Saturday afternoon
Arlington County Fair

Harm looked absolutely adorable carrying around the oversized panda bear. As a child Mac had always envied the people who walked the parks with the large prizes. She often thought they were ringers sent out to entice the crowd. Deep down she didn't believe anyone actually won. She was thoroughly delighted to discover she was thoroughly wrong.

Having already eaten her way through the corn dogs and two caramel apples, Mac was now working on a large fluffy pink cloud of cotton candy.

"How do you eat all that sugar?" Harm rolled his eyes in mock horror.

“It’s a carnival tradition Harm. You’re breaking with tradition you know.” Mac informed him with a look of studied superiority.

“Right.” Harm drawled, obviously unconcerned about his infraction. “You know what else is a tradition at carnivals?”

“What?” Mac eyed Harm warily.

“Ferris wheels.” Harm pointed at the large wheel ahead with an impish grin.

“Harmon Rabb! Planning on getting me airsick so you can take advantage of me? It’s not a tomcat.” Mac teased saucily, shaking a cotton candy covered finger at him.

“Mac, Me? Never. Besides, if anyone knows the Ferris wheel is no tomcat, it’s me.” Harm gestured towards the gate for boarding the ride. “Shall we?”

“You know how much I love Ferris wheels. You’re using your knowledge against me, aren’t you?”

“Mac, you know I would never do that.” Harm did his best to feign innocence. If only he could use his knowledge of her to give her everything she wanted.

“Alright then, but you have to behave yourself.” Mac warned, chuckling loudly as Harm slapped his open palm against his chest, his eyes shining bright and wide with mischief.

While Mac boarded the car, Harm stopped to give the tickets to the operator. With a quick glance at Mac devouring pieces of her cotton candy while she waited for him, Harm smiled to himself. What the hell, if it worked when he was a teenager, it might work now. Quickly reaching into his pocket, Harm turned back towards the operator. “Hey, pal. Think you could do me a favor?” Harm slipped him a twenty dollar bill.

“How long?” The operator asked incredulously. He doubted this guy needed to ‘arrange’ for time alone with women, ever.

“Whatever you think is appropriate. Thanks.” Harm winked. Setting the panda down on the bench, he boarded the car with Mac.

Slowly they began to rise up in the air. Harm smiled when he felt Mac slide closer to him on the seat.

“Man, I love the view from these things.” Harm’s eyes danced with enthusiasm.

“You just like to be higher than everyone else.” Mac waved airily as she delicately pulled more cotton candy off the cloud. “You sure you don’t want any of this?”

“Maaac, me and sugary, unhealthy products?”

“Oh, come on, Harm.” Mac pouted, flashing her puppy dog eyes at him. She couldn’t believe she was acting this way, but there was something about being at the fair with Harm after all the pressure that made her feel like letting go. “Please?”

Heaving a deep sigh, Harm caved. “Fine. One piece.” Harm pulled off some of the fluffy spun sugar.

“Here, have this piece.” Mac waved the glob she held in her hand at him. “Oops.” She giggled, thumping the chunk of sugar squarely on Harm’s nose.

“Funny, Marine. Funny.” Harm said, as he pulled the sticky substance off his nose. Plopping it in his mouth, he smiled at her.

The car suddenly lurched to a stop just as they reached the top of the wheel. Mac narrowed her eyes glaring at Harm and his questionable look of shock. “You didn’t happen to arrange this, did you?”

“Me? Would I do that?”

“Yes, you would. I know you Harm, remember?”

“You’ve got me all wrong, Colonel. I am the very definition of the modern officer and a gentleman.”

“Right.” Mac teased. “Well, at least if we’re going to be stuck, we have some food.”

“Absolutely.” Harm smirked. Pulling some cotton candy off of the cloud Mac held, he dropped it squarely on her nose.

“Harm!” Mac squealed.

“Fair’s fair, Marine.”

Chuckling, she wiped the candy off her nose and proceeded to slowly lick it off her fingers, coyly watching him through her lashes.

“Oh, see now THAT’S not fair.” Harm groaned.

“Would you like some?” Mac asked in a low, husky voice holding out her fingers. It might have been the massive amounts of sugar she’d ingested since they arrived, but Mac didn’t know or care what was coming over her. It was so much fun to flirt with Harm this way.

“Well, if you’re offering.” Harm whispered.

Slowly Mac pulled a piece of the candy off the stick and held it out towards Harm. She barely contained a gasp when he leaned forward and proceeded to very slowly suck the pink sugar off her fingers. Long past the consumption of the last bit of the candy Harm finally gave her fingers a last gentle lick and sat back up with a slow smile playing over his lips as he gazed deeply into her eyes.

Absently and breathless, Mac mechanically pulled off another piece of the candy bringing it to her mouth.

“Hmm. You seemed to have…missed…some there.” Harm murmured, leaning towards her, he slowly kissed the side of her mouth. After a moment, he kissed the other side of her mouth. “And some here.” He whispered against her soft skin. “And here.” He added as he finally brought his lips down on hers fully.

Neither one of them had any idea how long they sat up there kissing each other as if there were no one else in the world. Gradually, Harm realized they were moving again and reluctantly pulled away, breaking the kiss.

“Mmmmm, delicious. You may be onto something when it comes to cotton candy.” Harm said softly with a smile. “But I think you make it all the sweeter.”

“You mean I might be able to turn you onto junk food after all these years?” Mac asked with a low sultry chuckle.

“Only if you’re involved.” Harm winked with a full blown flyboy grin.

Soon enough they were at the bottom of the wheel and the operator was opening the rail with a slow wink for Harm.

While Harm helped Mac step out of the basket, the operator brought up a digital image on the computer sitting next to his station. “Interest you folks in a picture of your ride?”

Looking over at the screen, Harm could see an image of him sucking the cotton candy from Mac’s fingers. With a laugh, he reached into his pocket for some money. “I didn’t even see a camera. How much?”

“Five bucks.” The operator smiled. “It’s on a pole right at the top. The roller coaster guys make enough money off pictures, we decided to try it with the wheel. Not the same kind of picture mind you, but people usually seem to want these too.”

“I can see why.” Mac smiled, stepping up to take Harm’s arm. Walking away from the wheel, panda and photo in hand, neither one of them saw the man who approached the operator and purchased a copy of their picture.

Harm’s apartment
2030 hours

“They’ve either got a new chef, or I was hungrier than I thought.” Mac said over her shoulder, carrying her dirty plate to the sink.

“How could you have been THAT hungry? You practically ate your way through the fair!” Harm was completely astounded at her casual comment, not to mention her appetite.

“I did not! I just didn’t want to miss anything.” Mac grinned, leaning against Harm who was now standing next to her placing his dirty dish on the counter.

“It was a great day. Thank you.” Mac looked up, her head tilted slightly to one side.

Harm had to admit it had been a delightful day. He got to see a side of Mac she rarely shared, at least not with him. They’d often had a playful banter through the years, but today it was different. It seemed more focused, more real. As though it were more than a game, more like a prelude of things to come.

“Thank you.” Harm’s voice dropped several octaves lower than usual. Their eyes met in a heat filled gaze that seemed interminable. Harm had no idea how long they stood there lost in each other, her soft chocolate eyes were drawing him in. It was a pull he couldn’t resist, didn’t want to resist.

The moment their lips met it was as though someone had struck a match. His arms wound more tightly around her waist, pulling her snuggly against him. The warmth of his touch was creating a fire deep within Mac, one she wasn’t sure she wanted to extinguish. Allowing her fingers to find their way to the back of his neck, swirling through his hair, pulling him as close as humanly possible, Mac knew she needed to stop before she couldn’t, but God help her, she didn’t want to.

Harm was fighting to keep his growing desire on a short leash. He needed to keep in control, to take this slowly. There could be no doubt why they were together, if they got together. Allowing his hand the pleasure of dropping down Mac’s back and lightly caressing her six, Harm knew he had to stop now while he still could.

Releasing his hold on her lips, Harm pulled back slightly, his eyes closed, calling on every strand of honor he possessed. He so wanted to share himself with this woman, in every way possible.

Mac sighed heavily, dropping her head on his shoulder. Neither one wanted to break the spell by actually speaking. Finding her nerve. Mac took the plunge. Someone had to.

“A girl could get used to this.” She smiled into his shirt, not willing to release her hold on him, unable to see the broad grin that had spread across his face.

“You really think so?” He tried to keep his voice steady. What he really wanted to do was screech YES at the top of his lungs.

Daring to glance up at him, she allowed their eyes to lock again, trying to read any sign of similar feelings. Grinning sweetly at what she saw, “very much so.”

Pulling her tightly against him again, Harm leaned down and kissed the top of her head, unwilling to risk tasting her lips another time. “Don’t expect an argument from me. Mac?”


Harm searched for the right words. “Does this mean we’re finally an us?” He closed his eyes tightly and prayed.

