Warning bells started ringing in Harm’s head. Sleep, he needed to sleep. The last thing he needed to do was focus on her warm body wrapped around his, her soft breasts pressed against his back, her hot breath on his neck, her long fingers gripping his abdomen only inches above…. Don’t go there!! He thought to himself. How was he ever going to get any sleep?

“Mac?” Harm’s hormones were taking over, he had no idea if Mac was still awake but he knew he needed to move away from her.

“Hmm.” She hummed.

The sound of her sleepy voice only succeeded in edging him on.

“I need to move.”


“No, I mean you need to let go of me.”

“Don’t want to.”

She wasn’t making this easy for him.

“Please Mac, I can’t stand laying here trying to ignore you.” He was getting desperate.

“Then don’t.”

Harm flipped around to see her face. Was she saying what he thought she was?

Before he knew it, her face was up against his and their lips came crashing together. Oh she was so soft. Sleeping in only a t-shirt, he could feel every curve of her figure against his bare chest. Her hand slid down his chest drawing small circles. Every nerve ending was on fire. Every tease of her tongue sent another ripple of desire through his already aroused body.

Their tongues taunted and teased, picking up the dance that had so abruptly ended the other night. Close, he needed to be closer. Wrapping his arms around her more tightly he dropped one hand to her six pulling her tighter against him.

The sudden friction of his arousal against her had them both gasping for air. Unbelievably their pace quickened. Their hands moved more freely. Harm slid his hand up the inside of Mac’s shirt pressing it against the bare skin of her back at the same moment his lips nibbled a path to her neck.

Mac knew this was what she had always wanted, to be in the arms of Harmon Rabb. Heart be damned, this was worth the risk. She’d never been handled so gingerly in her life. Whether he meant it or not, she’d never felt more loved by a man, and so far he hadn’t even made it to second base.

Nibbling up her neck, close to her ear, Harm whispered. “I don’t want to do anything you don’t want me to.”

Mac moaned something that resembled uh huh.

“Mac, if we don’t stop now, we won’t stop at all.” He suppressed the urge to nibble on her ear while waiting for her to respond.

“I don’t want you to stop.” Her voice was strong and clear. “I want you. Now. Very much.”

With that, all barriers were down. Their hearts and souls were ready for exchange as their hungry hands quickly rid them of cumbersome garments. Each kiss, every caress, fanned the flames that had been burning for eight long years.

Harm wanted Sarah to feel how much he loved her. She had to know this wasn’t just about sex. No matter how hard he tried to take it slow, their passion was overpowering. They needed each other, they needed to be one, slow would come later. This was hungry desperate, and engulfing them in an ecstasy neither had ever experienced. When their bodies finally joined for the first time, their hearts and souls were seared as one.

Cocooned together, arms and legs entwined, the exhausted couple reveled in the warmth of each other.

“That was definitely worth waiting for.” Harm smiled.

“Definitely.” Mac agreed.

“Don’t suppose you want to do it again.” Harm grinned

“Just say the word, sailor.” Mac patted his chest playfully.

JAG Headquarters
Mac’s office

“Good Morning Ma’am.” Harriet beamed as Mac came through the bullpen after dropping David off at the sitter’s.

“Morning, Harriet.” Mac thought she looked unusually chipper, even for Harriet.

She dropped her briefcase and cover on the desk before walking around to her seat. From the corner of her eye Mac caught a flash of red. On her chair was a single red rose. By the time Mac had picked the flower up, Harriet was standing in the doorway, bud vase filled with water in hand.

“Thank you, Harriet. You wouldn’t happen to know how this got here would you?” Mac asked, her eyebrows raised.

“Didn’t see a thing ma’am.” Feigning ignorance, Harriet handed Mac the vase and made a hasty exit.

Mac, Harm and Harriet walked around the office all day like Cheshire cats. Nothing could dissuade their good moods. Their grins were infectious. By mid afternoon half the staff was sporting large grins with absolutely no idea why.

Buried in paperwork for the better part of the afternoon, Mac decided she deserved a treat and went in search of some edible reward. Twenty minutes later she returned to her office with a Pepsi in one hand and a double fudge brownie in the other.

Once again she caught a glimmer of color out of the corner of her eye. This time, sitting dead center on her desk, atop an enormous pile of papers, sat one six inch teddy bear in marine greens holding a small card that read: I love marines.

From her desk across the bullpen, Harriet could see the exact moment Mac spotted the bear. Her entire posture had changed from rugged Marine Colonel to feminine woman.

