at her she smiled back. She had no idea he was ready. He was ready to die.

U.S.S. NIMITZ 1405

Bobbi stepped out onto the deck of the carrier, her senses immediately assaulted by the sea and the salt air.

"Congresswoman Latham, welcome aboard Ma’am." Looking quickly over at Webb, who only shrugged his shoulders, Bobbi returned the greeting. "Thank you...um, Lt. Adams."

Kerry fidgeted nervously, trying to remain calm even though her stomach was in knots. "Would you like to take a look around, Ma’am?"

"Actually, Lieutenant, I’d like to get right to the OSPREY."

"Yes, Ma’am. Right this way. Captain Gardner is waiting for you."

Harm walked as quickly as he could through the corridors of the ship. He knew where he was going, strange as it was. Most people would think him crazy, although who knows maybe they wouldn’t. It wasn’t like a telepathy thing, he couldn’t hear her, he just...felt her. Weird. Of course, hadn’t it always been like that? Even when they were the farthest away from each other, especially over the last two years, they had still been connected.

A banging at the end of the hallway caught his attention. It was so out of place, it had to be Mac. Listening closely, Harm followed the noise until he stopped in front of the door marked storage. "Mac are you in there?"

"Harm?" her voice faint on the other side.

"It’s me, Mac. Hold on, I have to get this door open." Not knowing if it would give, Harm kicked it as hard as he could, the door busting open.

"You alright, Mac? Did they hurt you?" He seemed to be looking everywhere at once, making sure she was unharmed.

"No, I’m fine. It’s Williams, Harm. She’s the Raptor. We have to get to Bobbi."


"Yeah, as far as I can tell she’s setting Gardner up. They’re both using each other. Only, Gardner’s the one that’s going to lose. She’s cold, Harm," she finished as Harm untied the last of her restraints.

"Why Bobbi? Is it money?"

"No, it’s just the kill. Money’s a bonus. Come on let’s go."

Helping her stand, Harm had to grab her to steady her. "You sure you’re okay?"

"I’m fine," her answer, as his hand made it’s way to her face, lightly touching each feature.


"Shhh. I just want to make sure. You scared me, Mac. I..."

Placing a finger over his lips to silence him, Mac interrupted. "Nothing to worry about. I’m fine, but we need to move, Harm. It’s 1416 and Bobbi is probably on her way to the helo bay."

"You’re right. Let’s go."


"So, Captain, you’re saying that without this aircraft, the future of Marine aviation is at stake? That’s a pretty bold statement don’t you think?"

"Not at all, Ma’am. The OSPREY is an important part of our operation. It’s designed to give us what we need, when we need it and it’s a damn fine aircraft."

Harm worked his way toward the back of the hanger. From here, he’d have a clear shot at any angle. He was almost in position when he felt the gun dig into his back. "You move, you die, Commander."

"Major Williams, this is unexpected."

"Somehow, I find that hard to believe, Commander."

"So, what happens now? You kill me?"

"Well, unfortunately, or fortunately for you, I can’t risk them hearing the shot. You know it’s a shame. You were a fine looking man, Commander. But, I gotta go so I’ll just have to settle for this," bringing the butt of the pistol down on the back of his head, Harm sank to the floor. Making sure his was out, Amanda went back to observing the group across the hanger.

"That’s all well and good, Captain. But save the speech. I’m not here for you to sell me on the finer points of this aircraft. I’m here to conduct an investigation into it’s stability. I want to know if it’s worth the lives that will be lost in making this craft totally operational."

Feeling his temper rising, Gardner did his best to keep his cool. "Ma’am, every craft has had to go through the tests and trials. This craft will save more lives in the long run than the lives lost to..."

"Captain Gardner, that sentiment will not comfort the families when their gone."

"No Ma’am but..." Mark trailed off as Mac made her way over to the group. ‘Oh, man. What now?’

"Congresswoman Latham, I’m Lt. Harmon. Sorry about my delay, I was detained. I hope you’ve found everyone cooperative."