“I’d like that, …if you want it too.” Mac was afraid to look up.

“Maybe now would be a good time to talk about this.” Harm began stroking Mac’s hair.

“Do we have to? Can’t we just be? I mean, we’ve gotten this far without having to talk.” Mac wasn’t moving an inch. She had never been more contented in a man’s arms and she wasn’t going to give this up any time soon if she had anything to say about it.

Harm let out a deep sigh. “Maybe for now, you’re right. I think eventually though, we’re going to have to talk about a few things at least.” Harm kissed the top of her head again. Like our deal he thought to himself.

Mac nodded her head in his shoulder before pulling away and smiling. “Why don’t you go find us something interesting to watch on TV, and I’ll put on some tea. I know it’s getting late, but I’m not really ready to go home yet.”

“Is it because you know someone is watching your apartment?” Harm set his hands on Mac’s shoulder.

“Maybe. Let me make the tea and we can talk some more sitting down.” Mac reached for the kettle.

Reluctantly, Harm went in search of the remote control and TV guide as she had asked. Even though he had lived without a TV for years, ever since Webb so graciously gave him the small TV for the tiger shark case, he had to admit it came in handy at times like this.

Watching Mac settle on the sofa next to him, Harm waited to see if she wanted to continue, or drop the whole subject.

“You’re right.” She sighed softly, snuggling up close to him. An enormous wave of contentment washed over her at the realization she was now free to show Harm how she felt.

“Ever since Bud pointed out that our peeping Tom is probably using infrared lenses to watch us, I feel like there’s no place to hide. I know he only wants to get compromising pictures of the two of us but the thought of him being able to follow my every move solely on my body heat is just… I feel violated.”

Putting his arm lightly around her shoulder, “would you like to stay here?”

“I don’t think that would be a very good idea, yet.” Setting her hand lightly on his lap, Mac hoped he would understand without having to go into it now.

“I meant, I could sleep on the sofa.” He took hold of her hand in his. He had no intention of rushing her.

“I know what you meant. It’s not you I’m worried about.” Mac needed to redirect this conversation and fast. “What I want is for this whole blackmail business to be over.”

“We all do.”

“What has Novak come up with on the kid who got killed?”

“He was 21 years old, in his last year at Georgetown. He probably would have graduated cum laude according to his records. Comes from an ordinary middle class family in debt up to their eyeballs trying to give their kids the American dream. He’s the middle of 5 children. Everyone says he was a nice kid, never in any trouble, always took care of business. It sounds like he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time but you know as well as anyone, looks can be deceiving.”

“Do they think it’s a coincidence?”

“No. They have three working possibilities: either the kid was in on it all along and they didn’t want any witnesses, or he was in on it and tried to pull a fast one, or the kid had no idea and figured out something he shouldn’t have. The latter leaving him in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Harm could feel Mac tensing up. Dead bodies always made cases harder.


JAG Headquarters
One week later 0955 hours
Bud’s office

Waiting patiently at his desk, Bud tried to make small talk with his two guests.

“I appreciate your coming down here and doing this. I’m sure they’ll be here any minute. The Colonel is never late for anything and I told her 1000.” Bud smiled

No sooner had the words come out of Bud’s mouth than, as if on cue, Mac appeared in his doorway.

“Commander Rabb will be here any minute, Lt. Sims needed him a moment to sign some reports.” Mac turned to extend her hand to the woman seated by the desk, and then the man standing beside her.

“Please, sit down.” Mac directed.

“This is Retired Colonel Thomas Jefferson Edelhaus and his wife Elizabeth.” Bud nodded.

“It’s a pleasure.” Mac said, at the same time the two people offered similar salutations.

“Sorry, I’m late.” Harm announced walking into the office and closing the door behind him.

Once introductions were made again, Bud began. “Colonel, why don’t you tell Colonel MacKenzie and the Commander exactly what you explained to me.”

“Well.” He paused for a deep breath, his wife reaching over and taking hold of his hand.

“Deploying this last time was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. Leaving your family behind is always tough, but Liz had made it clear if I didn’t resign my commission, she wouldn’t be home waiting for me. I love her with everything I am, but I couldn’t just abandon my country either.” He looked up at Harm and Mac, searching for some understanding.

“War is never pretty, I know that. This time was different. I saw too many good young men going down to ambushes. Ambushes I had no power to foresee or prevent. Schools with children and hospitals filled with the ill and dying were used as bunkers. Children were used everywhere as human shields. This is nothing like the war ten years ago.” His wife squeezed his hand encouraging him to continue.

“No matter how much of a soldier you are, these things have to do something to a man inside, especially a good man.” Liz Edelhaus interjected, looking supportively up at her husband.

“We all come back changed.” Mac agreed.

“This time was different. Their disdain for the American government was like rubbing salt in an open wound. We’ve all given up a lot to be over there, to try and do good. The enemy and culture slowly merged into one. You try to help a young woman struggling with an infant only to have her turn on you and shoot down half of your men in cold blood. It turns out a farmer with a broken down truck doesn’t really need three of you to help him out of the mud, the truck is booby trapped with dynamite to blow up everyone around it. I found myself slowly learning to hate these people.”

“Go on.” Bud encouraged when the Colonel seemed to pause too long.

“Just before my six months were I up, we took some heavy fire in the outskirts of Tikrit. By the time I was patched up, they decided it was best to just rotate me home. I couldn’t stand watching the news. I had never noticed how many middle eastern people there are in my neighborhood. It made me sick thinking of how they could walk the streets freely here and our boys are being butchered over there.” He paused again to read his audience. If they were revolted, they didn’t show it. If they understood, he couldn’t tell.

“One day I got an email from America’s New Horizon. I don’t usually pay attention to my spam mail, but the pro American marketing caught my eye. This wasn’t your typical militia website. Whoever put it together knows how to manipulate the constitution and the human mind. Before I knew it I was sucked in and actually attended a few meetings.”

“I feel this is all my fault. If I hadn’t made him choose between me and his country he would never have even noticed those emails.” His wife defended.

“You can’t take the blame for this, Liz. I walked in with my eyes wide open.” He squeezed her hand more tightly.

“A few more meetings, a few nights chatting over beers, and the next thing I know, I’m driving out to some camp watching these country yahoos marching around, explaining to Paul where he’s made all his training mistakes.” The Colonel shook his head, obviously upset with his own actions.

“I was sick with myself. I couldn’t sleep for days. I was torn between the love for my country and my growing hatred of anyone foreign on our soil. I know that’s ridiculous and against everything our country stands for but I just couldn’t help it.”

Harm and Mac looked at each other. This man was obviously dealing alone with at least some degree of post traumatic stress.

“I offered some advice once in a while, but then one day he brought me out there again and showed me all around the entire facility. He kept going on and on about what a great country we had and how our founding fathers had fought valiantly to make it so and how each and every American needed to fight to keep it as our fore fathers intended. About how our current government and military were undermining that intention. Then it came, the bombshell. He wanted me to take charge of the entire operation. Something inside me snapped. That was too much, too far. I couldn’t do it. I told him I’d think about it and never called back. He called me a couple of times and I made some excuse. Eventually, I thought he got the message because he stopped calling.”

“When did the blackmailing start?” Bud asked, already knowing the answer.

“About a month or so after I didn’t respond to Paul’s request. It started with a single envelope under my door. The note simply said: Article 92 of the UCMJ, with a single photograph of Paul Healy and I standing over his troops.”

The hair on the back of Harm and Mac’s necks bristled high. Paul Healy. America’s New Horizon and New Horizons were one and the same. This man was obviously funding his militia group with extortion money.

“I didn’t hear from them for a while so I thought maybe the whole thing would blow over now that I wasn’t associating with them anymore. Then it came, an email quoting article 92 about not participating in organizations that support supremacist causes. I’m sure I don’t need to quote it in its entirety to you, although I could. It has been running constantly in my nightmares for months.” Taking another deep breath, “that, and a request for ten thousand dollars.”

“TOM! You didn’t tell me that part.” Liz looked truly shocked. “Where’d you get the money?”

“I borrowed it from mom and dad. I didn’t want you any more upset than you are. I’m sorry.” His eyes pleaded with his wife to understand his not telling her this one last thing before he turned back to face the officers patiently waiting.

“The next time the request came they wanted another ten thousand. When I told them I didn’t have any more money, they gave me the option of resigning. My career would have been over anyway if anyone found out, so, I resigned my commission and went to ground with my tail between my legs. It was after Lt. Roberts spoke to my wife that she came looking for me. I told her the whole story, well, most of it, and here we are.”

Bud wasn’t exactly smiling, but he had a definite air of satisfaction. He knew Harm and Mac would start to put things together. Maybe now they could finally get somewhere.


Buds office
1150 hours

Closing the door behind Colonel Edelhaus and his wife, Harm turned to Bud and Mac.