Delicately caressing the bear, Mac wondered how Harm kept sneaking things past her. No matter, she loved the gesture.

It was almost time to go home when Harm appeared in Mac’s doorway.

“How’s it going?” Harm flashed his famous grin that made women weak in the knees.

“Oh, you know.” Mac bit back a smile.

“I thought I’d pick David up and take him by the hospital a minute to see Catherine. Porter will be there.” He was still smiling. Nothing could get that grin off his face, not today, not even Porter Webb.

“Sure, Catherine’s probably anxious to see him since we missed her yesterday.” At the word yesterday, she broke out in a thousand-watt smile.

“Okay, I’ll make it quick. Want me to pick something up for dinner?” Harm started to back away from her desk.

“No, I left some stew in the crock pot this morning.” Mac watched Harm retreating, her eyes quickly scanning every part of his anatomy.

Nodding his head, Harm kissed her with his eyes and left.

Clearing up a few last minute details, Mac secured her office and headed home.

Making her way through the parking lot, Mac was lost in the memories of the last few weeks. She didn’t know if last night was a mistake in the long term, but today, she didn’t care. She understood for the first time in her life what it meant to be on cloud nine. Making love with Harm, and for her she was making love, was more than she could have hoped for.

If possible her grin got even wider when she realized AJ’s birthday was right around the corner. Their deal seemed almost a certainty if she and Harm were in a relationship together.

Only a short distance from her car, she noticed a piece of paper on her windshield. Quickly scanning the neighboring cars for similar advertising, Mac’s mind shifted to why would she be the only target.

Setting her briefcase down on the ground, she briskly pulled at the paper in question. Her heart swelled and her knees just about melted.

A rose was printed on one corner of the paper. Underneath, in writing she recognized as Harm’s, she read: The sun has never risen on a more perfect day, nor shall it ever set on a more wonderful woman. I miss you already, can’t wait till we’re home.

There was no signature. One stray tear slipped down her cheek. Maybe last night wasn’t a mistake. Maybe, just maybe, it meant as much to him as it did to her.


Harm’s apartment
Near Union Station

Mac turned the key in the front door and stepped inside. Closing the door behind her, she turned to set her cover and briefcase down when she spotted the red blur. On the island countertop was a huge beautiful bouquet of red roses.

“Nice aren’t they?” Mac hadn’t noticed Mattie sitting at the table doing her homework.

Mattie had promised Harm she’d be home to receive the delivery. He hadn’t told her what it was. She had been dying to peek at the card. That blasted code of honor must be more contagious than she thought because she managed to resist the urge and settled for seeing Mac’s face when she saw the flowers.

Mac stood frozen staring at the beautiful blooms.

“Well, aren’t you going to at least read the card?” They were killing her! It was a planned conspiracy to kill her off young, Mattie’s mind grumbled.

‘Oh, yeah.” Moving slowly towards the roses, Mac picked up the small envelope, removed the card, and began to read. ‘In case I haven’t made myself clear all day, I love you. Harm’.

That was it, tears slowly made their way down her face. Mattie jumped up in horror, she was at Mac’s side in a flash.

“I thought you’d be happy. What happened?” Placing one arm around Mac’s shoulder, Mattie was totally confused, and a little scared. She really wanted her guardian and Mac to get together. She knew they were perfect for each other, and besides, she wouldn’t be around forever to take care of Harm.

To Mattie’s relief, Mac smiled broadly.

“No, I’m happy. I just hadn’t expected this. That’s all.” Mac was still frozen in place.

“Well, I’m glad. For a minute there, I thought you were upset because you didn’t love him.” Mattie plopped back down at the table in front of all her books.

Shaking herself inwardly, Mac walked over to Mattie.

“Did you read the card?” Mac had on her interrogating marine persona.

“Didn’t have to. I’ve told you all along, you two have the hots for each other. Any idiot knows he loves you. Probably has for years. For just a minute there, you had me thinking I was wrong about you.” She looked back down at the paper she’d been writing on.

Smiling again, “so we’re that obvious, huh?” Mac wondered if it was all teenagers who were this astute or just Mattie.

“To anyone who’s looking, yeah.” Mattie hadn’t looked up from her work.

“And you’re okay with it. I mean Harm and I being a …couple, maybe?” She was still getting used to the idea herself, saying it out loud was a challenge.

Tossing her pencil on the table.