"Yes, I have, thank you."

Mac noted that Amanda wasn’t here and Gardner was sweating since her arrival. Clay was also absent, having broke away to find Doc after they had landed. The only people present were the two men in Bobbi’s security detail and Kerry. Everyone else should be in position by now, including Harm. "I’m sorry, Captain. I didn’t mean to interrupt."

"No problem, Lt. Harmon. I was just telling the Congresswoman that..."

Everything happened quickly. The security man behind Bobbi stepped forward, shooting the other man in the detail before aiming his weapon at the back of her head. Gardner, pulling his service weapon, was trying to wait until Bobbi was taken out to shoot him. That was when a shot rang out from behind the man, knocking him to his knees. Clay came forward, his gun still drawn, and pointed at Gardner.

"Drop it, Gardner."

"What are you talking about? I was trying to save her. That man was going to kill her."

Mac drew her weapon and quickly scanned the room before goading him, "Still playing the game, huh? You’re left you holding the bag, Gardner."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don’t you get it? You’ve been set up. YOU were the fall guy."

"You’re wrong. This was my plan, MY job. This was my fucking idea."

"Why Gardner? Why would you risk everything?"

"For the corps. Don’t you get it? Bobbi Latham wants to take it all away. Can’t you see that?"

"What I see is a disgrace of an officer who gave up a spotless career and wound up with nothing. Now where’s Amanda, Mark?"

"Fuck you!"

"Where is she?"

"I said fuck you!" Mark looked down at the gun in his hand, then back up at Mac. "I did it all for the corps." Before any of them could react, Gardner placed his gun to the side of his head and pulled the trigger.

"Damn! God Dammit, Mac!" Clayton Webb’s frustration over the situation came bubbling to the surface. "Great! Just great. How are we ever going to catch her no..?" Another single gun shot rang out and Clay dropped to the floor. Followed by another that hit Kerry Adams right in the chest.

"Clay! Kerry!" Running over to him Mac checked him, finding a faint pulse. "Bobbi, check Kerry but stay down, behind the helo."

Doing as she was told, Bobbi pulled Kerry over toward the helo, trying to take cover as best she could while dragging the young woman. Finally able to check for a pulse, she found none.

Meanwhile, Mac was doing her best to try to figure out what direction the shots had come from.

"Well, well, well, Lt. Harmon. Or should I call you ‘Mac’? That your name? Not very feminine."

"Okay, Amanda. You’ve got me. How did you do it?"

"I had to take out the Commander." Amanda watched as the panic welled up in Mac, a sense of power rising within her.

"Is he..?" Mac couldn’t even finish the question.

"Doesn’t really matter, does it? You’re going to die along with him."

"I’ll kill you for this."

"Oh, I don’t think so, Mac. See when I finish you and Bobbi here, there are no witnesses. All neat and tidy. Say goodbye to Bobbi."

"I don’t think so, Williams."

Without turning around, Amanda acknowledged Harm’s presence. "Well, Commander, I see I didn’t hit you hard enough."

"Put the weapon down."

Turning slightly to catch him in her line of sight, Amanda just chuckled. "Now see, here’s my problem. I have two choices. Shoot, Mac here or, shoot Bobbi. Which do I choose, Commander. Because, you know I’ll at least be able to take one of them with me when I go. Decisions, decisions." She watched as Harm glanced back and forth between the two women, warring with himself as to which one to chose.

"I said put down your weapon."

"I don’t think so." Amanda swung the gun in Bobbi’s direction and before she could get the shot off, Mac jumped towards Bobbi, knocking her to the floor. Simultaneous shots rang out and Amanda fell to the floor as Harm and Candy both came forward.

Candy kicked her with her foot. "She dead?"

Reaching down, Harm felt her neck. "Yeah."

Candy moved over to Clay, noticing that the bullet proof vest he had on had prevent any real damage. "Clay is okay. Just out cold."

Harm nodded. "Good. Mac, you oka..?"