“Okay, lets lay out what we’ve got here.” Harm started.

“I think it’s pretty obvious that New Horizons and America’s New Horizon are probably one and the same. The reason it was so hard to find out what New Horizons was doing is because it’s funding a national militia. I need to change my search criteria.” Bud supplied. “We need to connect Paul Healy and the two organizations.”

“Let’s say this Paul Healy is our blackmailer. Why extortion? He’s on the who’s who list of dot com money makers.” Mac proposed.

“Maybe there’s not as much money there as we think. Maybe he’s funding the operation with dirty money. Bud, see what you can find out about Healy’s financial status. We’ll have to check with Novak and see what the FBI has on his little group. We might as well check with Homeland Security as well.” Harm’s mind was working a mile a minute putting all the pieces together. He still had a nagging feeling there was more to this. How did forcing early retirement fit into this blasted puzzle?

“Even if he is using the blackmail money to front the operation, why would he let them have an out by offering to let them resign. What’s he going to gain from that?” Mac asked, her palms turned up, reinforcing the question and Harm’s doubts.

“Ma’am this may just be a coincidence, but both our victims were on the list for Military Liaison for Homeland Security.” Bud volunteered.

Harm’s eyes flew wide. “That’s it. Be right back.” Harm was out the door in a flash. Within minutes he’d returned holding the file Webb had given him.

“I knew something was right in front of my face and I was missing it.” Harm handed Mac a piece of paper from the file. After looking at it a moment, she looked up at Harm while handing the paper to Bud.

“It was rumored that Kensington had the appointment for Military Liaison sewed up. How much do you want to bet they were eliminating the rest of the list in an attempt to get the one man they knew they had in their pocket for that position.” Harm didn’t really expect an answer.

“I’ll go over the list of recent retirees again, see who was on that list, or even rumored to be on that list.” Bud reached for a file that was buried on his desk, his eyes showing the thrill of the hunt.

“Do you suppose Kensington killed himself rather than be under these people’s thumb?” Mac suggested.

“I wouldn’t be surprised. When push came to shove, Edelhaus wanted no part of the group. I don’t know what they had on Kensington, but it had to go against every honorable bone in his body to be in cahoots with a lot like that.” Harm was overcome by a wave of sympathy.

“Let’s say I buy this thing about eliminating the others on the list. Why come after us? We’re no one important. Neither one of us is up for any major posting. Why blackmail us?” Mac was frowning, trying to pull the loose ends together.

“I don’t know yet, but at least we know where to start looking.” Harm shook his head. Turning to Bud, “has Hatcher left his apartment at all since Novak’s had him tailed?”

“Only to go to the grocery store. He hasn’t followed you or the Colonel anywhere.” Bud replied.

“If Healy really is behind this. He must have people all over the place. This could be a lot more far reaching than we had thought.” Mac sighed.

“At least everything points to the only thing they’re after is money. We haven’t come across anything to indicate the selling of secrets.” Harm flipped open Kensington’s file again.

“I don’t know about you two, but I have a headache the size of New England. I’m taking some aspirin and going to go lose myself in something more lighthearted, like the Miller court martial.” Mac rubbed the back of her neck and turned to leave.

She only managed to make it about two feet before Harm stood up next to her and dropped his hands on her shoulders.

“Why don’t you take two aspirins and then we’ll go somewhere relaxing for lunch?” Harm suggested, his hands lightly massaging her tired shoulders. It wasn’t really appropriate in uniform, but with the door and blinds still closed, no one would see.

“If you promise to keep that up, I’ll follow you anywhere, sailor.” She had forgotten Bud was still in the room with them.

The blush quickly rose to the tip of Bud’s ears. Clearing his throat quietly as a subtle reminder of his presence, he pretended to be studiously engrossed in his list of retirees.

Smiling to themselves, Harm and Mac separated. “Then we’re on for lunch?” Harm repeated.

“Yeah, meet you in your office in 20.” Mac smiled, making her way out the door.

Enchilada’s Restaurant
Falls Church Virginia

Harm and Mac had been chatting amicably over lunch waiting for the restaurant to empty out a bit. Having opted to sit in the last booth in the corner, once the booth in front of them was empty they began going over the new information they had.

“What we have is a lot of conjecture and hearsay, we can’t even put together a decent circumstantial case.” Mac sighed before taking another bite of her fajitas.

“If we want a judge to issue warrants, we’re going to have to get something more solid connecting Healy and /or his militia to this blackmailing ring.” Harm agreed, contemplating the best way to tell Mac what he was thinking.

“Bud said he thought this guy liked toying with his victims. We’re going to have to draw him out, give him something to make him anxious to contact us again. We need to catch someone red handed to get physical evidence.” Harm hoped Mac understood what he was implying without getting too technical.

“So, what you’re saying is we need to turn up the heat in this scam?” Mac looked over at Harm, her fork dangling in mid air.

“Pretty much, yeah.” The mind picture of turning up the heat between them scared the hell out of Harm.

“So far none of the photos have come from anything going on at ops, only the parking lot and we can’t do anything in uniform.” Mac offered.

“One of us is obviously being followed because they got that picture of us at the hospital.” Harm added.

“Well, it’s not likely it’s you or they would have known you were going to walk in on them at your apartment. Since the majority of the photos seem to have come from in, or near my apartment, my vote goes for they’re watching me.” Mac sighed.

“You’re probably right.” Harm nodded. “Your apartment then?”

“Yeah, you got any plans for tonight?”

“I was thinking about unwinding with DeVinci, but I could probably put that off to make love to a beautiful marine.” Harm froze when he saw Mac’s eyes fly open. He hadn’t really meant to say all that out loud. “Pretend to make love, pretend.” Harm clarified.

Somehow, that didn’t make Mac feel any easier. They were going to have to put on a show for this creep. They hadn’t gotten much past a few hot kisses in a stolen corner and now they would have to perform for a photo bug.


Mac’s apartment

Harm pulled up to Mac’s apartment a few seconds after she did. Following her upstairs, they paused momentarily outside her apartment door.

“Are you going to be okay?” Harm asked. Mac looked as nervous as a cat and to be honest, he was a little disconcerted himself.

“Yeah. It’s just knowing I’m going in there to an audience that just has my stomach revolting.”

“Well, take a deep breath and we’ll just follow the plan. We’ve worked it out, it will be okay.” Harm smiled, raising his hand to gently caress Mac’s cheek. “You can do it, marine.” Now the question was, could he?

Nodding her head. “On with the show.” Mac turned away to unlock her door.

Stepping inside, Mac proceeded immediately to the window and closed the living room curtains, as had been her routine every day since the first photos appeared on her desk. Once the curtains were drawn, the two officers took off their jackets and headed for the kitchen.

Coming up behind Mac and putting his arms around her waist, Harm whispered in her ear. “Let’s try and enjoy dinner and forget this guy is out there.”

It wasn’t long before dinner was finished, the dishes were cleared and Harm and Mac were sitting comfortably on the sofa listening to music.

“This has to be more awkward than a first date.” Mac sighed. Although they’d indulged in playful necking more often over the last week, they had been very careful not to go too far too soon. They still needed time for this relationship to unfold naturally without the constraints of this blasted case.

“I wonder if this is what actors go through having to do love scenes in front of a camera?” Harm grinned.

“Wouldn’t surprise me.” Mac smiled back.

“Well, we might as well get this over with.” Harm announced.

“Oh, gee, thanks. That really makes me feel better, Harm.” Mac rolled her eyes.

“Maaac. Come on, you know what I meant.”

Grinning widely to assure him he was off the hook, “ I know, chalk it up to nervous energy.”

“Maybe this will help.” Carefully, Harm pulled Mac closer to him and sweetly placed a gentle kiss on her lips. Within moments Harm felt Mac relax in his arms. “That was just because I wanted to.” He smiled before gently pushing her back to lie against the sofa and kissing her again.

Knowing, due to the closed curtains the voyeur was most likely watching them with special equipment, Harm and Mac followed a carefully orchestrated plan. After a short few moments of kissing, his fingers began undoing the buttons on her shirt.

“I’m sorry, Mac.” Harm whispered to her. He felt like he was violating a sacred trust, forcing himself on her, even if this was part of the plan.

Reaching up to undo the buttons on his shirt and the buckle on his belt, “ I know, me too.” Mac blinked back the moisture building in her eyes. This wasn’t exactly the way she had pictured the first time she and Harm would undress for each other.

They truly did feel like actors on a movie set. Every move choreographed to give the illusion of a couple undressing in the throes of passion before making their way to the bedroom and carelessly leaving the curtains open just enough to allow for a blackmailers folly.

Separated only by their undergarments, Harm was relieved to find the tension of the circumstances was greatly aiding in controlling his physical responses to being pressed up against Mac. Despite the awkwardness of the intimate situation, if Harm wanted to maintain his control he needed to move the plan along and get it over with. Unlike an actor, he was in love with his leading lady and wasn’t sure how long he could hold back.