“Okay, let me say this one last time. You and Harm are great people. I really love both of you. But together, you’re like WOW. You’re meant for each other, and for the record, I think it’s about time.”

Mac blushed at the thought of just how WOW together really was.

“I’d better get working on dinner.” Mac moved towards the sink and Mattie went back to her homework.

An hour or so later Harm and David came through the front door.

“Ah, see David, this is every man’s dream, to come home and be greeted by two beautiful ladies.” Harm kissed the baby on the forehead then turned to smile at Mac and Mattie.

Mattie went over to kiss Harm hello.

“Let me take him. I didn’t get to spend much time with him this weekend.”

“Or any of us.” Harm teased.

Harm came up behind Mac giving her a strong hug and kissing the side of her neck. Mac sighed softly and leaned back into him while she worked on the salad.

“Did you like the flowers?” He whispered in her ear. Happy she was no longer tensing at his show of affection.

“Oh for heaven’s sake. Is that the only hello he gets after sending all those flowers? Don’t you two know anything? This is the moment for the big kiss!” Having placed David in his carrier, Mattie stood there with her hands on her hips.

“No wonder it’s taken you two so long to get together. Gees!” Mattie walked back to the table rolling her eyes in total exasperation at her conservative guardians.

Harm and Mac couldn’t hold back the laughter. Before refocusing on fixing dinner, Mac turned to whisper into Harm’s ear, “by the way, me too.”

The rest of the evening progressed the way every evening progressed. After dinner Harm helped Mattie with whatever parts of her homework she was struggling with, usually physics and Geometry. Mac bathed and fed David. Harm cleaned up the kitchen while Mac put David to sleep. The only break in their usual routine was bedtime. Normally the two sat on the sofa talking and relaxing after David went to sleep. Tonight, the two new lovers climbed into bed immediately after putting David down for the night.

The desperate hunger of the night before had given way to another passionate, yet slower paced, night of exploration and pleasure. Finally they were free to indulge in the lovemaking they had for so long only dreamed of.

Snuggled up close, her head resting on Harm’s shoulder, Mac could feel the light rumbling of withheld laughter in his chest.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing really. I’m just a little surprised at how much stamina you inspire, even at my age. I started thinking about what it would have been like if we’d gotten together eight years ago when I was young enough to really do something about it.”

Her eyes went as wide as her smile, “what, this isn’t something? Even in my younger days, if you had any more stamina, I’d be dead from exhaustion.” Mac giggled, patting his chest playfully.

His expression a little more solemn, “Mac?”

“Hmm.” She had rested her head on his shoulder again.

“When we move into the new house...” He shifted trying to see her face.


Sensing a change in his mood, and the tone of his voice, Mac sat up a bit to better see him.

“Are you still going to want your own room?” He sounded like a little boy asking for an extra cookie before dinner.

Choosing her words carefully.

“Unless you want me to, I’d rather never sleep without you again.” Very softly Mac pressed her lips against Harm’s, then returned to her previous position never seeing the huge grin on Harm’s face.

New House
Falls Church
Several days later

The huge moving van was parked in front of the new Rabb residence. One by one, each of the movers began rolling dollies of boxes into the house.

Mattie and Jen were assigned traffic control on the second floor. Their job was to ensure the boxes and furniture were left in the appropriate rooms, preferably in the designated location. Both ladies had been given quickly sketched schematics of which walls the larger pieces of furniture should go against.

Bud and Harriet were directing traffic on the ground floor, also armed with room layouts. All of the children had been left with Mrs. Taylor for the day. Since she normally didn’t do daycare on Saturdays she was delighted to help out with the Roberts’ children. There were definite perks to living next door to your babysitter.

Harm began unpacking the boxes in the kitchen while Mac worked on the bathrooms. They had decided other than sheets for the bed; the bathrooms and kitchen would be the rooms they’d need use of right away. As soon as a mover deposited a box, Harm and Mac began immediately allocating the belongings to their proper places.

By the time the movers were finished unloading. All the main pieces of furniture were exactly where they were supposed to be, Mac had all the bathrooms ready for use, down to the last decorative detail including the hangings on the wall, and Harm had the kitchen in fairly decent order.

All their friends were amazed at how quickly and smoothly the move had gone. They all gathered in the still disarrayed living room to eat the pizzas Harm had ordered.

“This is a great house Commander.” Bud mentioned reaching for another slice.

“Has Commander Turner seen it yet?” Harriet asked, helping her husband.