"Harm!" Bobbi’s strangled cried caught Harm’s attention. Racing over to help her, Harm noticed Mac’s still form. "Oh, God, no."

"She’s been hit, Harm."

Pulling Mac into his arms, his hands shook as he tried to look her over. Blood was soaking her uniform and Harm sat helpless, rocking her gently. "Hang on, Mac. Just hang on honey." Looking up frantically, Harm yelled at Candy. "Go get Doc. Hurry!" Harm traced a finger along her thin lips. "You can’t leave me, Mac. Not like this. You have to hold on Sarah." Still getting no response, tears streamed down his cheeks as he tried to rouse her. "Damn it, Mac! You can’t do this. You can’t do something that selfish. I need you. What about me, Mac? How am I supposed to live without you? I LOVE YOU!"

"Harm...." It was weak, but to Harm it was the most beautiful sound in the whole world.

‘Thank God.’ "Yeah, Mac. I’m here."


"I know it hurts, baby, but you’re gonna be fine. Help is coming."


"Yeah, I promise."

"You always keep your promises."

"Always for you, Mac."


OCTOBER 1, 2001

It had been a rough week for Harm. Mac was still in the Intensive Care Unit having made it through surgery to remove the bullet from her chest. The doctors had been amazed that she had even survived the ordeal, let alone hang on until making it to Bethesda. That day had been the longest day of Harm’s life...


SEPTEMBER 26, 2001

A.J. watched as Harm paced the waiting room like a caged animal. He couldn’t even begin to imagine what the younger man was going through. He had seen Mac when they brought her in and knew the prognosis had to be grim. Trying to work as fast as they could, they had had to pry Harm away from her to take her into surgery.

"Commander, why don’t you sit down."

"I can’t, Sir."

"Harm, I know you’re upset but..."

"Upset? She almost died in my arms, Admiral. I almost lost her for good this time. She’s in there laying on a table and I might never get to tell her that I love her."

A.J. sighed. Harm had finally spoken the words. "She knows, Harm."

"Does she? How the hell would she? I’ve never told her. I’ve never said the words to her. Five fucking years and I’ve never had the balls to tell her the truth." Harm stopped to run a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Look, Harm, I’m not going to make excuses for you. But I’m not going to make excuses for her either. You both have equal blame in all of that. But let me also say this. You are not the only man to ever fall in love and make a total ass of himself. Most of us spend half our lives trying to tell the opposite sex how we really feel and we do a piss poor job of it most of the time. Women, over the years, have developed a certain understanding of us. Hell, they know more about what we’re thinking than we do. Give her some credit, Harm. She knows you love her, and I know she loves you. And, Harm if she’s made it this far, you know she’s going to fight to hold on with everything she’s got."

Dropping into the chair next to his CO, Harm looked at his folded hands in his lap. "You know, she told me once that no matter what, I wouldn’t lose her." Harm looked up at A.J., unshed tears in his eyes. "I can’t lose her. I won’t make it without her."

"Harm, I sat and had this conversation with Mac the night you went down. The positions were reversed, she was worried sick and you were laying in the bed. I’ll tell you the same thing I told her. You need to make some decisions, Harm. You aren’t guaranteed tomorrow or even five minutes from now. If you love her, dammit, tell her. Life is way to short to waste time."

Nodding silently, Harm went back to looking at his hands.

Twenty minutes later, the surgeon came out. "Are either of you here for Colonel Mackenzie?"

Harm bolted out of his chair. "Yes, Sir. We both are. Is she alright? Is she going to be okay?"

"Well, I won’t lie to you Mr....?"

"Rabb. Cmdr. Harmon Rabb and this is her C.O. Adm. A.J. Cheggwidden."

"I’m Dr. Andrews. She was in bad shape when we got to her, Commander. But, after removing the bullet from her chest we got the bleeding stopped and most of the damage repaired. She was a VERY lucky woman. One inch to the right and we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. We’re going to move her into a private room in the ICU so she’ll be able to have some privacy. The next 48 hours should tell the tale. Depending on how her body responds to all the trauma of the last few hours, we should know by then if she’s going to be out of the woods entirely."