“Let’s assume this guy doesn’t believe in foreplay,” Harm mumbled, “and move this show to the other room.”

Getting up from the sofa, Harm held his hand out to Mac. Taking hold of her hand, he couldn’t help but hesitate at how beautiful she looked. He’d always known under that uniform was a gorgeous woman, but it was still a shock to his system to see her that way in the flesh, so to speak.

Standing to follow Harm, Mac’s breath caught at the sight of his bare chest. She hadn’t forgotten how he looked that night so long ago when they had thought Webb had died. The years had been good to him, he looked more handsome than ever.

“Here goes, marine. You with me?” Harm asked pulling her into his arms.

“I’m all yours.” They may have been going through the motions for the assignment, but she meant what she said, and Harm knew it.

Leaning down to capture her lips in what was to appear as a more passionate embrace, Harm began backing into Mac’s bedroom with Mac still strongly entrenched in his arms. Together they made their way to the window, never breaking the hold or the kiss.

Harm reached out to pull on the drapery drawstring. Pulling very slowly on the string, he watched from the corner of his eye until the curtains were mostly closed, only remaining open about a foot and a half before he dropped the cord and wrapped the arm that had been pulling the cord tightly around Mac. Scooping her up, he carried her the short distance to the bed, and set her down beside it. Their lips were still sealed in the same kiss that had been growing in intensity, pulling them further and further into the charade.

Unsure of just how clearly the bed could be seen from the window, they were fairly sure the photographer had already had plenty of time to take compromising photos of them in a half naked clench by the window before they had finished adjusting the curtains.

Needing to follow through with the scene, Mac pulled away long enough to catch her breath and pull back the bed covers. Slowly crawling in, Harm followed thankful for the chance to cool off.

Up on his knees, straddling Mac, Harm made sure there was some space between them and that they were completely covered by the sheet so the photographer could only ‘guess’ what they were doing underneath. Mac stretched out her left arm, tightly grabbing a large chunk of the corner of the sheet. It was her assignment to ensure the sheet never moved.

Taking another deep breath, Harm bit his lower lip and leaned down to kiss Mac’s neck. This whole thing was already getting to be too much for him, and if the quiet wince that escaped Mac’s throat was any sign, she was having a hard time of it too.

“Mac, I don’t think I can do this. Maybe we can assume from where he is, he can’t tell if we’re moving under here.” The thought of grinding up against Mac with only a few sheer layers of fabric between them was more than he could take without becoming very embarrassed and he knew it.

Already breathing more heavily than she wanted to be, Mac took a deep breath in an attempt to calm her breathing and her body.

“We’ve made it this far. We can do this really fast.” Mac hoped she knew what she was talking about because right now, she wasn’t very sure about very much including if she’d be able to stop herself from stripping what few barriers were still between them and taking on Harmon Rabb, whoever was watching be damned.

Feeling Mac’s legs swing up around his back and pull him down against her, Harm couldn’t stop himself from releasing a low groan. The feel of so much of her soft skin against his bare body was definitely more than he could take. He could feel his body betraying him. Harm immediately scooted down on the bed so his hips were resting firmly on the mattress just barely below Mac.

With a few short thrusting motions and a little squirming added for good measure. Harm collapsed truly exhausted on Mac. The mental pressure of this entire little episode was probably more exhausting than any real sexual encounter he’d ever had. Now all he needed was a very cold shower.

Sliding out from under him, Mac shifted to one side, patting gently at the bed next to her. “You’re getting heavy squid.” Mac tried to lighten up the tension in the room.

“I resemble that remark.” Harm smiled into the mattress not sure he wanted to move. Scooting up even with Mac, he remained on his stomach and casually laid an arm across her.



“Do you think this will make a difference?”

“I certainly hope so. The next time I have you in my arms half naked I want it to be for the right reasons and it’s going to take a lot longer than fifteen minutes.”

“Twelve minutes and thirty seconds.” Mac smiled.


Mac’s apartment
Next morning, Saturday 0815

Having slept more peacefully than he expected after the previous evening’s events. Harm woke up to the smell of fresh coffee saturating the air.

“Morning sleepy head.” Mac grinned from her seat at the table.

“Did you sleep well, DEAR?” Harm asked, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

“Yeah, I slept really well.” A broad smile spread across Mac’s face.

“Are you up to plan B?”

“Oh, yeah. Compared to last night, this will be a piece of cake.” Mac took a sip of her coffee. “What do you say to stopping at IHOP for breakfast? I feel like blueberry pancakes this morning.”

“Cravings?” Harm raised an eyebrow at her.

“Just hungry.” Mac blushed. “I’ll hop in the shower, while you read the paper and finish your coffee.”

“Sounds like a plan, I’ll join you when I’m done.” Harm tried really hard to keep a straight face.

“In your dreams, Flyboy.” Mac shot back, delighted the stress from the previous day didn’t appear to have left any negative affect on their budding relationship.

Georgetown Park Mall
1045 hours

“Blueberry pancakes with a side of cole slaw.” Harm shook his head. “Are you sure you’re not hiding something from us?” He teased. Mac had always had a healthy appetite but never so weird.

“They say mind over matter. Just be thankful I’m not sending you out for sushi at three o’clock in the morning.” Even she had to admit that was the strangest food combination she had ever ordered.

They’d wandered in and out of a few stores. Harm perused Sharper Image while Mac made her way through Victoria’s Secret purchasing a few appealing items. From there, they made their way over to Talbot’s where Mac bought a couple more things before she and Harm casually slipped into Talbot’s Kids and purchased a few infant items.

“Have you noticed anything?” Mac asked.

“No, how about you.”

“Nothing.” Mac sighed.

“If anyone IS tailing us, they’re damn good at what they do. I’ve already spotted Novak’s man twice.”

“It doesn’t hurt that you know what he looks like. I’ve noticed that lady with the floral stroller a few times but somehow I doubt seriously that Healy’s hiring stay at home moms to photograph extortion victims.” Mac sneered.

“At least we’re finding some nice things for Harriet and the new baby.” Harm smiled, then pointed towards Benetton Kids. “This should cinch it if they are watching.”

Oohing and Aahing their way through the store, Harm and Mac gleefully spent the Sec Nav’s money on Harriet’s new baby. By two o’clock, Mac’s stomach was beginning to growl.

“Where do you want to eat, Georgetown Deli or Fresh Choice?” Harm asked.

“I think Fresh Choice sounds good. You deserve a reward for being such a good sport about all this shopping.” Mac grabbed his hand and pulled him close for a quick kiss.

Sitting side by side at a table near the back corner of the restaurant, something they’d become accustomed to doing over the last couple of months, they were almost finished eating when Harm shifted his chair slightly and stretched his left hand across to rest on Mac’s stomach.

Looking down at his large hand on her tummy, Mac turned her head in Harm’s direction.

“What are you doing?”

“I was just thinking. More like wondering, what it would be like if you were really pregnant.” Harm’s smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. A touch of sadness was hiding there. He didn’t tell Mac he was wondering if they would get the chance to fulfill their deal, or worried if she even wanted to.

Placing her hand on his, holding it firmly against her. “Me too.”

Unable to find the right words, Harm met Mac half way, their lips pressed delicately together as if silently sealing a deal that had been made so long ago.


Short while later

At the spur of the moment Harm took an unexpected turn instead of heading straight for his place. Mac couldn’t help but chuckle when he pulled into the Babies ‘R Us parking lot.

“Don’t you think this might be considered over kill?” Mac shook her head in amusement.

“If you were expecting my child I would have probably bought out half of DC by now.” Harm’s face grew suddenly serious.

Noticing Mac’s loss for words, “come on. Let’s have some fun with this.” Giving her a quick peck on the cheek, Harm hopped out of the car and made his way around to Mac’s door.

“Ready, mom?” He grinned again playfully.

“Ready, pop.” Taking Harm’s proffered arm, she smiled broadly at Harm’s pained grimace at her use of the name Pop.

They laughed and teased their way all around the store and all the way home. By the time they made it up to Harm’s apartment their sides were literally sore from so much laughing.

They had already decided after last night that Mac would spend the night at Harm’s. Since none of the photographs had ever been taken at Harm’s, they felt it offered them a temporary haven. Mac’s not going home would still add to the pretense.

Compared to the previous night, the evening had been very uneventful, but pleasantly relaxing. The fun day and quiet evening was exactly the break they needed. Waking up the next morning snuggled near each other, they decided to delay breakfast and opted for an early morning run, something they hadn’t done together in a very long time.

“You’re sure it would be okay to go running if you were pregnant?” Harm asked for the umpteenth time as they walked back into his building.

“As long as I already had a regular exercise routine that included running, a short, slow run like we did this morning would have been perfectly okay.” Mac insisted almost falling over Harm when he stopped short in the open doorway.