“Yes, he came over with me after the closing to make a list of supplies to begin repairs.” Harm replied taking a bite of pizza.

“Oh good, he’s going to help?” Bud inquired.

“Yeah, he did okay with the vette, I figured I could trust him with the house.” Harm chuckled.

“It’s great how well all the furniture fits. Colonel your living room furniture suits this room so well, as does your table in the dining room.” Harriet commented looking around the room.

“It does, and your furniture is much more suited to the den sir.” Bud added looking at Harm.

“Speaking of which, I appreciate your letting me keep all the furniture from our apartment.” Jen nodded at Harm.

“No problem, Jen. Maybe this will make up for all those nights you couldn’t bring home a date.” Harm joked.

Blushing, “You find me the date sir, I’ll invite him over.”

“Come on Jen, there must be a line of men wanting to break down your door.” Harm always assumed Jen didn’t date much because of Mattie.

“Seriously, sir. Good men aren’t easy to find. If you know what I mean.” Jen blushed again.

Harm hadn’t known Jen to be bashful about anything. Maybe this was a subject better discussed in a less crowded room.

Everyone finished their meal and said their good-byes. Jen’s roommate wouldn’t be arriving for another week. Mattie didn’t want Jen spending her first night in the apartment alone, so it had already been arranged for Mattie to stay at Jen’s.

Closing the door behind their helpers, Harm turned to Mac. He placed a tame kiss on her forehead as she wrapped her arms around him.

“It’s been a long, busy day. Why don’t you head upstairs and take a nice hot bath. I’m sure you’ve really missed that with me only having a shower at the apartment.” Harm rested his chin on her head. He’d forgotten how much shorter than him Mac was when she wore flats.

“Sounds like a plan.” Mac pulled away and placed an equally chaste kiss on his lips, happily making her way upstairs.

When she opened the door to the bathroom, she was stunned. ‘When did he find time for this?’ she wondered.

Harm had already drawn the hot bath using her favorite lavender bath oils. There was a single red rose in a vase and several vanilla candles lit through out the room. Living with this man was more than she had bargained for, and what a pleasure it was going to be.

Rabb House
Falls Church VA.

Everything so far had gone according to plan. Mrs. Taylor had agreed to keep David for the night. Having already retrieved what Harriet had hid for him in the basement where she was sure Mac wouldn’t see them. Harm waited impatiently for Mac to come out of the bathroom.

Mac lingered for an eternity in the warm bath. Harm had offered her a whirlpool tub but she was thinking she might like to keep this old claw foot tub. She couldn’t remember the last time she had felt so relaxed in a bath.

Somewhere lost in thought, Mac noticed Harm must have turned on the stereo. She thought it was Frank Sinatra, but didn’t remember Harm owning any Sinatra music. Eventually, her curiosity got the better of her. That and a little guilt since she knew by now Harm must have gone and gotten David back from the sitter’s.

Drying off, she put on her favorite pink silk robe, and fussy slippers. As soon as she opened the door she was embraced by the sounds of Old Blue Eye’s himself.

Slowly her eyes scanned the room. Arrangements of roses were scattered all over the room, on the nightstand, on the dressers, on boxes, some were even on the floor, and several loose roses were strewn across the bed. The room resembled a garden, a rose garden filled with pink, yellow, white, peach, and any other color rose imaginable. The flicker of what looked like a hundred candles filled the room with a warm glow. The wonderful aroma of roses and vanilla was heightening her senses.

Awed at the sight before her, Mac took in the room over and over. Her eyes finally fell upon the one thing she was truly searching for, Harm. He had been standing in the doorway watching her the entire time.

Once their eyes met, Harm quickly strode across the room to Mac. Her mouth had been dragging on the floor since she opened the door. Putting his hand under her chin to close her mouth, he smiled at her, “may I have this dance?”

They began a slow rhythm across the room, Frank appropriately began crooning, I Get No Kick From Champagne. Swaying and gliding as one, Harm sang into her hair, ‘but I get a kick out of you’.

When the song came to an end, Harm twirled Mac towards the bed. In one swift movement he dipped her and captured the single red rose that rested on the bed.

Easing her back so she’d sit on the edge of the bed, Harm knelt down in front of her. “Sarah MacKenzie, I don’t want you to think for even one night in our new home that I would be satisfied to just live with you. I could have found anyone to share only my bed. I would be honored if you would share my life, my children, and my heart. Will you marry me?” Tied to the rose was a diamond solitaire ring. Harm held the rose out to her holding his breath.