"When can I see her, Doctor?"

Pondering for a moment, Dr. Andrews answered. "I don’t see why you couldn’t see her after she’s settled into her room. I’ll send someone for you." Andrews started to walk away then stopped and turned back to Harm. "Are you family, Commander?"

"I hope to be someday, Sir."

Giving a satisfied nod, the doctor walked away.

Harm had been allowed to sit with her as soon as she was brought into her room. The sight of her pale form tore at his heart, she looked so fragile. The wires and tubes coming from her body only solidified the seriousness of her situation.

Bringing a chair up next to her bed, Harm sat next to her, gently taking her small hand in his. "Sarah Mackenzie, I don’t know if you can hear me, but I have some things to say to you. If you can, I want you to listen. I love you, Mac. I’ve loved you for a long time now. I loved you in the desert in Arizona. I loved you when I sandbagged you in court. I loved you when you went away with Dalton Lowne. I loved you when I had to leave you in Iran. I loved you when you followed me to Russia, when I left to fly, when I came back, and especially in Australia. I loved you the whole time you were with Mic and were even about to marry him. Through all of it, Mac, I have never stopped loving you. And I am so sorry I never told you before now. Please, don’t go, Sarah. I want to tell you all of this again when you wake up and I want to keep telling you for the rest of our lives." Bringing her hand up to his lips he kissed her palm before continuing. "Please give me another chance. Just one more."

A.J. had found him an hour later, his head laying on her bed, her hand still in his. Even fast asleep, Harm was holding on to her with everything he had. Then the nurses had buzzed in, ushering both of them out. True to his word, after the 48 hours were up, the doctor was satisfied enough with her condition to move her into the Stepdown unit of the ICU. There Harm could stay with her constantly instead of just the allotted 15 minutes of the regular ICU. Over the next few days, she had brief spells of consciousness, continuing to slip back and forth, in and out. Every time, Harm was there when she opened her eyes. A ghost of a smile would play on her lips before sleep claimed her yet again.

Harm was absolutely relentless in his vigil, only leaving her side when ordered by A.J. to eat or clean himself up. As soon as the tasks were completed he was back again, right by her side.

And so the rest of the week went on with the routine the same. Mac continued to get a little bit stronger every day, her body starting to mend. Soon, the doctors were satisfied that she would make a full recovery with time and some help. And, from what Dr. Andrews had seen from the officer sitting at her side, he didn’t think he’d have a hard time finding a volunteer for the job. So now, by October, the doctors were ready to move her out of the ICU and into a regular room.

Slowly opening her eyes, Mac noticed Harm dozing in the chair next to her bed. Mac couldn’t help taking a minute to simply stare in appreciation. He really was something to look at. ‘He sounds dreamy. And from what I’ve heard he has the looks to match,’ Mac recalled the conversation. ‘Ain’t it the truth! You are beautiful, flyboy.’

As if sensing her eyes on him, Harm’s lids slowly opened. Just looking at each other, neither wanted to break the moment. Finally, Harm was the one to speak. "Hey, Beautiful."

Smiling at his choice of words, Mac answered him. "Hi."

"They’re moving you today, you’re getting out of the ICU completely."

"They think I’m ready to join society again, huh?"

Harm chuckled at her attempt at humor. "Well, they’re letting you take baby steps." Leaning forward, Harm brushed her hair back from her forehead. "How do you feel this morning?"

"Better than yesterday. You know, you’re spoiling me. I’m going to get real used to seeing your face every morning when I wake up."

Smiling down at her, Harm answered. "I think that the feeling’s mutual. I can’t think of anything better than for the first thing I see every morning to be you."

"Ah, smooth talker."

"Is it working?"

"Talk to me when I’m actually able to do something about it." Mac replied miserably.




The dark haired man was still staring at her across the bar. "What the hell is he looking at," Sandy asked her friend sitting next to her at their table.

"Who the hell cares? He’s gorgeous. And he seems to be interested. Go on, Sandy. Why don’t you go talk to him? Best case scenario you get laid."