“What?” She questioned.

Mac watched intently as Harm went over to his closet and pulled on a pair of lightweight driving gloves. Making his way back to Mac, he leaned down and carefully picked up the plain manila envelope.

“Peeping Paul strikes again.” Mac sighed, closing the front door. Securing the latch, she turned and followed Harm to the island counter. Her eyes carefully following Harm’s every move as he reached for a kitchen knife and slit the envelope open with almost surgical precision.

Spilling the contents onto the countertop as he had done with the previous envelope in his office, Harm carefully spread the photos out for viewing before glancing up to catch Mac’s reaction.

Noticing all the color drain from her face, Harm sprang up pulling her shaking body into a tight embrace.

“It’s okay, babe. It’s okay. This is what we wanted.”

Taking a few deep breaths before pulling away from the security of his arms, Mac straightened her shoulders and stepped back.

“I know, I just hadn’t realized how much more violated I would feel seeing the photos than I did knowing they were being taken.” One photo in particular had caught Mac’s eye. It had obviously been taken in the last stages of their performance when Harm and Mac were in bed. It was a close up of Mac’s face with the back of Harm’s head apparently nibbling on her neck, the pleasure of the moment clearly evident despite her efforts of restraint at the time.

Looking up at Harm. “I want to see that sick SOB hanging from the nearest tree.” Mac said through gritted teeth.

Pulling her back into his arms. “So do I, so do I.”


Harm immediately informed Bud and the Admiral of the package delivery, then placed a call to Novak.

The people Novak had watching Harm’s apartment recorded a messenger entering his building at 8:35. When Novak’s people on Mac and Hatcher’s building reported having seen the same messenger service entering the building at 8:00am, everyone knew they’d finally caught their first real break.

It hadn’t taken Bud or the Admiral long to get to Harm’s.

“Sorry to take you away from your family so early on a Sunday morning.” Harm patted Bud on the back and watched him walk over to the kitchen.

“No problem. I was going to wait until work tomorrow, but since I’m here.” Bud set his briefcase down on the dining table and pulled out a file.

“What have you got there?” AJ asked, coming through the still open front door.

“Good morning, sir. Sorry I didn’t see you.” Harm glanced down his hallway, then closed the door behind his CO.

“This is the list of all military officers retiring over the last six months.” He handed AJ the folder.

“I didn’t think we could afford to lose so many officers in the current political climate.” AJ continued flipping through the papers.

“No, sir.” Bud agreed. “Of all the names on that list, twenty six fit the criteria for unexpected. Of the twenty six, ten were on, or rumored to be on the list for Military Liaison appointees. That doesn’t include Admiral Kensington.”

“Well, that could still work with our theory. It might explain why Mac and I are targets if we fall into the same category, or reason, the other sixteen fall into. Assuming they’re all being blackmailed.” Harm accepted the file from AJ.

“I’m searching for any correlation between the sixteen, plus you and the Colonel, sir.” Bud took the folder back from Harm and returned it to its place in his briefcase.

“Let us know as soon as you come across anything.” AJ nodded before turning to face Harm. “All right, what have you got this morning?”

AJ followed Harm’s finger pointing to several photographs scattered across the kitchen counter.

The photos had pretty much covered the gamut of the previous two days, as well as the day on the ferris wheel. There were two photos of Harm and Mac in what appeared to be a very passionate, and private embrace, one just inside a doorway and one directly in front of the large window. There was the photo of Mac that had left her so upset earlier as well as a photo of Harm hovering over Mac in bed. AJ paused momentarily to glance at the pained expressions on his senior attorney’s faces. It was obvious by their pallor this morning that it was no picnic in the park having performed for those photos. Their CO hoped it wasn’t going to have any adverse affects on their already tenuous relationship.

The day before had yielded more lighthearted photos. There was the one of Harm and Mac smiling and holding hands coming out of Benetton for Kids, by the looks on their faces when the Admiral glanced up again, it was obvious they hadn’t realized at the time they’d been holding hands. There was a great photo of Harm laughing over a baby stroller with Mac’s armed draped over him, kissing his cheek. The most endearing though had to be the photo of Harm and Mac holding her stomach. Anyone who could look at that photo and not see two people in love would have to be as blind as a bat.

Removing the two photos of Harm and Mac actually in bed from the batch, Admiral Chegwidden checked in with Novak and the DC police. AJ was quickly informed, when faced with the FBI and DC police, it hadn’t taken the owners of the messenger service long to turn over the name and address of the man ordering the delivery.

Within two hours of AJ’s call, the DA and DC police had picked up the photos, obtained copies of the paperwork from the messenger service, and convinced a judge to issue a search warrant for Hatcher’s apartment. It was just a waiting game now to see what they turned up.

At 1435 the phone finally rang.

“Rabb….right…. mmn… Thank you. They got it. They found the camera focused on Mac’s apartment, a dark room with all the negatives, and plenty more pictures, and some… videos.” Hoping no one noticed the catch in his breath, “they’re bringing him in for questioning.”

Within minutes, everyone was out the door and on their way to police headquarters.

Harm and Mac drove together silently in the Lexus. Bud hitched a ride with the Admiral. When they arrived, Novak was pacing the front entrance waiting for them.

“The judge has already okayed another warrant to pull Hatcher’s bank statements etc.” Novak explained, leading the officers to a small dark room with one large window overlooking the interrogation room.

Lined up in front of the large glass, as though preparing for inspection, the group listened intently to the happenings on the other side of the glass.

“Let’s go over this again.” Detective Moliterno, a tall heavyset man with salt and pepper hair, growled. Obviously it would be his role to play bad cop.

“We’ve got you on invasion of privacy and blackmail. You know blackmail is a felony that carries a five year prison sentence?” Moliterno paused hoping he would see some reaction. When Hatcher remained stone faced, he continued.

“Then there’s unlawful entry and aggravated assault, that carries another ten years.” Moliterno pressed.

“You’re lucky that Commander Rabb didn’t have any serious injuries or you could be up on two felony murder charges.” Detective Angela Russell volunteered as sympathetically as possible for a police interrogator.

A sense of impending satisfaction swelled in Moliterno’s chest when he caught the momentary look of sheer panic in Hatcher’s eyes.

“You can’t pin all that on me. All I did was take a few pictures. I didn’t break into Rabb’s place or hit him over the head with that lamp.” Hatcher was trying to remain calm.

Moliterno leaned forward placing his hands flat on the table in front of Hatcher. “Then how did you know about the lamp?” They were going to get this weasel, he could feel it in his bones.

“Don’t think that game is going to work on me. I’m not a stupid street thug. There’s no way you can prove I did something I didn’t do.” Hatcher sneered, feeling full of himself.

“Well,” Russell stepped in, “we don’t have to prove you did it. The law says if a criminal offense has been committed, and you knew that the offense had been committed, which you must since you know he was hit with a lamp, and you did nothing to stop it or help with his arrest, trial or imprisonment, then you’re an accessory after the fact.” She smiled sweetly.

“And THAT, will get you another five years not to mention a possible fine for five grand.” Moliterno was loving the way Hatcher’s cheeks were fading to pale green.

“It’s not THAT easy.” Bud said still staring at the glass. “The defendant has to help the person who committed the assault with the specific intent to hinder or prevent that person’s arrest, trial, or punishment.” Still looking through the glass, Bud was completely unaware of the incredulous gaze his three superior officers shot in his direction.

Suddenly feeling ill at ease, Bud turned to notice the piercing glares coming form everyone in the room. “Oh, right.” He nodded then quickly returned his focus to the interview.

“So, you see,” Russell continued, “you’re looking at ten years in jail for blackmail and assault plus life for felony murder. Are you sure you don’t want to change your story?”

“You’re not going to get me to slip about any murders so you can pin an accessory to that on me too.” Hatcher replied with a smirky grin.

“Well, Mr. Hatcher. Felony murder is different.” Angela leaned closer to him, placing one hand on the back of his chair so he could get a good look at her eyes, and her cleavage. Nothing like a little peek of flesh to make a guilty man squirm.

“Since blackmail is a felony, and the person who committed the murder did so when collecting payment for the same felony blackmail, both the person who committed the killing and the person who aided in the felony are guilty of felony murder.” She stepped back giving that a few minutes to sink in.

“I’m not saying another word until my lawyer gets here.” Hatcher spat through clenched teeth.


Mac was staring intently at the man still sitting in the wooden chair on the other side of the wall when she felt Harm’s hand gently squeeze her arm.

“I’m sorry.” Mac quickly apologized, now aware that the two detectives had joined them.

“Don’t let these creeps get under your skin. I’m Angela Russell, this is my partner Jim Moliterno.” Angela extended her hand to Mac.

“What happens now?” Bud asked.

“Well, I’d say we got the sucker.” Jim smiled. “He’s obviously not just a shutter bug. He has to be in the loop to not only know the Commander was assaulted but that he was taken down with a lamp.”