Shakily, Mac reached out to take hold of the proffered flower. Slowly she untied the string, the ring falling onto her lap. Harm picked it up and held it in front of her. “May I?”

Words would not come to her. All she could do was nod her head yes as she fought back tears of joy.

Harm gently slid the ring on and breathed freely again. Mac leaned forward to hug him with such force that the two fell back on the floor in laughter. “I love you.” She whispered. No other words were spoken.

George Washington Hospital
Next Day

Harm and Mac walked hand in hand to Catherine’s room with David in his carrier. Catherine had been making amazing progress since she’d woken up from the coma.

“My you’re looking contented today.” Harm greeted, taking his usual seat by her bedside.

“I’ve had good news.” Catherine glowed reaching to hold David’s hand.

“I’m being granted parole.” She laughed. “Well, that is if you consider being moved to rehab, parole. I will be glad to stare at a different set of four walls.” She played mindlessly with David’s hand as she glanced up at Harm, then Mac, and then did a double take.

“Great Caesar’s ghost! Is that what I think it is?” Her eyes were bulging wide with excitement.

Mac looked at Harm. “You mean this?” She waved her left hand in the air grinning.

“Yeah, Mr. Take eight years to ask me for a date, only needed a week to propose.” Mac teased.

“So when’s the wedding?” Catherine asked eagerly.

“Well, we haven’t set a date yet but we don’t really want to wait too long, we’ve already wasted eight years.” Harm answered.

“Just don’t wait until I can dance at your wedding.” Catherine joked. “You might be waiting another eight years.” She laughed till she literally couldn’t breathe anymore.

Harm and Mac had felt an unspoken obligation to share the news with Catherine first. Harm hadn’t even told Harriet, obviously she knew Harm had something up his sleeve when the delivery she waited for all Friday afternoon turned out to be fifteen dozen roses and six dozen vanilla tea candles. She just didn’t know exactly what it was, and Harm had said nothing to anyone else to help her figure it out.

Their next stop after the hospital was Mac’s old apartment to pick up Mattie.

Mac stood in front of her old door holding David in her arms. Harm knocked loudly at the door keeping one arm firmly around Mac’s waist.

Mattie jumped up from a game of checkers at the coffee table to get the door.

“Hey, you guys have already fixed the place up nicely.” Mac smiled as she looked around.

“Well, I still need to get a few things. This place is a bit bigger than our old place.” Jen smiled proudly. “I’m going to wait to see what Carol brings with her. I really appreciate letting me lease it. It’s a great apartment.” She blushed.

“OH MY GOD!” Mattie screeched as she reached for Mac’s hand oblivious to David’s obstructive presence. Quickly, Harm reached over to rescue David before the avalanche of attention befell Mac’s left hand.

Searching to see what all the fuss was about, Jen gasped when she saw the ring.

Laughing to himself, Harm backed away unobserved as Mattie and Jen swarmed around Mac lobbing repeated questions at her not really giving her an opportunity to reply.

Harm helped himself to something to drink while Mac tried to answer as many of the girl’s questions as decency would allow. When David started to get cranky, Harm decided it was time to put an end to the free for all.

Mattie didn’t stop talking the entire ride home. She repeated just about every question she and Jen had asked in the apartment, still not giving Mac or Harm the chance to answer. She seemed to be losing steam when she finally came out with, “So how did baldy, I mean the admiral, take the news?”

Harm and Mac looked at each other. “We haven’t told him yet. We wanted to share the news with you first.” Harm answered.

“Oh, I’d pay big bucks to be a fly on that wall.” She grinned, finally leaning back in silence for the balance of the ride home.

Rabb Residence
Later that evening.

“Okay, then we both agree. We call him now, at home, and ask for an appointment first thing before most of the staff arrive.” Mac confirmed.

“Who’s going to do the calling?” She continued.

Neither one of them was too thrilled about telling the admiral. He’d been different this past year. He’d gone from growling constantly like a bear rudely awakened during hibernation to often babbling senselessly like a retired ball player. They weren’t sure which admiral was going to respond to the news.

“Okay, call it, heads or tails.” Harm watched Mac toss a quarter, as he dialed the admiral’s number.


JAG Headquarters
Monday Morning

“So far this is working out well, the bullpen is practically empty.” Mac commented as she and Harm walked to the admiral’s office.

Taking a deep breath, Harm knocked on the admiral’s door.


“Let’s not make this formal.” He waved at them to sit down before they had time to stand at attention.