"And the worst case?"

"Worst case? With someone who looks like that I don’t think there could be a worst case."

"I don’t know." Sandy fussed, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth.

"Come on, Sandy. Go for it."

"Oh, all right what the hell." Getting up from the table, Sandy made her way over to the man standing against the bar. Reaching him, she was at a total loss as to what to say to him. Finally, she settled on simple. "Hi."

"Hi there."

"Um, I noticed you looking at...um...me and well I..."

"Would you like to dance?" The man asked, saving her embarrassing herself further.

Relieved, Sandy answered. "I’d love to." Holding out her hand, she started the introductions. "My name’s Sandy. What’s yours?"

Taking her hand in his, he gave her an odd smile before bringing her hand to his lips. "Just call me...Harm."



OCTOBER 24, 2001

The four week road to recovery had been a long one, but each day it had gotten a little better. Mac had finally been released after two weeks in the hospital, and had been staying with Harm at his apartment in the weeks since. She had wanted to protest when he had volunteered the use of his place, but Harm was having none of it, and the doctor wouldn’t give her the release until she had agreed. So, Harm had brought her home and had done his best to spoil her rotten. Not that she was complaining, he had been absolutely wonderful.

In the month since the incident, Webb had been by to talk with both of them about the fall out from the operation. Mac had been unconscious the first time Webb had come by to see her in the hospital, so she had only heard about Harm knocking the agent flat on his back with one punch. After that, Harm was okay with letting Webb in to talk to her, with him there of course. Everything had been cleared up to an extent. Gardner’s body had been returned home to his wife, while the investigation was still ongoing into who Amanda Williams really was. It seemed however that the truth to that question had died with her on the Nimitz. The traitor in Bobbi’s security detail had been implemented by Williams, so how they had managed to pull that part off was part of the ongoing investigation as well. Kerry Adams had also been returned home to her parents, with the governments deepest sympathies.

Doc had also been by to see her, brining Candy along with him. Seems that they had both worked things out between them and were going to try to make a go of it. Mac had hugged them both and told them she couldn’t be happier for them.

By unspoken agreement, neither Harm nor Mac had spoken of their own relationship. The weeks were spent talking about anything and everything else, raising the bounds of friendship to a whole new level. Closer and closer they grew, as days were spent talking about JAG, friends, and family. The nights were filled with quiet cuddling and physical closeness, just spending time holding one another.

"So, what’s the plan for tomorrow?" Mac asked innocently, while they sat on the couch after dinner.

"I don’t know. What do you want to do tomorrow?" Harm eyed her suspiciously.

"I was thinking maybe we could go out on that first date. What do you think, Sailor?"

"Are you up to it, Mac? I mean really? I don’t want..."

"Harm, stop fussing. I’m fine. I’ve done nothing for five weeks but lay around and do nothing," Mac pouted. Walking her fingers coyly up his chest, she continued, "Besides, I want to give you your birthday present."

"Oh God, it’s my birthday tomorrow. I totally forgot," Harm exclaimed, genuinely surprised he had forgotten it.

"Well, I didn’t and I want to go out and celebrate. Your birthday, and me nailing the bastards responsible to the wall. That was the plan, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember," Harm mumbled, as he bent to give her a quick kiss on the lips. "Alright, as long as you think you’re up to it."

"I am," Mac smiled mischievously.


OCTOBER 25, 2001

After having insisted he bring her back to her apartment, Mac had set about getting ready for the evening. Everything was going to be perfect. From hair and makeup, to clothes and jewelry, Mac was pulling out all of the stops. She had waited way too long for this evening and by the end of it there was only one place she wanted to be: in Harmon Rabb’s arms.

Selecting a sapphire blue, knee length dress, Mac laid it carefully across the bad. It was a strapless little number with a tight bodice that accentuated her upper assets perfectly, flaring down and out around her hips. It was a little too chilly for a strapless dress but Mac would suffer just to see the look in his eyes. Finding the wrap that went with it, she placed it next to the dress.