“I agree. He knows names and he’s scared. I’ve seen that look before. Once his lawyer explains that accessory to felony murder carries a minimum thirty year sentence with no release or probation, whatever is keeping him quiet won’t scare him near as much as the thought of 40 years in jail.”

Noticing the glazed over look in Mac’s eyes as she tried to process what the detectives were telling her, all Harm wanted to do was get her out of there and take her home to the safety of his apartment and his arms. He had been dying to reach out and put his arm around Mac since they first saw Hatcher sitting in the other room but he didn’t dare with the Admiral there.

“Is there anything we can do to help?” Harm asked, knowing there wasn’t at this point.

“No.” Novak spoke up for the first time. “It could be a while before we have anything else. Let me know where you’re going to be and I’ll fill you in as soon as we know something.”

Mac turned to Detective Russell.

“He’s right. The DA will be here when his lawyer gets here. She’ll probably offer him 5 years for blackmail and let him slide on all the other charges if he turns over names. I’d be willing to bet a months salary, he’s going to do just that. As soon as he does, we’ll call you.” Angela nodded, reassuring Mac.

“Call my cell.” Harm said, not knowing if they would be at his place or Mac’s.

“Very well people, let’s get out of here and let these fine detectives do their jobs.” AJ practically ordered, leading the way out the door.

Harm and Mac were just getting into the car when Bud hurried over to them. “Sir, ma’am, I was thinking, it’s been a long day, why don’t you join Harriet and me for dinner at the house?”

“Thanks for the offer Bud but I think Mac’s about ready to collapse.” Harm started.

Mac was thankful that Harm could read her so well, in that split moment she glanced over at Bud and saw the disappointment in his eyes.

“You know, what I probably need is to be with friends. Dinner sounds nice Bud, are you sure it’s okay with Harriet?”

“Yes, ma’am. I called ahead. The Admiral won’t be able to join us. His daughter is supposed to phone him after some big show in Milan and he doesn’t want to miss the call.” Bud explained, nodding his head good bye and rushing off to the Admiral’s car.

Once they were in the car. “Are you sure you’re up to this?” Harm questioned.

“Did you see the look on his face? He’s right. It’ll be better to be distracted with friends than pacing the floor at home waiting for someone to call.” Mac leaned her head back against the seat and closed her eyes. Taking a deep breath and releasing a heavy sigh, she stretched her hand out and waited for Harm to take hold of it. As long as he was with her she’d be fine anywhere.

Roberts’ home
1910 hours


“That was a wonderful treat Harriet. I hadn’t realized how busy this case has kept us. I can’t believe how much the kids change in such a short amount of time.” Mac watched AJ through the window playing kickball in the back yard with some friends from the neighborhood.

“They do have a way of growing up fast. Especially Jimmy, with every week there’s something new and different, but sometimes I blink and wonder when did AJ grow that extra inch.” Harriet shook her head. “Why don’t you and the Commander have a seat on the porch while Bud puts Jimmy to bed and I make us some coffee.” Harriet waved her arm at the chairs on the back porch.

“Let me help.” Mac offered.

“Nah, how many people do you need to scoop coffee and stare at the pot?” Harriet smiled.

“Whistle if you need us?” Harm smiled, placing his hand on Mac’s back to nudge her out the door.

Stopping to watch the herd of boys chasing the single ball around the yard, Mac was suddenly struck by the realization that little AJ would be turning five before the end of the month. Walking down two steps, she sat on the porch.

“Penny for your thoughts.” Harm sat down next to her.

“AJ is turning five this month.” Mac said, her eyes still frozen on the blond haired boy across the yard.

“Harriet was right. They do grow up quickly.” Harm knew what this meant but was having a hard time talking over the lump in his throat.

“Do you think you’re ready for this?” Mac hadn’t made any effort to look at Harm.

Looking around, Harm wasn’t sure which this she was referring to.

“I’m sorry Mac, are you asking if I’m ready to make good on our deal?”

“Partly, are you ready for this?” She waved from them to the little boy chasing the ball. “To be sitting on the sidelines watching our deal chase a small ball across a field with a herd of other small people.” Her eyes continued to follow AJ’s every movement.

Harm studied her for just a second. “Are you?”

“I asked first, counselor.” Mac finally turned her gaze to Harm. “Are you?”

Harm thought for a minute, staring out at little AJ. Did he want to say something safe or be honest? They had in a subtle way practically admitted they both wanted this that day at the mall. All playing it safe ever did for him all these years, was leave him with his foot in his mouth or with a pissed off marine.

“Yes.” He turned back towards Mac. “I’m ready for all of it, with you.”

A small smile tugged at the corners of Mac’s lips. “I hoped you would say that.” Mac broke out in a beaming grin.

Reaching over and taking her hand in his. “When all this mess with Healy and Hatcher is over, maybe we can continue this conversation in more detail?”

Standing patiently by the backdoor holding a tray with a coffee pot and mugs, Harriet was waiting for what looked like a more opportune time to interupt. Just as she saw Mac nodding her head yes and reach over to kiss Harm, Bud tapped her on the shoulder.

“Why are you just standing there?”

“Look, Bud.” She pointed her nose towards their friends. “It’s taken them so long to get to this point, I didn’t have the heart to intrude.” Harriet practically swooned.

“Well, we don’t have any choice. Novak just called my cell. Harm’s battery must be dead. Detective Russell has been trying to reach him for twenty minutes."

“Excuse me, sir. Detective Russell has been trying to get a hold of you.” Bud handed Harm his cell phone. “Yours must have a dead battery. Just hit last call received.”

Harm stood and began pacing the short length of the porch.

“Detective Russell, Harmon Rabb here. Sorry about my phone.”

“I’m glad Novak was able to get a hold of you.” The detective responded. “I wanted you to know what’s going on.”

Harm walked over closer to where Mac was sitting.

“Healy and New Horizon sent Hatcher a $500 an hour suit. Needless to say it wasn’t in Mr. Healy’s best interest to convince Hatcher that 40 years behind bars was an unpleasant future.”

“Damn.” Harm let slip, shaking his head.

“Don’t give up the ship yet,” she almost giggled. “So to speak.” Angela Russell rarely had much opportunity to work with the Navy. She hadn’t meant to find her own comment so amusing.

“We haven’t officially charged him with anything yet, so he’ll stew in jail tonight. His bail hearing won’t be set until well into tomorrow afternoon. The lawyer may not have encouraged him to take a deal, but he heard the DA’s offer loud and clear. You’d be amazed what an impression your first night in jail can have on you. Especially if you consider it could be the first of forty more years.” Angela had been on the force for almost twenty years, she had learned how to read most of the perps that came through her doors. She couldn’t read them all, but she was never wrong about ones like Hatcher.

“Go home, try and get a good night’s sleep and for Pete’s sake, charge your battery.” She smiled.

“Thanks, detective. We’ll try.” Harm hung up the cell, totally unaware of answering for himself and Mac.

Harm quickly relayed the conversation to everyone on the porch.

Extending her arm to Harriet, who was still holding the tray, “I’m sorry Harriet, but I think I’m going to take a rain check on the coffee. Thanks again for the lovely dinner.” She kissed Harriet lightly on the cheek before turning to Bud and doing the same. It had been a good break, now she needed to get away, to go home.

“You guys sit down and enjoy your coffee, we’ll see ourselves out.” Harm opened the back door for Mac.

Harriet stood frozen on the porch watching the pair make their way through the house. “I hope this doesn’t drag on too much longer. I think this is taking a bigger toll on her than the Colonel’s willing to admit. Thank God she and the Commander seem to finally be working things out.” With one swift movement, she set the tray on the table and began pouring her husband and herself a cup of coffee.

Harm closed the car door once Mac was securely inside. Climbing into his side of the vehicle, “what do you say to my place and a couple of mugs of hot cocoa with whipped cream?”

“If it’s all the same to you, I’d really like to go home.” Mac was trying not to let this get her down, but she really was tired of living under a microscope.

“What ever the lady wants.” Harm backed out of the driveway, offering Mac a reassuring smile.

Mac’s apartment
2020 hours

Harm had convinced Mac it was still early and they should rent a movie to help kill some time. They’d been watching Waking Ned Divine and drinking the hot chocolate as Harm had suggested. The heavy mood from earlier had slowly melted away with the help of the amusing Irish film.

By the time the film was over, Mac was comfortably cocooned against Harm. “That was just what the doctor ordered.” Mac smiled up at him.

“I have to admit, every time I thought I knew what was going to happen next, the movie surprised me with something totally different.” Harm let out a short chuckle. It really was the perfect film to lighten the mood they’d fallen into.

“I should probably get going. I doubt the Admiral is going to cut us any slack tomorrow morning.” Harm tried to shift, but Mac didn’t budge.