Looking the couple over carefully, “Are congratulations in order this time Colonel?”

“Yes sir, it’s the correct hand.” She smiled.

“Then this must be what couldn’t wait?” Acknowledging their assenting nods, he continued. “Can I also assume you’ve discussed the implications this will have on your careers?”

“No, sir. We haven’t had much opportunity to discuss that as yet.” Harm replied.

“I see.” Looking directly at Harm. “Still being led by your emotions?” Before Harm could respond. “Well, at least this time you finally have something to show for it.” The admiral let a broad smile escape.

“When is the big day?” He asked still smiling.

“We haven’t set a date yet. We’d like a short engagement but we also want to wait until Catherine is better.” Harm responded.

“We’d like her to be well enough to take care of David before we get married.” Mac added.

Studying his senior officers carefully.

“I guess this would be a good time to share a little news of my own. I plan on retiring. You two have successfully chased me out of here. I’m getting too old for this job.” He chuckled quietly.

“Depending on what you decide, I don’t know if I’ll be of any help, and I don’t know how much leeway you can expect from a new commanding officer.” AJ continued noting their loss for words.

“The most obvious option if you’d like to remain in the same building is for one of you to transfer to the judiciary. If I’m not mistaken, the colonel here took more of a shine to that post. I’m afraid any admiral’s privilege I may try to invoke would most likely be disavowed by my replacement.” AJ sat back heavily in his chair. These two just wouldn’t give a guy a break.

“Would one of you be interested in a permanent position on the hill? I’m certain with Senator Latham’s connections and my recommendation, either of you would be in high demand.”

Mac and Harm had one of their many silent conversations. That was one thing AJ always marveled at. Hell, that was probably why they were such a good team. It would be a shame to break them up. Of course, if that was the cost of getting together as a team on a personal level, it was well worth the loss.

“Frankly, sir. We haven’t discussed anything. This has come about rather quickly. Catherine and the baby have been foremost in our concerns, we simply haven’t had time to hash out the options.” Harm answered a little disconcerted they weren’t better prepared.

“Sir, when will you be leaving us?” Mac tried to see how much time they had to play with.

“The Sec Nav already knows. My formal papers will be submitted at the end of the month. My retirement will be effective 90 days after that.” The corners of the admiral’s mouth crept up slightly. He was really ready to retire.

“Congratulations, sir. Any plans?” Harm said belatedly.

“None yet. I’d like to do something with baseball. Probably coach a bunch of loud, ungrateful kids.” He laughed.

“Obviously, you need more time to discuss your options. Give it some thought, and get back to me ASAP. But don’t take too long.” The admiral warned.

“If that’s all?” He waited for a response. “Dismissed.”

By the time they’d left the admiral’s office the bullpen was buzzing with activity.

Mac tried to make it back to her office without catching Harriet’s eye. Of course, Mac had no idea that Harriet was on the prowl for information about the fifteen dozen roses. Sure enough, Harriet cornered her halfway between the Admiral’s office and her desk.

“Excuse me ma’am, but I wanted to take a moment to discuss the plans for the house…OH! I knew it!!! Why else would any man order fifteen dozen roses?” Harriet’s voice was loud enough to carry sound all the way to Nebraska. Not an ear in the bullpen missed her unofficial announcement.

Within minutes Mac was surrounded by well wishers, and of course, questions. Unsuccessful in her efforts to escape, Mac was finally saved by the bellowing voice of their superior officer.

“Okay, people, Colonel MacKenzie isn’t the first person to ever get engaged. Back to work.” Before he could turn completely around and return to his office, Mac flashed him a grateful smile.

Harriet of course enthusiastically followed Mac into her office.

“Oh ma’am. This is just wonderful news. Maybe we could combine the housewarming party with an engagement party.” At this point Harriet was thinking out loud more than she was actually talking to Mac.

“Harriet, this isn’t going to be a big brew ha. We’re keeping the wedding simple. An engagement party won’t be necessary.” Mac sat down trying not to let the memories of her engagement to Mic spoil the reverie of this moment.

“Well, we could at least announce the engagement at the housewarming. I mean after all you don’t want me announcing it AJ’s birthday next week – that wouldn’t be any fun at all.” Once again Harriet was rambling on more to herself than Mac.

Meanwhile, Mac was astounded that she’d forgotten AJ’s birthday was next week. She’d practically marked the calendar for the last five years, and now that the date had finally arrived, it had completely slipped her mind.