Next, Mac went to her drawer and removed the matching set of lingerie that she had bought to go with the dress. Sitting them side by side, Mac traced a finger over the delicate lace and sequins adorning the under garments. Smiling slightly, she remembered when she had first purchased them and the dress. Mic had asked her to attend a dinner for one of the firms he was wanting to join. Looking at dresses, she had found this one hanging there and before she could stop it, the thought came to mind that she would love to see the look on Harm’s face if he ever saw her in it. Even the underwear had been chosen with Harm in mind. At the time, she had been ashamed that thoughts of Harm had somehow invaded her. It didn’t matter what Harm thought, she was with Mic. However, no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t bring herself to wear the dress, or underwear, for Mic. So, she had picked something else out of her closet and left the dress in its bag. Until today.

"You’re not going to know what hit you, Harmon Rabb." Whistling, Mac made her way to the bathroom, shedding her clothes as she went. When she reached the full length mirror, Mac stopped, looking at her naked form and the scar that now marred it. It wasn’t awful, the doctor’s had done an excellent job in surgery. But, Mac again couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by everything that had happened in the last few months. So many close calls and wasted opportunities. Not anymore. That all changes tonight.

Nodding her head in the affirmative at her decision, Mac headed toward the bathroom to finish getting ready.



Harm was a nervous wreck. ‘Christ, Rabb. Pull it together. What’s the big deal? Oh, nothing. It’s only the most important night of your whole life. Well, so far anyway.’

He’d been arguing with himself ever since he’d dropped Mac at her place. Rushing home, he went right to work, cleaning the apartment and making things just right for when they got back home. He’d even changed the sheets and made up the bed. ‘Not that that’s going to happen tonight. Yeah, right. You know that’s exactly what you want to happen tonight.’

Picking his clothes out for this evening had also been a battle. He had debated about wether or not to wear his Dress Whites, knowing that Mac was a sucker for them no matter what she had claimed. Deciding against it for tonight, Harm had chosen a Navy blue suit with a white shirt, and red tie with blue pin stripes.

After a shower, he had shaved, just managing to make it through without cutting himself. Dressing quickly, Harm checked again around the apartment, making sure everything was just right. CD in the player, check. Sparkling cider, check. Flowers for Mac...damn! He’d have to pick those up on the way over. Everything else was set. He’d called and made the reservations earlier after getting back from Mac’s, so that was taken care of. "Guess I’m ready." Checking his watch, he decided to head out. It was close enough and he was too anxious to see Mac.

"Just a minute," Mac called from inside. Harm stood, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. He was so nervous his palms were sweating. Finally, he heard the chain slide from its place and Mac opened the door.

Harm was sure the lower part of his jaw was on the floor. She was absolutely breathtaking.

That was it. That was the look she had wanted to see. "Harm? Are you okay," Mac asked innocently.

"Wow," was all he could say.

"You like?" she asked, pirouetting around for him to see the whole package.

"Yes. I like it a lot." He didn’t trust himself to say any more.

"Those for me?" Mac nodded toward the flowers he was still holding.

"What? Oh, these. Yeah, they’re for you." He was having one hell of a time getting his brain to function again. Handing them to her, Harm leaned down to brush his lips against hers. "I missed you today," he said softly.

"I missed you too," she replied, their eyes still locked.

"Maybe we had better get going."

"Yeah. Give me just a minute. I’ll go get my wrap and then we can go."

Mutely, Harm nodded and watched as Mac left to go pick up her wrap from the bedroom. She was, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman he had ever known in every aspect of the word. It went way beyond physical beauty, she was perfect on the inside as well. And she was going out with him, Harmon Rabb, Jr. ‘I must have done something right finally.’

"Okay, all set."

Offering her his arm, Harm replied. "Well then, Ms. Mackenzie, let’s go."

Accepting his arm, Mac agreed. "Lead the way, Mr. Rabb."


"Harm this is wonderful. Thank you ."

"For what, Mac?"