Hesitating for a minute at Mac’s resistance, Harm considered what would be the best course of action. Mac was snuggled up against his chest, his left arm draped around her, her left arm hugging him for dear life with her head resting just below the crook of his neck.

“Would this by chance be your way of saying I shouldn’t leave just yet?” Harm raised his eyebrows, tucking his chin in to better see the top of her head.

Lifting her head back as far as possible without releasing her hold, Mac looked up as best she could. “Maybe,” then dropped her head back down again.

Harm almost laughed, amused with her antics. “Shall I put on another movie then?”

Pulling herself away, Mac raised her head closer to his eye level. “I was thinking we might find a different source of entertainment.”

Harm’s heart leapt to his throat at the implications of what she might be saying. He didn’t dare say the wrong thing. If he’d misunderstood, Mac could easily cause him severe bodily injury.

If Harm was reading those dark eyes correctly, they were filled with the same desire that was quickly rising in him. He seriously considered backing away, now wasn’t a good time. They were under a lot of stress and needed time to build a relationship away from the shadow of this case.

Just as his mouth was about to engage and spew out all the crap that had been racing through his mind, the voice of reason took over. They’d been waiting nine years for the right time, was there such a thing as a good time? Stress is a way of life for them, and so what if they were under the shadow of a case, that’s what they do!

A small seed of doubt was beginning to take root in the pit of Mac’s stomach. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. Maybe she had misunderstood what he said tonight on the porch. Was it too late to back peddle and settle on another movie?

Before his mind could come up with some other excuse, he recognized a familiar change in her gaze. It was the same pained look she’d given him on the ferry in Sydney. No, he wasn’t going to make that mistake again.

Harm reached out and pulled Mac up tightly against his chest with such force that all the air rushed from her lungs. He would never give her reason to doubt his love or want for her again. Pressing his hungry lips against hers, Harm reveled in the taste of Sarah MacKenzie.

Sure they had kissed before, it was something they’d indulged in more often since this case began, and even more so over the last week, but this was different. The need and desire within had collided like two opposing forces creating a title wave of passion that he wasn’t sure he could or wanted to control.

Mac heard him suck in a sharp breath as her fingers slid under his shirt and gently raked across his bare back. She could feel his hot ragged breath almost caressing her soft skin as she painfully waited for him to resume setting a trail of moist, sensual, kisses across her neck.


Oh, God. The sound of her given name only heightened the desire that was pooling heavily within her.

“I need to be sure. I have to hear you say you …you want this…me.” Harm placed a slow, moist kiss under the base of her ear.

“Ye…eess…” She was barely able to speak.

“Say it, Sarah. Tell me you’re sure.” Harm placed another wet hungry kiss along the edge of her jaw, and another on her neck, her collarbone. Her chest was heaving in anticipation as the kisses made their way closer to the exposed cleavage at the edge of her shirt. “Tell me you’re sure,” he repeated, breathing heavily.

“I’m …sure. Very sure.”

“I’m …sure. Very sure.”

Instantly, Harm was on fire, swallowing a throaty groan that rumbled from deep in his chest, he raised his head and captured her lips once again with his own.

Succumbing to the burning heat rising from deep within her, she gently pushed Harm’s shoulders until he fell flat against the sofa, her weight pressing intimately against him. Slipping her hands between them, they roamed across his chest, exploring the hard muscles under her fingertips. Anxious for the feel of bare skin, she frantically worked the buttons on his shirt. Pulling the shirt free from his jeans, she pushed the shirt off his shoulders and ran her hands down his chest, past his ribcage and across his firm stomach.

His muscles rippled with pleasure under her frenzied touch. Stifling another groan, Harm pulled himself away from the searing kiss and resumed the fiery trail of hot wet kisses down her neck. His hands slowly brushed down her back gently cupping her bottom with just enough pressure for her to feel just how much he wanted her. Barely raising his hips to maintain the slightest friction between them, he reached for the hem of her t-shirt lifting it up and over her head.

Almost whimpering at the loss of contact as Harm rid her of another barrier between them, Mac nearly came unglued when, without slowing his tingling kisses, his hand gently cupped her breast, firmly kneading with alternating soft and hard pressure as his hips ground more forcefully against her. Her hands shaking with desire, she fumbled at the button on his pants, barely managing to slowly lower the zipper.

An uncontrollable shudder swept through Harm when Mac slid her hand past the waistband and brushed against him. Stroking him gently before wrapping her hand tightly around him, Mac froze when he suddenly grabbed her hand.

“Please, not now, not yet,” he mumbled through ragged breaths. Slowly regaining his composure, he dropped her hand to one side and gently licked one nipple through her bra, successfully creating a much needed diversion. Sucking in the already taut, fabric covered nipple, Harm flicked the other nipple with his hand, firmly rolling and twisting it between his fingers, thrilling at the way Mac heaved her chest further into his mouth.

The desire to feel the soft skin, to see the mounds of so many dreams in the flesh, was overwhelming. He had to rid them of the thin lace covering. Easily moving his free hand behind her, harm undid the clasp on the obstructive garment. Releasing his hold on her one breast, he raised his hands and took hold of the thin straps, licking, nibbling and kissing her shoulder. His mouth followed the path left by the straps as they slipped from her shoulder down her arm. His insides reflexively contracted when he felt the weight of her breasts fall against him. Immediately, his mouth gravitated back to the enticing flesh, sucking in the golden brown peaks.

Mac gasped as he took her breast into his moist mouth, his tongue licking and teasing the already oversensitive nipple, shooting sparks of pleasure everywhere. Spurred on by his moist caresses, her hips began a slow dance against Harm's already rock hard arousal, mirroring the rhythmic motions of his mouth suckling her breast.

Mac’s head was lolling back, her eyes closed, her arms threatening to fold beneath her as everything in her slowly turned to liquid rubber under Harm’s constant ministrations. Her hips were grinding harder and faster against him as she unconsciously tried to quench the burning ache between her legs.

Wanting to indulge every fantasy he’d ever had about Sarah MacKenzie, Harm skillfully undid the button on her slacks, sliding the zipper down at the same time his hand snaked past the edge of her panties and lightly dipped between her folds.

“OHH.” Mac couldn’t stop the guttural moan from escaping. Instinctively she shifted, spreading her legs further apart giving him easier access to her heated core. She gasped loudly when Harm slipped one, then two fingers into her.

Stroking her to the same beat as his racing heart, Harm watched her face change as her body tightened around his fingers. Quickening the pace, his thumb gingerly caressing her bud, his other hand kneaded and fondled one breast while his mouth bit and pulled on the other hardened nipple. It wasn’t long before Mac was crying out is name, her body shivering in orgasmic delight.

Shifting around to lay Mac on her back, he lightly kissed her neck and caressed her sides while she rode the ebbing waves of pleasure. When Mac’s arms flew around his neck, pulling him into another searing kiss, he knew it was time. He didn’t want their first joining to be squeezed onto a living room sofa like a couple of hormonal teenagers.

Gliding her open slacks slowly down her sexy long legs, without ever breaking the kiss, Harm tossed them to one side. Scooping Mac up in his arms, he was drawn into her heated gaze as he carried her to the bedroom and laid her gently down on the soft bed.

Harm stared at the beauty that was Sarah MacKenzie, the focus of many a late night fantasy, the things dreams were made of, the reality of which was laying before him in more beautiful perfection than he could possibly have ever imagined.

The intensity of his gaze was enough to melt the very fabric of her being. The desire buried behind those sea green pools was as arousing as his skilled touch. She watched Harm kneel beside her, his hands slowly blazing a trail down her body, past her breasts along her stomach, pausing at the elastic of her panties to pull them down across her curls and down her legs to abandon them at her feet.

Now standing at the foot of her bed, he shoved his boxers and unbuttoned jeans to the floor stepping out of them and kneeling on the bed again by Sarah’s feet. Slowly his hands and lips began a gentle tour back up her body. Rubbing and massaging her ankle, his lips traveled up her leg, his tongue tickling the back of her knee as his hands followed up her legs, gently kneading and caressing her thighs.

Taking a deep breath she could feel the desire spiraling out of control again when Harm nudged her legs apart and kissed his way up the inside of one thigh. Grazing across her curls with his chin, he slowly kissed the inside of the other thigh before returning to her already writhing center. Intoxicated by the aroma of her arousal, Harm flicked his tongue, just barely slipping in between her folds.

The wet soft feel of his tongue sent bolts of electricity shooting through her. This wasn’t fair. She wanted to feel him, to taste him, to send the same shivers racking through his body that he was so agonizingly and exquisitely sending through her. Extending her arms to grip his shoulders, Mac tried to pull him up as she shifted downwards.

Grabbing her hips, holding them firmly in place so she couldn’t move, Harm swirled his tongue slowly around her bud before lifting his head. “Sarah, please.”