“Am I interrupting anything important?” Harm asked from the doorway.

Without skipping a beat, Harriet went from her own out loud musings to reiterating it all for Harm.

“Well, I was suggesting an engagement party, or perhaps combining the housewarming with an engagement party, but the colonel doesn’t want an engagement party. I’ve suggested at least announcing it formally at the housewarming, but she doesn’t seem too thrilled with that option either. I suspect the only place she’s going to let me announce it is to a bunch of five year olds she doesn’t know at AJ’s party next week.” Finally Harriet paused to take a breath.

At the words, five year old, Harm and Mac’s gaze locked on each other. Everything and anything Harriet said after that was lost.

Noticing she’d completely lost her friends’ attention. Thinking she’d make more progress if she could talk to them individually, Harriet excused herself. Quietly, she closed the door behind her.

Their trance broken by the sound of the closing door, Harm turned to the door, then turned back to Mac.

“We had a deal.” He smiled mischievously.

“Yes we did.” Mac smiled back.

“I honestly thought all I’d have to do was keep the losers away from you. I never thought we’d actually get together first.” Harm had inched closer to the desk.

“I beg your pardon?” Mac responded in mock indignation.

“What do you say, you and I go halves on another kid?” Harm’s eyes were twinkling.

“Another kid?”

“Well, we already share a teenager, two godsons, and one borrowed baby. I was thinking it might be nice to share one we get to make.” Harm could barely suppress a grin.

“Making is definitely fun.” Mac’s eyes twinkled knowingly. “I know I’m not getting any younger,” she paused, the smile fading slightly, “but, would you be too disappointed if I suggested we wait.” Mac bit her lower lip nervously.

“You want to wait till after the wedding?” Harm hoped she didn’t want to wait too long. Neither one of them was getting any younger could be considered a bit of an understatement.

“That, and I’d like for David to be back with Catherine before we focus on one of our own.” She raised her brow requesting understanding.

Taking the final few steps to breech the gap between them. “I’ll wait as long as you want, but please, don’t make it too long.” Checking quickly and noticing the blinds open, Harm settled for lightly caressing her hand.

“Deal.” Mac smiled lovingly.



After much discussion amongst themselves, and with the Admiral, they all concurred the best plan of action was for Mac to accept a judiciary position as soon as possible. She donned the role one month after announcing their engagement.

Catherine continued to recover with amazing speed. After about two months in the rehab ward, she was discharged. As planned, she went to stay with Mac and Harm. Mac had been right, it was a wonderful opportunity for her and Harm to slowly relinquish control of David easing the pain of loss, and for Catherine to adjust to all of the changes in David’s life. To everyone’s relief, David took to his mom immediately. He still loved being with Mac, but there was never the reservation they had all silently worried about.

Within days of their initial meeting with Admiral Chegwidden, Harm and Mac also decided they wanted to be married before AJ retired. With a little help from some well placed friends, a wedding was squeezed into the schedule at Annapolis for Saturday August 12, 2004. On Monday, August 29th, Rear Admiral AJ Chegwidden officially retired from the US Navy.

Harm and Mac were fortunate to have been given two weeks leave to enjoy a honeymoon in Paris. Although they initially considered somewhere in the Caribbean, Trish finally convinced them the only place to be was in a city famous for it’s lovers.

Their very first night in Paris, Harm and Mac walked along the river Seine holding hands. When they reached the bridge by Notre Dame Cathedral, Mac reached into her pocket and pulled out a small packet of pills. Handing them to Harm, he flung the contraceptives as far down the river as he could. Pulling his wife around, he kissed her soundly before wrapping one arm around her and heading back to the hotel.

Often they’d walk the city at night, awed by the beautiful reflections mirrored from the streetlights or the water drops glistening from the well lit fountains. No wonder Paris was called the city of lights. The river Seine, the streetside café’s, the sound of an accordion playing, the mimes, the corner crepe stands, every little thing oozed romance.

One day after playfully lingering in bed all morning, as had become their daily ritual, they decided to take a late afternoon stroll around the famed artist district of Monte Martre. The famous white domed cathedral was perched high on a hill with breathtaking views of all of Paris. While Mac was sitting for an artist sketching her portrait, Harm was mesmerized by something across the way.

“What’s got your attention?” Mac asked. “Not bored with me already?” She smiled wryly.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d swear that man drinking coffee on the other side of the square was Clayton Webb.” Harm said his brow furrowed deep in thought.