"For everything. For dinner. For taking care of me these past few weeks. For coming out to the Nimitz to save my six."

"Yeah, well that one doesn’t count. I did a piss poor job of it this last time."

"I’m still here, aren’t I?"

"Yes, thank God."

"And, thank you for waiting for me."

"I would have waited for forever if that’s what it took."

Looking down at her half eaten plate, Mac guiltily replied. "I know. It’s more than I deserved after not waiting for you."

"Mac, look at me." Harm waited until she complied before going on. "You didn’t owe me anything then. You still don’t now. I don’t want to go back there. I want to go from right here, right now." Taking her hand from across the table, Harm entwined their fingers together. "We need to talk about us, Mac. We need to talk about what happens next."

Capturing his unwavering gaze, Mac barely whispered. "What do you want to happen next?"

Just as solemnly he answered, "I want a lot of things. But right, now all I want is to touch you, Sarah."

Harm could almost feel the heat that flared in her eyes. "Harm, take me home."

Harm paid the check as fast as he could then escorted Mac out to the SUV, his fingertips barely touching the small of her back. He was afraid to touch her anymore than that, not trusting himself to not take her right there in the lot. Holding the door for her, he waited until she was settled, before heading around to the other side. Not even looking at her, he started the vehicle and headed toward Union Station.

Following her into the apartment, Harm made his way over to the frig, taking out the cider that had been chilling most of the day. Pouring them each a glass, he headed back out to the living area. Neither had bothered to turn on the lights so it took a moment to find her. Noticing she was at the window, Harm started to make his way over to her when something stopped him. Staring at her in the moonlight, Harm felt the familiar tightening in his body. He ached for her.

Sensing him behind her, she turned staring back at the man before her. He was everything she had ever wanted, everything she would ever need. She craved him.

Walking over to him, she stood poised and ready. They weren’t touching but the energy surrounding them was a presence all in itself, binding them together.

Relieving him of the glasses, Mac placed them on the nearby end table before facing him again. "Touch me, Harm."

The whispered request hung in the air between them.

Tentatively, Harm raised a hand to her face, running one finger along each of her features. Tracing her eyebrows, cheekbones, the line of her nose, and finally across her lips. Each feather light touch drew tiny gasps from Mac and awakened every nerve ending in her body. Pulling his hand away, again he just stared, not touching.

"Harm? What is it?"

"Mac, I have never wanted any woman like I want you."

Smiling sweetly at him, Mac quarried, "So, what’s the problem, Sailor?"

"My control is about this thin right now," he held up his fingers for emphasis. "If I touch you like I want to, Mac, I don’t know...I don’t know if I can..."

"Let go, Harm. Touch me."

No more words were spoken as his mouth came crashing down on hers. His tongue swept into her mouth, battling with hers in the slick, warm heat. Mac felt like she was being devoured. His need became her own, and she felt herself letting go of all of the pent up frustration of the last 5 years. All of the hurts and pain. All of the joys and triumphs. All of the want and all of the longing.

Pulling her against him, his hands roamed across the bare skin of her back. It felt so soft, so smooth, he wanted to taste it. Harm tore his mouth away from hers. "Turn around."

Doing as he asked, Mac turned in his arms. She couldn’t help the sigh that escaped as Harm’s arms snaked around her middle, or the warmth that flooded her body as his lips touched the base of her neck. His tongue traced circles along her spine up to her hair line, and Mac arched against him, needing to feel all of him.

Soon, his hands moved up her body, his palms cupping her breasts and squeezing gently. "Oh, Harm."

"Tell me this is what you want, Mac. Tell me you want this as much as I do," Harm whispered raggedly before nipping her earlobe between his teeth.

"Oh, God yes, Harm. I want you, I want this. Please..." she pleaded, again thrusting against his arousal.

"Please what, Mac? Tell me. Tell me what you need."


"Honey, you have me. Tell me what you want."

"Go stand by the couch."


‘Trust me. Just go stand by the couch."

