
Stunned, but unafraid now, Mac sputtered, "How dare you? Don’t you even make this...this...mess we’re in out to be all my fault."

"I didn’t say it’s all your fault, but Webb sure has you dancing to his tune now, doesn’t he?"

Crossing her arms over her chest, Mac asked. "Just where do you get off being jealous of Webb?"

"Jealous?! I am not jealous." The color staining his cheeks, however, belied his statement.

Beyond angry now Mac lashed out. "Could have fooled me. You throw him in my face every chance you get. I can’t help it if he took the chance you didn’t."

"Um, folks..."

Ignoring the man in the front seat, Harm pointed at her. "You didn’t *give* me a chance."

"Oh, please. I’ve given you nothing but chances for eight years."

Waving his hand in frustration, Harm countered, "How can I take the chance if you leave every time I’m willing to try?"

"Ugh! I can’t believe you."

"Admit it. You were the one that ran off to another country, not me. But hell, you were gone even before that weren’t you? I spent a month in the brig, with nothing, not one word, Mac."


"Yeah, well maybe if you hadn’t been walking around, acting guilty as sin, and actually let someone IN for a change we would have been there for you!"


"My God! Don’t you get it? I don’t give a damn about anyone else, Mac. I needed you!" he practically shouted.

"And just how, exactly, was I supposed to know this? Every time I want to talk about anything intimate you’re the one that closes off."

"Well, see that’s funny, because if I recall, *you* were the one that said ‘never’ before kicking me to the curb, not me," he reminded her, while moving into her personal space.

Scooting closer, Mac leaned into him. "And if I remember correctly, you were the one backing away, long before I ever said ‘never’!"

"Excuse me..." the cabbie tried again to get their attention with no success.

"I wasn’t backing away. I go down there to get you, give up everything, and find you practically declaring your undying love to Webb. What was I supposed to do?"

"Say something for Christ’s sake! Tell me what you want from me. Or better yet, ask me for the truth. You came down there and came back assuming a whole lot, Rabb. And you still don’t know anything. So, until you finally take a stand where we’re concerned, you have absolutely NO right to judge me, and no right to expect anything else from me!"


"What?!" The both turned and yelled at the same.

"Sheesh, guys." The cabbie shook his head. "Look, I don’t know what the hell happened between the two of you, and I’d love to see how this little drama plays out. But unless you want to miss your flight, I’d say you better at least put it on hold until later. We’re here."

Turning slowly back, Harm and Mac noticed for the first time their faces were now only inches apart. Both still angry, nostrils flared, chests heaved. But neither said a word. Too much had been said already. Or maybe not enough.

And neither wanted to be the first to move, the first to flinch. But involuntarily, Harm’s eyes darted down to her slightly parted lips. Only then did he realize he wasn’t just mad, he was dangerously turned on.

Slowly his eyes lifted to hers, and Mac had to gasp at all the emotions she saw swirling in their smokey depths. "Harm..." Her voice came out as a breathy whisper.

"I have never wanted to kiss someone so much in my entire life." His husky voice touched her like a caress.

Mac gulped, before bravely asking, "So what’s stopping you?"

He frowned slightly. "The urge to want to choke you at the same time."

Like the sunrise, the light of her slow smile lit up the entire cab. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, the feeling is mutual."

Still serious, Harm spoke with conviction. "No more running. We will talk. Later."

"You bet we will," Mac replied, her voice firm, but with no malice in her words.

The cabbie groaned. "You two are unbelievable."

Rolling his eyes on a nervous chuckle, Harm backed away and started to reach for his wallet. "Don’t I know it. Here," he handed the cabbie enough for the fare and a tip. "Sorry about...the noise." At Mac’s raised eyebrow he just flashed her that trademark grin.

Taking his money the driver shrugged his broad, flannel covered shoulders. "Don’t worry about it. That was the most excitement I’ve had in a long time."

Mac just laughed, before opening her door. "That was nothing. You definitely need to get out more."


Harm was fidgeting next to her, his large frame unable to adjust to the limited confines of their coach seats.

"This stinks," he grumbled, trying a different position only to give up and slump back against his seat.

Smothering a grin, Mac nodded in understanding.

Just before take off a petite, redheaded stewardess approached them.

Well, approached Harm, anyway. "Sir, I was wondering. We have a seat open in first class. A man of your...size might be more comfortable up there."

A man of his size? The seductive timber of the other woman’s voice made Mac feel like gagging.

Turning on the Rabb charm full blast Harm replied, "That would be fantastic."

Of all the nerve! He was going to leave her stuck back here in coach, while he sat in first class and soaked up little Miss Redhead’s attention. Mac felt the waves of jealousy roll over her at the obvious flirting going on between her partner and the pretty flight attendant and before she could help it, an angry flush began spreading up her neck to cover her cheeks. Just as she was about to turn away to face the window in a huff, she heard him finish.

"But only if my friend, here, can join me."

In shock, Mac circled around, catching the amusement dancing in his eyes at her reaction. He knew exactly what he was doing to her, the rat.

Flustered at his abrupt change in attitude, the attendant stammered, "Um, why, certainly...she can come as well."

"Thank you," he squinted at her name tag, "Karen. We’ll be right up."

After the stewardess had walked away Harm leaned over and whispered, "Now who’s jealous, Mac?"

Instead of answering his question she slugged him in the arm, hard. "You’re an ass, you know that?"

Rubbing the sore spot on his shoulder, he laughed. "Oh, you love me and you know it," he stated, more confident than he actually felt about her feelings.

That was one statement she wasn’t about to respond to.

Continue to Part 4

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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