Mac squeezed his shoulders, her fingers digging into his flesh. “I want you, I want to feel you, all of you, deep inside me and I want that now.” She whispered through ragged breaths, attempting to pull him up to her face so she could capture his lips with her own.

Giving into her pleas, Harm slid up along her body, rubbing against her soft skin, her body still writhing with need, Harm settled between her legs, his tip barely brushing against Mac’s curls. Much to his own surprise he hardened further at the brief encounter. Harm’s breath caught when he slowly slid partially into the warmth of Sarah Mackenzie. This was what he’d been waiting for his whole life, to be one with the woman who had held his heart all these years. Allowing her time to adjust to him, he withdrew, his soft tip kissing her moist entrance before slowly pushing in again a little further.

Impatient with the agonizingly slow pace, Mac threw her legs around Harm. Pushing against his lower back with the heels of her feet, forcing him deeper inside.

“Mac,” Harm sighed. He didn’t want to hurt her.

Bucking her hips against him, she murmured, “Shut up and kiss me, sailor.”

Harm was more than happy to comply. Despite Mac’s urging, he kept the pace slow and sensuous for as long as he could. Caressing her insides with long, steady strokes, the tension building, Mac began squirming around him. Her fingers raked across his backside, digging into his flesh.

Their pace quickened. Thrusting harder and faster, Mac’s muscles contracted around him, clutching him with a strength he’d never before been exposed to. Continuing the pace, feeling his thrusts reach her very soul, she cried out his name, her body shivering around him. Burying himself as deep as he could with one more thrust, Mac felt him pulse within her as he exploded, her name on his lips.

Lost in the aftershocks of sheer, torturous pleasure, they collapsed heavily in each other’s arms. Breathless, neither said a word, their lips touching in brief sweetness. Her head comfortably in the crook of his shoulder, his arms firmly around her, they fell into a much-deserved slumber.

Mac’s apartment
Next morning

Still wrapped snuggly in each other’s embrace, neither wanted to move to answer the obnoxious ringing of the telephone.

Pulling away from Harm as little as possible, Mac stretched her arm out and fumbled for the phone. “MacKenzie.”

She managed to mumble before dropping the handset unceremoniously on Harm’s chest.

“Ooph” He coughed.

“Sorry.” Hurriedly lifting the phone back to her ear. “Hello.”

“Colonel? This is Detective Russell. I’m sorry if I woke you. Commander Rabb’s cell isn’t working yet and there’s no answer at his home.”

Mac’s internal clock was totally out of whack. Lifting Harm’s arm she tried to read his watch. 0716.

“No problem. Any news?”

“We did it.” She grinned on the other end of the phone. “One night and he was scared shitless.”

Mac sat up straight in bed, clutching the sheet to her bare breasts.

“What happened.” Holding the phone away from her ear, she signaled for Harm to listen in.

“First thing this morning Hatcher asked to see the DA. He’s copping to invasion of privacy and accessory aggravated assault, both misdemeanors so he can serve his time here at CDF.” Angela could hear Mac’s disappointment over the phone.

“Colonel. He gave us a lot. There’s more to this than a simple blackmailing. Healy thinks he can overthrow the US military.” Angela waited for that to sink in.

"We’ve already got the warrants, ATF, the Virginia, Texas and California State police are in on this now too. There will be simultaneous raids on Healy’s offices, homes and three training camps. He’s got plans in the works that would wreak havoc on Capital Hill and throughout Washington DC. This is big Colonel."

FBI Raid Control Center
1310 hours

Harm and Mac parked the Lexus around the back of the building. Casually walking in the rear entrance, the two lawyers dressed in business attire made their way upstairs.

The moment the elevator doors opened on the second floor, they were struck by the buzz of activity. They were immediately confronted by two large men in suits. It took only a few minutes to produce the required Identification and be escorted to the hub of the operation.

“I see you decided to join us.” Agent Novak announced from his position by the monitors.

Several monitors were set up across a table. Harm could make out the entrance of the New Horizons Corporate Headquarters across the street on the first monitor, the second monitor was obviously a hand held recorder of sorts being carried by one of the agents prepared to conduct the search across the street. The other monitors were similar set ups from the miscellaneous raid points across the country. From what they could see, Healy’s house could probably hold every building on the block.

“Your timing is holding up, raids are due to begin in less than 8 minutes.” Novak glanced at them briefly before returning his focus to the screens in front of them.

“Any indication they’re onto us?” Mac asked.

“Not from what we can tell. According to Detective Russell, they’ve set the arraignment for 3 o’clock. By the time Healy realizes they’ve been had, it will all be over.” Novak didn’t bother looking up from his screen this time.

Mac was standing ramrod straight, her eyes focused intently on the first two monitors. Harm resisted the urge to reach over and touch her. Mac was an excellent lawyer and marine, but the man in him wanted desperately to reach over and comfort the woman hiding behind the strong facade.

Looking at his watch, Novak spoke into his radio. “Base one, ready to go in 60.”

One by one, each of the raid locations called in. They were all set and ready to go. In less then a minute, the first crew across the street stormed the building in a rush. Announcing themselves to security in the main lobby, they brushed past everyone making their way to Healy’s office.

Hanging the phone up quickly, a short, stocky woman in her mid 40’s jumped up from behind her desk.

“Mr. Healy isn’t here.” She announced in a stern voice, as any good private secretary would when trying to protect her boss from unwanted visitors.

The lead agent reached for the door as another agent handed the secretary a piece of paper. Finding the door locked, he stepped back.

“Mr Healy always locks the door when he’s not in.” The words were barely out of her mouth when her eyes flew open at the sight of the agents breaking the doors open and flooding her boss’ office.

“What are you doing?!” She screeched.

As the agents began confiscating Healy and his secretary’s files, computers, and the contents of their desk drawers, the agent who had given her a copy of the warrant tapped the paper she was clenching in her hand. “Search warrant.”

Everyone was focusing intently on the events unfolding from the hand held camera when Harm just happened to look over at the monitor covering the front of the building. Glaring at the screen. “Mac where’s Healy’s picture?”

Mac reached across and picked up one of the files Novak had placed on the table. “Here, what is it?”

Glancing briefly at the photo inside the file, “That’s him!” Harm shouted as he turned and bolted out the door.

Without a second’s hesitation, Mac was two steps behind him racing down the stairs and out the front door of the building. Looking quickly to either side, Harm could see Healy slowly trying to inconspicuously make his way down the street.

Harm rushed across the street, cars on both sides screeching to a halt causing Healy to look up. Recognizing Harm immediately, Healy took off running down the alley with Harm and Mac maneuvering their way through the stopped cars, across the street and down the alley after him.

Turning the corner, Healy was trapped at the end of a dead end alley.

“Give it up, Healy. It’s over.” Harm stopped at the edge of the building, his hand stretched out stopping Mac behind him, his pistol pointing up in the other hand.

Pressing herself against the wall, behind Harm. Mac released the safety on her sidearm. “I’ll cover you.”

“Let’s hope you don’t have to. How many businessmen do you know who carry a weapon to the office?”

“How many businessmen do you know who plan to blow up the United States Congress?” Mac glared sarcastically.

“Point taken. I’ll go first, you cover me.”

Bullets flew from Healy’s direction as soon as Harm turned into the alley making his way behind the closest large dumpster.

Firing from the edge of the brick building. Mac paused to take aim as Healy popped up from behind some crates. Healy shot at Harm as he zagged from behind the dumpster getting closer to Healy before taking cover again behind some trash cans. Changing the clip on her weapon, Mac took aim again. Within minutes, Healy was feeling the desperation of a trapped rat. Showing himself more frequently in a frantic attempt to shoot it out, Healy stepped out from behind his cover just as Mac pulled the trigger.

Hitting him square in the kneecap, Healy dropped to the ground crumpled in pain.

Mac scurried down the alley, pausing at Harm’s side. “You okay?”

“Yeah, thanks. Nice shooting.”

“I was aiming for his shoulder.” Mac snorted, waiting for Harm to get up from behind the trash cans.

“Everybody Freeze!” Novak shouted from the mouth of the alley.

Harm rolled his eyes, brushing himself off, while the army of agents ran down the alley to Healy.

“Don’t you ever learn your lesson, Commander? You could have gotten yourselves killed.” Novak shook his head. Rabb was an arrogant hot dog years ago and as far as Novak was concerned, nothing had changed. “Stick around, we’re going to need statements from you.”

“You know where to find us.” Placing his hand on the small of Mac’s back, Harm turned away from Novak and made his way out the alley, walking past the scrambling agents and paramedics.

Continue to Part 5

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© once upon a rose garden 2003
Disclaimer: JAG and its characters are the property of Paramount Pictures, Viacom, CBS, Belisarius Productions, and Donald P. Bellisario. This site is not intended to violate any copyrights they have and is not intended for profit in any way, shape or form. It is meant to be a respectful tribute to the show and its characters and actors.
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