Reluctantly, Harm let her go, moving over to the soft leather sofa.

After turning on the CD player, Mac made her way back over to Harm. Slowly her hands worked the buttons of his suit jacket open, exposing the crisp white shirt underneath. Moving beneath it, she pushed the coat off his shoulders, letting it slide soundlessly to the floor.

"Sit down."

He did as he was told and sat down, leaning back against the arm. Wordlessly he watched as Mac stood before him. Holding his breath, he looked on as Mac reached around and unzipped her dress. The silk caressed her heated flesh as it fell to the floor.

Harm felt himself harden as he took in the vision in front of him. She was exquisite, her body perfect. Her full breasts were encased in royal blue lace and silk, her mound barely covered by a scrap of the same material, and Harm wanted nothing more than to strip her naked and have his way with her. But this was her show, she was in control.

Moving to stand between his legs, Mac sank to her knees. Grabbing his tie, she brought him forward for a searing kiss. Before it could get too far out of control, Mac broke away. Grabbing the knot, she worked it down and out, pulling it away from his collar. Next her fingers moved down his shirt, exposing the firm muscles of his chest. After the job was done, Mac smoothed her palms over the soft hair covering him, then began dragging her nails across making his muscles quiver in response. Next, her mouth followed suit, licking, teasing, tasting. Her tongue flicked one of his nipples and Harm thought he would die from the small contact. Working her way down, Mac traced the line of hair down his flat muscled stomach, stopping to lick inside his belly button.

Harm couldn’t help but groan, "Mac, please, let me touch you."

"Not yet."

Deftly, Mac undid his belt and went straight for the button and zipper on his pants. "Lift up for me."

Lifting his hips, Mac drew the dress pants and boxers down his legs, his erection springing free. Quickly removing his shoes and socks, Mac finished pulling the pants and boxers off, leaving them in a heap on the floor. Rubbing her hands up his legs, kneading his calves, smoothing along his inner thighs, Mac made her way to where they both wanted her to be.

Meeting his eyes, they held for what seemed like forever before Mac focused in on his straining erection. One hand encircled him, gently squeezing and tugging, earning a throaty moan from Harm. "Mac..."

Before he could say more, her tongue slowly circled the head of his swollen member, swirling, tasting.

"Oh Jesus, Mac."

"Mmmm...." Finally her lips engulfed him completely, taking him fully into mouth, her hand still working the length of his shaft.

"Mac...we...we need to...to stop," Harm tried to protest, fighting to just to breathe. Mac ignored him by doubling her efforts, relaxing her throat to take him deeper, fondling his sac with one hand while she pumped him with her other.

Harm had tried to watch, not wanting to miss a single second of the amazing things Mac was doing to him. But soon the pleasure was too intense, and Harm closed his eyes as he laid his head back against the couch, just letting himself feel.

Establishing a rhythm, Mac threw herself into pleasuring him. Lips sucking, teeth scraping, tongue tasting, hands caressing; all worked together in an explosive mix and soon Harm’s body was screaming for release. His moans became louder as Mac moved faster and soon he couldn’t hold back any longer.

"Ahhhhh Mac....." he shouted as he emptied himself, her mouth continuing to milk him until the last drop was spilled.

Releasing his now limp penis, Mac rubbed her way up his body, until she was straddling his hips. Smiling down at him Mac whispered, "Happy Birthday, Harm."

"God, you are so amazing." Grabbing the back of her head, Harm brought her closer and kissed her hungrily, tasting himself on her lips. Mac ground into his lap, the soaked silk of her panties rubbing against his cock. Moving his hands up her back, he reached for the clasp of her bra...

The pounding on the door startled both of them, halting any further activity.

"Rabb are you in there? I need to speak with you. It’s urgent."

Mac looked at Harm who was trying his best to get himself under control. "I guess the rest of this will have to wait, Sailor. You really need to get that."

Groaning at their visitor’s bad timing and cursing under his breath, Harm gave her one more chaste kiss before setting her aside and throwing on his clothes to go answer the door.

The End...For now...

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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