“What?” Mac wanted to turn but the artist kept scolding her for fidgeting.

“Why?” She asked.

“Why? You mean besides he looks just like him?” Harm asked incredulous. What did she mean why?

“Well, I suppose it’s something about the way he holds himself, his gestures, mannerisms. It all reminds me of Webb.” Harm replied, carefully studying the stranger.

Her portrait finally done Mac stepped over to Harm and tried inconspicuously to peek at the man.

“Good Lord, you’re right.” Mac tried not to gape.

“What do you say we take a casual stroll around the square, maybe we can get a closer look.” Harm suggested.

Halfway around the square, only a few yards away from their goal, Mac stopped frozen.

“This is silly, we know it can’t possibly be Webb.” Mac sighed.

“Do we? I never saw a body, did you? There wasn’t even a real funeral or memorial service.” Harm pointed out.

“He would never abandon his son.” Mac commented.

“He hasn’t. David is very well provided for, both financially and emotionally. He said it himself in the letter, he was prepared to have very little to do with his son’s life.”

“I repeat, for the record, this is ridiculous.” Mac insisted.

“So specified, for the record.” Harm put his arm around the small of her back and nudged her along the way.

When they got to the edge of the café where the man had been sitting, Harm and Mac began to peruse through some postcards displayed nearby.

“I’m starting to get hungry, I wonder what time it is?” Mac asked, setting the scene.

“I don’t know, I forgot my watch at the hotel. Maybe we can ask one of the shopkeepers, most of them speak English fairly well.” Harm was playing along.

Turning to the man they’d been spying, “Excusez moi Mr., quelle heure est-ils?” Mac asked. (Excuse me sir, what time is it?)

Looking up for the first time from the magazine he’d been reading, the gentleman barely showed any reaction to Mac’s question. Glancing briefly at Mac, then over to Harm, his eyes wandered down to Mac’s left hand tightly gripping Harm’s, the diamond wedding band glistening in the sun.

“Il est six heure moins quart.” He replied in flawless French. (It’s a quarter to six.)

“Merci,” Mac and Harm continued down to the next café and took a seat.

“The French makes it tough, but I’d almost be willing to swear that’s Clayton’s voice.” Mac said, amazed at her own thoughts.

“I guess it’s something we’ll never know.” Harm said watching the man pay his tab and walk away.

“I wonder.” She said softly, as he walked away.

“I know.” Harm agreed.

When David was eighteen months old, Porter Webb started making noises about the upbringing David was receiving. Harm and Mac both gently reminded her of Clayton’s request to help Catherine in any way and mostly to abide by Catherine’s wishes. With some additional persuasion from Gordon Stevens, it took a few weeks but she settled down.

One year later Harriet enthusiastically threw a house christening. With all the commotion of the engagement, Mac’s new billet, and of course the wedding, Harriet never did get to throw Harm and Mac the housewarming she had wanted to. Harm had diligently worked on almost every room in the house. The final project had been the second floor landing with a brand new pool table and Harriet simply had to get a party out of her system.

Fifteen months later, the Rabbs hosted a barbecue to celebrate the new volleyball pit.

“It’s nice to see how everything worked out.” Catherine waxed sentimental.

“I owe you.” Mac smiled as she fed her three month old daughter Emily.

“For what?” Catherine sat down in the kitchen chair next to Mac.

“For all this.” Mac looked around the kitchen and out to the yard, then she looked back at Catherine.

“For telling him I was good for him and to stop lying to himself.”

Catherine looked over to where her son was buzzing around the yard with his new airplane.

“I think someone else deserves all the credit.” Catherine Gayle smiled proudly at her beautiful son.

Mac scanned the yard, her eyes falling on the energetic little boy. She nodded her head and smiled knowingly.

“Mommy, we’ve got a very messy little boy here.” Harriet had come in the back door with two year old Daniel Rabb, covered in mud. “It seems he discovered how to turn on the garden hose.” Harriet announced her eyebrows high.

Harm’s ‘stamina’ had kept Mac ‘occupied’ day and night the first months they were married. Danny made his appearance only ten months after the wedding. There hadn’t been a dull moment in Mac’s life since. Even Harm’s stamina had dwindled very little despite having two children. Smiling to herself, Mac handed Emily off to Catherine and began stripping her mischievous toddler.

Yes, everything she had ever envisioned paled in comparison to the reality of what her life had become with Harmon Rabb all because of a horrible car accident, and a beautiful baby boy.


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© once upon a rose garden 2003
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